A protest has been registered, there will be some courts only against those who destroy grain there, or ukrainian property, and thats all, and here we were hoping that it would give a result, that donald tusk, as Prime Minister, said that we will introduce transitions in critical infrastructure, we imagined that this would mean a certain zone that would not allow simply blocking everything, including military equipment, destroying jeeps, because such stories are already increasing, but why didnt it work . You see, within the framework of the law , Mykhailo Tkach was also detained at the polishbelarusian border, tortured and held for a couple of hours, finding out his identity, only then released, although he did not block the border, but simply filmed there, so i am convinced that the law can be to implement or apply differently in certain areas, the main thing is that it should be our common will, if there is no confirmed meeting between the president of ukraine and the Prime Minister of poland, which is exactly how it should be said. Not at the level, not of both president s, but of the president of ukraine, the Prime Minister of poland, which means that it is necessary to send to poland troops of ukrainian politicians from all camps, and from the ruling party, from the opposition, well, except, of course , the opz, which for some reason, quite strangely, are in ukrainian parliament, and try to go to a meeting at the highest level, try to agree to find this solution, because it is passes into these limits for real, and we do not see the evidence, because i have a very bad feeling. That if we do not stop it in time , it will have much worse consequences than simple agrarian issues or even ukraines entry into the European Union, you see, the former member of the polish diet, myroslav czach , just said on our air that it has already grown from protests in the framework of a kind of economic border war, but look, here we heard something optimistic, it is from the Prime Minister of poland, donald tusk, who. Announced an appeal to of the polish diet, well, its to introduce sanctions on russian or socalled belarusian Agricultural Products, thats what he said. I approached marshal kaseima in warsaw and proposed a resolution calling on the European Commission to impose full sanctions on russian and belarusian Agricultural Products. I am convinced that. A joint european solution will be much more effective than individual solutions of the states of the region. I understand them, but i would like a decision on sanctions against russia and belarus of food and whole products was adopted by the entire European Union. And here s what Prime Minister donald tusk said today, it confirms this information, which was passed on to us by an insider from warsaw, that he was sincerely surprised when he found out for himself that the European Commission never introduced it. Embargo on russian products, and now he says that it is necessary that there should be a european option from brussels, and what prevents poland from unilaterally introducing russian Agricultural Products under belarusian numbers is other countries do this and there is no point in looking for such a complex solution through brussels . Well, you see, in fact, even to such a difficult decision. Failed the ukrainian journalists, because i think that after mykhailochs report, without your constant emphasis on this issue, the polish government did not even realize that it was stated, but nevertheless, we must approach this situation with a cold head, no matter how much it hurts us and no matter how difficult it is for our companies and drivers who spend days at the border with thousands. In line the situation looks very simple poland is a member of the European Union and nato. We need a polish voice, we need polish support in order for us to gain. Membership in these organizations, otherwise we will lose the war and all the victims will be, well, i dont want to say useless, but not because we hoped therefore, we must find the key to official warsaw, we must reach tusk. The president of ukraine must understand the reason for the cold relations between official kyiv and official warsaw, and resolve them, this is the task of the nation, it is not just some personal preferences. Ugh. I believe that this solution can be found. Mr. Volodymyr, but no, it doesnt seem to you that this is, well, at least you remember how the president said, you need to keep a cool head, hold on, suffer a little and its warmer, well, as a result of the warming, this blockade continued for a month, at least from yes, the polish blockaders promised, and in this case, i think that we already had many such promises, and the war did not end in two or three weeks, many things. No other i want to remind myself of this right now, but we just need to act wisely, for now we either ignore it or act emotionally, we are in trouble, or maybe we will have to wait a month, mr. Volodymyr, maybe really, maybe these elections on april 7 are local and thats all, and after let it go, at least those players who are parasites on it, there are confederation types and so on, then there will be elections to the european parliament, after that, well, there will be many such elections, i think that we need to. Just be able to shift the emphasis. A great option that was offered in recent days, the problem is not in ukrainian grain, primarily in russian and belarusian. If this is defined as the main way out of the situation, and ukrainian grain goes in transit or goes there at all by sea, it is possible to remove external resentments. But i will emphasize once again that the problem is not in this one time, the problem is much deeper, and we are not able to shape the polishukrainian agenda. As warsaw expects, not with solutions, but simply to discuss so that they see that these are serious partners, that we and poland are together for a very long period of time, and there is no need to be afraid competition or some opposites , on the contrary, what unites us, mr. Volodymyr, and you would like to, you once took very serious care of infrastructure, logistics, transport, there is also the topic of carriers, we remember that there were blockades of carriers, farmers , and there. That we came together, and today the European Commission put forward such a proposal to continue, well, remember, there was an agreement at the beginning of the invasion, in fact , visafree transport for ukraine, and we were grateful for such an act of solidarity, but we did not members of the eurozone, here we are suddenly playing in fact quotafree and almost according to the rules of carriers of eu countries, and today they say that they can make some changes there, and it seems to have fulfilled certain requirements of polish carriers, do you know anything more, and what will save this situation, not yet, but it is certain that poland, not only poland, will use the situation as much as possible to win some preferences for itself in trade with ukraine, and in general on the market of the European Union, in my deep conviction, the Ukrainian Government should stand here. Not a step back, yes just as our troops are standing east, without letting the russians in, because if we refuse in one form or another the transport visafree, or the transport visafree remains only a name, in fact we will return to quotas and restrictions, this is a big step back, this is a big political loss, and we see all such , lets say the news that comes out of brussels, as if it should be copied right there, not allowed. Its distribution and to prevent conversations about the fact that the transport visa exemption can be either revised or canceled. We just need to have normal bilateral talks. Very at one time , it was already said in recent days that bilateral negotiations between ukraine and poland on ukraines accession to the European Union have actually begun. If we look at this problem from this point of view, we will dispel a lot of illusions for ourselves and we will be able to find a solution. Yes, mr. Volodymyr, we agree with you, as they say, 1500 . Volodymyr omylyan, former minister of infrastructure of ukraine, currently a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. Thank you for your service and thank you for participating in our program. You are watching serhii rudenkos verdict program, without serhii rudenka, to whom we wish recovery. Yes, on his behalf we are asking you all about this idea, voiced by the ukrainian Prime Minister, to reduce the number of ministries by a third. If you support, then i ask her. To cast your vote on the first phone number, and if not, on the second. We, in particular, heard his opinion of volodymyr omelyan. Well, lets continue our conversation with the political scientist, the manager. Forms of the unified coordination center, Oleg Sahakyan in contact with our studio. Mr. Oleg, congratulations, good evening. Greetings, glad to see and hear. Well, we ask everyone, and we ask you too, because you also have the right to vote and answer our question. Drying, drying, a third less ministries, some of the functions will be performed by nonministries at all. How do you feel about this, this idea . Not. Very positively, i would say yes, because the very principle of simply reducing ministries seems to me to be vicious, whether it is necessary to reform the civil service, certainly whether it is necessary to reform the structure of the cabinet of ministers with both hands for, but this is not a question of quantity, it is the very last thing to be determined, if the task is simply to reduce the number, then this means that either are completely ignored, or not communicated, but covertly implied some wider changes within a. And then the question arises, which is simply sooner than everyone does not understand at all what tasks are currently facing and what challenges the cabinet of ministers is facing. It is clear, that is , you see with this idea what soviet people once listened to on tv and knew as the word perestroika, and for some reason it sends us back to the old bearded joke about furniture and not only, remember, i wanted to talk with you about a very sensitive thing, to which, in principle, there should not be such an answer. Public, but since it is the price of life and national security, it is sensitive, lets start from afar, lets start with the german scandal, such a spy scandal, by the way, it was launched by Margarita Simonyan , its the black mouth of rashi there, but after that the germans first said, oh oh , there was, then they said no, it was a fake, then they said, there was, but they were discussing the alleged blows. Supposedly german taurus on the kerch bridge , but we dont have those taurus, and here we sit and think where the legs are growing about this whole scandal, because its as if there is none, but as if they confirm, well , listen, simanyanyan is generally such a classic evil tank for such information , already in the west they even learned such a specific word for the western ear as babrayedka, and it was even already in english and latin. I met it in the western press, and that is why, lets say, this very specific source of information was chosen, it is clear that these are Russian Special services such worked in the same way, why was it done in order to undermine the issue of granting taurus in ukraine now, it is obvious that in germany the elites and society have approached a certain psychological barrier beyond which provision can already be made, so it was an attempt and, as they say , stick sticks in the wheels, look how interesting it is. The minister of defense of germany, boris pistorius, he actually communicated about this, he said, maybe someone was at work today and didnt hear it, so we will remind you what the german minister of defense said. The reason that this conversation between air force officers could have been intercepted, there is an individual error. Not all participants followed the secure connection procedure as intended. According to available information. There has been a data breach through a member in singapore. He connected through an unauthorized, that is, an open connection. As you know, the Singapore Air show was held in singapore, which was attended, in particular, by highranking military personnel from european partner countries, which was obviously exactly what the russians were waiting for special services bodydirected electronic eavesdropping was conducted in hotels. So we have to assume that access to this conference. Webex was an accidental find within a largescale operation, an almost readymade script for netflix, yes, but in this case this whole scandal, it really swayed the political and military elites in germany in some direction to provide taurus longrange missiles to german ukraine or on the contrary rejected her. And even further, no, no, no, not to give, well, as scholz says, i think that by this russia lost even more part of the german elites who, well, obviously, see this as a serious slap that russia gave to germany, german institutions, elites and special services. At the same time, within german society, if we are talking about the electoral division, then, unfortunately, i think that this russian provocation will have a limited effect. Effect, at the moment the situation with taurus is quite difficult for us from the point of view of supporting it in society, the alternative for germany is the right radical Political Force that has sufficiently serious electoral positions, and they. They actively cite the topic of the russianukrainian war and russia itself, antieuropean, this whole agenda is classic for them, and according to taurus, the situation not only has its own geopolitical intelligence or military, but also domestic politics, and in this case for us there are currently windows opportunities for painlessly obtaining a taurus, unfortunately, at the moment it is not particularly visible, a situation may arise in which we can, well, hypothetically in. That this issue is being pushed, ukraine receives taurus, there are several dozens, maybe even missiles, but at the same time we can lose germany, because this situation will be actively exploited precisely by rightwing radicals, proRussian Forces, and on the leftradical flank there is a new star among the russians, and accordingly, in this way , a part of the Political Community that advocates more active support of ukraine, may end up in the negative electorally. I realized, this is such an amazing, amazing effect of connected vessels, after getting taurus like this, we can lose all the largescale support that we are surprised by, because at the very beginning we we remember that germany handed over the helmets and said, you hold on, and now they are one of the leaders in supporting the armed forces of ukraine, we will get taurus, we will lose a lot of support , a lot of package support, but we will not keep support, then we still need taurus, well tsutswang. Ok, but this is about some spies, i asked you, but there is another dimension, let s see if a spy will get out in ukrainian, it has already been communicated at all levels, and the supreme commanderinchief of the president spoke about it, and in the Main Intelligence Agency and the sbu, everyone confirmed in one way or another that the plan for the counteroffensive of the 23rd year, which disappointed some of our allies in its scope and volume, was in the kremlin even before the. Counteroffensive began, well, it is logical that if you want to show me the name, even if i dont know, show me the back of my head and my hands are tied, what happened to the spy and the mole who brought it all down, until now the Security Service of ukraine has not told us what they detained, well here i can only make assumptions, because the problem is that the authorities do not communicate, this question, at least, has not been put to rest, that. All this has been investigated, they know where from, how, and there are no longer these sources, and why they cannot answer fully in this matter, or we do not know the version, i can just to skip the first is that counterintelligence measures may be continuing and , accordingly, cannot demonstrate the full results now, because there is still, lets say, a part of the network that may be under surveillance, respectively, so as not to panic, huh. Second, this is the version that the leak did not take place on the ukrainian side, on on the side of our allies, who may have had access to a certain part of this plan, or were consulted with them, because we remember that they did not like that ukraine was not moving according to a plan that looked optimal for them, and unfortunately, we there were also recent precedents, again with leaks of information from our partners, where the Russian Federation in some places, apparently, receives information. Certainly not more difficult than in ukraine, and it is clear, that is, you, you believe that this is not a mole sitting in us, because we have a rather narrow circle, which is extremely familiar with it with secret information, when the plan is adopted, we understand that this is the supreme commanderinchiefs rate, there you can count on your fingers who has access, do you think that they act in the same way as they did in singapore, in the hotel, and, that is, somewhere our partners are informed and somewhere at some stage they could in. I only assume the first two versions, that it could be an internal mole and the deduction was calculated and the measures are continued accordingly, this is if we have, the second is if the partners have, of course, the third option to skip i especially dont want it if there is a mole in some high echelons of power, and then the question is whether this mole has been removed or not, or whether he or she has been removed, at least from access to sensitive information, if, for example, due to some circumstances they cannot remove the figure now. From public policy, so this is already a question for the Ukrainian Special services, for the counterintelligence regime, and here it is definitely not you or me, we will not know all this information, if we knew it, then the decision would be our case, and olezh, here on these finnougric swamps, which historians called it iron, but now its a temporary formation of the Russian Federation , everything is on fire there, my god, why dont they talk about french president francois macron, and this after he actually confirmed twice, first he, and then his ministers, that one must finally open ones eyes and see the real threat. Today he spoke with such an appeal to the rest of europe. And spoke about not in word but in deed and talked about an actual coalition to send troops to ukraine and even discussed what the task they could perform, which is not , as they say, not in noninfantry troops, peter pavel unexpectedly joined mr. Macron, macrons mission, the czech president also clearly communicates about it today, that is, there was some kind of surprise. The francoczech coalition , which appeals to the rest of europe and nato members, lets do something, because this is no longer, not the news you see on tv, this is a real danger, and there are also the baltic countries, and there is also canada, and there are other countries that are refusing so far, i did not say a categorical no, so what will happen to everyone, well , we talked on the air many times, especially after munich, i said that the old. Dogma has survived in relation to the russianukrainian war and there is nothing to squeeze out of this lemon, accordingly, munich demonstrated this simply and vividly , which was clear in the expert environment, to those who deal with European Security issues, in particular the russianukrainian war in communication with our colleagues in european capitals, and accordingly it was only a matter of time, i said what would appear a new approach, and europe is already pregnant with it and it was felt, and in particular he spoke about france and the nuclear status. And their exploration of their new role in the European Security architecture, and then something happened that seemed to me completely predictable, but i expected it later, ill be honest, and now im surprised by how quickly france stepped up to turn the board of the existing game and to say look, the old rules have already exhausted themselves, accordingly, there are no limits now, we are throwing the approach of russias red lines to the side, we have all the tools to have on the table. This does not mean that we are ready to use them here and now, it does not mean that we will use them at all, but we should be ready to use them if there is a need, fine oleg, but the very internal kitchen of such things is very interesting here, because at one time there were many caricatures, even in the same french press, about the fact that macron was once again hanging on a wire, listening to putin for a long time, putin telling him some kind of pseudostory, we remember macron, who was the last dreamer who. Thought that can be about to negotiate something with russia through putin over the phone, that was one stage, the second stage they started saying yes, macron, thats it, he s just playing politics, populism, he wants to grab the baton there, to be the first, let scholz be the second , well, that was the explanation, kind of, because he wont run for office anymore, he doesnt have these political and appetites, something to play and play for the next election, so then this. Transformation, what is its nature . Well, first of all, lesson one dont insult boys with paper clips, especially if they philosophers, and especially if they are part of the french elite, and in the broadest sense of the word. Macron is far from an independent figure, but a representative of a whole cohort of elites, and he was their representative, actually opposed to le pen in order to prevent the right of radicals to power. And macron is a broader Political Group and a broad consensus behind him. Secondly, it is important to understand the intraeuropean context now that, according to the apt words of the British Defense minister, the time of dividends from postwar europe is over, and now is the time to invest in defense, because the era came prewar. In postwar dividends, money, financial, financial power. Converted at a good rate into a political power and germany played the role of the First Capital of europe, because they were a financial center. Currently, in the prewar era, the military already plays a key role in converting into a political power at a good rate, and your Financial Security does not have such a high conversion capacity, and accordingly , france is now trying not to compete with germany so much. Rules economic, as far as taking and converting security into political influence, because at the moment, if you are able to protect yourself and protect others, then it is catered more than if you are able to credit them, and macron, and now the elites are trying to turn paris into security in the capital of europe, as opposed to the Financial Capital of europe, berlin, and this is the consensus of the elites, macron is leaving office, he is no longer basking in his ratings, it is important for him. To take statesmanlike steps now, not political ones, in order not to burn his career and continue to go for promotion, lets say, let him succeed, then history will write this name in its tablets. And we will still later our children will teach such, if all this can be done as he says, we literally have a few more minutes, i will also return to the hybridsecurity and ukrainian moment, because we learned today that we have investigated everything and the Security Service of ukraine took the russian agent and traitor murayev to court, and comrade murayev was once visible on all bigboards, he had our channel in front of the audience. Our party is now banned in ukraine, this will all go to court, murayev will be tried, and one logical question arises, in order to increase the level of security, all agents must be destroyed, why are they moving murayev, and not moving the people of muraev. Why are all those who were just perpetrating russian sabotage against russias invasion of ukraine in the information space, followed by all these, georgyts, maksy nazarov. Vasi kid, you continue to do the same thing, why does the hero of the Russian Federal channel Vadim Karasyov walk around and tell why polchevsky, who said, i am a moscow intelligence officer, there are no questions why there are such double standards, some, as they say , are handed over to the court, and others are not touched, i can ask exactly the same questions, i can of course now find an institutional or political explanation , why so . Is happening, explain, but i myself dont like it, because its not a question now about why it s happening, everything is clear to me here, the question is that it shouldnt happen like this, and that the Russian Agency should be, i wont quote kuzma scriabin of the deceased, but simply i will say that she must be planted, and this is necessary so that they understand and all others in the future who are ready. To sell their conscience, their homeland for money to the enemies, so that they perfectly understand that this will not go unpunished, but, on unfortunately, the institution of reputation and many other reasons, reaching political schedules and ease of control, thus parts of these networks that were used by proRussian Forces and their resources, they create for us the reality in which some of them walk the streets and circle with they look at everything in particular, but simply. They all continue to remain on youtube, on tv, in all these hybrid forms, and this is precisely the option that is needed for the Security Service of ukraine to work on everyone, because double standards lead to tragic moments, we will not show it, but this has already happened, one of such collaborators who pointed russian missiles, neither the sbu nor the police had time to arrive, he was punished, we cannot show this brutal video, but it is there, if you want to google it, his trial lynch was destroyed. As a traitor yes, mr. Oleg, thank you for the conversation, oleg sagakyan, a political scientist was with us with difficult issues, both International Security and internal ukrainian. You are looking at the verdict on espresso, we asked you about the idea, voiced by Prime Minister shmegalp, to reduce the number of ministries in the government by a third. Accordingly, we will now see what intermediate results we have. 80 support this idea, 20 do not support it, this is the mood of our tv viewers, we continue to collect your opinions, because now in a few minutes they will work our colleagues from the bbc, and then we will talk to the peoples elected officials, and let them analyze both the mechanisms and the results of such an idea and your sentiments. Time for the bbc. What is left of the Russian Black Sea fleet in the third year of fullscale war . According to the estimates of ukrainian and western experts , russia has lost from a quarter to a third of it and is forced to relocate its ships to. From the occupied crimea. We are talking about this on bbc news ukraine live from london. I am yevgenia shedlovska. The Ukrainian Military is fighting against Russian Forces in the black sea since the beginning of a fullscale invasion and drones. The latest developments play a key role in this. Small, fast and invisible, they damaged more than one enemy ship. This is how it is. This video was released by the Main Intelligence Department of the ministry of defense of ukraine , they claim that magura drones attacked and

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