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Protest, so the struggle of women in. For their rights is a very long story, a very long story, and many years , indeed many women are fighting for their rights in iran, i really hope that soon with the departure of this regime, they will still achieve their goal, what about the protest movement in iran, or somehow, is this resistance to the current iranian government visible . And street protests are not in those on the scale that was last year, and for several months there were none, but on the anniversary of the death of makhsai mina this girl, a twentytwoyearold girl, who was killed by the morality police, and people in many cities, many cities, came out to protest, about twenty cities, but the regime is again very repressive. Suppressed these protests, it is necessary to understand that today the potential of a new wave in society exists, at any moment, for any reason , a second wave of protests may explode. Well, thank you very much, mr. Mazyaar, mazyaar, independent the iranian columnist was with us, thank you for this conversation, i know that i wanted to say that we have news, we have today, when ms. Natali khomenyuk joined us and we asked to comment in the new kakhovka , the secretary was blown up in a car by the secretary of united russia, you know , here, they already called it a terrorist attack, of course the occupation government, well , but you see how not every war is unjust, and not every car bombing is a terrorist act, as we should really understand, and it is obvious that the activity, or special prez. Is it most likely a ukrainian partisan, nevertheless, ms. Natalya said that she wanted everything to end the way it should, it ended the way it should, i understand, because this collaborator almost died, i understand that he is a collaborator, in fact, to be honest, i cant even find no data about him, but he was the secretary of the local branch of united russia, was elected to the socalled city council in the kherson region. This is the story, the collaborator got himself this, this , this ending, well, thank you to those who sent the collaborator to the other world and showed where does it belong, we thank them in such a way that we also join our collection, because it also expels enemies from our house, well , it puts collaborators in their place, for today we have already collected 30, 4,000, 34,000 and added to our account, dear friends, now you see on your screens what we are collecting for, it is such a ground drone ukrainian development, you also see all the necessary details, join the collection, in principle, you have endured such an average amount per day, 33,000 , we yesterday we collected with you, and with a record amount for this week was 39,000, so dont wait, you can still. Throw in your hryvnias and thus help our irina koval to lay down the necessary amount of 1,760,000 and purchase two such platforms with turrets that will help our military from the joint Tactical Group adam, as well as da vincis wolves, destroy our enemies. We will now go on a short break, and then we will return, and Yulia Klymenko will be on our air, there are many topics for her to discuss, in particular, about the fact that the peoples deputies collected 250 signatures regarding the banning of the uocp, and when the law will finally be passed, well, and also there, arestovych spoke to a rather popular polish publication. Such that the hair is standing on end and we will talk about it, well, and we will also talk about andrii and about the scandals around nabu, yes, you wanted to talk about it, lets talk, lets summarize a little about the various stories that are happening in ukraine during this week, but it will be after a short break, stay tuned. 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Russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. Ukraine will become russia. Analysis and analysis of information about ukraine by russian propagandists, specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies. For historical residents of the ldnr plan to vote for reunification. Lets counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. Tuesday, thursday, friday at 17 10 on espresso tv channel. The weekly saturday Political Club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. Vitaly portnikov, host of espresso and invited experts, based on facts, give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. If you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday Political Club. Every saturday at espresso. And this is us again ethers, it begins our. Including an hour in the marathon for today, yuliya klymenko, peoples deputy of ukraine will start this hour with us, ms. Yuliya, yuliya, we already hear some sounds there, now we will see ms. Yuliya on the screen, we will talk with her about the topics of this week, but lets start, for sure from the latter, ms. Julia, onetpel is such a wellknown polish publication that many poles read, there appeared an interview with the former adviser to president zelensky, at least thats how they present him, and they also say that he is one of the most recognizable ukrainian politicians and commentators, oleksiy arestovich, and he said Something Like that, ah, with which you can possibly even agree, but when he speaks to an international, well, at least to an overseas polish audience, i dont know whether its it will benefit ukraine, for example, such theses, the blame for the deterioration of relations between poland and ukraine lies mainly with the ukrainian side, which has ceased to reckon with polish interests , and with president volodymyr zelsky himself, who is selectively influenced by the interests of business groups working in the rural economy, or poland provided colossal aid to ukraine, which actually saved us at the beginning of the war, then you could get everything you wanted, but you did not ask for anything, this is certainly noble, because it is clear that there is nothing sincere in such behavior was, unfortunately, the relationship deteriorated when our ukrainian side stopped taking into account the interests of our partner, as was the case with. A new conflict, or, the question is, will zelenskyy approach the president , many issues, for example, war preparations, mistakes in the way it was conducted, or why we lost the south of the country, well, besides all that, says the title of this interview, it sounds like i dont know if zelensky is still a democrat, thats the interview, mrs. Yulia , and here are a few questions, firstly, i know that not all deputies have access to the european union, to some foreign sites, it is allowed to be open, and here is a former adviser to the president s office, who is still represented abroad as an adviser to zelskyi, and an even more informative politician, comments on events in ukraine, why is this happening, why is he allowed to comment, peoples elected representatives, for example, who have connections abroad, should do it again. Well, this issue is difficult, because in fact we talked about it and we are telling our monomajority that if there are no deputies, or not only deputies, but if official ukrainian representatives are not at such forums, they will not go abroad to communicate with partners , then they will be quickly replaced, well, prokhindei such as ristovich, yes, well, he is just a crook, and he uses it, i dont understand who and why they invite him, but you see, people do not know, and people invite, they go to the internet, see youtube there, see that he is popular and decide that maybe he can represent ukraine, the ukrainian people. Moreover, aristovych obviously has political ambitions, and he is trying to realize them, including in this way, we have many questions for ristovich, starting with how he goes abroad, being of conscription age. And being a colonel, even i do not know who he is, what his position is, but also, he strictly speaking, well, in principle, one should be on the territory of ukraine and deal with ukrainian issues, and not travel around the world and represent ukraine, but the basic question is , of course, for the majority, and for the authorities and for mr. Zelensky, who must understand that it is empty the place will not be unoccupied, and even if. We can see the result, instead of going there, people there from friendship groups with poland, ukraine, people who know poland, who work, cooperate in poland in various asektah, its not only deputies, its also public, public community, this is the Civil Community and many others , instead oristovych is going, and we see the results in which he actually spreads russian narratives and will continue to spread them, because he is such a canned food. Russian, which was kept and is kept near zelensky so that at some point it would explode. I will find out if i ask what is happening in general now with the personnel policy and with appointments, and by the way, quite interesting material came out on the website, and you know, i caught myself thinking that, in fact, we are back in those times when we need something, when again from some unnamed sources they try to understand how this process is. Is happening because, in fact, and this is the conclusion drawn, in particular, by journalists publishing on nvvce, the cabinet of ministers has never been so much as just an appendage of the president s office, this is just a quote from the text, no one seriously perceives ministers or the cabinet of ministers as exactly, exactly how, exactly how the executive, the center of executive power in ukraine, that ministers should at least run to meetings every week and report on all their steps to some clerks, i even suspect, what are their names in the president s office and so on , that is, in fact, they just do some rough work and the actual question is how all those appointments are resolved, for example, we now have a new minister of defense, and and we know, once again, that the journalists there from their own. Find out that the appointment process was very long, due to the fact that mr. Omerov insisted that he himself would appoint his deputies, it seemed that they were not very big. Demand, yes, im going, i want to have some deputies, who, who myself appointed, yes, but, because of that, it all got pushed back a lot, but they say that it seems that umirov really admired zelsky, because he really likes when there are people who can charm him and make a wow effect, well, thank god, its good for umerova, probably for all of us, that he was able to do it, if it is really so, but yulia, for example, yulia fediv could not, that is, the person has already said that she was invited, already publicly. She said that yes, i agreed, i had already started looking for deputies, and from here i understand that she was moderately not allowed to do the same, i did not i dont know how to really comment on this, but it seems to me that this is a topic that should be raised every day, on every airwaves, because it is about how democracy is degrading and falling apart in this country, and maybe then the rightwing arresting officer, or whatever zelensky remains a democrat, you know, i want to tell you my opinion, i believe that in our country, any, so to speak, monopolization of power and monomajority, if it was formed as a result of the arrival of zelsky, it could be beneficial, therefore that the consolidation of power is always the opportunity to make quick reforms, and to jump over this, you know, this swampy, such a red tape that we always have in ukraine, and, because we have very serious, still remain soviet institutions, we always have, well, many people still remain for the red directorate and yes, well, that is, we are worried that the soviet union will still remain in us, and honestly, the monopoly of power, it could do, perhaps, a plus for the country, we could jump over if zelsky came with a quality team and gave this the team has the opportunity to work and maybe he would hear the word no, not just that he likes everything. But someone who has to say, there should always be people in the team who can say no, no, thats not wrong, lets do it that way , in another publication of ukrainian pravda, it seems that one of the journalists wrote that, also referring to the words of an interlocutor in the president s office or an entourage, that the president is a person who does not accept a word in principle, you know, it is not only for the president , it is any any manager who does not know how to think critically and to perceive and hear the word no, well, nothing good will come of it. Because there are different opinions and you cannot as one person, well, understand everything, so actually speaking, you asked what about the cabinet of ministers, the cabinet of ministers is a reflection of, well, what ukraine does not have, well, that is, what normal person would go to work as a minister or cabinet of ministers, where you cannot have your opinion, and you cannot have your mandate, you cannot say the word no, you should actually be an executor, any selfrespecting professional person will not go to work in such a cabinet of ministers, thats why we have a cabinet of ministers, loyal people who will never say the word no and can always make a performance to like it , well, you see, in the short term, look in the short term maybe it works, it has a wow effect , in the long run, no, because you know that any marathon , it requires consolidation of strength and long training, so now we entered and entered the marathon of war, and anyway. These are, you know, quick fixes, which are aimed at that satisfaction populist demands and populist solutions, they will always have this effect later, and the effect is negative later, this is what we have now, so actually speaking, well, the only question is that the fullness of the fullness of power, the great monopoly power can be used in two aspects, the first is for the good, when you do it quickly, there is an opportunity to quickly make a reform, and for this you come with a serious team of 200, i dont know, 300400 people who know what to do the day after the appointment, and what happened to us, unfortunately, is random people, what are just conformists who will never say no and will never go against the president s office, from this actually comes what we have with you, thats what i call them gray mice, let them not take offense at me, but well bright people who can do something highquality, well , they will not go to such and such an environment. The president said that he would expel the moscow priests from ukraine, which would prevent them from working for russia, and again, there is a monomajority that could actually work here for good and vote, after all in order to ban the uocmp, and yet, at the end of september, the speaker of the parliament, ruslan stefanchuk, said that there would not be votes in the parliament to do this, well, finally, the peoples elected officials collected 25 signatures to ban the uocmp. And why, having the power of the majority, and having the will of president zelensky, the servant of the people, as it were. Somehow not everyone, not everyone is in the monomajority on this issue, well, it is a large, first of all, a large faction, it consists of many majoritarians, how many do you know, 50 of factions are majoritarians, including of the eastern regions of ukraine, they all differ, lets say, unequivocally relate to this issue. The second is the serious lobbying of the Moscow Church in ukraine, which is supported by serious financial resources, this is not the case. Yesterday, we all know that the Moscow Church poured enough serious resources into ukraine, and continues to pour in order to stay here, because they understand very well that this is their last hope to stay in the body of ukraine, so that later these metastases began, how to say, to flourish and to act, yes, and therefore, strictly speaking, the lobbying of the Moscow Church should not be underestimated, they lobby at the level of deputies, they lobby at the level of the president s office, the cabinet of ministers, but lets go back to what the president said, and this, strictly speaking, on his, on his order, at his request, a draft law of the cabinet of ministers was drafted and submitted to the Verkhovna Rada regarding the prohibition of the Moscow Church, hence the question, why is it being sabotaged at the level of the leaders of the faction, the servants of the people, here i have a question, yes, because as we see, by collected signatures, most of the servants of the people faction are ready to bring up this issue, discuss and vote in the hall of the Verkhovna Rada. We will monitor how it will develop, thank you ms. Yulia, Yulia Klymenko, peoples deputy of ukraine was with us. Thank you, our dear viewers, for being with us , andriy seichuk and i will return tomorrow at 7 10, well, now, wait on our air for the appearance of lena chechenina, because she will tell you about how the jubilee book forum in lviv is going and will tell about the fact that one of one of the brightest and most discussed events was the discussion about civilizational threats from the war, ukrainian speakers discussed, in particular, Russian Society and traditionally explained why it is almost impossible to change, and the foreign participants categorically disagreed with this, interestingly, one of them even advised ukrainians not to forget that there are many dissidents in russia who risk their lives, we will talk about this later in our article, we say goodbye until tomorrow and thank you for the 1,541,908 hryvnias and 10 kopecks that we collected for today, as of today, and 37,000 have been added for today. See you, papa. 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Greetings friends, lviv bukform is going on in lviv, one of the brightest, i think cultural events of recent times, there are an incredible number of people, well, as always, at these forums, at book events, everyone comes almost with suitcases to buy books, so that later it takes a long time to read them, well, today we will talk about books separately, but we will not skip the political topic, of course, because now culture is more than anything and more than ever connected with politics with war, and well take turns talking about the good russians, you know, i know that a lot of people are a little confused by this topic on the one hand, but on the other hand, this is a very important thing that we have to solve, because the topic of communication with the outside world. Uh, its hard to overestimate it, and a lot of people, the sphere of culture, lets talk only about this, often agree that we still, well, if we dont lose, lets not be in. Use such a terrible word, well, we are still not working on it a little bit in this sense, because many people, even those who would seem to support us, in fact, do not fully understand our situation, so we will talk about it today, we will start with the event that happened, well, actually, on the second day of this forum, and if you did not go to any book forum, we will tell you that you go to locations in different. Places, you can go to such a fair on the one hand, buy books for yourself, and then you can go to discussions, to various discussions that last for schedule, choose a topic, speakers that you like like to go there, to listen together with everyone, because even to ask a question, well, yesterday i visited such a panel, such a discussion, which did not seem to involve anything scandalous, the topic is war as the collapse of civilization, will there be happiness after the war , well, the speakers there were announced from our side were vakhtan kiboladze and maksym yakovlev, they spoke at this discussion about russia, in particular, familiar enough things, for us it has already been said many times that russians actually need to be treated, that they are a nation that is stuck in violence, which perceives violence as the norm and absolutely do not accept the values ​​for which we are fighting, such as freedom of speech, democracy and dignity and everything else, but the speakers are not from the ukrainian side, they did not agree with it a little, well, they were, definitely our lawyers and ladies who speak a lot and speak for a very long time in support of ukraine, in particular, are engaged in education, this is anne applebaum, the historian and croatian writer slavenka drakulic, here are ms. Slovenka and ms. En, they are. Stated that in fact we are wrong, when we talk so sharply and radically about the russians, we need to rely on them, that there are dissidents there, there are still good people there, and therefore we need to have a dialogue with them and somehow try to be friends, so that we can be together, well, you understand everything, so that we can be together to unite and oppose this putin regime in every possible way, at the end of this discussion, two audience members from the hall asked a question. And i would not say that it was a direct conflictconflict, but such a tense situation arose because, for example, there was a journalist in the hall, my colleague yana brenzeeva, she asked a question, the question was that ms. Slavenka had written her last book, and yana said that it was such a cold shower for her, because there the author described the russian mother of a fallen soldier, and the ukrainian mother of a fallen soldier and actually put them somewhere roughly on the same plane. Lets listen to this question. That is, at the extreme point, both this and that become a mother who lost her son, lost her son. But the russian woman and the russian man could not come, could they not kill . So do they have a common experience . Then or when we talk about the fact that this experience is shared, are we not blurring the line between good and evil . Well, now lets hear what. Answered mrs. Slovenka, by the way, it is a very common situation, yes, when foreigners, and this is in the russian media, it happens quite often, when the search begins, here is the ukrainian side of the victim, the russian side of the victim, lets take a look at these people, yes and we will understand that the war is the same for everyone, well , lets listen to the writers answer, and i also do not agree with you that the mother of a russian. Young man who was accused of war crimes, that she might have influenced his attitude , his actions, or his decision to join the army, in this story the emphasis is on the mother who loses her son, and that is what puts them in similar, similar conditions. Well, even more tension occurred when Anna Applebaum and the audience also asked questions in the hall, she said that she had a lot of russian friends, she lived somewhere abroad and all these russian friends who called themselves liberals, and but they didnt even ask after the start of the fullscale invasion, how she, is she alive, instead, they began to worry not about solving the situation, but how to remove responsibility from themselves, if they also

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