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Zaporozhye, a 62yearold woman was injured as a result of shelling of gulyaipol. In general, during the past day, the enemy shelled the region 150 times, 22 settlements were hit informed the head of the region yuriy malashku. The occupiers fired artillery and aviation, attacked five times with drones and seven more with rocket salvo fire systems. Specialists recorded 21 reports of the destruction of housing and objects, a yearold woman died as a result of the russian attack on the city of berislav. In the morning, the occupiers fired a guided aerial bomb into a private house. A local resident was buried under the rubble, she was not rescued reported the head of the Regional Military administration, oleksandr prokudin. In total , the occupiers fired more than half a thousand shells into the region during the day. There is a hit in the building of an educational institution, an enterprise and an engineering structure in the kherson district, as well as in a library and an enterprise in kherson itself. In the morning, the enemy shelled the village of kupyanskvuzlovy in kharkiv oblast, there a five type residential building was damaged, there was a fire, fortunately there were no casualties , reported the head of the Regional Military administration oleg senigubov, and a mine. Russians shelled Populated Areas of three districts of the region, chuguyiv, kupyan and izyum. In nivech region , residential buildings and farm buildings caught fire. About 100 combat clashes took place yesterday at the front, this is stated in the morning summary of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. On the kupyansk direction. Our defenders repelled 20 russian attacks, on five in lymansky, 15 in marinsky. The hottest so far is near avdiyivka, where the occupiers tried to break through our defenses 20 times, unsuccessfully. In the direction of bakhmut , the armed forces of ukraine continue their assault operations, and also conduct an offensive operation to liberate melitopol. During the day, the ukrainian aviation carried out 12 strikes on the areas of concentration of personnel, weapons, military equipment and the bridge of the enemy, and units of missile troops and artillery hit the control post of the area of ​​the gathering. Warehouse of weapons and military equipment, warehouse of ammunition and station rep muscovitiv. Another 970 enemy invaders are sent home in packages, and at the beginning of the fullscale russian invasion, our soldiers destroyed almost 287 invaders. 26 artillery systems, 24 armored fighting vehicles, and nine tanks were not counted last day. And one antiaircraft vehicle. 22 units of automobiles and four special vehicles of the enemy also burned. And an operationaltactical level drone and a su25 aircraft were flying in the ukrainian sky. The general staff reminds that all data are approximate. And for the numbers of losses to grow, i i will remind you about an important collection. The espresso tv channel and the vesna Charitable Fund are collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones for our scouts. Vpla is needed. To the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces, which is fighting in the hot donetsk direction. Our goal is 1 million 9000 hryvnias, thanks to you, more than a million have already been collected. Terobornivets raider, in dnipro, the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine reported the suspicion to the excommander of the Territorial Defense brigade, who contributed to the seizure of the property of enterprises. According to the investigation, in march in 2022, he issued an illegal order to forcibly alienate the real estate of several legal entities in favor of the military. In the future, this order became the basis for raider capture. Unknown from the voluntary formation, who have nothing to do with this military unit. As a result, losses of uah 21 million were caused. Currently, the land plots have been seized, and the question of choosing a preventive measure for the suspect is being resolved. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for yesterdays explosion in to a shiite mosque in the north of afghanistan reports the reuters agency. The day before , a suicide bomber blew himself up there, the explosion rang out during prayer. According to the latest data , more than 20 people died, more than 40 were injured. The terrorist attack took place against the background of the talibans claims that they managed to tame the idols. The Israel Defense forces said it had killed another hamas leader in the gaza strip. The terrorist was allegedly responsible for their air system. Earlier, tzahal said that he was israeli. Infantry and tanks entered the gas to fight with militants and hostagetaking, the un is concerned about a dangerous humanitarian crisis in the region, with hospitals overcrowded and food Delivery Routes blocked. At the same time, telyaviv called on the palestinians to leave the dangerous territory, and the head of the Israeli Government , benjamin netanyahu, warned that the mass bombing is only the beginning. Weighing our enemies down with unprecedented force, i stress this is just the beginning, our enemies have only begun to pay the price, and i wont reveal the details of whats to come, but i tell you this is just the beginning, good morning in russia, in the sky above adler, where the air defense was operating in the krasnodar region, according to reports from local media, there were five or six explosions, and the lights went out in some houses. There is no information about the victims. The sixth annual forumpathy in ivanofrankivsk was opened with a series of lectures by famous historians, politicians and journalists. Students, scientists, and intellectuals gathered in the walls of the Carpathian University to hear about ukrainian identity, the demographic situation, and the war. The most interesting thing in the material of my colleagues. War, identity, national memory, these and others. Discussed during the first day of the via karpati forum. He gathered future philosophers, political scientists and historians, famous journalists and scientists for lectures. In particular, the historian Volodymyr Vyatrovych explained to the listeners how to come to terms with the past through the prism of Current Events in ukraine and the world. Here, in fact, the duty of historians, who should be relayers of this conversation with the past, is huge, and it seems to me that i and my colleagues obviously did not do much for ukrainians to understand these stories of theirs and that is why russia got the opportunity to repeat the same terrible crimes that it committed in the past, even today. Meanwhile , journalist Vitaly Portnikov stressed if you dont feel like a ukrainian, there are those who want to assimilate you. I visit a lot of universities in different regions of ukraine, i really try to do my best to talk to student audiences in different regions, because i really think that this kind of joint communication can unite the country. The initiator of the forum , peoples deputy mykola knyazhytsky, summarized the conversation. Politician outlined the current demographic situation in ukraine. In his opinion, it is important that ukrainians return home after victory, so that there is someone and for whom to restore the state. If after victory we remain a country with a very small population, we will be able to produce very little products, receive very little money, which means that we will not be able to defend ourselves, because we need money for a strong army. Therefore, demographic. The situation is directly related to our defense capability, and we must do everything to ensure that as many ukrainians as possible returned to ukraine sooner, felt confident, protected here and knew that this is the best country that could hold such meetings more often for historians, journalists, and political scientists, that is, for absolutely all students, teachers, and the public, so that people could get information, as they say, from the first mouth. Series of lectures at the carpathian national university. Opened forumpathy. This important dialogue will continue here on saturday and sunday. Military writers present their works. There will be exhibitions and film screenings. From ivanofrankivsk, ivan kharuk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. We will summarize the morning at 12. You will find more relevant and interesting information on our website espresso. Tv, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences, my colleagues will continue, do not switch, leave. With the espresso team. Video of which the wife of the president of ukraine became the culprit. And the first lady olena zelska, she allegedly has a russian passport, which was found during a search in crimea. Is it true or not fake my colleagues from franz24 will tell. Further. And now another issue of truth or fake with vedic bahl. Vediko, a video is spreading on social networks, the heroine of which is the wife of the president of ukraine, the first lady, olena zelska. It is said that she has a russian passport, which was found during the search. Please comment. This is vediko , thats right, there is a video on which, during the search of the couples apartment in the city of yalta in the russianoccupied crimea, elena zelskas bag was found, which contained a russian passport. This video shows the search procedure during whose passport was found, in which the name of olena zelska is indicated next to the photo card of the first lady of ukraine. Statements that president zelskys wife has a russian passport resonated with some. Here is a telegram post that i saw today, and it has received almost 3,000 views. There is also a video published on vkontakte, a Popular Social Network in russia. This news also found a place in the columns of the printed press, here is an article that was printed in one of the moscow newspapers. But im sure you figured out how to do it such common news to ask . Thats right, if we take a closer look at the passport, it says that it was issued in 2014, but in fact this photo of olena zelska was taken in 2023. I found this information using reverse image search technology. And the first to publish this image was olena zelska herself on her official instagram account. On march 29 , 2023, she published a post in which she thanked the government of lithuania for the help they provided to ukraine in its fight against the aggressor, and it is also interesting that the photo is not corresponds to russian parameters, which are necessary for issuing passports or visas. On this site, it is clearly indicated what size photos should be for documents for a russian passport or visa. In particular, the mouth should be closed in the photo, but you can see that in zelennyaskas photo, it is not so. It is also interesting that the photo of the first lady was taken against the background of curtains, which does not meet the criteria of russian photos for a document. Because the photo must be taken on a white background. If we look at the screenshot from the video, we can see that in the photo the curtains have been removed, which actually shows that they worked on the video. In addition to the photo, there were also some inconsistencies regarding the passport number. If we look at the russian numbering rules, then the first two numbers should indicate the district. A passport was issued. On the russian passport of olena zelska, we see the number 20, which corresponds to the western russian voronsky district. But the data above the image of this passport indicate that the passport was issued by the Migration Service of the republic of crimea. Lets look at the map, we see that these two districts are separated by hundreds of kilometers, and this indicates that it cannot be an authentic document. There is also some discrepancy with the other numbers. We see here 20. Instead , the numbers in this segment should represent the year. Issue of the document, that is, in our case it should have been 14, which corresponds to 2014 , so we see that there are many discrepancies in the document, we see the discrepancy of the numbering with the officially specified parameters, as well as the fact that when this passport was allegedly issued, elenas photo zelska did not exist yet. It turns out that ms. Olena just wanted to take a good photo, as a result, thats all people are trying to do something with him now, and as far as i know, this is not the first time this has happened. Yes, no, not for the first time, in june of this year, another fake was released that went viral. It is about the fake israeli passport of olena zelska. The post was published while she was visiting israel on an official visit. There are also a few inconsistencies in the image, and ill tell you about them now. Lets see the spelling. Errors in the place of birth in hebrew, and that between the date of issue and the Expiration Date is only one day. That is, this is just another attempt to discredit the ukrainian first lady, olena zelska, and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, given their influence on a global scale. Great work, vediyka, interesting facts and its great that you are all that. We apply stones, apply clay, build a hut with a door, and make a clear window in the hut. So that the sun will shine above us like gold, and a roof sewn from rye sheaves will evenly cover our building, but the little bird must make a nest so that it will be wonderful cooed while feeding the children. This is the second film of our rooftop documentary project. We created it to remind you and ourselves where we all come from, what our cities, villages, houses and churches looked like before, and what has survived to this day . This time we are in the north. Of ukraine, we will learn what and how ukrainians built in the territory of polissia and dnipro oblast. How much did the russian army destroy during the past year, and what should we build here tomorrow, this is an absolutely typical house for this region, grandfather, grandmothers who lived here, grandfather was a tailor, well, because the house is quite wealthy, for that time, because the white part is where they lived, there is a tree, it is not residential, and my grandfather was a tailor, so wealthy, and they say that even shevchenko, when he was leaving prokhorivka, he came here to this house, whether this is true or not, i dont know, because i couldnt find confirmation or refutation, but such legends told me that they were, this house was about it was built for 120 years by a warrior who served in the tsars navy, earned a lot money, bought land here in this village, and during his lifetime he built four houses for himself, his son and two more of his grandchildren. Both of these houses are open for Green Tourism, or as it is also called, ecotourism. This is when you can relax in the countryside, away from the noise of big cities. Grandmothers house is located near kanev, and due to its proximity to kyiv, people often come here for the weekend, two hours on the road, to walk in nature, its about as long to go to the polish house. But in the other direction to zhytomyr, i myself a teacher of fine arts and, in general, being there, Young Artists always like to travel, so if there was an idea that we needed some kind of cabin where everyone could come, rest and paint, then my friends and i decided to get together and buy such a cabin, we traveled around several villages, looking for it, and the owner of this house, Vasyl Petrovich romanyuk, when he found out that we wanted to rebuild, he did not sell us this house, he gave it to us, he gave it to us so that we could revive it as it was here she is was 100 years ago, when his grandfathers and greatgrandfathers lived here, well, in general, it is like this, you know, the history of the decade, because this is not our family house, this house was bought many years ago by my dad, and it is such a very, very interesting story, because i then i was somewhere in the eighth grade, he came and said i bought a house as if from chev, and his eyes were so bright, i say everything class, but i immediately thought of a football player, i say class, lets go, i already we are going there already. Come here to this village, i imagine how i am already swimming in the pool with my girlfriends here, dad gets up here, i say dad, well, some kind of wrong stop, i didnt imagine that, well, because its the eighth grade, i didnt understand it then, he says that, then youll understand everything. At first, anya and mrs. Inna started working on these huts for themselves, as they say, for the soul, but over time, a kind of hobby grew into a fullfledged cultural project, and now both places are open to guests. I have a grandmother, you know, she is such a prototype of a real grandmother that i knew that if i even brought my girlfriends, now there will be dumplings, homemade wine, we, she will feed everyone there, put everyone in bed, that is, i will never it didnt bother me, and unfortunately for me, after i graduated from the university, i always didnt have enough time to be with her, because we came with my daughter, its friday, saturday there is sometimes at my parents, then at my grandmothers for a few hours , and on sunday you are already leaving , and when covid happened, for me personally it was such a. Mm stop, when i was able to completely reset and my daughter and i lived at my grandmothers, and i remembered what a pleasure it is to wake up, and she cooks you soup for breakfast there, you eat soup for breakfast, no one, probably from the youth, eats it, but you when you wake up, you eat it with such pleasure, or some silolatkas that crackle on the hinges, they are not super useful there, but they are the most delicious, at that moment anya remembered the yakusheve hut, which her father took in as a child, and understood what he wanted for her to undertake this is how the idea of ​​a cultural Space Dedicated to family ties and immersion in a boisterous childhood was born. From the very beginning, our first task was about grandmothers and grandfathers, yes, that is, we wanted to inspire respect in young people, even for the neighboring grandmothers, yes, if there is no grandmother of our own, then there is always some neighbor who has something to tell her, this very first thing was my important mission, and then we wanted to show that old houses in the villages are a very great happiness, there is no need to quickly chase after some standards european renovations and change everything, yes, that is, we wanted to show that our culture is so rural, it is simply beautiful, you just need to see it all, you can come to us, bake bread, see how it is baked, and participate in something, we dont have a menu, we not a manor, that is, we do not cook to order, you cannot order a banquet from us, well, that is. This is my principled position, we have no electricity, and my father offered me, he says, let me show you, there, if necessary, you can connect there, i say no, its not the same atmosphere at all, we only have candles , unfortunately, we dont allow guests to stay overnight, because it s a little dangerous, plus you dont need to know how to use the stove, from my own experience, i say, thats why that i studied this for almost a year and until now i am not an expert at all, you can come also for a photo shoot, or with. Our photographer, with whom we cooperate, or , well, they usually come with their own photographers, these are some ukrainian brands that shoot here , but for me, you know, its a vacation when you come somewhere there are a maximum of five or six people, or even less, when you can feel just this atmosphere, because when its such a party, when youre there with such a cool mood, you want some kind of just a wedding, well, its not that option, you need to go here to simply reboot, the most important thing is that you feel when you enter it. Unfortunately, it is impossible to convey through the screen , it is the warmth of a heated pit, the aroma of herbs and freshly baked fresh bread, here you just want to climb on a couch above the stove, warm yourself and think about nothing, we bought another one hut, there will be several of them and each hut will be, it will not be just a hut, it will have the character of a certain grandmother, that is, we want to create each hut based on the prototypes of such a collective image of grandmothers. And each hut will have its own name, i looked at two more huts, but for now we are waiting, they are still that are not for sale, well, because during the war many people returned to the village, but for me, you know, the most important thing for me is not to buy them, that they are now lived in again, and they are now needed again, because much its worse when you look at her, shes beautiful and nobody needs her, so let them be, let them be, a few months ago, when we were shooting this film, it was not yet possible to stay in the grandmothers house for the night, but despite the war and this plan anya brought it to life, from now on, the cottage welcomes guests, come by. What a house it was, that is, it was so almost destroyed, and here the walls inside were also destroyed, well, that is, there was no light, there was nothing, this is my greatgrandfathers bowl, which made jugs, and i recently tried this dish, because i really wanted it to be like this, the polkadot cups, the old men found these, but they turned out to be a little smaller than the frame, so we are now thinking about how to solve this question, and this is what my dad made for me , such a oneandahalf bed, come on by , its so traditional, there will be a bath downstairs, thats why if there is no water or anything in that hut, then there will be light and water here, while the polish hut usually receives people only during the day, we are not a cafe, not a museum and not a hotel, we are a Green Tourism estate, but in fact this is our accommodation , we live and work here, and we welcome guests, that is why this is our home, and everyone who comes to us are our guests, our friends, the territory of the house is small, but there is room to walk around, this is our photo zone, some say there are banners, make your own banners, i say no, its loud, its modern, and we have each a piece of our house, its already a banner, why stick it on this modern thing, thats why we try to present different corners as authentically as possible, this is our kind of kitchen, where people can cook something for themselves, or we already cook for them , well, you can put something in the pot. To cook, bake, bake, here we have such a small exhibition, well, for example, these, grinjoles, yes, this, yes, the same, the same grinjoles, these are the kind of sledges that were not used for riding, but for working , there is no seat here, and their children dragged them from the forest hauled firewood. Or a bag of some kind could be transported, well, well, they kneaded dumplings in such small ones, kneaded dough in such small ones , bathed and washed children in such small ones, well, what was needed, they did, grain shovel, but in winter they could also snow it can be discarded, therefore , for various things. Usually, you know, women bring a towel there, or Something Like that, they say, put it on you, because you will keep it, mine will be burned, my children dont need it anymore, but you will keep it, that is, they even some of their own relics, the ones they kept many years, thats what i said that this bed was, a sink and a bench, everything else, it was already handed over to us, brought, handed over. And everything that was needed there, but the most interesting thing that is in the poliska hut is the hut itself, traditional, wooden, with a good roof, if necessary, the hut could be disassembled, it is made of wood, put on carts and transferred to another region, it was caused, well, first of all, it was family circumstances, if someone once got married and could move the house with them. Well, the second component is political. If someone did not want to live under muscovites, they moved somewhere else part, or vice versa, could be transported somewhere. In order to cover the roof, our house needs 2 rye. Which peasant had 2 hectares . Which is why people sowed as much rye as they had room for, and covered it with particles every year. And you can see in our house now that the coverage is uneven, it depended on how much rye was grown, and we sow rye every year and cover it a little bit every year, it is a little fluffy on this side, that is why it has grown with such rye, why grew because it is impossible to thresh out 100 of the grains from these farms, and even when there were times

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