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By 2,000 people, you get an additional payment of 45,000 uah, no, per month, per month, colleagues, calculate, please, we divide 272 by three months and divide by mi by 2,000 people, and you are sure that there is such an additional payment, you are sure that there is such an additional payment, because it turns out somehow strange, that is, you can later. Confirm, that in the treasury, in the occupied territories, the average salary, supplement, sorry, will be to make 45,000, you are ready for it, well, they say, sign under it, or something has been pledged there again, as usual, i counted correctly, i did not make a mistake, roxelana andriivna, three months. 272 million, well, almost 3 million, right . Thank you, ruslan oleksiiovych, i think that ruslan andriivna will be able to answer, please andriivna, no, not quite so, because 272 million is for the ministry of finance, as the chief administrator, the state Treasury Service receives from an increase in expenditures by 51. 6 million hryvnias, this is a salary with accruals and with deductions, i. E. Accruals by the state does, the deduction is deducted from the employees salary, so 45,000 will definitely not be there, i will tell you in my next answer what the approximate amounts are. Thank you, please, lets move on, dear colleagues, 239, tymoshenko, yuliya volodymyrivna, please, mykhailo mykhailovych tsimbalyuk, 239, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, homeland, dear colleagues, well today , after listening to the presentation on these draft laws of the ministers, and you know, the position is surprising, rather, the Communication Style itself. Minister of finance with peoples deputies. Such an instructive tone, one gets the impression that he is speaking not as the minister of finance of the government appointed by the parliament, but as a mathematics teacher who has already written an application for dismissal from the school, due to the fact that Mutual Respect is necessary here, and then there were probably fewer amendments that peoples deputies are reading today, in fact amendment 239, it is we who are talking about what colleague razumkov also demanded in his speech all that the government did not take into account additional funds to take away from the military, as for the ministry of finance, we vote for this amendment, amendment 239 authored by tymoshenko, tsymbolyuk. And colleagues, it was rejected by the committee, please vote for 41, the decision was not taken, the next amendment is 240, honcharenko, oleksiy oleksiyovych, please, dear. Colleagues, i propose to withdraw funds from the secretariat of the cabinet of ministers and from other, from my point of view, not for the most necessary things and transfer it all to the ministry of defense of ukraine. You and i have a colossal problem. In our country today, military personnel who are discharged, for example, due to illness , are recognized as unfit or of limited fitness, they are discharged, they receive 500, 600, 700 uah per month. How much money do you spend on coffee per day, these people receive uah 500700 per month. These are people who have already sacrificed their health for their homeland, we can fix this in only one way , to transfer the funds of the ministry of defense so that these people receive the necessary additional payments, lets do it, because this is our task and for this we are here and gathered, thank you, lets vote, please, i am putting honcharenkos amendment 240 to the vote, it was rejected by the committee, please vote. For 49, no decision has been made. The next amendment 241, 242, 243, 244, 245. Razumkov, please, andriivna. We are returning to the ministry of justice, but look, we are coming to the truth, yes little by little, because at first you said that we allocate uah 273 million to the ministry of justice for a Noble Mission for additional payments, but no, no, you said 272, i asked about the whole figure , you said that we are allocating them for our people who perform the functions of treasury functions in the territories that were occupied, or were, are now near the front line, i understand that this is a very large amount, but i would at least understand we are with you they carried out elementary mathematical calculations, my child does it there in the third grade, they took 270 billion, millions, sorry, divided by three months. Because we had october left, even october, october, november, december, received 90 per month and divided it among 2,000 people, received 45 thousand additional payments, and then when you said that it was not so, it turned out that it 50, there are about 50 million, then the surcharge is 8, 8. 5, there is 8,330, if you take it, well, you. You are not told, it does not seem that we are missing somewhere, i do not hear, now you will be able to answer, i think you do not think that you and i have sunk a little 223 million, where are they going, they are recorded in the ministry of finance, where did they go, we found out that it is no longer the treasury, but where are they, who are they, to whom will these guests go, yes, its ours. We ended it with the 245th amendment. Next, which answer, rejected amendment, amendments, next 246, mykysha, please insist, please 246. Mrs. Raksalana, here is a correction about what you said that 30 million was taken from the Verkhovna Rada. I would like to appeal to the citizens of ukraine and say that this is not about the salaries of peoples deputies of ukraine. It is about the implementation of the lawmaking activity of the Verkhovna Rada, it is precisely about that, about any bill that must be discussed, has consultations, round tables, working meetings and Everything Else, money is taken from this implementation, this lawmaking activity, and you you understand that this directly affects the quality of the relevant draft laws, and that it does not turn out that the Verkhovna Rada produces, accordingly, as with the cabinet of ministers with the concept of this did, you you understand, moreover, that we add an additional 215 million to the cabinet of ministers, then i do not understand at all how it happens that we take away lawmaking activity from the Verkhovna Rada, and add 215 to the cabinet of ministers, so i ask my colleagues to support and leave these 30 million for Life Activities and Organization Activity of the lawmaker, position of the committee, please, dmytro serhiyovych, the salary of peoples deputies is paid from the program of the implementation of lawmaking activities of the Verkhovna Rada. We deduct uah 30 million from her salary. You can be anyone in this hall confirm this information . Thank you, lets vote, please. Mykyshas amendment 246 was rejected by the committee, i ask the peoples deputies to vote. No decision was made for 38. The next amendment is 247 nikludos, but there are many amendments in nikludo, you want to speak once for all of them, right . I announce 247, 362, 505, 618, 714, 787, 817, 828, 849, im giving you a speech, speak up, okay . Thank you, ruslan oleksiyovych, for your understanding and for the opportunity to speak, i understand that you have excellent communication with dmytro oleksandrovich, well , you need to dilute it a little, and i have it too small corrections, they are more modest, but still, in my opinion, they are necessary, and rukslan andriivna, i am very glad to see you, we communicated yesterday, and we communicated, i think it was fruitful, because. And we stopped at the fact that the main thing is to do everything to help the army, to help our armed forces, our guys, to help accelerate this victory, and my amendments, they are very simple, they relate to taking a little money from the secretariat of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, a little money from the antimonopoly committee of ukraine, to take a little money from the ministry of culture and information flight. Ukraine has a small amount of only 42 million uah, and they should go to the development, purchase, modernization and repair of military equipment, means and equipment, code 210150. This is what we said, i think that you will not argue, these are important , important things that can help accelerate our victory. In the next block, i propose amendments to the state agency for the restoration and development of the infrastructure of ukraine. A small amount of money, thats easy a ridiculous 3. 3 million, a little more, to send half of them to support, to support, for Budget Expenditures for the Budget Program to expand activities in the field of defense to help mr. Budun so that he can improve certain areas of his activity there, in order to in the territory of the enemy, we have also seen successes and also, which will help us, and the National Police of ukraine, i am sure that these funds can help the unit of people who are fighting and enough, i believe that they are effectively protecting our borders, we also need to help, and one more block of amendments these are also not small amounts, well, i believe that 15 million, if we remove from the National Council of ukraine on television, radio and direct it to, aid, social. Protection of citizens who have fallen into difficult life circumstances, and in fact, these are internally displaced persons who have suffered from the war, who have lost everything, we and my colleagues from the interfactional Deputy Association of the mfo of ukraine, vpo of ukraine, are dealing with these problems, and we see how much suffering falls to our lot these people, and of course, they constantly talk about what they eat need to help, so i think that this amount is not critical for the National Television council of the soviet union, and i would like it to go to their aid, please, roxelana andriivna, you wanted to answer, yes, i wanted to answer to the point to several of your proposals at once, firstly, it is impossible to take money from recovery, it is a grant, it is a targeted grant, nonrefundable aid. Of the European Union, which they gave us precisely for the needs of recovery, to use them for some other purposes, and even more so, for the needs of defense categorically prohibited, and the European Union and all our other partners closely follow this, as for the funds allocated to the scmu, the ministry and so on, these are the funds of the same International Partners that we cannot direct to defense. If you want to increase defense spending, you need to increase the internal revenues of the ukrainian state. With regard to your 787th amendment to reduce cultural spending and to reduce, thank you, lets move on, lets move on 248, 249, 250, and which ones do you propose, lets 247 propose a vote, come on, im putting to the vote amendment 247 nikludova, it was rejected by the committee, you have heard the arguments of the parties, please vote. For 32, the decision has not been made, dear colleagues, lets move on, and we will vote on the rest, if not necessary, fine, then we will not vote on the rest, 248, 249, 250, 251, 250 second amendment, please, razumkov, other authors , colleagues did not want to speak on these rights, well, dear colleagues, i will put this amendment to the vote, it is just one of the fundamental amendments, it will demonstrate the position of the hall regarding priorities of the Verkhovna Rada, and priorities in the budget, what she is talking about, she proposes to redistribute uah 204,13. 4 million from the provision of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine to the armed forces of ukraine. You talked a lot today about how the representatives of the cabinet of ministers behave, how they treat the Verkhovna Rada, i dont see any reason why, in order to allocate additional funding, the Verkhovna Rada should reduce funding for itself, i. Would like to thank you and roxelani andriivna, and the apparatus, and in this regard the committee, yes, we are reducing expenses for the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine, for the parade of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine by 30 million. At the same time, we are increasing expenses for the cabinet of ministers of ukraine by 214 million. Tell me , please. What is the logic . I understand that no one is interested in this, there are no people in the hall, everyone has gone their separate ways, but yes, the law is just as important, but how can this be explained . I believe that it is necessary to remove from everyone and all the surplus, the opportunity that appears, redirect it to the armed forces, if someone does not agree with this, you can not vote for it now, but i think that later the boys and girls at the front will take the Voting Results and look. Therefore, honestly, i am asking you, as a human being, to redirect this money to our defenders. I understand, yes, we are talking about amendment 248, yes, dmytro, 240 248, thats right, we are voting on it, include ra rasumkova, they are similar, ruslan oleksivych, at least put two 248, 249, if they will not gain votes, if there will be no common sense, then thank you, i put amendment 248 authored by razumkov and colleagues to the vote, it was rejected by the committee, i ask you to vote for 53, the decision was not made and 249, it rejected by the committee as well. Please vote, for 52 decisions have not been made. Next amendment 253. Artur volodymyrovych gerasimov. Please, dear colleagues, while in the hall at least a little. There are factions of the servant of the people, i want to appeal to you, listen to why you absolutely cannot vote for this law , the number one reason, here is not only defense, and look at what journalists are already writing, i quote, bureaucrats are asking for money for their salaries, under cover defense spending, im just showing, and reason number two, they tell you that there is no pdf here, or its there is not much, but. The key point 207, almost billions of domestic borrowings, which are the key element of revenues in this bill, they are just taken, and they are secretly taken quite a lot. From pdf of local communities. And why is it so interesting . Because after reading the conclusion of the Main Legal Department of the draft law, it is proposed to supplement the soandso section of this law, paragraph 15, regarding the procedure for using the remaining funds for subvention from the state budget. 253 amendment, do you insist that it be voted on . I put 253 correction on consideration, the committee rejected it. Please vote. No decision was made for 43. Next amendment 254 honcharenko. Oleksiy honcharenko. Friends, we should withdraw funds from officials and transfer them to those who really need them. Unfortunately,. There are many categories, well, i will give one example, lets be honest, what is one of the most important problems in ukraine today . Our most valuable resource is people, and we have a colossal demographic problem, well colossal, the war, the departure of millions of ukrainian women and children, well, thats it a colossal problem, and how do we solve this problem, including looking ahead , and today we pay the mother for a child, uah 860 per month for a small child, is it possible to support a child with uah 860, well, it seems to me that the answer is obvious, so lets take the money from officials and give it to the children, because if we want these children to be more, so that we do not sit in an empty country in 1020 years, please, oksana andriivna, do not answer, the committee rejected. Lets put oleksia, yes, i will put to the vote amendment number 254 of peoples Deputy Honcharenko oleksiy oleksiyovych, it was rejected by the committee, i ask you to vote, taking into account, for 42, no decision was made, the amendment was rejected. The next one. 255taf gerasimov, please, ivanovich, please, first of all i would like to react to the tone of the minister of finances speech before the Verkhovna Rada, and remind the minister of finance, yaroslav, for a second, leave the minister of finance alone, after all, i appointed you to this the position of the Verkhovna Rada, and not the other way around, and i very much ask you to choose your words next time to the highest legislative body of ukraine. Second, we are we still approve the military budget or the management budget. If spending on the Verkhovna Rada, the cabinet of ministers, the president s office and Everything Else is increasing, then why are we now saying that this is the military budget. Lets remove it now from the cabinet, i suggest 210 million and send it to other things. And the most important thing is that now we are sitting and dividing the budget, but if we. Do not engage in reforms in the near future, then we simply will not have anything to pay anyone, and you all understand this very well, there will simply be no income, and thats it, you can write at least billions thank you, volodymyr igorovich, please, rokslana andriivna this is a very correct comment that in order to pay the salaries of military personnel, there must be money, ukrainian money, in a single treasury account. Which come from taxes, from fees and ukrainian money, which now, for example, lie on the remains of local budgets. As for the salaries of officials, i want to say that in general, if you look at the general picture of the budget, an increase of uah 317 billion is proposed, of which uah 303 billion go purely for defense needs, and uah 16. 5 billion for domestic needs per persons, all other increases and decreases , they are balanced with a zero budget effect, i put to the vote the proposal of peoples deputy ariev to take into account the amendment with number 255, authored by him and his colleague rasymovychgoz, it was rejected by the committee, i ask you to vote. For 39 decisions, the correction was not accepted. 256 bondar velichkovich, please, velichkovich, rukslan andriivna, when you and i discussed the summer rehabilitation of children from orphanages in the summer, we remember the cabinet of ministers resolution that this category was forgotten about the fact that they must be at the expense of the state in the mandatory order of recovery or undergo a period of rehabilitation, so i have a proposal that we remove 208 m from the cabinet of ministers and send them to our very sensitive category of orphaned children. I would like to remind you that according to the law, the state is responsible for the condition and health of these children, so lets vote, dear colleagues, this is about children, about our future, here i agree with my colleague honcharenko, because people this is our most valuable and the very future that will be built our country, thank you. 256 amendment, i put it to a vote, it was rejected by the committee, i ask you to vote for 37, no decision was made. The next amendment, 257, fedina, please, fedina, no, fedina, yes, and where, and there is a frieze, frieze, please, irynas, please, eh, thank you very much, mr. Chairman, mrs. Roksalana, look, the name the bill is eloquent enough, regarding the financing of the security and Defense Sector and the resolution of priority issues, amendment 257 is about decommissioning and organizational. 206 million for information, analytical and Logistical Support of the cabinet of ministers and give them to the armed forces of ukraine. I want to emphasize that it is the cabinet of ministers that is sabotaging the preparation of bylaws for laws that are already being adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine. I want to remind you that it was the cabinet of ministers who created chaos with its decrees, taking uah 30,000 from military personnel, and then we had to. it was the laws, it was the cabinet of ministers who worked out the procedure for granting the status of the ubdd for more than 10 months, which caused a mess and a big turn, therefore i propose this informational and analytical amendment 257, authored by fedina and friz, to be rejected by the committee, i put it to a vote, i ask for a vote. For 36 no decision has been made, lets move on, the next amendment, here is 258 zheliznyak, clap, tsabol, tsabol asked, there is tsabel, please give tsabol, we negotiated for 4 minutes instead of his amendments, please. Tsabal , please, dear colleagues, our faction submitted an alternative bill to the first reading, and 10038, the main difference in which was that we to the proposed by the government, an increase of uah 303 billion for the financing of the security and Defense Sector, we proposed to add another uah 65 billion at the expense of internal revenues in those areas where there is already overexecution as of today, we held consultations with the ministry of finance, we understand that they really confirmed to us , that there will be overperformance, but on the other hand, we also understand that in a certain direction there will be underperformance, what the real picture will be, no one really knows. But at the same time we went to the meeting realizing that there is a certain risk that by the end of the year it is possible there will not be enough money, especially for the 1020 program, which is the financing of the armed forces of ukraine. Therefore, the only thing we expect from the ministry of finance is that as soon as such an understanding

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