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By the occupiers of the 25th army, which took up positions south of kremina, in the luhansk region, ilya yevlash, the head of the press service of the Eastern Group of troops, said. According to him , the personnel consists of russian contractors. Fighting continues in the direction of tokmat, hot on the flanks and on the verbove novoprokopivka line. The occupiers are not far away. Exhausted, as some have already hastened to declare, writes military correspondent bohdan myroshnikov, the enemy still has considerable potential for defense, as well as for counterattacks on the flanks in the district villages of kopani and novopokrovka. Explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied dzhankoy after noon. After that, local residents published photos with a column of smoke, according to the ako collaborator. The local pppo allegedly shot down the rocket, he also assures that its fragments only damaged the warehouse, there were no casualties. The ministry of defense of the Russian Federation said that there were two downed missiles. Let me remind you that there is a military airfield in chankoi, which is actively used by the occupiers. Approval of the bill on temporary funding of the Us Government will not stop the announced aid to ukraine. This was reported earlier by the spokesman of the ministry of Foreign Affairs of ukraine, oleg nikolenko. On september 30 , the us house of representatives approved a bill on temporary financing of the government, which provided for 6 billion dollars to support ukraine. The draft law was adopted in order to avoid the socalled shutdown the termination of the work of the government. I signed a law to keep the government open for 47 more days, there is not enough time to pass government funding bills for the next fiscal year and i urge congress to get to work immediately, the American People expect their government to work, lets make sure it does. A flag bearer of memory, such an event was held in lviv on the day of defenders of ukraine. The purpose of the event is to commemorate the soldiers who died defending our country. They held a symbolic action with flags. Of ukraine, which were installed near the monument to vyacheslav chornovovol, families, relatives and friends of the deceased wrote their surname, first name, date and place of death on them. We must remember every deceased, deceased, defender, defender, we must honor their families, and most importantly, we must not let their rank be betrayed, they give their lives not so that paving stones are laid, roads are built, but not i will provide the whole army, they give their lives so that we live in an independent, free ukraine. Ukrainian symbol of memory of the dead. Viburnum bushes were planted in the city park of poltava. Such an action was held before defenders day and defenders of ukraine. The first 20 bushes were planted as a symbol of memory of fallen soldiers. Dozens of townspeople joined the action, including active military personnel, their families, as well as families of the dead. For them, such an initiative is another opportunity to pay tribute to our soldiers. I am currently on vacation, i am serving, and such an opportunity to see what we are fighting for, that we are together, that there are many of us , on this day, i remember my brother from the 14th year, i was in the battery, will forever be a reminder for us. Defending our country, he came, we ourselves from the luhansk region. Arrived here, he, helped us to set up here, turned around and went straight to the honor as a volunteer, the donbas battalion, there he said that mom, how is it possible, i will go to defend my shepherd, i will die there, the steel titans of bakhmut opened an exhibition in the capitals History Museum about the defense of the invincible fortress, in focus, the personal stories of the defenders of the city, thanks to which this battle will go down in World History as one of the largest and most difficult at the beginning of the 21st century. At the exhibition, personal belongings of 14 soldiers, defenders of bakhmut, 11 from they, unfortunately, died. For the first time, in one exhibition plane, photos of the battle for the city, which came from press Service Officers of brigades of various military branches. I saw some videos where he was saving, he was ready to run, as he told me the last time when he arrived, im not afraid of death, im ready to go there when i know that these materials were touched, that these are personal things that were worn , were carried around, touched by hand, and now he is not alive, then i understand that you cant look at it any other way, its a form, of course. These are weapons, these are documents, at 23, passed through Donetsk Region and Kharkiv Region, destroyed many occupiers and freed territories from them, oleksandr is light, considers it an honorable duty to protect his homeland, because he wants to live in a peaceful ukraine, yaroslav gupatsa will tell about the battle path of a brave defender. Oleksandr is 23, he comes from khmelnytskyi, but now he is in the white church. Where he serves in the 72nd brigade, he says he is the first in his family to choose the military path. He started thinking about protecting his homeland when he was 14. At that time, the russian army invaded our territory. In 2017 the boy entered the academy of the ground forces, already in 2021 he went as a platoon commander to Donetsk Region. He was part of the 30th brigade in may, where the main task was not to let the occupiers pass any further. In this populated. At oleksandr point and met a fullscale invasion. Well, then there were no such intensive combat operations as they are today, then they could work there a little bit with a mine, a sniper could come and shoot at them and that was it , there were no such assault operations, there could be drgs of two or three people just giving nightmares , as they say, thats all. In donbas, we find that the shelling started on february 16, there were already artillery mortar shells, shelling from tanks. The Russian Federation has already started its special operation in donbas , as they say, i did not think that everything would be like this, that there would be a fullscale war there on kyiv and the like, i did not believe it until that moment, until i saw everything, from may oleksandr went the svyatodar arc, where for three months together with their comrades they fought off the regular army of the socalled lnpr and dnr, from there an easy was transferred to novoluhansk, where he met the wagnerites for the first time, so to speak, later. The reptile was taken out of Donetsk Region for recovery, well, then there were battles in Kharkiv Region and active liberation and clearing of the territories there, with his company, the young man went to the village of small komyshuvakha, however says , what they saw there cannot be described with censorious words, this is our church, as the servicemen of the Russian Federation lived in the church, we cannot watch the video, because in the church in oh yes, they made such icons out of the church, thanks to the work of the subdivision alexanders command managed to defeat a good number of russians and knock out several units of their equipment, this also happened in bakhmut, where the occupiers climbed and climbed, according to him, 6070 russian soldiers advanced every three hours, and they also used phosphorous weapons prohibited by the Geneva Convention bombs the road of life was the road to the village of bakhmud from the side of the temporary ravine, which passed through khromovo, there was such a height, it was the only road that led to the village of bakhmut. Already when the city more than half was not under our control, our boys remained there. We had the most important task, it was to prevent the intruder from entering this road, because the boys would be blocked, well, everything, roughly speaking, the air would be blocked, this is evacuation , this is the delivery of ammunition, this is the delivery of food, the delivery of water, every day there were four machines , human lives were taken, but. Everyone understood that it was necessary to go, because our brothers were there and they needed to be helped. Currently, legky holds the position of officer of the civilmilitary Cooperation Group and deals with missing persons and assures that ukrainians should unite even more and master military skills, because only in this way will we be able to win. People are simply, as they say, tired of war. But no one asks those soldiers who are directly in the trenches all the time. They are constantly holding back the enemy under shelling, they are also tired, but no one talks about it , people are tired today today, the situation in our country is such that 80 of the population of ukraine has someone there in the war, either killed, or captured, or missing, or currently in the trenches, well, this war will affect everyone, thats 100 . Yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bela tserkov. Stay with us, the next news release at 18, see you, welcome to the espresso channel. Today, in our military program, we will talk about how to protect our people from russian terror, because russia continues to use cruise missiles, these shaheds, to attack our cities and villages, and this largescale terror causes the death of our citizens, the destruction of houses, fires, creates danger from explosive components and all this in our rear behind the front line. Against the background of these challenges, ukraine is now forming a new concept of security, from Border Protection to new Living Conditions of territorial communities. And this is quite such a complex process that requires a lively dialogue and exchange. Between specialized specialists and Community Leaders in order to develop effective models and forms of counteraction to the russian threat, this is exactly the kind of exchange of opinions and best practices that will take place october 4 and 5 in kyiv, where the Exhibition Company euroindex, as well as the league of Defense Enterprises of ukraine and the association of sappers of ukraine will hold an event called security 2. 0. Modern ones will be presented there. Security technologies to protect and preserve the full functioning of all sectors of the economy, the event is supported by the ministry of economy of the state Emergency Service of ukraine, the Security Service of ukraine, the allukrainian association of united territorial communities and a number of foreign partners, it will be just 44 and october 5 in kyiv. And now, in our program, there will be an opportunity in a conversation with officials of ministries, heads of Manufacturing Enterprises and territorial communities to prediscuss some directions and projects that can strengthen ukraines capabilities in countering the threats that our enemy is currently producing. My name is serhii sgurets, i am the director of the defense information and consulting company, which, together with the espresso channel, strives to highlight the most relevant trends in the field of security and defense of our country. And now oleksandr korinny joins us, this is the head of the allukrainian association of united communities, mr. Oleksandra, i am glad to welcome you and to see and hear you on kanalusos air. Good day, we are glad to see you. Lets try to go through all the important directions that actually form such a safe environment in which our territorial communities should exist, and lets start with the first direction, that is, the creation of protective structures, bomb shelters, where our people go, or somehow way to protect yourself from enemy attacks. What is the Current Situation with the defense buildings, in terms of their quantity and quality, in accordance with the needs that our communities have. Well, it should be said, first of all, that today we have two most urgent things in the state, the first is the achievement of our victory, the second is the safety of our people, as you absolutely correctly noticed, and today we have to work on this together, this is not an issue of the state or communities, it is a common issue for all of us, unfortunately, on this issue we were not fully prepared for a fullscale invasion, today, we have practically no safe territory on the territory of ukraine, yes, we have occupied communities, we have deoccupied, frontline communities, those communities that are in the body, but today it can fly to every populated place and even to the border with romania, so today we have to make maximum efforts to people had the opportunity to be protected, and our association is for this our partners, colleagues from the National Emergency situations service, and international projects, donors, make maximum efforts, we train the heads and representatives of the local government, how it should be, how to do it, we help through projects, repair, build, make new shelters, today, first of all, this is a very important issue, and it is absolutely timely, the construction of new shelters for students at educational institutions, in a word, today there should be an elementary thing in the same bomb shelter, this, fresh air, complete security, drinking water, if there is an opportunity to do internet and other things, that is very good, and we have to understand that our neighbor will not go anywhere, and this is a question both today and tomorrow, and this is a question for the future. Because well , i understand that in big cities, maybe there in the capital or in kharkiv there is an opportunity to go down to the subway somewhere, in small communities there is no such opportunity, and we have to constantly work on this, but there are some general indicators regarding the satisfaction, relatively speaking, of the needs of the civilian population in protective structures there, respectively to the needs of children in the educational process, to what extent do the sports that exist now satisfy. The needs that exist according to the number of our population, and as far as i analyze for myself in a different way, if there are many schools in the communities, educational institutions, where a mixed Education System is used, this is the first, the first sign that it is not possible to hide all the students of these institutions in those shelters that meet all the norms, because most likely, there are not enough of these institutions throughout ukraine and we have to work on this, and today, and the special subvention that is provided for next year in the budget and this year, which is provided for training schools, is very relevant, and i really hope that by the end of the year, we will certify and launch there are a lot of such shelters in our communities and they will be really safe, comfortable and convenient and will help increase the share. Those, that contingent of students who can study offline, because it is not only about safety, here it is also about the quality of education and everything, we must move to ensure that all institutions can have 100 of their students, those who are getting an education, but for this still requires time and resources, mr. Oleksandr, when you talk about a resource, we are talking about a state resource, are there other options to look for opportunities. Funds to to expand the number of highquality bomb shelters in order to be able to safely survive these enemy attacks . I think that when, for example, there is a very complicated discussion in the country about the military pdf, well, then, at the level with the support of military formations, drones, there are medical items, other things that are necessary for the life of victory, the issue of building bomb shelters, shelters, where our citizens can save their lives in more or less relatively peaceful territories, is also clearly important, so it is possible that one of the directions of application of these funds can also be shelters, but if you take my personal point of view frankly , then the state funds, the funds of our international partners, and the funds of local selfgovernment bodies should be directed here, in a word, if we are talking about human life, here i it seems that everyone should work as much as possible and in the maximum possible volumes, lets say this, because there is actually still a lot of work, most of those institutions that we conventionally consider today as shelters, bomb shelters, these are the simplest basement rooms, above which also it is necessary to work very seriously, i saw several of your such clear comments about the fact that the personal income tax is going to be taken from the communities from. This really ensures their effective use, in which directions can these funds be used now in order to strengthen the protection of the communities themselves from various external risks, what are the mechanisms for using these funds from personal income tax from the military. Well, look, a 1959 draft law was introduced in the parliament on the possibility of spending money, purchasing by communities of things intended for the military and handing them over to them, because to be honest, today there is no legislative basis, and Law Enforcement and inspection bodies always have questions for communities that have purchased , for example , drones were handed over, thats why this project was introduced, but then i understand that due to the fact that there was another initiative to remove this pdf altogether, this draft law for today day is not accepted, our proposal, the position is as follows we accept 9559 , we give the opportunity to legally buy these things, and by resolution 590, which regulates. Treasury service, for example, we ban those things that are not inherent today in wartime, it is possible and the construction of stadiums, skateparks, or something else, the roads that were built there, which are nonalternating, yes , there may be funds, but there may be funds, but these funds must necessarily go through local selfgovernment bodies, because to us the military very often turn to us, a lot residents of our. Communities often turn to us and ask for help, today the lack of funds in the budget is primarily the inability of the communities to help their mobilized boys, and this is also from our boys to the local authorities, i consider this to be a negative consequence, another issue, we also have to foresee the impossibility of using the funds in other directions, and for this i consider the cabinet of ministers to have the 590th resolution sufficient, another issue that does not specifically concern the budget and the pdp, but its distribution, it concerns more, say yes, the collection of this tax is a question of not all communities having this tax, and therefore it may be worth it that this tax be distributed to all territories from where the guys are mobilized, that is, in fact, it goes after each military man, i dont know if the tax has such an opportunity to do it now, but this is one of the solution options, when all the communities. Distribute this tax throughout the territory and would have the opportunity to help their boys, but this is the subject of a very serious discussion and we have time until the first of january about discuss it, and i i think that these funds should serve defense capability, support of our military units, but should remain in the communities. Mr. Oleksandr, thank you very much for these explanations, i hope that they will really listen to us and these funds will really remain in the communities, i hope that your allukrainian association will provide such optimal approaches for communities to develop and have various projects related to protection thank you for the inclusion, i will remind our viewers that oleksandr korinny, head of the allukrainian association of united territorial communities of ukraine. And when we actually talk about the number of bomb shelters, in fact, according to statistics, the indicators are such that they are not for the entire population, we have a sufficient number of protected structures, there are also restrictions on bomb shelters in schools, according to certain statistics, if we will see them now, it means that with protective structures, we can actually provide protection for approximately 46 of the population, and when we talk about the educational process, about schools, about kindergartens and so on, then we are talking about slightly higher indicators, but also not quite enough , in fact, we are talking about the fact that protective structures of Civil Protection in educational institutions allow to provide shelter for about 57 of participants in the educational process , and that is why our previous guest was talking about the fact that it is necessary to create such. Protective structures that should be sufficient to meet modern needs, from wifi to fresh air and water and other things that allow you to stay there for a certain amount of time. And then viktor joins us vytovetskyi, is the director of the department of organization of Civil Protection measures of the state Emergency Service of ukraine. Mr. Viktor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. Good day. For your position, as i understand it, your direction is related to somehow ensuring the integration of certain voluntary processes for expanding the capacities of communities with those bodies of the state Emergency Service that perform firefighting tasks in various directions, and i would like to start with a small touch, which in general now the situation with the ability of the state Emergency Service, well, operationally, to deal with fires, because i saw information that there are directions where fire engines of the state Emergency Service are forced to spend an hour there to get to certain villages where there may be such, well, dangerous events related to fires . Well, i will say that the state Emergency Service provides a response throughout the territory of ukraine, of course, but there are cases when the Response Time actually exceeds the standard, and is much more than 20 minutes. As a rule, this is inherent in rural areas, therefore one of the priorities of the government, and in particular the state emergency situations service, is the development and assistance in the creation of units of local and kind of the fire department, who are, in principle, our first assistants, and where our unit , the unit of the state Emergency Service is far from the scene, as a rule, our volunteer colleagues arrive first and can start some initial priority work before the arrival of the main forces, the forces of the state Emergency Service, and when we we are talking about these volunteer units, what exactly is it about when we talk from the point of view of technical equipment , number, powers, opportunities, what kind of structure is it in general, how is it integrated, well, into the life of our communities on certain examples, i can say that it is integrated legislatively and recently, thanks to the joint efforts of the state Emergency Service, the ministry of internal affairs, as well as the parliamentary corps of the verkhovna rada, it was possible to make changes to a number of laws, and by the way, this work continues. But the changes that have been made have made it possible to organize in more detail the role, functions, and powers of volunteers, uh, volunteers are included in the response system of the state Emergency Service, by including them in the engagement plans, the socalled forces and means. This allows the emergency dispatcher to involve our colleagues to perform certain tasks, related to fire extinguishing, liquidation of the consequences of other emergency situations. Now we can talk about the presence of more than a thousand units of local and voluntary fire protection, and almost all of them are included in the plans for attracting forces and resources and are involved in extinguishing, including fires, and there is also another important segment this is conducting explanatory work with the population on territories of the communities where they were created. In particular, i will say one number, she. A lot will be said about, for example, in the 22nd year, at the beginning of the invasion, the armed aggressor, specified units were involved more than 11,000 times for trips and liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations, that is, we can imagine the help to the state and the state Emergency Service, in particular, which our volunteer colleagues provide, but these volunteer structures, what. Is not provided, how much usually there are people in one or another community to talk about the fact that such a volunteer unit has really been created, which can really effectively carry out the task when a fire actually occurs, what is the typical picture of such a volunteer unit, a typical picture is the following, on average somewhere around ten volunteers, we would recommend in order to talk about. A capable unit. At the same time, there are completely different situations, some communities have a unit in which there are 47, for example, volunteers, some where there are 34, but if these three or four volunteers are very active, lets say, and targeted on the result, and they live by it, then such units are also quite effective, er, so er, there are certain recommendations, but the situations in the state are different, it affects directly, more precisely, it depends directly on the community, how United Society is in this community, but i want to say that where such units are created, you can observe how much society is united around these units, around the tasks they perform, and this very much contributes to such unity, precisely in the context and precisely on the territory of individual communities, and by the way, what is primary is the creation of such units, or when there is an active community that solves current problems there, then there are such volunteer fire units , if there the community is more lethargic, then it is certain to achieve consolidation, the formation of such

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