For example, for example, the shock draw. In fpv, drones are actively used, not only literally there a few hours ago , we destroyed the enemy howitzer d30, even before that we were destroying the howitzers and working on the equipment, so they are coming at them from different sides, we hit, we hit a lot very, quite precisely, there is some coordination between the units and between the brigades, the best brigades are in the avdiiv direction, one brigade, im sure. I can even name her number, because the president voiced and voiced this fact very, very much already, this is the 110th brigade, it is simply one of the best, they have held avdiivka for more than a year and a half, despite the fact that in the brigade itself, the brigade itself, imagine, there is one year and 8 months, that is, it is actually a new brigade that has always firmly held avdiivka, well, i am convinced, believe me, i am with many units, such a mood, maybe i have never even seen it, because everyone is maximally prepared , everyone is as fired as possible, and im like that to you a little example, were on the first, if im not mistaken, it was the 10th or the 11th, and our unit was watching us just tear apart enemy equipment, and one of my guys was like. finger on this video and says damn, this was supposed to be us, this is just for you to understand that everyone is very serious about their work, responsible and everyone is very ready to defeat the enemy, at least from the command the task is the same, to defeat the enemy, not just hold positions, we understand that if we do not break the enemy, if we dont give him big losses, then the next waves of attacks will continue. Always, well yes, here is the 110th separate mechanized brigade , we all saw these shots, they filled in a very short time, well, just some incredible amount of heavy equipment of the enemy, its just really like shooting at targets, it looked like on a training ground, these shots that we just saw, thats right, yegor, and how would you rate it now, well, to the extent that you can see it there with your own means, after these attacks that have already occurred, which the enemy is still maintaining power, is it really a big enough power . And here, olga, this is a question, because our direct forces and means are not enough to do deep intelligence, well, i mean directly of our unit, of course other units do it, analyze it, decryptors work for a second, now generally in the armed forces ukraine, the position of a decryptor is very, very, in demand, that is, what does it do . A bird flies in, a drone flies in, it bypasses enemy rap, we have manufacturers that make such scouts, and they are already analyzing directly, that the enemy hides something, and surprisingly, but in reality they do not learn from their mistakes, that is, they shuffle columns, as they did there almost from the first days of the war, the massing of infantry, that is, as the wagnerites were, they probably drew conclusions from their mistakes, and they were not attached to the enemys armed forces, so they could afford such a change of tactics, here, but these do not allow and make mistakes, of course, we cover them, the infantry, of course, we destroy their equipment, here , but as far as strength is concerned, it is difficult to say, but it is difficult to say, this question is of course more uphill, so that what exactly they analyze more deeply, that is, we analyze there, well, relatively speaking, 10 km from the front line, everything in a straight line. Well, just so you understand, everything is analyzed down to the details, right down to the fact that some barrel is sticking out of some bush, because they are hiding all this, here, but we still fly in, moreover, the enemy is now hiding equipment in the lowlands, that is, in the socalled pits, where it is difficult to get into with artillery, because the enemy is relatively speaking behind the hill, thats it is difficult to fly the drone because it is a radio shadow and the drone loses communication. But nevertheless, nevertheless, our unit has already learned to bypass this radio, and we fly right into the pit and hit right into them. Yegore, how active is the enemys artillery and , again, how active is his aviation, because the situation in avdiivka is that they are using aviation and heavy aerial bombs, and this is also a separate story that is very difficult for our troops. 100 , well, ill reveal a secret if i say that we dont have enough support in the air, but here against enemy planes, you have to fight with your own air defense planes, there are not enough and planes would certainly be very, very , well, lets say it wouldnt hurt, because the planes cover the infantry, they protect our lives, they protect our positions, thats the point one, two moment, the enemy outnumbers us approximately, approximately somewhere, i think, times for sure, here , maybe even more, here, as for the artillery, the enemy also has an advantage here, in principle, but our artillerymen are as always more accurate, but here, therefore that intelligence is better will work, more proactively, lets say this, here, and if, for example, in may of last year, there were 20 enemy shots for one of our shots , that is, avdiyivka, i dont know by what miracle it held, well, our guys held on, here, but thats not less, they endured, then the situation now, of course, if compared with may of last year, is much better, but nevertheless , well, they wanted more artillery shells, but general, i want to say, general, now of course, well, they withdrew a certain amount of forces, and in principles, communicating with the command, i i understand that there are enough forces and means for the defense of avdiyivka, that is, it should be enough to keep avdiyivka, not to allow it to repulse its positions and break it in. Is it easier or has it become harder, you know how to say, this is war, sometimes you forget what the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, or some specific number, you dont understand, thats all, of course, war is always waves, it goes waves, sometimes i remember well, in avdiivki you can go out on positions, birds are singing, there is a breeze, the trees are swaying, everything is quiet, calm, and you close your eyes like this and think, maybe you dreamed all these attacks that happened yesterday, but no, the first shell comes flying, then the second, and it began, and the real battle began, a real shelling, a real massacre, and now i understand that someone from that side has also woken up and started , according to their terminology, to liberate my native. City, but , of course, it is these waves, and it is difficult to say even, there which day was harder, which day was easier, and we are constantly, well, service, why is service in the army called service, and not work, because you constantly work every day without a day off and day and night, the only thing i will say is that it is difficult, the situation regarding the audio girl is really serious, here i certainly appeal to all people in general to continue to support, to continue to contribute, to the victory you have to work a lot, thats the situation in avdiivka, well, its quite serious, so to all the fighters who work in this direction directly in avdiivka or somewhere near ovdiivka, of course its difficult for them, because they just work every minute, yehor, thank you very much that you are with us joined, so everything was explained in great detail. Well, we wish you, actually, that the command wants to defeat the enemy, with the best result, thank you, good luck to you there, well , come on, lets talk with Oleksiy Melnyk for a couple of minutes before the advertisement, mr. Oleksiy, lets maybe evaluate, thats it the movement of the enemys reserves and capabilities, thats what we can say about it, that is, what he, what forces he threw. On avdiivka, which he is now throwing, on the kupyansklyman direction, what do we know about it at all, about these capabilities of the russians, and it remains only to Pay Attention to the words that mr. Yehor said before that, that he makes an assessment from his sector, figuratively speaking, of course , ukrainian intelligence at the level of the main intelligence department, at the level of the supreme command of the Ukrainian Armed forces, probably has the most detailed, most complete information , but at the same time, this is a classic of war, what is called the fog of war, this information is never detailed enough and complete enough, that is why, if you take or evaluate it from different sources, it is really the enemy who throws in such the most critical sections of the front, throws, tries to throw fresh forces, these are not always fresh units, transfers from one section to another, some reserve units are introduced, which may not be sufficiently prepared, equipped, and this may be a sign that the reserves of the russians are not infinite, at the same time at the moment there are no signs that they have weakened their defenses anywhere critically. So my answer is that we can make some certain hypotheses, but it is really credible now to say that the enemy is running out of reserves, there is no such proper basis. Well, im probably with you i agree, yes, they used the 25th reserve army, but does this mean that this is just such a reserve, the reserve, which is already the last, we really cant say, lets come back after the commercials and talk a little more about what this means, these battles before and after the commercial, we will talk a little about atakams, about aviation and how to counter Russian Aviation, but thats all for a few minutes. The child caught the virus, mother vera has faith in dekasan, inhaled dekasan gets into the lungs where. Dikasan it works, mother vira is happy, dekasan is an inhalant against viruses and bacteria. And dekasan is indicated for angina. Dikasan is an inhalation antiseptic. Stiffness in the joints and spine, osteochondrosis, gout, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis. 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These are the chronicles of the hostilities, we continue to talk with Oleksiy Melnyk, codirector of Foreign Policy and International Security programs of the razumkov center, we were talking about avdiivka, lets talk a little lets finish conversation, actually, here is your assessment, what do you mean by these attempts to attack avdivka, and attempts to attack kupyansk, that is, how would you now assess the idea of ​​the russian command in general, what they want, this is a winter offensive, preparation for winter offensive, distracting, what is it . The first thing i would like to start with is that for at least the last six months, more and more often, when the goals of the socalled special operation are announced once again, the russian official leadership talks about active defense, that is, already at the official level, they declare that, apparently, the purpose of these operations is active defense, that is, the retention of those captured ukrainian lands that they currently control, that is , statements about this possibility do not even go to the russian public offensive or capture of new territories, while the task remains, which putin has already set there several times, setting socalled deadlines. This is at least a minimum program it is the capture of luhansk, donetsk regions within the administrative borders, as well as territories, those new territories, socalled, which they included in their constitution, i. E. Zaporizhzhya, kherson region, and this , strictly speaking, for them, as it were, as a minimum program, for today, it is an almost unattainable maximum for russians. If we talk about tactical goals, then the most important task now is to restrain the ukrainian counteroffensive in the south of ukraine, by diverting forces in the areas where the counteroffensive activity is currently the greatest, i. E. Kupyansk, avdiivka, in addition, certain military and political goals, why avdiyivka, that is why at this time, well, at least, such two versions were voiced , which in my opinion have the right to exist, this is that they wanted to give putin a present, for his birthday, well, it didnt work out in time, and the second is that he needed to show something of success before his trip to beijing and the meeting with the chinese leader, i. E. This is such a whole set, which fortunately, well, lets say, only partially managed to be implemented somewhere, or, well, if, after all , this desire does not leave them, to get, to advance somewhere further, it has some kind of time limits, it is under, well, that is me , what i mean, that is, are they preparing to take some positions there, as they think, and then go out on some kind of negotiation process, or is it some kind of, well, how can i say, well, its just a process and a process, it is necessary to conduct some combat operations, but they are conducting them, well, how, how to understand it . It is clear that no matter what we think about the russians there, and they confirm their inadequacy from time to time, but in any case, if at least on the military level, at the tactical level brothers, there are pursued, well, quite clear and understandable goals, if we talk about time frames, then , for example, about what mr. Yehor said before, massively, the use of technology, despite the fact that they are probably they also understand that with today s capabilities, intelligence, with the capabilities of ukrainian artillery, such attempts are doomed, if not to failure, then to huge sacrifices, but that they. It is obvious that they are pushed precisely by these political goals, or military political goals, that is, they are forced to achieve them by a certain date a certain boundary, at the same time, at the same time, the russian experts themselves claim that it is possible to talk about a breakthrough or some kind of success, it is not when one, two or three positions are captured, it is when Operational Success is achieved, that is, the front line is broken through on a wide area. And this success continues to develop, as the Ukrainian Armed forces, the defense forces, have demonstrated , whether the kharkiv operation or the kherson operation, to date, according to many estimates, including, i want to emphasize, that those russian experts who are capable of , lets say, its not only there to shout in paradise to report on successes, they, they are also critical of it. Then they all agree that russia today does not possess, at least at the moment, the ability to plan and carry out offensive operations at the operational, let alone strategic, level. Uhu, eh, lets talk a little, lets still go back to the issue of atks and what they can, what they cant, in principle, we, well, when we talked with yehor firsov, we already touched on this topic a little, namely that which intensified, well, from my point of view, at least i see it when i watch the news, the action of aviation on the front intensified, and there were shellings, well, shellings are just nonstop, namely airstrikes on avdiivka, there were airstrikes on kherson, along the front line there is always some kind of Russian Aviation, and now after the strike. We attacked the base of this frontline, essentially Russian Aviation, it seems that several helicopters were destroyed there, a couple of planes were damaged. How it might affect russias ability to engage its aviation at the front, because after all, the aviation of the frontline Russian Aviation, well, causes serious enough problems in ukraine, especially considering the fact that russia. Cannot use heavy faba eyes, and there are 500 bombs there, even now they said that there are already 1,500 kilotons, yes, im right, somewhere around that size they tried to use bombs recently, that is, how here, what can we solve here, what are our problems . In order, briefly, back when i was studying in the 80s with soviet ee textbooks in military school, Tactical Aviation is located at a distance of 100150 km from the front line, and the russians, as we can see, quite often still use soviet textbooks, why 100150 km, because this is the minimum safe range, so that russian airfields of the enemy are not hit , as we can see, now with the appearance of such a limited number in ukraine , but then, now the russians will be forced to either accept this risk, that there will be periodic strikes, or move their planes, helicopters to a longer range, what is this well, it reduces the intensity of the application, because such factors as the time of flight, approach to the launch area are superimposed, the second. This also applies to fuel, i. E. The range of the aircraft, it also applies to the load on the flight crew, i. E. The number of departures that can be made during the day carried out, correspondingly decreases, what, as yehor also said, is used most of all now and dangerous, these are the socalled guided aerial bombs, which are dropped from a high altitude, from a distance of about 5060 km to the front line, er, today the ukrainian aviation does not have missiles that could allow to safely hit these russian planes, because then it is necessary. To literally approach the front line for our plane, and it also already falls into the zone of action of Russian Air Defense systems, as groundbased, as well as air, unfortunately, the Russian Aviation is significantly superior in terms of its characteristics, the ukrainian, that is, the solution to this issue can be either more air defense systems, a long range, or even then we expect the f16, which allows striking at a greater distance 100 km, then this situation can happen to fix but, for today, as they say, we have what we have, if we talk about Russian Aviation in general, well, if they are forced to pull it back a little, do they even have enough of this aviation to in order to be effective at the same time, how would you rate it, that is, to what extent do they have the means in general well, to work further from the front line, will they feel, you know, what worries me the most here is whether, for example, on the front line, the fighters will also feel , these frontline areas, some relief from the fact that they will be forced continue to work, whether they have enough and it doesnt matter, well, first of all, whether there will be relief, i already said that moving the base point away from the front line is a decrease in the intensity of the use of this aviation. Second, this, this is that, what is important to understand, in my opinion, the russian socalled airspace forces have demonstrated their inability to conduct largescale air operations, which is what they did in the first weeks after the invasion, when russian planes were welcomed almost unhindered on the territory of ukraine, in that. on the capital of ukraine, in kyiv, when air battles were going on, when they could drop bombs, not guided, but just bombs, drop them, they ended very quickly, because even minimal countermeasures, that is, completely disproportionate countermeasures from the ukrainian ground, air defense and aviation, made it impossible such use of aviation, and while the russians are learning, despite the fact that they have appeared, these guided bombs are very dangerous, they still have not yet managed to reach this level, when air operations are carried out, as by nato, there by the americans, especially, because this is an extremely difficult type of activity, and this is also the overcoming of air defense , these are demonstration groups, that is, the russians are currently. Striking, almost all of these strikes are struck without reaching the front line, and so on lets hope that the ukrainian strikes on their airfields will make it even more impossible , say, their ability to finally increase the efficiency of their aviation, and it would be good if, in the end, they could not just stand on their usual border and to fly from there so often, it would also be good for us, if we could also deliver them there with the same rockets, we were not told that, god forbid, on the territory of russia, i hope that they will understand this in the end, thank you, this is oleksii melnyk, then we continue our broadcast, my broadcast is ending personally, but watch the espresso tv channel , we have a lot of interesting information for you. My greetings to everyone from espresso, this is news, and together with the team i will tell you about the most important events at the moment, i will start with the situation in the kherson region. Two have already died as a result of the enemys night attack in the kherson region from

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