Shelling chornobayivka in the kherson region, the Regional Prosecutors Office reported. At noon , terrorists attacked the village for the second time in a day. They search local houses. A 71yearold man died. Another 70yearold local resident was injured. As a result of shelling , dozens of houses were damaged. The light has partially gone out in the settlement. The enemy also attacked boryslav district with artillery. One a person was injured. The transfer of atcs to ukraine is not excluded, said the coordinator of Strategic Communications of the Us National Security council, john kirby. He did not provide any details on the stage of discussions on providing longrange missiles, but noted that in line with changes in the war, the United States is reviewing capabilities for ukraine. And in the nearest. Denmark and the Czech Republic will hand over bmp, tanks and other heavy weapons to ukrainian defenders. This equipment is in the warehouses of private Czech Companies and will be purchased at the expense of the Danish Government reported the ministry of defense of the Czech Republic. The department noted that as part of the first part of the project, both states plan to deliver almost 50 infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, 700 rifles, half a thousand hand machine guns and the same number of sniper rifles. As well as means of radioelectronic warfare, while the supply includes both modern czech weapons and refurbished equipment that is already in service with the armed forces of ukraine. Israeli aviation struck airports in syria, writes the times of israel according to the publication , the damascus and aleppo airports were hit. There is currently no more detailed information about the consequences of the strikes. The Israel Defense forces struck targets associated with the Hezbollah Terrorist Organization and Syrian Military facilities. For the first time, after the International Criminal court issued a warrant for his arrest, putin dared to leave russia. He arrived on a visit to kyrgyzstan, where he will meet with the countrys president , sadyr japarov. And already next week, the russian dictator has to go to china for the third belt and road forum in beijing. I should note that neither kyrgyzstan nor china are members of the International Criminal Court Created to prosecute war criminals. The dbb announced suspicion of torture to employees of the ternopil military. We are talking about the commander of the Security Department and the grenade launcher soldier. The latter is also charged with illegal deprivation of liberty. According to the investigation, on october 6, the military stopped in the center. A local resident to check documents, having found out that the man was born in russian murmansk, he was forced to do so they pushed him into a car and took him to the military, where he was beaten, and the video of the beating was shared on social networks. In vinnychyna, the Security Service detained two swindlers, they demanded money from an applicant for the post of rector of one of the local universities. The perpetrators asked for help with the appointment while impersonating employees of anticorruption agencies. One of the swindlers was caught redhanded while receiving 20,000. Later , Law Enforcement officers also arrested an accomplice. Currently , both criminals are in custody. And that was all the news for now, you can read more on our website espresso tv, follow us on telegram and watch us on youtube. We will see you. Already at 5 p. M. We analyze the most important events of this day. Oleg sinyuk, peoples deputy of ukraine, chairman of the subcommittee on ensuring the activities of peoples deputies, is often in our studio at her pleasure. Glory to ukraine, mr. Oleg, glory to the heroes, well, we have a topic for discussion, the leading enterprises of the defense complex approached the president s office of ukraine, who declare the possibility of a complete stoppage of work due to the actions of the state Audit Service, actually reports about the censor, the publication received its order. The letter, as well as the reply to this letter by the head of the president s office , andrii yarmak, the letter was signed by the se scientific and Production Association pavlograd chemical plant, the se Design Bureau of the southern names of the angel, the se pyrnych Association Southern machinebuilding plant makarov. All of them complain about the conclusions of the state Audit Service that the profit of enterprises is embedded in the price of products, which is apparently a loss for state the luch Design Bureau signaled a similar event recently, and we actually see that it is not working, that is , the dershofdets service, which is part of the executive branch of government, cannot come to an understanding with the cabinet of ministers, the relevant ministries and somehow agree on their positions in general. Because it is very strange when the producers of such necessary things for ukraine, first of all, do not have the right to at least some profit, simply for the development of their capacities, in addition, they are told to return it. And christina, there is an important signal, already president Volodymyr Zelenskyi was collecting the bid today, so the second issue on the bid was discussed ukrainian production of weapons and equipment, the constant increase of volumes, the ministry of strategy and industry has a clear task to present a program to provide ukrainian weapons for all key needs. There have already been reports on individual elements of such a program, but here something is needed, weapons are needed, give the program, and ensure the normal functioning of enterprises, and the state Audit Service, so to speak, separately, well, first, because not all of them are probably named after these enterprises understand the importance and strategic responsibility of these enterprises themselves, these are the leading enterprises of ukraine, which ensured the countrys defense capability in 2014, by very quickly increasing the weapons of retaliation, and these are the ones who actually. Prepared and are preparing ukraines shield against the aggressor, these are mega cool the companies that are competing are actually not only made to fight russia, they are making something that is competitive in the world market for ukraine, and actually all of that went public when the missile manufacturer neptune, i think that there is no need to give any more characteristics, he declared that he was forced to send his employees on forced vacations, that is, in my opinion, this should have been such a great state of emergency that all state officials had to stand on their ears, and the commanderinchief should have to roll right away, unfortunately, it all did not happen like that, and no one heard this cry of despair of the manufacturer of neptunes. Moreover, after that the Verkhovna Rada adopted a resolution obliging it to settle this issue, and what do you think . After that, the state Audit Service went again to inspection and this again threatens to block the operation of our strategic enterprises. I dont know who these pests are today that are reducing the defense capability of the country, whether they are the ones there before a fullscale aggression, remember, the klinstrons in the air defense system, whether they were taken out, whether they were the ones who stopped the grim missile program, or are they the same or new ones have appeared, but i am sure that they are moscow moles, because the one who prevents the release of neptunes, the one who prevents the release of rockets, is a moscow mole, and there is no there is no doubt, well, all sorts of things went further, the level of subordination of the state Audit Service, that is, it is some kind of, i dont know, autonomous and independent structure like nabu, whether it is subordinated to, for example, the cabinet of ministers, of course it is subordinated to the cabinet of ministers, well and there is such a very. Interesting detail, it may not mean anything at all, but it may actually be such a thread, remember, all about such a man, his surname is bakanov, who headed the Security Service and was dismissed from his post with with very glaring accusations, although he is not in prison to this day, on the contrary , he became a leading lawyer or a leading lawyer there, so the person who works in the management of the state Audit Service actually worked in very. Close to lieutenant bakanov, is it a coincidence , whether it is something more than a coincidence, i cannot say, but that it is a disaster and an antistate activity. I have no doubt about it. We, as deputies from European Solidarity , have once again officially appealed to the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada on this matter councils, to state officials, well, friends, i dont know that there is no need for a decision of the National Security council , no emergency decisions are needed here, i dont understand when two officials make decisions that harm the state, the states defense capability, a criminal case should already be initiated against them case, they should be removed from office, and the government. Should derail this issue, i just want to state, in fact, that the state Audit Service, and specifically, its head, mrs. Basalaeva, has already signaled that it is necessary, well, to somehow consider the issue of the rationality of what you do you, gentlemen, make a decision of the parliament, what can be more, the ministry of economy of ukraine issued an explanation regarding the fact that in this 335th resolution they meant the profit of enterprises. The vru committee on National Security, defense and intelligence tasked the committee of ministers to urgently resolve the issue. The Verkhovna Rada adopted a resolution, there is even a position of the president s office, yes, who say that mr. Shmyhal, we need to figure it out somehow, this is not working, well, yes, you know, but we are adults, we grown people, the president s office, the committee of the Verkhovna Rada, the ministry, are helpless against some young lady . Ugh, what is this, who is the roof for this lady . A good rhetorical question, well, lets hope that as a result of todays meeting of the stake, certain specific decisions will be made, that is, if this issue was heard, well, this is what is meant by this cluster of defense and production, well, lets hope for a quick decision, you wanted, you understand , this is nonsense, when in order to help the military and defense complex of the country, public publicity is needed. I dont understand this, it means that the state machine is not something that skids and limps , it means that someone is inserting not just sticks into the state machine, but armature wires, and exactly the Security Service of ukraine, exactly the Law Enforcement agencies must very clearly calculate this kremlin mole and very clearly eliminate, investigate and, based on the results, make a management decision, this does not last a day or a week or a month. Now a short pause for our tv viewers, we want to remind you that in oleg synyutka, peoples deputy of ukraine, is currently working in the studio, after a short break, we will return. Its hard to talk about how you feel when youre incontinent. An unpleasant situation can arise at any time, even from a slight effort. Fortunately, its behind me, helped me. Thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination during the day and at night. Now i feel confident. Feminonost uro urination under control. 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Political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. There is no political season. Exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. Shot freedom life frankly and impartially. Draw your own conclusions. Vasyl winters big broadcast. Two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. Two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. Two hours to keep up with Economic News and sports news. Two hours in the company. Presenters, presenters who have become kind of like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. Events of the day in two hours. Vasyl zimas big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. Espresso in the evening. The analysis of the most important events and phenomena of this week continues. Oleg synyutka, peoples deputy of ukraine, in the espresso studio. We would like to ask you about new trends, so to speak, in local selfgovernment. The city mayors went in a jam, so to speak. Now lets announce it. Wax granted the motion to dismiss sumy mayor lysenko. Previously , they were removed from their positions. The mayor of rivne, the mayor of chernihiv, the sbu and nabu conducted searches of the mayor of mukachevo, andriy baloga, due to a corruption scheme for the sale of communal land. Then they opened a number of criminal cases, well , the one related to the socalled stadium. On which a criminal case was opened, as if to say, well, we still need to check the documents , so the fact of the sale has not yet happened, but in any case, we see that they are very, very actively working on local selfgovernment, so to we are now involving oksana prodan, the adviser to the head of the association of cities of ukraine, to the analysis, simply, is this our fight against corruption, or are there any additional cases in that, i dont want to be a conspiracy theorist, but Oleg Sinyutka and then oksana prodan. What do you want to ask, is it a struggle between state power and local selfgovernment, and is it a struggle against decentralization . Yes, unfortunately, this is a systemic struggle against decentralization that is taking place in the country today, is it possible to put all the mayors in one row . Definitely not, because , for example, the mayor of rivne accused that he paid a bonus to a person who worked for several years in the apparatus of. The city council for the fact that this person once contributed funds to his Election Fund, that is, can you imagine, antina, you contribute funds to the Election Fund of some candidate who competes for the position of mayor, then you work in the system of the city government, and you no longer have the right to receive awards there, well, this is madness, in my opinion, as far as the mayor of chernihiv is concerned, you know, i i just want sooner or later to look into the eyes of those people who riveted this whole story in the yavoriv district judge and so on, because when the muscovites entered chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast, everyone fled, and the mayor was there, i saw the attitude of the people towards the mayor, did he commit a violation . In my opinion yes, but this violation leads to taking away the city mayor, who then, when there were shootings around, he stayed in the city, and his driver took his wife and children away, well, you know, for this case, he appeared in court and said yes, i stayed put, but i wanted to my wife and children went to a safe place , and in fact i am ready to bear responsibility for this, to pay a fine, he said honestly about it, to suspend the mayor for this , well, there are things that really. In local selfgovernment are also of a corrupt nature, i would not like it to be a competition where there is greater corruption in local selfgovernment or in state authorities, which is worse, buying eggs at 17 or selling land, i believe that both there and there should be responsible, but here is a question of systemicity, if the system of state power instead of supporting the decentralization reform, in order to enable communities to quickly finance the military, armed forces, units, on the contrary , they try to slow it down and destroy local selfgovernment, then something is wrong, well, i dont know, its hard for me to say, about supporting local selfgovernment in a specific case, when in fact a hot headed Law Enforcement officer is taken during a dacha or, well, i dont know, accepting a bribe of a completely specific mayor, i didnt say a word in defense of the mayor of sumy, he was caught under time after time when receiving a bribe, and i am convinced that if everything is proven here, there should be responsibility here, and what is to be discussed here, and he is no better than an official of the ministry of defense, who. Uniform somewhere in turkey, thats for sure , oksana proden, adviser to the head of the association of cities of ukraine, is in touch with us. Ms. Oksana, do you see such a tendency, not just to fight corruption at the appropriate level, but a tendency to really step on the tail of decentralization, which does not feel very comfortable during the war. Yes, i am continuing what i said mr. Oleg, so that there are no doubts, if we are talking about some individual people. Individual heads of communities, first of all i want to draw attention to the fact that the one who is not found guilty in court, we do not have the right to call him guilty in any case, because it cannot be without a court decision, this is one part, but we have many other things that are happening today, they are not happening for the first time, for example, at the beginning of the year , a government resolution was passed, which prohibited the deputies of local councils from traveling abroad, even those who are not of conscription age at all, or those who are not conscripted, yes, they were forbidden to go abroad, thus, according to the data of the association of cities of ukraine, more than 7 of the deputies of local councils have already completed their mandate, because those women who came here to work in community, but whose children are abroad, or those, a pensioner , for example, who is a deputy of the local council, but for one reason or another cannot go abroad, even for health reasons, because he is a deputy of the local council, they, thats it there is pressure, direct pressure on local selfgovernment, i wont do it anymore to talk about the fact that this is actually pressure on communities and restrictions on the opportunities of communities , primarily those that were deoccupied, because deputies go abroad and find money, find donors, find partners, today they cannot do this, there is another part , for example, when at the end of last year. Last year, they took away the remainder of the educational subsidy from the communities, they took not their own , they gave at first, the communities saved these funds in order to, for example, build a shelter, they took this money from them, they said, come tomorrow, this year they also laid a deficit budget and they say, we dont give you the balances, its something that didnt exist before, its what exists today and its a different pressure. Right now, for the last month, there has been a withdrawal of funds from the local budget from the local budgets of the socalled military pddfo, one can say that this is about money, but in fact it is taking away the opportunity of local selfgovernment to help the armed forces, taking away the opportunity to help those military personnel who of this community went to the front, or as communities that stand in the war zone and take funds from them, they they say you shouldnt help, you wont help, youre not from this. Country, you dont have to fight to win, yes, this is a systematic work to reduce the power to take away the opportunities from local government, what is local government, it is the possibility of a person at arms length to reach the power that works here on the spot, to the place, i dont want to be a defender or a lawyer of the power, but we understand the issue of costs and the expediency of certain costs, well under. a huge question mark , and we understand that very often on the ground began to play with what in simple language is called theft or money laundering, but on the other hand, perhaps it would be worthwhile to introduce something additional into the legislation to regulate such things, in particular it is said , i dont know there, well, some activation in the laying of asphalt, in some repairs, stadiums, and so on, i. E. , something that may suffer somewhere, but the responsibility lies with the local government body, and there may be different interpretations, different votes, and so on, and so on, but there is an opportunity to somehow organize all this matter so that it was all clear and clear, transparent. Mrs. Oksano and then olah sanyutko. Thank you very much for speaking about this, first of all, since february 24 , resolution 590 has been in effect in ukraine, which prohibited any payment to local selfgovernment without assessing its compliance with the goals, todays military goals, state goals. That is, even before payment, everything goes through an assessment of whether it falls under this category of payment or not, so the local selfgovernment absolutely makes all payments in response. To those permitted by law, this is , firstly, and secondly, if we are talking now about the military pdf, the association of cities of ukraine proposed a mechanism, military pdf in communities, 70 of this military pdf is required by law to be given to defense and security, and this is also controlled, it is all very easy to check, but this is when you want to do better, and when you want to take away then having a single marathon, you can say anything you want, a story. To tell everyone about the vegetable cutters that actually passed through the state budget , to tell about the drums that went according to the state program, and to say that this is local selfgovernment, thank you ms. Oksana, oksana was sold to us, in studio oleg synyutka, mr. Ole, everything is known in comparison, here are drones, what today every military man, and ultimately also a civilian, will say how much the army needs, 40 billion were allocated in the state budget and local councils. Also funds , so local councils allocated and transferred thousands of drones for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, this is a real fact, how much was transferred by the state, how much money, how much was done with the funds of the state budget, but nothing, thats the whole difference, that is, virtual payments are not needed in war , on war requires drones that destroy the enemy, so the local budget spent nine months buying and handing them over, and , unfortunately, the state money was not used for this need, thats the whole difference, and with regard to the settlement, we from European Solidarity submitted a very a clear bill the money should go to the military, and there is no doubt about it, and therefore 70 of the pdf should go to the needs of the units, to the needs of the soldier, what they need first and as soon as possible, and 30 should remain for the civilian protection of those. People who live in the territories, we dont care we need shelters, we need them, we dont need appropriate shelters for children in schools, we need them, we dont need other systems of civil protection, we need them, so everything is very simple and all this was controlled and is controlled by the state, so if some mayor bought a vegetable cutter in dozens if it is more expensive, you must ask him, but ask this official in the state. To the treasury, which approved these purchases, and to ask the Government Official who approved the appointment of this public official, so i say once again, the money should go to needs the military, if we dont win the war, Everything Else doesnt matter, this money should be controlled by state structures, but it should be managed by the community, which will do it faster and more efficiently, its interesting how much now during the second year. Of the active phase of a largescale war these communities are active, we understand how exhausting people are and how much it distracts their attention from monitoring what they are doing in general, they are elected very often on the ground, all these issues that relate to the war and the need to help directly from the citizen to military, so, this issue also seems very relevant to me, it must be developed, reminding people that they also have a control function and certain. In a way it is also an obligation. Thank you, thank you to oksana prodyn, adviser to the head of the association of cities of ukraine, and thank you to Oleg Sinyutka, a peoples deputy of ukraine, who was a guest of our studio. Its time for me and borkovsky to say goodbye to you, as of today, just like that, pass the word, right . We pass the floor to the news, iryna koval, what s new in ukraine and in the world . Thank you, christina, i will tell you all about this in a moment. In ukraine, 5 00 p. M. News time on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. Greetings to all viewers. Volodymyr zelenskyi held a stake meeting. Commanders zaluzhnyi, syrskyi and ternavskyi reported on it. The second question ukrainian production of weapons and equipment is permanent. Increasing volumes. Deputy Prime Minister fedorov and defense minister umerov received a separate mandate regarding the maximum digitization of supplies for the defense forces. The members of the stake also discussed the impact of the situation in the near east to ukraine

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