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15 discounts on muckleika tablets in the pharmacies of podorozhny bam taushchad. The number of reconnaissance drones and kamikaze drones, as well as the tactics of their use , have increased exponentially since the beginning of russias fullscale war against ukraine. In fact, bpl now irreplaceable on the battlefield. In this edition of donbass reality, we will talk about why drones have become the main means of counterbattery for the russian army and show how the Defense Forces of ukraine deal with this threat. This is the reality of donbas. Congratulations. The bakhmut direction, the ukrainian calculation of saugvozdyk is preparing to work on the enemys infantry. The actions of experienced gunners are brought to automatism. They can do it in less than three minutes. But it is necessary not only to navigate by coordinates, but also to take them into account. Weather, type projectile, depending on the target and even from which country the ammunition is ready, for sure, when switching from one charge to another, then you need to correct, make corrections in the gunner, you need a new one to aim, spend one or two shells and in gunpowder , there is a difference in the weight of the boars, well, its like every manufacturer uses something different, you have to get used to it and you have to react very, very quickly, lets say, to a change, to a change in charge, to a change in the projectile itself. Today, the work of the ukrainian artillery has fundamentally changed, due to the fact that russia began to actively hunt for zsu guns on the front line, the soldiers had to change their tactics. When the fullscale war began, we used artillery, we worked, just the battery could stand deployed in the field, wait for the target for half an hour, could stand, just in landing. Then, it changed in that we had to constantly work with rollovers, there were a lot of rollovers. There were even such moments when i had to turn on the stopwatch, i know roughly. How long it takes to calculate where the shot is my gun, to aim at it and respond with my gun, and we tried not to bring it to this point, but to immediately roll after each job, but then the enemy found an antidote to this tactic, using barrage ammunition of the lancet type, and already during the rolls it became very it became very difficult, because they started catching us on the skids. And now the third type of artillery is being used, so to speak, the use of artillery, that is, we work from well fortified firing positions, which we often change. There is something for any action opposition. Ukrainian artillerymen adapted to the new conditions of war, deep capunirs against counterbattery fighting, lancet metal nets carefully massed positions. There are a lot of conservatives in russia. Munitions, they fly over us all the time, supercars, fly, search and destroy, so we disguise ourselves, protect the warehouse, we have already put so many leaves and branches on top that it is practically invisible from the sky, and will not be visible, the ukrainian artillerymen are good they mask the cannon after work, but the russian occupiers have very powerful means of rap, calculate. The coordinates from where the shooting took place, so even from such wellprotected, camouflaged, buried positions you have to come often, they are still soviet style, you are a zoo, there are also more modern ones of russian design, these are counterbattery radars, they are all plotted on the map, are marked, and then it can simply be pointed there at the enemy, and if, for example , there are two, there are not many of them, two or three, then the enemy will simply point two guns at these positions and immediately work out a trick. According to ukrainian fighters, in the direction of bakhmut the russian army most often uses reconnaissance drones of three types the wellknown orland 10, as well as relatively new in terms of use in war, zala and supercap, they can fly deep into the positions of the armed forces and adjust artillery fire in real time, primarily with which the integrated orland itself. In some variations, this drone works as a ret. Orland is a rather ineffective drone for such reconnaissance. But they already have it in large quantities, so they are forced to use it, it is ineffective at first queue, because it is very loud, it is a gasoline drone, and well, despite the fact that it provides a long time in the air there and accordingly a large radius, a large reconnaissance radius for tasks in the style of adjusting artillery, it is not, well, not that it does not suitable, it is less suitable than an electric drone, because it is easier to detect the target itself, in principle , one of the tasks of reconnaissance. It is to scout so that you are not seen, and if your drone is audible, then the target, at least it is known, is an enemy drone in the area, it can transmit drones to air defense, although in addition to the acoustic option, there are its own a glorification, can hide, can leave the position, well, that is, the target is aware of what can fly in now. The russians have learned to use these means in a combined, playful way, that is, one, the drone determines the target, engages in targeting, and the other performs the function of defeat, and all this happens in real time, this speaks of the essential Technological Development of the enemy, and well in will further lead to a situation where as this develops, drones will be used more. Since you need less personnel to manage the game for maintenance, accordingly, it is quite a serious challenge. Ukrainian manpads calculations search for enemy drones around the clock, for this they use, including powerful military binoculars. Notice, drone, you hear a sound, and if the sun, the world, well, you look around. It happens that you notice it right away, and it happens that your eyes hurt, and tears well up, you cant understand what it is, damn it, at night, rarely , mostly closer to the front at night, but during the day they try, well, to throw reconnaissance drones and kamikaze drones, for impressions of our equipment, several planes fly every day. Some divert attention to themselves, take out our pppo, others fix it and then launch artillery strikes on our points, armed with ukrainian fighters, including english antiaircraft missiles the stinger is easy to use, the homing head does not emit radio waves, so it is more difficult to find an arrow, in addition, it is almost 4 kg lighter than the soviet analogue manpads needle. When a fighter antiaircraft gunner stands with her for up to half an hour waiting, it feels like a lot this is better, weapons, than analogs, scoops, this is an antenna, the antenna is revealed, this is what i told the vibrator, this is a call, this is a target, a goal. The front cover is removed, this is done by pricking, finger pricking once, the battery, constantly so that the battery is clamped, if you aim at a target, here the vibrator vibrates, here it flashes, this one flashes, and you aim. The target is caught, the vibrator is attached, you press it, it is pressed , it is called an injection, well, you press it completely, then release and thats it, you quickly unscrew the battery, throw it away so as not to burn the pm, and the pm removed the pipe also threw shelter, manpads calculations are constantly being searched, most often cluster bombs arrive at positions, such are ammunition, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, well, its like that, when missile danger begins, or they say that a helicopter is flying there, so you do and look for a target, thats it see, the sights, ugh, i start looking, when i caught her and what do i inject, ah , the light, when it blinks, i havent caught it yet , when the light came on, thats it, she starts to beep, i inject, ugh, and everything, and literally there is a rocket for 35 seconds. Calculations manpads of this brigade went through the meat grinder of battles near bakhmut, when their main targets were russian planes and helicopters. Well, if the city is such that you cant see anything, then you wont hit anything. Ugh, thats why they were looking for a fivestory, ninestory building and stood at the top. They detect the launch of the rocket, they see where you are, where the rocket flew from and immediately fly there. Thats why you run away immediately if you start, well, byzantine. They moved forward, they left, the plane does not know yet, and therefore it flies in, thinking that theirs are there, in fact ours are already there, so it is necessary miscalculation, pilot error, and constant topics of tension, you dont know where they will jump out from, where they will fly, what they will do, they were under the berkivka, then only at the level of the horizon, well , they appeared about five kilometers away, worked on our positions. Well, they immediately took a turn, and when they were in the berry orchard, it was so close, they flew in, well, the first cancer, like everyone else, then the hands were shaking and such, and then you already hear a sound, you already grab the pipe, you are already waiting, where you, aiming and shooting, the main thing is not to let him down, well, lead him. To the exit of the rocket, shoot down russian reconnaissance drones from manportable antiaircraft Missile Systems are much more complex than an airplane or a helicopter, and its not just about size, they can only detect a target with sufficient thermal vision, for example, an orlan 10. If it goes down, clouds, it goes down, it can be reached, we have a sky that informs us, we then fix it, we have binoculars, we search. And its sound a little, if it is in our area, its sound a little, gasoline, it has a sound, a miracle of russian technology, orlan, a little not ranged, drones, which russia uses en masse, are easier to shoot down with small arms, fighters say, that is why machine guns are in positions next to antiaircraft guns. Spent 240 cartridges, 5. 45, well, the tracer is good, they set it on fire, if i saw it, its a piece of plastic, you can buy it in the epicenter and nail it. Maybe he was looking for a target, well, usually they work in pairs oran or zala and correct, he was flying from azimuth , they gave us azimuth, well, they gave a whole instruction, and they started working with pkma on the lancet, how quickly they shot it down, well, two or three minutes, thats. In short bursts, so as not to waste too much ammunition. Russian reconnaissance drones with electric motors, such as zala and supercam, cannot be defeated by the calculations of pzrk. Such uavs do not emit enough heat to target them. However, these drones hit soviet strela10 antiaircraft Missile Systems. The technical characteristics of the machine the technical characteristics of the machine what allows us to get, what we see, really with our eyes, the machine works. Falling, falling, well, surely, here he is, falling, sergey, here he is, we will use. We use more thermal imagers sometimes, the electronics of the car, and the one in infrared radiation, it sees everything, this week we destroyed two targets, there was a supercam and an eagle, these are the ones that are confirmed, these are the ones that are confirmed, but we still need to find him, because he flies like that , well, for the arrow, it seems to have reached. The target, but it is very difficult for the operator, the commander to still find him in the sky, but if he is already there, then he will not go anywhere, from there he flew in these areas, uh, in the middle, the truth is that we were looking for him half a day, but they did not go, knocked down, knocked down. As soon as you can tell jump into your workplace, fasten the trigger, this is my guidance console and then the whole system, ask questions about the system and search for the missile with the help of a cheburashka, looking out the window or into the optical sight and when you find a target, report to the commander, the commander already makes a decision whether to shoot down the target or not to shoot down. The strela 10 antiaircraft Missile System is designed for a short range, four guided missiles shoot down targets at a range of up to five and at an altitude of up to 3. 5 km. His main task now is to cover equipment and infantry units from lowflying drones. Depending on weather conditions, you can find a target in two minutes, you can search for a target for 1015 minutes , but the longer we stand in the open, the sooner we will be discovered, so our task is to find the target as soon as possible, launch and to roll over, we always try to use small arms, because if a car comes out, then. One lancet flies, we knock down one, the second can fly into us, that is, one distracts attention, the second, that is how the lancets are knocked down mainly , for longrange counterbattery combat western artillery, which ukraine received, the russian army initially tried to use the heavy soviet sau pion, but this tactic proved to be ineffective, in the fall of this year , the Russian Military began to mass use kamikazet drones on the front lines, which even today remain the main means of defeating ukrainian artillery and equipment. The tablet with its advantages is a High Accuracy of targeting cumulative formation, i. E. It, as a rule , cumulative ammunition and it has High Accuracy of targeting, accordingly, it can to destroy from the first extraction there a sau or some unit of equipment, well, a successful extraction, a successful extraction is actually conditioned, if our arc system there is not sufficiently camouflaged, hidden, covered with nets and so on, that is, if there is a holasa somewhere in a position, then you can successfully hit it to where it stores the beka, is not a difficult task for such a system, however, the landet has its disadvantages, it has low kinetic energy, accordingly , it does not penetrate armor on its own, that is. It does not penetrate any physical protection, well no way, and it can be stopped with nets, well, which actually our military often do, and due to this, due to the gap not directly on the armor, but somewhere at a distance from the armor , a cumulative formation is more effective, even if it hits the right place , is significantly reduced, greatly reduced, the russians are forced to use the capabilities of shock bp and to work against our artillery systems, also because the forces of defense, security and defense, in the previous period, carried out highquality work on the destruction of enemy counterbatteries stations, which blinded the enemys artillery reconnaissance, they have this sensor now in short supply, it is problematic, if earlier they could deploy a zoo there and control, a space of 40 km understanding from the angle. Our artillery works, now the enemy has problems with this and they have an option there is simply no other option, they are forced to rely only on drones to counter our artillery systems , additionally take into account that the difference in technology, the artillery equipment that is currently used, it allows you to work from greater distances, and for the enemy thats the crux of the problem, so drums, drones for them, well thats the panacea now, if youve got one battery left there, well try, if youve only got one battery left, try to talk in a while, youll still be docking, disconnected for half an hour , after half an hour it was transferred, right . Yes ukrainian infantrymen are preparing to replace their comrades in positions recently recaptured from the occupiers, the teams talk about the situation on the relevant part of the front, distribute who goes to which position. Every time, of course we go out, then the entire personnel is checked, absolutely as well as firstaid kits , gas masks, grenades, bc, food, walkietalkies, batteries of dorations, we make sure that people are gathered immediately, well, check, we instruct again on safety techniques. How to provide first aid, uh, how to answer the walkietalkie, absolutely every half hour a call is made, we hear how they are, i go directly to them, go around the positions, show maps, they know where they are, from which side the enemy, each of us looks after our comradecomrade, each of us looks after brothercomrade, we must look under our feet so that there are no cases of stepping on stretch marks, stepping on mines, and so on, and the like. When we go to the position, the radios are turned off 100 , because they are immediately fishing, smoking and immediately gaping. When they entered the position, they immediately reported that everything was fine, 4 5 0. Went into position, immediately reported that everything is fine, 4 15. The fighters will have to spend three to five days at ground zero depending on the situation, assaults and shelling around the clock, at the same time it is necessary to dig in and strengthen positions, the task is to prevent broke the line. The huge role of the infantry, because they try to, well, trained first of all, first of all, yes, that he must know what he is doing, alternately from actions, do not be afraid, it happened that the boys and i, as we were training, went here to line of contact, i can see everything , well, he, well, its stuck, hes shaking, he, he cant go any further, i left him, we went alone, we came back for him. Because he would be a burden to us, we left, did the job, came back, took him there, there are such shocks, yes, that a person is hooked, he cant do anything, i was scared, as if i had trained for this, everything is fine, you need to be fluid in spirit, strength, believe that everything will work out, there is a lot that goes into it, a lot of flavors, well, everything. Soups, porridge, food, coffee, tea, sugar, salt, pepper, honey, jam and so on , that is, this dry food is enough for a day 100 , it has already been checked once, so we even in three were shared, and we had enough to eat for a good day, if you have water with you, there is gas, gossip, you can catch up, make coffee, honestly, if no one hits you from above. We saw a lot of killed russian soldiers, they were drugged, different, cooked there , liquid opium and whatever you want, yes, his arm was torn off, he ran up to the position, removed the machine gun with one hand, the body armor began to drip, well, then he died, of course, as soon as it gets dark, the fighters gather in advance about the place, an armored personnel carrier drives up, which will take them to the front line to a certain point, a few kilometers further on foot, scouts will lead them to the position. Guys, most importantly, listen. The day is visible, the day is very many birds, which see everything from afar, i dont know, we are all at night we do absolutely, departures, arrivals, replacements, when there is a full echo and it is quiet, then it is normal to see, you dont go with a flashlight, the road is lit up there, i am going to make sure that our positions become closer to the fact that we reach that of moscow, we simply defeated it and returned from there alive, i send a big greeting. To wife katerina and daughter dianna, let them wait for me, i will definitely return alive, where you are sitting, lets hold hands, everyone understands that there is a family behind, yes, it is hard for everyone, Everyone Wants to change each other there it is better for someone to come and make some sort of vertration, well, we are standing for the family. To summarize briefly, at the moment , due to the mass use of lancets by the russian army, the artillerymen of the armed forces of ukraine are forced to shoot more from closed firing positions, well fortified and camouflaged, the guns began to cover metal grids, and antidrone guns and support groups with manpads appeared in the calculations. Barrage kamikaze drones remain a serious problem for the ukrainian army, but they are unlikely to be able to change the course of the war in a coordinated way, it was donbas reality, my name is yehor loginov, see you soon. Attention, an incredible new product from unbox tv, super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots, perfect fit, water repellent material and feeling warm even in 30 bitter cold alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. Sizes range from 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once, for you and your husband. Side zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. 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