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The fire has currently been extinguished, information about the victims is being clarified. That night it was also restless in the temporarily occupied crimea. Marine drones attacked sevastopol, according to the targets, as if the invaders pppo had worked out said the head of the occupation authorities of the city, mykhailo rozvazhaev. And to operational information from the general staff, 37 combat clashes took place at the front during the past day. The Defense Forces successfully repelled four enemy attacks in the liman direction, and another 14 attacks were repelled in the avdiyivka and maryanka region of donetsk region. The russians also unsuccessfully tried to restore lost positions in the deliivka area. At the same time, our soldiers continue to liberate lands from the occupiers and advance in the bakhmut and zaporizhzhia directions. They are also conducting a successful counterbattery fight in the kherson region. During the day, our aviation made 12 strikes. In places of concentration of the occupiers and destroyed seven enemies sam and the rocket and gunners struck a heavy flamethrower system, nine artzabs, a warehouse of fuel and lubricants and the station of the rep of the muscovites. Three people went missing as a result of the tragedy in the village of groza in the Kharkiv Region. Law enforcement officers will have to conduct a dna examination in order to identify. Mutilated bodies after a Russian Missile attack, the Regional Police reported. I will remind you, the army of erefia hit the local cafe with iskander. At that time, there was a memorial dinner. Currently, it is known about the 51st dead, six more injured are in hospital. The only production of thermal imaging cameras in ukraine has suspended its work due to the search of nabu. This was stated by the manager. Company oleksandr yaremenko, according to him, now help with repair, maintenance and firmware of devices is impossible, because nabus employees have removed the equipment and documents for work. In addition, according to yaremenko, during the search, copies of design drawings and software were made, which by law are the companys intellectual property. At the meeting of the kyiv court of appeal, the panel of judges said. On selfrecusal, considered an appeal in the case of exintelligence officer Roman Chervinskyi, motivated by the fact that they want to avoid any doubts about impartiality or objectivity. At the same time, the defendants lawyer said that this is another attempt to delay the appeal. Public activists have already traditionally appeared at the meeting. They chanted the slogan freedom to chervinsky. Military personnel, the father of the person who died in the gray zone and nardepka sofya fedina came to support the man. The next meeting in this case will be held at Shevchenko District Court of kyiv on october 10. Today, realizing that it is necessary to make a decision again, for which no one will thank them later. They simply removed themselves, in effect, postponing the appeal. That is, Roman Chervinsky again, each time in a different way. But they still deny the right to appeal, i would really like the Appellate Court to, lets say, question such a shameful practice and really start protecting the rights and freedoms of its citizens, and such heroes as Roman Chervinskyi. Banderas trio. If you are interested in who created the famous banned films about vasyl stus and the callsign banderas, you will have the opportunity to meet the artists on october 1415 at the viya karpatiya forum, they will take part in the literary and artistic meeting word in war, which will be held with the support of the ukrainian book institute. And now now they call me bandera, thats how you have the call sign bandera, this is footage from the movie call sign banderas. The events of the picture unfold in the fall of 2014 in the ato zone, a group of counterintelligence agents, led by the experienced captain pozovny banderas, is trying to prevent sabotage and neutralize the russian khodok submarine, which regularly sneaks into ukrainian territory. Tasks are difficult. The fact that everything is happening near the native village of the military man, in which he has not been for more than 20 years. The episodes featured real representatives of the armed forces, the script was written based on the diaries of a National Guardsman and the stories of ato soldiers. Away with the occupiers from prague. A man set himself on fire, burned like matches, protested against the entry of soviet troops into prague, and we are all silent. And here is footage from the forbidden, an autobiographical film about the life and struggle of a ukrainian poet in his sixties. And political prisoner vasyl stus, the picture tells about life before his imprisonment, the trial and the kgbs attempt to break the wash and the tragic death of stus. The scripts for both films were written by serhiy dzyuba and artemiy kirsanov. They have been working together for over 17 years, starting with the production of programs on ukrainian television. We started writing our first scripts on the new channel, when we were working, we were not creators. Lets say, we were, i worked in the press service, artem i worked in pr, and we simply, as theater directors, had such a desire to write a script for a new years concert program. Since then , the joint work of the men has been spinning. They have scripts for more than 20 films and series, and three more books. The script for the forbidden pictures and the banned banderas turned into a fullfledged fiction, and to bandera. They also wrote a sequel, they are not stopping there, we are currently working on a novel about boris mozolevskyi, who will be called the legend of the pectoral, is the person who found the pectoral of skov, she is still perhaps one of the most unknown ukrainian poets, he has very strong poems, and we were very interested in exploring all this, and now we are in the process of creating uh, first a fiction novel, and which will be very convenient to make a feature film. In 2016 , the producer valeriya borshchevska joined the creative tandem. She promotes and seeks funding for the works of kirsanov and dzyuba, but everything is stopped by the fullscale invasion of russia, artemiy says, then after february 24 there was no filming, so they mostly volunteered, took everything necessary for the defenders to the front, cooperated with filmmakers from poland and helped in whatever way they could, we decided that we should help our own, those we know, and such in this way, we began to look first for medicines, then, there, food, everything that was needed, clothes, berets, well, shoes, everything, everything, anything, and serhiy from the beginning of the great war joined the army defense, the man participated in the defense of kyiv region, and later after after studying in britain, he went to the east, where he was wounded while in a combat position. A shell from a tank destroyed the shelter in a strange way and almost took my head off. In the summer, life in the liberated territories began to revive little by little, so the trio began to return to work, because culture is important in wartime. Well, as before, you just have to take into account all the nuances of today, we have one more film, also a documentary, it will be interesting, when. You will be excused, we made this film about the kherson people who survived the occupation, and in parallel in this film we we show how the creation of a play about vasyl stus is forbidden, and we draw parallels between stus, his struggle with the system and the people of kherson, with their resistance, a meeting with banderas Creative Team will take place as part of the forum in karpatia in ivanofrankivsk on october 1415. They will tell you how to learn how to write scripts and make movies. Well, so that the number of enemy losses only increases, we have an important collection and we need your help. The espresso tv channel and the vesna charity fund are collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones for our scouts. Bpola is needed by the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, which is fighting in the hot donetsk direction. Our goal is 1 min 9000 hryvnias. Thanks to you , more than uah 9,000 have already been collected. We ask you to actively report, our defenders will report the occupiers sent to hell. Well, we have an update regarding kharkiv. As a result of two morning attacks by the occupiers on kharkiv, nine people have already sought medical attention, including an infant. Currently, rescuers are eliminating the consequences of hits, cars catching fire, and dismantling the rubble of buildings. More about i will tell you about the missile attack on kharkiv at 10 oclock. Dear friends, we return to the ether and continue our marathon , andriy saichuk and leisya vakulyuk, we work in this studio for you and continue to inform about what is happening in ukraine, oh, now we will move to kharkiv, and to the Kharkiv Region, again, again shelling, something flew in the center of the city, it was very loud, now we will ask serhiy azhukov, a deputy of the Kharkiv Regional council. Did he hear this arrival and in general what is this morning like in kharkiv, and in general in the Kharkiv Region, after yesterday russians fired at a cafe in the village of groza, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the Kharkiv Regional council, mr. Serhiy, good morning. Good morning mr. Serhiy, i understand that you did nt sleep too well in kharkiv today. Well, unfortunately, yes. Unfortunately, yes, well, in principle, the people of kharkiv are probably already used to such things, if it was a sad misfortune, i dont know if they are used to it, you know, i have a classmate in kharkiv, as soon as something flies somewhere around kharkiv, of course, i immediately write to her, how is she, she lives somewhere near the center and said that in in principle, in kharkiv, they are already used to the fact that no one responds to the air alarm. Today, in fact, the air alarm was activated already after the flight arrived, because it is obvious that kharkiv is very close to the russian border, and that way it arrives faster than manage to react to these arrivals, and said that it was very loud and very scary, usually this is what happens, the air alarm is activated already after the arrivals or during the arrivals, but do not delay for the simple reason that as you rightly said, to the border very close, and accordingly, accordingly, everything happens very quickly, which is why , unfortunately, kharkiv residents, for the most part, these airy adverbs, as you said, and in principle do not pay much attention to them, because, as a rule, if the air alarm starts before any arrivals, then. It ends without arrivals, if there are arrivals, then the air alarm is activated precisely during them or already after the first explosions, well, this is our situation, we will monitor the update of information, in particular, ihor terikhov reported that there could be a child under the rubble, we will see from what will be told next , yes, this is actually for eh, recently the second such information about serious strikes in the Kharkiv Region, and of course a terrible story, the biggest losses this year, in in principle, among civilians, there is a thunderstorm in the village, but we also usually talk about it, and there is also a dead child, a sixyearold girl, and the number of dead is 50, a village in which only 300 people lived, that is a sixth part of the. Well, regarding yesterdays shelling in the village of groza, there is a clarification, about 55 people, the police later corrected themselves, as of yesterday evening there were still 51 dead and six wounded, but supposedly a boy but a girl died there, but it is so to speak , who have changed little in the perception of this tragedy, in fact the village of the storm is really a small village, before the fullscale invasion , a little more than 500 people lived there, until yesterdays arrival, the population numbered 330 people, in my opinion, and as reported by the Law Enforcement officers from the scene of the incident what about them, there were wakes, there were people from all over, from all the households of this village, that is , every family that remained. In this village, it lost someone, and there are even whole families of dead people who came there to remember this serviceman , who died at the beginning of the fullscale invasion, and yesterday he was reburied in his native village, because before that he was chained in the city of dnipro, and relatives organized the transportation of the body and reburial, and unfortunately, he died yesterday, according to her, well, yes, policemen who are there are working, the remains of the missile have already been found, it was an iskan, that is, it is not a c300, it is a very , lets say this, an expensive highprecision weapon that the russians used, and in order to kill almost every sixth person, in one of the ukrainian villages, which, by the way, is located it is about 30 km from kupyansk, if we regularly mention kupyansk , it is still almost the front line there, then it is the deep rear, this city, that is, the village of groza this is the deep rear, it is the shevshchenko community, that is relatively, relatively calm, relatively calm. Settlement and here yesterday the russians once again proved that they can kill ukrainians in any part of ukraine and peaceful life in the settlement, and all this can be an illusion until a certain time, you know, but local people, i also understand that there is someone from another village pereku, and they say that the russians quite often. precisely during military funerals, that is, they are afraid of the Ukrainian Army not only when it is alive, but even when it is dead, they quite often, precisely in the kupyan district, fire at funerals some processions or then vigils when it comes to of the Ukrainian Military, well, look, in the summer of july 4, a similar situation was in the Kharkiv Region in the city of pervomayskyi, where they shot down. A soldier of the krakin special unit and on the same day, well, that is, during these events , and then the iskander missile flew here, there were its victims, there were wounded, there were wounded children, but to such tragic consequences as yesterday in the village of groza , uh, fortunately then, it did not lead, but to talk about the fact that the tactics are directly with the russians, and i suspect that they count on the fact that other fighters will come to the funeral of a fighter, i guess, and they will try to destroy a large number of soldiers in this way, especially if it is about some special forces there and so on, but this time, it is just a cynical killing of civilians, there same message, there were no soldiers there, you will even see it. Well, with the exception of the son of this man, who was buried, who was on vacation to bury his father and died, and the rest are absolutely civilians, there are a lot of older people, and journalists who work there, they saw all this, and there are at least such , i dont know, photographs, er. Scary, yes, they are not even photographs of the bodies of people that are there, they are not even photographs of human remains, there are torn off arms, legs and so on, and this is a bunch of phones , Sashko Brynza explained yesterday, and most of them are pushbutton phones, which are used, as a rule, by elderly people, well, this is really a problem, and eh, our policemen, our rescuers. Who actually meet with death every day, but they were working there yesterday during the search operation, they couldnt hold back their emotions either, grown men, they worked with tears in their eyes, and this and that are narrated by those policemen who were there at that time and worked and shared their, uh, well, they shared their impressions of everything, and this very, very heavy, depressing atmosphere, er, terrible and the story, absolutely, and i dont know, when you already think that already. well, where to go, where to go, what else can you think of, and the russians are still coming up with something and youre just filled with this pain, its just no it doesnt fit, it spills out, you dont know how to react to it, how to deal with it, and hey, people write on social networks and somehow throw out what they feel, and yesterday social networks literally exploded again with that pain. What they were like, what they were going through because of the shelling of the village of groza, and meanwhile the good russian, i dont know, mr. Serhiy, did you see how she thought about it, you know, yulia latynina, she wrote about what about the rocket a thunderstorm came to the village, there were funerals, the whole village gathered, that is, this iskander most likely flew to a cluster of mobile phones that were intercepted by layer 3. And not one, not one, well, here again you see, the upbringing is russian, because she writes the word moron, not a single moron who sent her did not raise a question, that a cluster of mobile phones is not necessarily military, moreover, Ukrainian Military have not been Walking Around the front with mobile phones for a long time, they didnt care, this is such a good russian who believes that, in principle, you cant kill civilians, ukrainians , to kill the Ukrainian Military is possible, this is also to the question of those in ukrainka who still hope that somewhere there is a good russian, for example, perhaps for alexii aristovych, who calls himself a ukrainian, who constantly communicates with this latin woman, and constantly, by the way, communicating with latinina, constantly scolds ukrainians. Mr. Serhiy, what would you say to the latins . This is complete bullshit what she wrote and any military that works. Uh, in the war zone and knows how it all happens, things like that, hell just take it on his own, i dont know how in principle to react to things like that because this story about the cell phone clustering, yeah, thats just one way of smearing the russians and saying that maybe it wasnt on purpose, actually, like i said, its stupid because the missile was. About iskander, it is programmed in advance, and uh, that is, the russians knew about the point of the attack for a certain time, i think for a day, at least, that is , this is the intelligence information that they received, that there will be a military funeral in the village, that there will be a wake for such and such coordinates at such and such a time, and they were programmed this missile and fired it. The only thing i can think of is that maybe, maybe they were calculating, or they got information from some agent on the ground that they were going to be there, that there was going to be a lot of military there, maybe thats the only thing that i can assume, again, is its just my guess, i also see simply in all this, well, some kind of attempt to remove the blame from ones own army, to justify it, because it is removed that some incomprehensible iskander, who is flying somewhere in the air and in space, suddenly noticed and. Some more morons appear who sent him, well, these are some unknown morons, no, no, dont resemble the russians, no, dont use the word morons, its not good, well, its hard to call them wise people, people and so on, backward russians, mr. Serhiy, thank you, have a peaceful day in kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, serhiy zhukov, deputy of the Kharkiv Regional council, was with us, we will show you later, by the way , aristovych, who again spoke in that latin language about ukrainians of all kinds, but that will come later, after a short pause , we will return and continue. Festival of culture and book form literature returns, live in lviv, online in the world, foreign and ukrainian authors, book fair, discussions that change the future, new location in the city center. The powder tower on pidvalnaya street, october 4 8. Come, the entrance is free. Details on the website bookforom. Ua. When civilization is wiped out by a pandemic, a teenage girl may be humanitys last hope. Watch the hbo series that took the world by storm. The last of us, exclusively, in the meogo subscription. There is a discount. On amicitron 20 in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies there are discounts on nasoferon 15 in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. No matter what ukrainians think about, no matter what they talk about, war still comes first. War and our victory, only for espresso, from monday to sunday, completely different spheres of human activity. Sports, health, politics, the return of crimea, military analysis, nine presenters, journalists, experts, opinion leaders. In mode. Real time is more relevant events through the prism of war in authors projects on espresso. Hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. Top guests every day. This is the shipping district, kherson. Turn on live. We are in somewhere around bahmut, we tell you the main thing, on weekdays at 9 00 a. M. , join the community with a ukrainian view of the world, become a sponsor of the youtube channel, which means access to exclusive content, personal thanks, pinned comments, special icons and the possibility of personal. With by the espresso team. Click sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian perspective. Mykola veresen, Vitaly Portnikov and the main topics of the week. If it is applied against ukraine, god forbid indeed, Tactical Nuclear weapons, that would definitely change the world. Stories, issues, analysis and personalities. John herbst, the former ambassador of the United States to ukraine, is waiting for us. Good afternoon, do you have a question . You will get answers, also interesting questions, it is worth analyzing, sportnikov veresen, every friday at 21 15 on espresso. Vasyl winters big broadcast. Two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with Economic News and sports news. Two hours in the company favorite. Presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zimas big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. Dear friends, we are back on the air, listen, so with the news that is pouring in such a terrible , terrible barrage from the russians, i forgot that we are holding a collection. we are holding and continuing, and today we already have 1. 4726 hryvnias and 58 kopecks. And we need, let me remind you, 1,760, that is, we do not have enough, already less than 200 and a half thousand, for yesterday we collected 35 000 hryvnias, thank you for this, but the collection is ongoing, you can see that there is more to come for. Quite a sum, but compared to what was, it is already small, you can see the Bank Card Number 5375, 41. 12 08 31 8985, or qr codes you can also see on your screens, please tell us, we are collecting for vovkivcha, we are collecting for the combined Tactical Group adam and we are collecting for each unit, we want to transfer according to Ukrainian Development, these are platforms with turrets. Ground drones that will help destroy muscovites, because they are on a remote, can be remote machine gunners, and besides, they will help evacuate our military from the battlefield and deliver ammunition to the battlefield. This is a wonderful Ukrainian Development that will make life easier for our soldiers at the front and make life worse for russian soldiers, we need to collect 288 thousand more, dear friends, lets convert our pain, which appears after those russian shellings and our anger, into donate and join our collection. Well , now kirill is appearing on our airwaves sazonov, a political scientist in peaceful life, a military man, in life, in the military, mr. Kirill, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, and we are glad to see and hear you, where

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