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With wood fuel materials, and therefore International Donors will be attracted directly. I would also like to note that if the blackout happened, it started in november of last year. Thank you, thank you margarita, and we move on to kyiv, in the capital on october 10, the 22nd, five objects of Critical Infrastructure were damaged, this was reported by the mayor of the city Vitaliy Klitschko after the attack, now the capital is preparing for the heating season and possible new attacks, the details are known by our vlada prizova, vlado, good evening, was it possible to restore the infrastructure of the capital after the russian shelling, is there a plan in case of new emergency situations . Congratulations slava, according to the office of the prosecutor general in kyiv , Power Industry facilities were fired upon 14 times, kyiv region was shelled 27 times, these are data from february 24, 2022 to august 2023. Since the beginning of the great war, according to dtek , 34 objects of the power grid were damaged in kyiv and more than 2,000 objects in kyiv region, the damage is being repaired until now, detk in the capital, he has already repaired more than 600 kilometers of power lines and more than six, 600 transformer substations, they provide light to boiler rooms and boiler rooms, they are the ones that supply heat and hot water to homes. Dotek also renovated two highvoltage substations. They provide light almost 200 highrise buildings, 2,500 residential buildings, nine schools, kindergartens, kindergartens, a hospital and other important social facilities of the capital. In addition, after the end of last years heating season, kyiv teploenergo began to prepare for the next heating season, which should. Actually begin in the coming days, kyivteploenergo repaired almost 60 km of damaged pipelines, Energy Workers are repairing both damaged Heat Networks and outdated worn out ones , which have already expired, and for today 38 repair crews work around the clock in kyiv. Other than that 2,500 damage. Er, which were discovered and eliminated during hydraulic tests, during the interheating period , almost 500 damages were eliminated, these are the damages that occurred in the order of current operation, these areas are also thoroughly repaired and are also ready for the heating season. According to oleksandr pelypyshin, in order to be ready for possible Power Outages due to new missile attacks on facilities, the Energy Company purchased 23 mobile boiler rooms that can be connected to the system heating, in addition, according to oleksandr, almost half of the boiler houses in the capital have generators, and also in kyiv they are preparing to deploy emergency points, 462 points are being prepared for opening, and i also want to finally say that the head of the kyiv city military administration, serhiy popko, reported that for the first time in the world, ukraine has built facilities for the protection of Energy Facilities and prepared backup power schemes. Thank you for your word. Thank you colleagues for the information. It was iryna mochulska from lviv from zaporizhzhia, margarita galich and vlada pryzova from kyiv. In addition to Critical Infrastructure facilities, 45 residential buildings, six educational and five medical facilities were damaged in the capital on this day or year, mayor Vitaliy Klitschko reported. In particular, the buildings of the university were damaged. Daria sidorenko found out that shevchenko was restored. Here, at the intersection of volodymyrska street and Taras Shevchenko boulevard in the capital, a year ago, a Russian Rocket fell in the middle of the roadway, that morning there were several explosions in a row, another hit the playground in the park named after Taras Shevchenko, the explosion also went off near the pedestrian bridge over the volodymyr uzvoz. On the facade of the building of the institute of philology of the Shevchenko University there are traces of fragments of a Russian Rocket. As they say, the workers of the building, this was the impression, the one who was here, that the building. As if it was so shaken by a wave, and the roof, after it had already been inspected, then it also seemed to be lifted and thrown, praise god, no one there were, of the students, there would be only employees of the exploitation service, these are cleaners, guards, they managed to go down to the shelter. According to the words oleksandry, last year an explosive wave knocked out 300 windows in the building, tore down doors in corridors and auditoriums. This is a corner auditorium, and it was the most affected when a rocket landed at the intersection of volodymyrskyi street and Taras Shevchenko boulevard. Accordingly, all the windows in this room were completely broken, the ceiling fell, the tables were damaged, thanks to our turkish partners, we installed all the windows in 45 days, but the repair work, they already lasted a little long. Inside the building of the institute of philology were renovated and students returned here from september of this year. We simply smeared it, but here everything is like that, and it flew on the walls. These rocket fragments were found in the library named after maksymovich. Mrs. Larisa has been working here for 34 years. Last year, on october 10, she came to work at 8 a. M. , a few minutes before the explosions. At that moment i was talking to my daughter, mom, a rocket has arrived here, look, be very careful, because you work in the center, and a minute passes, the connection is interrupted, we shout that it must be a rocket, and we start running out into the corridor and a big explosion started right then, and because of us, when we ran out into the corridor, all the windows, panes, and glass in the corridor started flying out, we started running to after the second explosion, the Library Workers went down to the shelter, larisa recalls. That day , the air alert lasted more than five hours. After its completion, the woman says, Library Workers began to sort out the debris. The window openings were completely blown out, the glass, even the cornices were torn off, if you can see, the windows here are very high, they were completely broken, to the bone windows the windows of the Rare Book Department overlook the place of the epicenter of the explosion, says svitlana, acting director of the library. The windows, walls and ceiling were damaged here, so the most valuable books were moved from here to another book storage. The oldest edition of the incunabula book, which is more than 500 years old, was kept in the same department. The edition survived. In the Library Building , 180 windows have been replaced, but the storage of Foreign Literature remains in a state of disrepair, says svitlana. Says the workers. Trying to come in here just to take necessary book. To complete the repair, he says, the heating system must first be replaced. One explosion happened right here at the intersection, and the second one was in shevchenko park, just on the corner, two explosions collided, there was a very large blast wave here, and it was this part that suffered the most, that the shelves were not hit, that the books were not in the rare book room in the department here , actually all, almost all editions were in their places, the walls, ceiling, and windows were the most affected. On the same day, october 10 , Russian Rockets fell in svyatoshynsk, holosiiv and dysnian districts of the capital, damaging 45 residential buildings, five Critical Infrastructure facilities, six educational institutions and five medical facilities, mayor Vitaliy Klychko reported. In total, seven people died in kyiv, and another 49 were injured. Darya sydorenko, oleksandr sova, social news. Private Construction Companies are reluctant to participate in Public Tenders for the restoration of damaged housing. Serhii derkach, deputy minister of community intelligence, territories and infrastructure, says that sometimes one or two of the participants anna zhelezniak found out about companies, sometimes none, that discourage business from cooperating with the state. Irpin, gostomyl highway. We are met by nazar brovchenko, director of one of the Construction Companies. They won the tender. For the reconstruction of seven private houses, the profit, he says, was not expected from the beginning. It is so small that it may even be in the red, if there is some, some profitability, then we plan to direct this profitability. To improve conditions, for example, or to make additional repairs, the project is social for them, explains husband, they have others to make money, several highrise buildings are being built in kyiv and the region, this is the First Experience of cooperation with the state, says brovchenko, in his opinion, working with private customers is more difficult. Construction, it is very complicated in terms of documents, in terms of reporting. The foundation is now being poured, and the construction is planned to be completed by the end of autumn. Nazar says, they were not interested in which companies are involved in the neighboring buildings. Private Construction Companies passively participate in state tenders says the deputy minister development of communities and territories serhii derkach. There are tenders where there is really only one company that comes, there are two companies, there are even tenders where no one comes at all at first. And here, again, there is the issue of complex projects. And very sometimes difficult in construction. Olena kupina, a lawyer at the institute of legislative initiatives, the director of this institute is a member of the transparency and Accountability Council of the state agency for reconstruction and development. He says there are several factors that deter developers. In addition to the capacities, the company, which participates in the state tender must have large current assets. If the money is allocated from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression, then they do not have the right to pay a subscription. Well, imagine if this is contract construction a very large amount, the one who won the tender must start working , invest his money, provide materials, pay employees, but he will not even have a subscription, not everyone has such capacity, such a number of current assets. The next item that discourages business from cooperating with by the state lack of clear work rules the lawyer explains. There are various violations, certain favoritism, or discriminatory demands, or cases when. If the contractor won, the purchase was simply canceled, a new one was announced, so that a certain favorite would win in the future. Anna moroshenko, the founder of a construction company, faced such situations, which is why she says that they do not participate in Public Tenders, although the situation on the market is difficult. The market is not that, not that not active, many companies, not even publicly, what we have not yet we know, but they are on the verge of bankruptcy. We built one of the projects and we are building it on the land belonging to the state structure, inspections, as it were, they should be and thats all, but they are not always objective, adequate, and this has a great impact on the timing of the works. The system needs changes says the head of the National Agency for the prevention of corruption, if the legislative conditions lead to the fact that not 100 of the business participates in procurement, we should change them in such a way that both the legislative condition and the actual condition are involved, so that all of them are involved. Last week, the ministry of community development, territories and infrastructure presented an anticorruption program, which contains 50 described corruption risks, including when conducting tenders. We have written clearly in the risk register where corruption can occur and what we can do to minimize it. As of december last year, it was destroyed in ukraine. More than 35,000 objects, former minister of internal affairs yevhenniy yenin said on the air of the telethon. We need more than 400 to rebuild the destruction caused by russias war against ukraine billion dollars this amount was named by president Volodymyr Zelenskyi during a press conference in the hague in may this year. Anna zheleznyak, oleksandr sova, vladyslav nagornyi and ivan korsh. Social news. Chevrons approaching victory. Unbreakable, united, independent ukraine was, is, and will be, because we are ukraine. No matter how they try to quarrel with us, we are the only one, so dont try to do to us, we keep the line, because we are strong, we will donate and do everything for victory, because we are free, we support those who are close to us, who have fallen in spirit, who have lost and continues to lose, we release from captivity those who stood up to defend the country and our future, because a strong rear is the guarantee of a strong army, inevitable victory and our independence, which we prove every day. You are a qualified specialist, motivated, ambitious, principled, you want to help restore power in the deoccupied territories, join the restoration reserve, fill out the questionnaire on the website of the National Agency for Civil Service get involved in restoration. Whoever, despite the dangers and risks, looks for the bodies of fallen soldiers, we found, everyone has the right to return home, and why it is so important to abandon the soviet vantazh 200, we need to move away from such, lets say, soviet dehumanizing names, about those who do not leave their loved ones, even after their death, in the documentary project of journalist tsnla khotsyanivskas last battle. On sunday, in the marathon, the only news, at 10 15 p. M. Congratulations to everyone who is currently watching the National Marathon united news. Andriy dikhsirenko and tetyana shurkova are working in the studio. Lets talk right now about what is happening on the front line with yevhen ievly, he is a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and we will talk about the horliv direction. Mr. Yevgeny, congratulations. Glory to ukraine. Health, glory to the heroes, what is the situation in your direction now, well, you probably know from various sources of telegram channels and mass media that the last two days there has been a very serious activation in the avdiivsk direction, avdiivka is to the right of us, if there is a map directly, it is 1012 kilometers, all these exits, of course we can hear them, we are positioned exactly in our lane without changes, but i want you to say that during the time, since february, our battalion has been holding the line, here in the horlivskyi direction, and since february, i have never seen such a large amount of equipment, to date, this afternoon, we are mavics in the reach zone in the zoom zone 65 km in depth, we observed more than 60 units of equipment, and salt tanks, and tanks and so on, that is, the enemy is withdrawing, then what we see today, the enemy is withdrawing a lot of equipment, we are also in maximum combat readiness, ready for any which, no matter how things turn out, we are ready for this, ready to fulfill all. Orders from the command, but the situation is like this, there is a lot of equipment and avdiivka, avdiivka is thundering very loudly, well, what does this indicate at all, that is, they are preparing for an offensive, right . I will not say that they are preparing, they are already storming avdiivka during the day, but my comrades from the adjacent brigade , thank god and the command and the soldiers, are repelling the assaults, they are doing quite well, evgeny, but recently, a few days ago, we were talking about how the weather , changes the nature of hostilities, eh, now, as it happens, it is reflected, here on your part of the front, you you know, entering the winter season is always such a not so pleasant story, exclusively from physical factors, what is felt, and the transition has already taken place in us, the day before yesterday we went to the position in tshirts, today we already have to wear jackets and sometimes at night even winter jackets, when you sit as an observer who is not buried normally, this is the first thing, and the second thing is to understand what a trench is, even when all these drainage holes are dug there so that it flows somewhere there, when it rains, its just in a swamp sat, and we sit, and brothers they sit, as you saw it, very often in the spring there were pictures when the fighters were in the mud, that is, well, i dont know what to call such conditions yet, that is, they have to swim in the mud, by the way, you talked about aerial reconnaissance, about a large number of equipment , now the conditions for aerial reconnaissance are there to launch drones or not . I will tell you the following about this situation, we have a history, we launch what we scout, what we can say at our disposal, these are maviks with a good zoom, maviks 3 there3 that can be seen at night, and here in in principle, 80 of the time we raise them normally, we approach the body there as much as possible, the pelvis on the runners, we see that they are resting, but there are some relatives, do they tighten some turnips. Unreal, i dont know what they are cutting down, it happens that we just raise the mavik on our own, we get a picture without even starting to move towards the enemy, but thats what is strange for me today, we watch the technicians, they are nothing there relative to the girls so that we dont see them, they are nothing serious there overlapped, thats why i say, today we clearly, present, thats how we can see in the palm of our hands a very large amount of equipment, and quite serious, mr. Yevgeny, thank you very much for the information, thank you for that and your brothers, for that takes place on the horlivskyi direction. Now lets talk about the situation in the kherson region. We are adding Yuriy Sobolevsky to the broadcast. He is also the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council. Mr. Yuri, what is the situation now . In a region where it is constantly almost hot, what are the consequences of the latest shelling, which was yesterday, in particular, any please, i congratulate you, well, as of now, we have one Person Injured , this is kyzamys, there as a result of shelling, unfortunately, she came under fire, she was wounded, but the situation is under control there, everything will be fine with her, right now in kherson. Its quiet, its quiet in kherson, but a large part of the region is occupied, what do you know about how people live in the occupied part of the region . Well, its actually very difficult, because these people are under constant pressure, and were only seeing an increase in this pressure on people, regarding their integration into system of this russian peace, it actually applies to everything, and it is actually no longer possible to live normally there. This is education, medicine, and humanitarian policy, everything is aimed at propaganda, persuading people to renounce ukraine, complete all documents already with the russian model and live according to russian rules and legislation, unfortunately, we see that right now, they are processing our people very intensively, and first of all, their efforts. on our children, on our youth, there is simply a fantastic amount of work they are doing carried out in order to completely assimilate those children, it is permanent, they are taken to the territory of the Russian Federation for socalled rehabilitation, it is always some conditionally patriotic measures, they conduct with them, they take them there to training grounds, give them weapons, and propaganda they were just stirring, mr. Yury, i was also looking at the weather forecast, they say that the kherson region is also expecting a cold weather. In connection with this question, how do you prepare, taking into account the shelling, taking into account, in general, the situation before the heating season, what with this problems . Well, actually now the maximum efforts of the military administration, in order for us to pass this season normally, they are making efforts, and we see this work, in fact, i can say that the objects of Critical Infrastructure, the very humanitarian sphere, are our hospitals, they now we are actually ready. To work there in any conditions, even if there is a negative scenario, if the enemy is massive, to work on our Critical Energy infrastructure, people will be able to receive medical services, this generators, backup generators, other measures, and besides, Critical Infrastructure objects, of course, as well as their protection, now the military administration is doing it, thank you, yuriy sabelevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, was with us live on the air , lets go further. The Russian Federal Security Service initiated a criminal case of treason against lawyer i. Novikov. This was reported by the Russian News Agency interfax. The fsb said that novikov joined the ranks of the Territorial Defense forces of ukraine and is participating in hostilities. Novikovs plan is threatened with life imprisonment. Ilya novikov , a lawyer, will now be with us on the air. Ilya, i congratulate you. Glory to ukraine. Good evening, glory to the heroes, maybe for being responsible, yes , the fsb has also brought such a case against you, you learned about it, i dont know, probably from the media, how, what was the first reaction, how seriously are you now concerned about own security here in ukraine, well , nothing has changed for me, you understand, and i think your audience also understands that from the very first day of the war there was, well, in principle it is clear that i will not go there again. From the first day i joined kyiv tro, it was clear that sooner or later they, because i did not hide it, i talked to journalists, both ukrainian and foreign, explained why i was doing it, why it was important, why, this is a very important moment, and it was clear that sooner or later they will officially announce this indictment to me, there is no such element as suspicion, it says indictment has been announced, i am accused in this case of high treason against the Russian Federation by going over to the side of the enemy, do you think this is such a comp, such and such an action is public, you are a famous person in the Russian Federation , many of the viewers know you as a member of the club that sometimes, that is, it was done specifically, as such a signal to everyone else to russian emigrants who support ukraine and left, this was done on purpose. What do you think, well, i, to be honest, i think that this is such an imitation of work, exactly the imitation of work is useful for putin and for the leadership of the fsb, on the part of these investigators, because they understand that because of the persecution of people who will not return to russia, and whom they cannot actually physically imprison, play and be destroyed on the spot, that this does not, well, does not bring any benefit, but it is easy, it is pleasant to do, it probably has some kind of copper dimension, therefore, in fact, these fsb officers are engaged in this business, they simulate a useful activity in front of their leadership, because it is good for you and me, because if, if they were engaged in what nashteit was doing there, lets say, they were looking for people who are ready to destroy railway rails in russia or to sabotage certain, certain military activities there, it would be much worse, let them better deal with me, my business , it doesnt bother me, im afraid it doesnt. Its so rosy, because its rosy, thats why that they also persecute people in russia who publicly express opinions against the war, and also bring criminal cases against them. Do you generally follow what is happening inside this country, is it possible now in todays putins russia, after the largescale attack on ukraine, is there any human rights protection at all . Well, he exists there, or they do still did not come to that. The point where they finally turn into the third reich or the fourth reich, and this requires more effort and more of this kind of dedication to work, precisely, precisely because of this tendency to imitate work, i believe that they have not yet had time to do this, there are real lawyers who take very, very big risks, my colleagues who work honestly, who do not imitate the work of a defense attorney, who really work hard to protect their own. Defensive, they, they really, really risk, they might as well end up behind by the way, but you understand that neither real political opposition nor protest in the sense that we are used to this word, this sense, but peaceful there, or some kind of demonstration, all this is impossible in modern russia, but there are people separate, there are not many of them, well, they are a minority, in fact there are many of them, if. There is even a small percentage of the population of russia, it will turn out that there are many of them, but there are certainly not enough of them to change something, so for each of them, and the protest expressed, some action, even as without much meaning, as when they set fire to the door of the military, for example, we understand that it wont stop the war, but for any person like that, to say or do Something Like that, its such a, well, im not saying that count, but in a way, its such a brave thing to do, and we, well, at least i i appreciate it, maybe it doesnt change anything for you and me, it doesnt help us, but we know that something human still lives in people, they havent changed, theyve all changed, the light hasnt gone out in them, its gone out in many, mostly extinguished, but not all, and this gives us, not you and me, in ukraine, but i would said that as our gotomka, it gives a certain hope that even in the harshest conditions, a person cannot be completely broken. And why, by the way, is there anyone else there, why is it also important for you and me, for ukrainians, for those who are on this side of the front line, because our prisoners of war are there, there are children who were illegally taken out of the occupied territory, from the war zone. Is it possible to find people inside russia who would be willing to help ukrainians who find themselves in terrible conditions in russia on a voluntary basis federations, such people exist, you dont need to look for them, like something that doesnt exist, they exist , all the time, even my friends who stayed there on the other side, they, for example, helped ukrainian refugees, or forcibly displaced persons, to return through from europe, despite the fact that many of them had neither documents nor money, and it was very difficult, and this activity, it is also risky in russia, to be honest, because the russian authorities do not approve when someone helps ukrainians , even even in this way, in this way, thats why such people are people, they are not very advertise their activities so as not to stand out

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