You are doing a great service, you are doing a strong service, 20 years, of which, well, almost 10 years, it is a war against the occupier, i want to thank you for your service to the state, ukraine and ukrainians, and to wish, probably the most important thing, to wish to preserve yourself, and while the president and the commanderinchief are in the kherson region, the russians mercilessly shelled the village. Zolota balka in the Regional Military administration reported three hits, damaged roof and windows in private houses. Fortunately, no one was hurt. The occupiers once again shelled the school in kostyantynivka, Donetsk Region. Two s300 missiles hit the building. This Educational Institution is suffering from the enemy for the second time. The walls, ceiling and windows were broken in the premises. Previously , 650 students studied there and 50 teachers worked there. The institution had modern equipment. In september of this year, the school celebrated its 50th anniversary, now we are trying to evacuate, collect whatever equipment is possible, this is the equipment of the new ukrainian school, it is probably, well, what it is possible, what can be saved, destroyed the russian legend, as reported by the press service of the main administration. Witnesses of the ministry of defense of ukraine at one of the positions, the occupiers placed the legend 2 satellite Communication System and two platoon reference points, after the blows inflicted by the ukrainian scouts, neither the enemy legend nor the point remained. The equipment saved their lives, during a combat mission in one of the hot areas, the crew of the armored vehicle, the innovator, ran into a mine, as reported by the company, Ukrainian Armored vehicles, suffered significant damage, and most importantly, all military personnel remained alive. The armored capsule withstood the blast. Currently, they have been autotuned and handed over to the service team. It is already being restored to return to the front. Espresso and forum via carpathia collect two night vision devices for soldiers of the 102nd brigade of the 201st battalion of the verkhov territorial defense. The soldiers have been holding the defense in the zaporozhye direction for 18 months. Defenders need night vision devices to be their eyes. Our goal is uah 342,000. We already have 24,000. You, our viewers, helped many meetings have already been closed, please join this one as well. Metropolitan pavlo everything. The Security Service of ukraine completed the investigation and submitted to the court an indictment against the exabbot of the Kyiv Pechersk lavra, pavlo. By. According to the sbu materials, he is charged with two articles of the criminal code justifying Russias Armed aggression against ukraine and violating the equality of citizens based on their religious beliefs. As the investigation established, the metropolitan repeatedly publicly denied the sovereignty of ukraine, he faces eight years in prison from confiscation of property. In lviv oblast , money was stolen for immigrants. Regional administration. The Security Service of ukraine identified the kidnappers of budget funds allocated by the ministry of social policy to help internally displaced persons. According to the investigation , uah 9 million was allocated to one of the entrepreneurs, but he appropriated these funds and did not provide the full range of services. Also, some people to whom the husband issued payments were abroad. The scheme enriched the perpetrator by almost a million hryvnias. Iran supplies 93 of weapons to hamas, it was announced president of the European Commission, ursula fonder, she also condemned. The role that iran plays in the background and called for increased sanctions against the country. The politician reminded that iran also supplies weapons to russia for the war against ukraine. In her opinion, the actions of the Russian Federation and hamas in wars are very similar. In ivanofrankivsk region , a person was injured as a result of a gas explosion. According to the information of the state Emergency Service , the explosion occurred in the Summer Kitchen on the private territory of a 190year old man who was hospitalized. Rubbs question, to rename chervonograd, or to keep the old one name, the battles over the change of the toponym, which falls under the law on decolonization, do not subside in lviv oblast. Lets see what position the local authorities take and what the residents think. Volodymyr tkachyk, an activist from chervonograd, shows a statement about the commission of criminal law enforcement. Chervonograd has no historical or documentary basis. It was not the communists who took down the monument to lena, but the patriots who came from siberia , they took down the monument, destroyed the vote, left mistonograd, what is necessary, what is necessary, 70 years have passed, two generations have grown up, people good people, what are you imposing on people from krestinopol today . On june 30, 2023, the National Commission excluded the city of chernograd from the list of cities subject to renaming. In august of this year, the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance announced a recommendation to change the name, in accordance with the law on decolonization, and on october 2, the city began consultations with the public. And we are the only ones at the General Assembly of residents, people, legal entities a person, not a natural person, has the right to decide whether to change the name or not, the city authorities created a special working group that studies the opinion of residents about the renaming, residents of chervonograd could propose their name for the city. We had consultations with the public in the peoples house , that is, consultations with the public involved two parallel processes, that is, consultations in electronic form, on the website in the electronic democracy section, and the same for those people. Who may not use electronic means of communication, for them had the opportunity to express their opinions in the peoples house. Renaming does not threaten additional inconveniences for residents, the local authorities assure. As for documents, people will not need to change all documents at once, that is, our passports will remain valid, in the case of renaming, we understand that there will be certain expenses, it will be necessary to change the signs at the entrance of the cities, it will be necessary to change. There the tables on administrative buildings, legal entities must change the seal. Chervonohrad residents have different attitudes towards renaming the hometown. Well, i think that chervonograd is a fairly normal name, there is no need to change it. This is not an association with the soviet name, it is generally associated with a mining town. Dont tell anyone, i studied in kyiv, dont tell anyone, everyone knows the mining town, chervonograd. We need to change, but we need to think about how to change it, how to change it . I am all my childhood. Here in chervonograd, and i dont want to change the name. Krestinopil, khristinopil, novy dvir, shaptytskyi, chigaidachny, these and other tuponyms are offered by residents on the website of the chervonograd city advice if the community does not agree on a new name by january 27, the Verkhovna Rada will rename the settlement based on the recommendations of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance. Kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. Risking their lives to feed people, Police Officers delivered fresh loaves of bread to avdiivka 15 times, distributed them to people and handed them over to the local hospital , there is enough for every resident, because approximately that many people now live in the city, which is constantly stormed by russia noted the donetsk police. Thanks to the white angels for delivering food and evacuating people from hot spots at their own risk. Thats it for the moment, i tell you see you very soon, more about the important things, read on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels in social networks, be near and be with espresso, because my colleagues will work for you in the future , thank you, annievilnyk, thank you. News editors, watched, listened, and we will continue to report to you, dear tv viewers, all the most important things that are happening within the borders of our state and for it borders and one actually. Important, very important matters, this is to support meetings for the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine, for the benefit of our defenders, this time the espresso tv channel together with the vesna charity fund is collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones, drones for scouts, intended for the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, who are fighting in the hot donetsk direction, are destroying the russians there, expelling them from our land and doing everything so that they will never return there again, and we can help them to help with this, here is the qrcode you can see, the amount of uah 1,900 per batch of drones is actually ambitious, but it is definitely within our power , we are convinced of this, we have already collected more than one million and 1,600 uah, we need to select, buy drones, transfer to the boys and girls in Donetsk Region and continue working. Thank you, thank you, oksana, dear, dear tv viewers, we understand that, well, Financial Resources are far from rubber, yes, they are running out, there is a certain, maybe some kind of financial fatigue, but here we are not talking about any global, you know, significant figures for your budget , i. E a couple of hryvnias, lets transfer, if possible, there is a qrcode, well, i dont know, minus one coffee, its not much, but together we can help our fighters get the most important thing, now they have the necessary weapons, they need additional equipment for that , to preserve life, yes, on the fly and so on, thats all, the key story is just to help our guys, yes, well, we will keep you informed, by the way, there was a big controversy with the americans, Boris Johnson, until now there are people in the congress , who are fighting for reviewing or reducing aid to ukraine, for the sake of greater aid to israel, it would be writes Boris Johnson, a tragic. Mistake, it would not be a recognition of the heroism of ukrainians who are fighting not just for their country, but also for the cause of freedom throughout the world, and he explains that one cannot fail to understand that the war of numerous enemies with israel is essentially the same struggle that has been going on in ukraine for the past 10 years, there cannot be a zerosum binary choice here between helping ukrainians in the fight against putin and israels help in the fight against hamas terrorists. When we look at putins cutthroats in avdiivka. And jihadist cutthroats in the gas sector, we see different heads of the same hydra, former Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson in his column the telegram. Well , obviously, europe also responds to the fact that it is necessary to help, and we remember that help does not necessarily mean handing over something. Aid can also be informational, but aid is also sanctions, sanctions. Against russia and in the eu are already beginning to agree on the details of the following the 12th package of sanctions against the Russian Federation, the last package, the 11th, was discussed in mayjune , in fact several months have already passed, this process has dragged on for quite a long time, and now the next one will be a busy, difficult weekend for the European Commission and the ambassadors of the eu countries. Because consultations will begin on the details of the various sanctions package. Against russia, and the process will be long, because they will start now at the end of october, and finish in november, december, that is, it will continue for the second month, such information was voiced by rikard jozvik, this rfe rls brussels correspondent tweeted about it, and heres his quote, the socalled confessional talks between the European Commission and eu ambassadors on the 12th package of sanctions against russia are starting this weekend with the aim of reaching november, although december is more likely , well, december is better than nothing, and there is an extremely important address by president joseph biden, yes, it was already voiced by our colleagues, but i want to repeat it, it is an extremely symbolic and extremely important address, so the president joseph biden compared hamas to the russian dictator putin, since both of them want to destroy the neighboring democracy. Country, that is what president joseph biden said in his address to the american people, quoting the president of the united states. We cannot and will not allow such terrorists as hamas and such tyrants as putin to win, he emphasized how and to what extent ukrainians suffered after the russian invasion, quoting the american president we have not forgotten the mass burials, the bodies found with traces of torture , rape, what russians used as a weapon and thousands of ukrainian children forcibly taken to russia, stolen from their parents added the president of the united states. Now we will talk about the armed forces of ukraine, but not about all, about a part, today. 42,000 servicemen serve in the armed forces, they are women who went to the front voluntarily or under contract, and they fight side by side with men, because the struggle for independence and the future of the entire country is actually a common cause of all citizens. The espresso film crew visited in the frontline areas of Donetsk Region in the barracks, which the day before was halffilled with a female unit , our correspondents learned about the touching stories of the girls, and with these stories you and i, i was walking at home alongside a soldier, fell, woke up, a cast, just kidding, i went to the military office, asked for service, because some people need rockets to fall nearby, i apologize, to feel what is happening, i dont need it, i felt it there and i just couldnt take it anymore. Snow white was born in luhansk, her parents died, all relatives remained in the occupied territory, the girl grew up in kolomyia. When they told me there that who needs this donbas. You had better give him away, i could not accept that we gave away my home, where i was given life. White snow is one of several volunteer girls who recently joined the ranks of the battalion fighting in the Donetsk Region. The first day of panic, well, we didnt understand on the 24th, what, well, what s going on, im alone. From a family of Crimean Tatars, my grandmother survived the deportation of the Crimean Tatars and she always motivated, herr says, i dont want this soviet government, i dont want this russia, probably, i also have this motivation, and these are valeria and nadiya, the girls cook food for 50 servicemen every day, i wanted to protect ukraine for a long time, the same thing, to demand. Help, how many tanks do you have, 20 . Someone feeds his brothers, and someone saves them after receiving injuries, when they asked where , i said only to the side of bakhmut, and why did i come here, well, maybe i will save someones life, well, thats how they were saved, i already found out. We provided Emergency Care to a person, that was it the first combat baptism, when we had a flight around the city, we found ourselves in the right place, the right time, all these women have the same motivation, they do not want to see war at home, so they did not look for reasons to avoid service, in their son, who is 20 years older, the average is 12, and the youngest is eight years old, they support me, there is a goal in life. These are children, how do you like it here in general, its cool, im already used to all this, so that my children live in ukraine, i love ukraine very much, i love my hometown ternopil very much, since february 25 of last year i i went as a volunteer on the second day of the war, people were walking, everyone was shopping, why us . Our army now consists mostly of volunteers. Since the beginning of the fullscale invasion , more than 11,000 women have voluntarily joined the armed forces of ukraine. Half of them are on the cutting edge today. Artem lagutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, from Donetsk Region, espresso tv channel. Thanks to colleagues for this story. Antin and i have only to say goodbye to a peaceful and safe evening, we wish you, we will return to. Since monday, you stay with espresso, now were going to a short break, and then we bring to your attention the interview of our colleague lesia wakulyuk with the former president of poland, alexander kwasniewski. Lets see, because this is a very important and interesting conversation. The child caught the virus. Veras mother has faith in dekasan, inhaled dekasan enters the lungs, where the virus is. Dikasan works, mother vera is happy. Dikasan inhalation against the virus. And bacteria, and also dekasan is indicated for sore throat, dekasan is an inhalation antiseptic, it was me, before, bleeding gums, inflammation of the gums, and the solution was so simple problems with gums lacal active. 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Alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. Sizes from 36 to 46th therefore, take two pairs at once for yourself and for your husband. Tic zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. Insulating tro. Perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of waterproof and wearresistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with ecosuede. Alaska style boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather. Highquality, light and warm alaska style boots will provide comfort both in the changeable wet autumn, and in the frosty winter, and in the unpredictable spring. You will always be warm, comfortable and dry. Universal design, basic black color and favorable price, only from uah 799. Call attention , an incredible new item from the tv box super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. Perfect fit, waterrepellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30degree frost. Alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. Sizes from 36 to 46. Therefore, take two pairs at once for yourself and for your husband. Furnace zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. Heat sink perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of waterproof and wearresistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with ecosuede. Alaska style boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather. Highquality, light and warm alaska style boots will provide comfort both in the changeable wet autumn, and in the frosty winter, and in the unpredictable spring. You will always be warm, comfortable and dry. Universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. Call the war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians, victories and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this. People who own information and shape public opinion. People who defend ukraine and create the future. Right now the main and interesting thing in the program is verdict by Serhiy Rudenko, from monday to friday at 20 00, repeat at 12 10. Dear friends, i welcome you to the espresso tv channel, my name is lesia vakulyuk and today our guest will be alexander kwasniewski, a polish politician, public figure and president of poland in 100. In 9952005, we we are talking with mr. Oleksandr literally the next day after poland voted, this year there was a record turnout at those elections, and the official results of the elections have not yet been announced, but there are exit poll results, and we will actually rely on them in our conversation with mr. Alexander, mrs. Alexander, are you satisfied with the results that are indicated . Important, the results of the mother, yes, it is important, we have the results of the late poll, and they look very likely already and confirm the results of the exit poll, i am very pleased, very pleased, because after eight years there is a chance that there will be a change of power in poland. And the period of ruling the country of law and justice will end. The democratic opposition should have a small but Strong Majority in the parliament. This means hope for. Actually, the results we have from the exit polls are good not only for poland, but also for europe , for good not only for poland, but for europe . Remember i agree, lately we have had quite depressing news, not to mention the russian aggression in ukraine and the terrible war that is going on, but politicians opposed to european integration won, such as fitzgerald in slovakia, orban once again won in hungary, also in the west of europe there are many antieuropean forces, be it antiunion, which are gaining strength, here it stood against a certain wave, a trend that we observed recently for years, it is important and it has been noticed, i can see it even across the ocean, because the new government in poland means that poland is returning as one of the main players of the ueu, and that we will not remain on the margins, as in the time of kaczynski, we will not continue get angry to the european union, to make claims, but we will jointly create european programs and projects, we will be in that main direction. In particular, the topic of ukraine is also important here, and here poland is needed not as a country that creates problems, but as a country that popularizes various good ideas in the european union. They said that kyiv should be happy, including ukrainians. To be honest, ukrainians were generally not interested in politics in poland until february 24, 2022. Their attention was more directed towards russia, due to the fact that we spent years together in sovitskyi union but the russian invasion slightly turned the heads of ukrainians in the direction of poland , and now, of course, they are starting to study the names of polish politicians and the names of police forces. However, in polish politics, it is understood that it is not too much, so they are asking a lot of questions. Ukrainians are trying to understand what the pis is, what a civil coalition, leftism is. If we are talking about those who can create a government in the next Parliament Within a month, no later than a new government, because now i am entering the game as the president , who has responsibilities, so i think that the new government will be formed at the beginning of december at the latest. Wiec i think, ze najposniiej w polsce nowy rad powstanie na przyba grudnia, ten ten juz, when it comes to the civil coalition, it is a party of a centrist character with different inclinations towards the middle, somewhere a little more conservative, somewhere more leftwing, but mainly it is democratic proeuropean party

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