Antiaircraft Missile Systems on the ship itself, and there have already been such attempts, well, actually, the fewer such ships, the correspondingly smaller antiaircraft Missile Systems will be placed on them, which means more opportunities for the Ukrainian Security and Defense Forces, serhiy kotov is also notable for the fact that he participated in the attack together with the cruiser moscow on snake island, actually. And now joined the same cruiser moscow. Well, actually, the representative of the column intelligence department, mr. Yusov, commented today on the loss of serhii kotov from the ranks of the Russian Black Sea fleet, now it is the submarine, surface, or rather the russian fleet, but there was also information from the Main Intelligence Department that some helicopter was there on board, what kind of helicopter . Yes, indeed, these ships, they have the ability. To place on board helicopters of this type, such as the k29, in the future they could also place on their board a specific modification such as the k52 katran, that is, it is a marinetype attack helicopter, an analogue of the k52, but specifically for the performance of relevant combat tasks in open sea conditions. But this time it was the k29, and here is an interesting moment, by the way, andriy yusov said about this that it was planned to place an antiaircraft Missile System on the ship itself, we are talking about antiaircraft Missile Systems of the torm2 landbased air defense system, specifically on the Russian Military ships after the destruction of the missile cruiser moscow, when in fact the black sea fleet not only lost but. The right to be called a fleet and switched to the format of a flotilla, and they also lost their main naval antiaircraft defense, the main kind of naval air defense, which was the missile cruiser moscow, and then began to massively install torm2 antiaircraft missile complexes on their cows on the spot at that very site. On which the helicopters were supposed to be located, because in principle russian ships are military, they do not have effective enough antiaircraft defense, but it is not integrated into them, it is quite limited in them, so they are not protected from the air, if we are talking about strikes with missile weapons or even drones, but here we still have an attack on water, and in this this is the case when they talk about their tasks of the ppu. And this is kerch, and this is an illegal crimean bridge, that is, this kotov was part of the socalled cover of this big kerch bridge, well, if zrktorm2 was placed on board, then yes, it would be a sea mobile air defense of a small radio court, how many more such ships do they have, and if we are talking about this project in particular, they built four of them in total, and one of them. Most likely Pavlo Derzhavin is in the stage of endless repairs, lets call it that, and the combatready these are Vasiliy Bykov and dmitry rogachev, there are two ships left, uh, well , we have to repeat it according to their method, we would have to repeat it two more times and then, at least this class will be finished, by the way, if we finish it like that, because it is so close and. This bridge is on the side, which was stopping, everything was closed, both railway and automobile connections, well, people sit and say, well, and and when taurus will fly to. This bridge, but not necessarily such a taurus just for it to happen, well, we are also for complex, yes, well, any missile, the warhead of which has a concretebreaking property, or a penetrating type, it can accordingly cause irremediable damage to this bridge, we are not talking, for example, about the destruction of one of them. To destroy, yes, it is enough to hit a Railway Track or a road part, depending on what exactly needs to be destroyed, so the main thing is that there are two factors first, that it is a hit, so that it is perfect, the second factor is that there is a suitable means that can be hit. The kerpchen bridge has been repeatedly attacked. From the side of our Defense Forces of ukraine, and i think that if we talk about this sacramental phrase of theirs about we can repeat it, then we can repeat it, the main thing is to guess the time, the moment, well, the time, so i understood that, time che more not ripe for this bridge, but it will definitely come, er, lets talk in general about the evening, er, unexpected news from the front. We are already used to the fact that our defenders work accurately, but in a ratio of 1 10, in some areas it was one to seven, i mean for seven shells from the russianfascist occupier, one of ours flew, thats right, and here unexpectedly, we already have several confirmations, the first one we saw was a volunteer, serge marko, who said that near avdiivka, opposite avdiivka, the front is serious enough. It is stabilized, here from berdechev on south, and here suddenly today everything is flying very loudly, counterbattery in parity, everything of all calibers is working behind, and sao, and ordinary artillery, and tanks, and this means that the god of war has returned to the front, that is, we are not we knew, and now we know that bc appeared, well. Maybe, quite possible, because we remember how during the munich conference peter pavel declared that a supplier for 800,000 ammunition had been found, but the issue of funding, and this issue was resolved all this time, and until more precisely after that, jose berel also made a very interesting statement that by the end of march. Ukraine will receive 170,000 ammunition, if you believe all the statements, then what is 170,000 ammunition by the end of march, well , the countdown to march has already started in our country, maybe some supplies have already gone, and 170,000 is actually a month of stable firing per day 500 shots, and this is. Just that indicator, an average, which in most cases the ukrainian Defense Forces use 5700 shots every day, and in addition, we are talking about calibers that are limited calibers, calibers 155th, for example, but other calibers are used during shots, 152nd, 122nd, 15th, 120th, 125th, if we are talking about tank and mortars and so on. So, it is quite possible that it is not only about 500, but 500 plus is quite possible, and, probably, because all the hummingbirds are working, we can already see confirmation in many public places, including those where our military reports that, that it is possible, in a word, the symphony from our gods of war has returned to the battlefield, this may change the situation somewhat, because today, as we learned from. The command of tavriy about near novomykhaivka, that is, well, south of marinka , this direction, marinsky, it was once called, there were 38 attempts to break through our defense line, only one was repulsed during the day, why exactly there, on marianka and to the south , the russians suddenly concentrated this blow, since it even quieted down a little on kupinsk, opposite avdiyivka they receive a lot. Even an adequate answer, why exactly there now, what kind of cunning events are there . And for them it is very important to go out in this location in general. The line of route 0532, it is very important for them, in the future in order to have a development of events in the direction of the coal mine, and novamykhaivka is generally a village that they have been trying to capture and occupy for quite some time, and the day before, russian propagandists even had a statement , allegedly that they are in the center of the village itself, did. There was some kind of section in some ruins with a flag, well, how at one time they did the same with the boxes, took a selfie and after that no details were heard from them, but for them novomykhailivka is very important, because it is the main reason for cutting and exiting 0532, and without this village they are not with. In a word , they still need a road, only in this way they can put more pressure on the ughledar, where and yes, we actually have a fortress there and nothing has been moving there for many months, their intention is clear here, there is one more point, today we can say the day is also significant, as it has been confirmed that a Government Order for 20,000 has been placed on the prozoro public procurement system for the first time. Drones, because we we have been asking about this since january 1 for all these promises, and the promises were a million drones, during the day today the figure doubled, they even started talking about 2 million drones during this year in ukrainian production made in ukraine, and this was said, in particular, by the prem Prime Minister shmegal. Well, thats what he said. We have taken quite significant steps to strengthen our own production. President of ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy set the goal of 1 million drones, we understand that our business and market in ukraine are already ready to produce more than 1 million drones, of course we will buy everything our business can do to provide it to our security and Defense Forces to protect our country. Here, oleksandr, look, everything sounds like this and. And voluminous and powerful, a million drones, 150,000 a month, and we hear all the time from the military, who join us from scratch, this is our collection, they give us a number cards, qrcodes, and we collect them ourselves, well, somehow there is such a feeling of mild schizophrenia, if such volumes are passed, then volunteers and the military themselves should not have initiated the collection of drones, but they go, well yes indeed, but. Because the production volumes that should have not started yet , if we are talking about a million drones per year, then in fact we should receive more than 25 finished products every day, 2. 5 , more than 25 units of finished products that could already be used, but so far it is not really felt, but. The needs at the front are huge, if we had such needs, if we had this amount every day, just for a moment , what is 2,500 drones per day, even if we imagine that these drones, they will be under the influence of russian rap, as an option, and even 90 of. Of these drones will be destroyed by rap, thats 2250 drones, for example, it will be, its conditional, its only conditional, but there will be 250 drones that will destroy some ob objects that will destroy equipment, tanks and so on, so this is a large number, well, this is the correct arithmetic, you show us, mr. Oleksandr, with such arithmetic, at least in certain areas of the front, our fighters. They say that they just managed to stop this rapid attack on the armor, or they are still on the bug now they also chase on atvs, and as they are also called there, shoigu buggies, and this is stopped precisely by drones, because it is impossible to aim with artillery at such highspeed targets that take the russian infantry to zero, but mr. Oleksandr, thank you for your comment on the current situation, we will remind you , that we talked with oleksandr. A military political observer of the information resistance group, he explained to us in particular how it all looks from the view from the odesa port, as they say, to the black sea. We will remind that today , seryoh sirogu kotov, one of of the four existing modern means of defeating floating vessels from the socalled flotilla, as mr. Oleksandr said, now you cant say the word fleet, you need a flotilla. We will also remind our viewers about this idea from the Prime Minister of ukraine shmyhal, who said that we will be in a state of drought, in a hurry and reformatting, the number of ministries should be reduced by a third, this is such an idea from the government, we ask whether do you support it, this is the abbreviation, if you support it, call the first phone number, it is on your screens, if not, the second number, we care about your opinion, because we we will communicate today even further in our program, with the legislators, they will have to vote something, either yes or no, think something, and we will send your answers in the form of questions to the peoples deputies, so we. Have the opportunity now to check the connection and have the opportunity to communicate with the former minister of infrastructure of ukraine, and now our defender from the armed forces, volodymyr omilyan, callsign mif, is in contact with our studio. Congratulations, mr. Volodymyr, good evening, community, very glad to see you, thank you by invitation well, ill start with you, as a former minister, here, the actual idea is to reduce the ministries, connecting them before. Functions to some other state institutions, what do you say to such an idea from the Prime Minister . Well, you know, during the war, it is usually extravagant, speaking simply in bureaucratic language, in order to implement it, it is necessary from 6 to 12 months, and in fact the expenses of the state budget in the First Six Months will only increase, because those people who are laid off, they get help. Er upon dismissal, there are many other things, er, with regard to the political structure, er, this is actually , so the only thing is that the center of decisionmaking, by the way, thats how these ideas sound there, the government center, or Something Like that they call it, or the center of the cabinet, the secretariat of the cabinet becomes, that is all other ministries and departments perform such a more auxiliary role, they formulate some ideas in the form of policies or something else, and. They are already drawn up and submitted for approval, this is actually this center, the secretariat of the kabmi, well, as far as it is expedient now, well i have a huge one question, it sounds beautiful, lets cut it by 30 , in the end it will only lead to growth, then in our case this parkinsons law works without fail, that every reduction means an increase, in addition to parkinsons, we also have ukrainian practice, usually when they try something to liquidate some commission, for example, then. They will create a commission to liquidate commissions, well, accordingly, it is ukrainian, without parkinson , it is as if they guessed to do all this, we heard your opinion, but i want to talk about very important things now, because actually, well actually in us logistics is changing a lot and the structure of export and import is changing a lot precisely because of what is happening at all crossings. Of the ukrainianpolish border, and since this blockade is already turning into a longlasting one, we understand that there are very difficult various questions here, but for some reason it turns out that the green tariff of brussels has to be paid by ukraine, which is at war, and somehow it is all a dead end looks, do you see a way out of this situation . Well, to be honest. Here i am in solidarity with the president of ukraine, who said that this issue has already gone beyond the limits economy and morality, it is very unfortunate that tusk is playing this game, in my personal opinion, the issue here is not only the Agricultural Sector or the socalled green tax, here the issue is deeper, what with the acquisition of ukraine, membership in the European Union, these dozens and hundreds million euros, which went from brussels to support and develop poland, will go to ukraine, and poland itself will already become a donor, not a recipient of funds. This is a global problem, and we need a thorough dialogue with the poles. At all levels, political, economic, cultural, public, expert, patiently explaining the situation to them, reminding them of the mission. I would really hate for us in the 21st century to repeat the same mistakes we made at the beginning of the 20th century, and to remind one more simple truth of such a nature that. As soon as ukraine falls, poland is divided. Ugh. Come on, right now, this is a very important moment, because parallels, even if we dont want them to, they are already starting to appear on the horizon. This is what president zelenskyi said verbatim about this situation . We need to finally find a solution to the situation, in particular on the polish border. Which has long gone beyond the boundaries of economics and morality, it is simply impossible to explain how the difficulties of a bleeding country can be used in an internal political struggle, however, we will get through this too, i am sure that ukraine is able to endure, achieve its goals and win russian terror, together we can ensure it. Yes, you already mentioned it, mr. Volodymyr. These parallels with the first russianukrainian war, which was declared by russky and lenin when they signed all the agreements on the recognition of the ukrainian peoples republic, there was also such an interesting situation, joint fraternal arms and a parade of winners against the russian occupier precisely on khreschatyk, and then everything went wrong, as pilosudskyi would say, and in this case, isnt this kind of tragic point arising in our country right now. Bifurcation, because a few days ago there was no talk of proukrainian agricultural Grain Products on polish tv channels, everyone knew that ukrainian pravda and Mykhailo Tkach had opened for them, it turns out that russian agribusiness trades in this way, trucks go to belarus from belarusian numbers on polish and forward to poland and through poland to europe and to poland and so on, and everyone was very surprised, very. Surprised, they only talked about it all day, and what would be the consequences after that, because it turns out that the poles for they discovered it themselves, history teaches us that it does not teach us anything, and actually several Political Parties in poland are playing this game, each of them receives, tries to get their dividends, it seems to me that it is quite dangerous, because you can play and something that. Started with protests or blockades individual crossings on the ukrainianpolish border, can grow into much bigger and worse things, so i have no, i dont see an alternative, except to sit down at a round table and negotiate, to bring this meeting that tusk talked about, which was announced at the end of march , for the next week in a normal format, not at the border, in closed offices and clearly outline the agenda of our two nations for decades. Go ahead, this is the only thing that can save this situation, we have already tried everything else, and it is better to do without threatening calls or any notations or emotions, but purely pragmatically, to calmly agree on what we will do next together, how we live together, how we win together, and how we earn together, the poles will understand this language, yes , mr. Volodymyr, but how to communicate it, because it does it look wild at all, that is . For the great polish people, a handful of people, and this is 100 people are announcing, in particular, for example , the closure that will last until the end of april, 100 people, this is not even a thousandth of a percentage of the population, but thanks to the actions of 100 of these people who present themselves as farmers, even the poles themselves are surprised, they say, here now it is necessary to prepare for sowing, to do something already, then what kind of agrarians are they who sit on the border on tractors from morning to night, maybe . Well, these are polish questions, but they are so partial, and in this case, it seems that we cannot do anything, except to call on the government to act more harshly, and they say that we are within the framework of the law, we have the right to protest, there will be some courts only over those who destroy the crops there, or ukrainian property and everything, and here we hoped that it would give a result, that donald tusk, as Prime Minister, said that we will introduce. Transitions to critical infrastructure, we imagined that this would mean that there would be a certain zone that would not allow simply blocking everything, including military equipment, destroying jeeps, because such stories are already increasing, but why did it not work, well you see, within the framework of the law, Mykhailo Tkach was also detained at the polishbelarusian border, detained and held for a couple of hours, finding out his identity, only then released, although he did not block the border, but simply filmed there, so i convinced that. The law can be implemented or applied differently in certain areas, the main thing is that it is our common will, if there is no confirmed meeting of the president now. Of ukraine and the Prime Minister of poland, and that is how it should be expressed at the level not of both president s, but of the president of ukraine, the Prime Minister of poland, which means that it is necessary to send troops of ukrainian politicians from all camps to poland, and from the ruling party, and from the opposition, well, except , of course, opz, which for some reason is quite strangely in the ukrainian parliament, and trying to get to a meeting at the highest level, trying to come to an agreement to find this solution, because its going into this really and. We dont see a light, because i have a very bad feeling that if we dont stop this in time, its going to have much worse consequences, rather than just agrarian issues or even ukraines accession to the European Union. You see, you are a former member of the polish diet, myroslav czach just said on our air that this has already turned from protests into a kind of economic border war, but look, here optimist . In fact, we heard this from the Prime Minister of poland, donald tusk, who announced an appeal to the polish diet, well, to introduce sanctions on russian or socalled belarusian Agricultural Products, thats what he said. I turned to the marshal of the sejm in warsaw and proposed a resolution calling on the European Commission to introduce full sanctions against russian and. Belarusian Agricultural Products, i am convinced that a joint european decision will be much more effective than the individual decisions of the states of the region, i understand them, but i would like the decision on sanctions against russian and belarusian Food Products and wholehouse products to be adopted by the entire European Union. And heres what Prime Minister donald tusk said today, it confirms this information, which was passed on to us by an insider from warsaw, that he was genuinely surprised. As he found out for himself that the European Commission never introduced an embargo on russian products, and now he says that it is necessary that there should be a european option from brussels, and what prevents poland from introducing on russian Agricultural Products under belarusian numbers unilaterally by themselves, other countries do that and there is nothing to seek such a complicated solution through brussels, well, you see. Ukrainian journalists even led to such a complicated decision, because i think that after mykhailos report however, without your constant emphasis on this issue, the polish government did not even take it out of itself , which it stated, but nevertheless, we must approach this situation with a cool head, no matter how much it hurts us and no matter how not hard was to our companies and drivers who. Spend days at the border with thousands of cars in a queue. Its situation looks very simple poland is a member of the European Union and nato. We need a polish voice, we need polish support in order to gain membership in these organizations. In another way, we will lose the war, and all the victims will be, well, i dont want to say useless, but not not what we hoped for. Therefore, we must find the key to. Official warsaw, we must reach tusk, the president of ukraine must understand the reason for the cold relations between official kyiv and official warsaw, and to solve them, this is the task of the nation, it is not just personal preferences, and i believe that this solution can be found. Mr. Volodymyr, but it doesnt seem to you that this is, well, at least you remember how the president said, you need to keep a cool head, hold on, be patient a little and. Its getting warmer, well, as a result of the warming, this blockade continued for a month, at least the polish blockaders promised, well, in this case, i think we already had many such promises, and the war not completed in two or three weeks, a lot of other things, i dont want to remind myself of it now , but we just have to act wisely, for now we either ignore it or act emotionally, we are the problem, and maybe we will have to wait a month, mr. Volodymyr, maybe really may . These elections on april 7 are local and thats all, and after that they will let in at least those players who are parasites on it, such as the confederation and so on, then there will be elections to the european parliament, after that, well, there will be many such elections, i think that we should just shift accents, a great option that has been offered in recent days, the problem is not

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