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Monteo convention, this is excluded because that there was no such precedent, such a step would definitely be one of the radical ones and would have unforeseen consequences, so turkey has other trump cards in the end where the russians will rest in the end eh how will the russians i will receive under sanctions goods a lot of such different nuances that can transform the lives of russians, for example but are the turks ready to apply them, well, in the last resort, despite the fact that turkey is a member of nato and opposes russia in syria, libya , nagornokarabakh and ukraine, erdogan has a lot in common with putin, in particular, in his autocratic approach to leading the country. In general, the worldview of russians supports the concept of a multipolar world order. Turkey also strongly supports this idea, because they see themselves as one of the poles of the world in them. Have ambitions during the recent president ial campaign, the kremlin will throw a financial lifeline, the western press wrote, because it is very profitable for putin to create obstacles for the rapprochement of turkey and the west, and sometimes it seems that he is succeeding, here we have to start from the policy of the president of turkey, what is it based on on international norms, whether or not it violates International Law and the norms of the territorial integrity of neighboring states , of course, gerdan must pursue a policy that is contrary to the National Interests of turkey long before the meeting, the president of turkey announced that he wants to restart the grain agreement , for this probably erdogan will come in under the pretext of helping russia to increase its own grain exports, but here he will act not in putins interests, but primarily in his own interests, because first of all, the ability of ukraine to export its grain from the black sea carries economic benefits for turkey itself. Turkey has a very serious discount, and the fact that it processes ukrainian grain and into flour, and there the added value immediately arises and many, many other things. That is, this and transportation of grain, well, that is, they are in good profit, secondly, achieving this will not allow erdogan to retain the role of a global world player who saves the middle east and africa from starvation, i think that if he achieves a breakthrough, however modest it may be, it will affect the prestige of the president erdogan, i think that this would cause good feedback all over the world, including our western allies and partners, and if for erdogan grain is an economic and diplomatic asset, then for russia it is a reason to bargain with the west for easing sanctions. And not only those related to the export of russian grain and fertilizers, but also financial ones, such as the return to the world system of rossilkhozbank, it would be extremely difficult for turkey to play a role in reducing the number of sanctions applied against russia. So , if putin is thinking of using this as a tool to change the sanctions regime, i think that these are very naive expectations. I dont believe that the west will go for it, so putin, obviously understanding this, can bet on political points and play on the perspective of his strategy , assuming that even if suddenly he he will return to the grain agreement and everyone will push him there in different places, he does not want to act as a beggar. And the right sword, apart from the issue of ukraine, the pace of the conflict in syria and nagorno karabakh, however, in the agreements with putin , many countries have bitter experience, which we hope the president of turkey will take into account erdogans policies this is not about the interests of ukraine or russia, for the turkish leader it is important to emphasize that turkey is an independent player with its own vision of its role in the world and for the moment turkish ambitions , which is important for us, will have more benefits from victories of ukraine artem kulya facts of the week ictv the only news subscribe to our Youtube Channel facts of the week there is a lot of interesting information about the operation of the funeral of a beauty in st. Petersburg , the leader of the militants was secretly buried, the kremlin did everything not to turn his funeral into a pompous procession, well, and thus deprive the rebellious militant of the halo of a martyr for this , the authorities classified not only the time of the farewell, but also the place, in order to mislead the handsome men , immediately near several st. Petersburg cemeteries , metal detectors were installed, they had to convince that they could bury putins former cook there, but instead, the owner of wagner pvk was quietly buried away in another cemetery where there were no metal detectors. Operation prigozhinas funeral became the final chord of the special operation. The liquidation was brought, but this was not the end of the story. Putin was convinced that a relatively small group of armed people could easily reach to moscow, therefore, the kremlin will be forced to act in advance, destroying potential who will be next after prigozhin and what dangerous processes for the kremlin to launch these purges, Konstantin Pavlov figured out who will be purged after prigozhin. Do you know anything about whether he is really dead . Everything was put in the coffin. It is not so important. Why is the cream of secrecy at the funeral of the main wagnerian great fear in the kremlin and how the fsb will clean up potential rebels. They opened the season. Hunting and also will it affect the war in ukraine for those who discuss am i alive or not . This video, which appeared after prigozhyns burial, broke the networks in africa, therefore, fans of the discussion of my liquidation are intimate жизни зарабоtков there or ничего нибудь actually говая всё одресье and what about the identification of the body and who was then on board the downed plane with a white baboon, it exploded twice , it falls, you look, it falls, the creative area falls, the embre plane falls from the sky, on board , it seems, evgeny prigozhin, dmytro utkin, the founder of pvk wagner valery chekalov, their accountant, only soldiers and members of dmytro utkins crew were burying with military honors the pantheon of defenders of the homeland near moscow, but the burial is slowly turning into a game of thimble, either empty or full coffins they drag around almost all the cemeteries of st. Petersburg, which of them is beautiful and whether he is there at all is unknown, in the end it is announced that putin s cook was buried in a distant cemetery on the border with the leningrad region as far as i understand , there were actually no officials well, naturally , fsb operatives created a mass and nothing more and is there really a beauty in this grave . And is he dead at all . There are several versions, and i will tell about the main ones later in the story, but for now, in order to understand who the kremlin can clean up , next i will remind you what exactly caused the head of the pvk wagner to the grave of the emperor 50 всё как мы любим the conflict between the parishioners and the military leadership of the aggressor country begins long before these events, the leader of the wagnerites begins to pull the blanket over himself from the ministry of defense of russia, the socalled zetbloggers are massively supported, one of them is the wellknown terrorist exconfessor girkin strilkov, who criticizes the clumsiness of the Russian Military and political command. In support not only of the russian republic, but also of the army, behind him is the excommander of the Russian Occupation forces in ukraine, serhiy suroviki, nicknamed general armageddon and the syrian butcher, only ukrainians are one people, even the president of chechnya , kadyrov, considers prigozhina his elder brother ramzen kadyrovs younger brother will replace you there. Well, with such support, how can you not go to belokamyana to punish the unlucky lips and gerasimova , the chief of the general staff, ran away from here. How i only found out that we are approaching denmark, how did it end . Everyone knows putin and the leadership of the country are fleeing moscow, and prigozhin is meanwhile being renounced by almost everyone who supported him. Treason and a knife in the back, according to the tradition of russian tsars, to begin with, the rebel is removed from the eyes, in our case, in belarus, they are hostile. Also, in any case, he would have been suppressed. But putin is not the kind of person who forgives treason, you know something yes, thats all. And thats an impossibility. The betrayal of the mutiny disappears. General armageddon surovikin is unknown for two months. There are questions about him, whether he is alive at all. Later, for extremism, they arrest strilkov , who called putin worthless. On august 24, exactly two months after the mutiny, prigozhinas plane crashes near putins residence in valdaya, but it is not said which of the threatened people flew there. Three official doubles who took the surname evgeny viktorovych prigozhin, when the surname evgeny viktorovych prigozhin appeared in the passport, it did not mean that the real prigozhin was in this place. But the version that prigozhin was alive and agreed with putin is only one of many hidden somewhere sure the incident with the beautiful plane is a show execution of a traitor and for the last revenge putin will be a military man evil grayhaired complex and from the point of view of the environment there can be anyone uhuh because they opened the hunting season who are these candidates for very indifferent to them the future with the first three you already know the first syroviking is probably sitting the second horking is definitely sitting the third prigozhin is probably lying but there are other friends of prigozhin who glorified him to the whole russian world as an example oleksii dyumin and prigozhin were friends dyumin supported pvk wagner in criticizing the ministry of defense russia and even after the mutiny declared that he did not consider prigozhina a traitor, another candidate for eternal flight igor sechin, president of Rosneft Sechin , an influential player in the kremlin, he is called the second person after putin in march sechin secretly met with prigozhin and the first and second then lost influence among the Russian Elites and could well conspire in the event of problems to act together the next candidate billionaire Konstantin Malofeev oligarchs with ties to the fsb one of the sponsors of the promotion of the russian peace abroad and also wars in ukraine, and although he calls putin the best ruler, it is precisely these who betray most of the people of kyiv , there are only a few notable people who have the money and the means to organize some mutiny by the way, malofeev is not the only one who said out loud that prigozhin should be buried as a hero of russia, he certainly deserves to see him off as a hero of russia. That kadyrov is now relative to security, but if he sits quietly, but he sits quietly, he is waiting for how this war will end, but there is a nuance for putin, it is unpleasant to have kadyrovs army by his side is partially subject to the disarmament, but leaving chechnya without kadyrov is like opening another front, so most likely the wings of the chechen president will be clipped here with kadyrovs freedom when he has some military units of his own, etc. , but this seems to me to be the end of this autonomy, i could tell about another candidate for departure is viktor zolotov, the head of the riot police, but our experts believe that he does not have enough intellectual abilities for mutiny, and therefore it is unlikely that he is capable of anything with the strength of his intellectual potential, lets put it mildly, but putins close henchmen are useful for ukraine, he was so afraid of a mutiny that he allowed heavy equipment to be transferred to the gold department, this means that this equipment is now needed at the front, and putin is forced to keep it in the rear around him now, god forbid, who the destruction of prigozhin and wagners leaders will not allow the kremlin to reassemble any capable units, and putins hunt for kremlin witches is also beneficial to ukraine because the russian elite is afraid of being executed mobilizes it even more often to seek contacts with the west in order to obtain security guarantees, the great fear in the kremlin is that they will be silent because it is better to be silent than to speak, because otherwise tomorrow they will say that you are against the war, tomorrow they will write a denunciation on you, according to our experts, the fsb is already compiling lists that will be put on the table putin has more and more surnames there every day. We worked out the lists of people. We made a complete list of who was the first to be involved in this rebellion. Who knew about the establishment but did not inform him, then promised him you are coming to moscow. And we, well you will seek to wait and we will do everything to have a chance to survive. There are not many questions in putins partisans, only who is next in line . Each of them knows that today they are in the same boat, but tomorrow they may be in the same plane. Kostyantyn pavlov facts of the week ictv the only news is the new tactics of the selfDefense Forces if we we cannot shoot down russian planes in the air that are shelling ukraine, we must destroy them on the airfields, cotton has happened there before , but judging by the last weeks, this matter is now set in motion and the most important thing from flaming greetings, russian airfields in the deep rear are no longer protected, the latest popskovo strike caused an incredible attack of fury from kremlin propagandists, because this city , which is 700 km from ukraine, it is the shortest distance through belarus, got into the top news of all world media as an example of one of the most successful operations the anger of the russians in ukraine was caused not only by the destruction of several very expensive planes, but also with how easily it was done, where our air defense is splashed with saliva by the kremlins posipaks, the problem is that there obviously it was simply not possible, the russians thought that there was no danger and transferred the deficient systems to the front or to moscow, if they existed at all, then you can fantasize if the kremlin is not able to cover the super strategic airfield of the elite paratroopers or if there is air defense near less strategic but important objects about cotton of the week serhiy kostash fiery night in the snow from where and with what Russian Military aircraft were targeted kapets dobro pojazhul 24 февраля comrade and how this audacious strike will affect the largest war on the territory of the occupying country in the time of a fullscale war, explosions took place in ryazan, moscow, in the kaluska and oryol regions, even in occupied sevastopol, but the most near pskov, and the russians did not hold back in their comments. It is near pskov that the military airfield krysty is located. Il76 military transport planes involved in the war in ukraine were based there , local residents the analyst reported at least 20 drones and about dozens of explosions , according to ukrainian intelligence , a total of two planes were destroyed, as many were damaged to confirm, here are these satellite images that after a while, a siren appeared there, probably already 6 cars left, the crosses were burning, it landed normally in the same place , despite the reassuring assurances of the authorities , very soon they started to panic, someone decided to run away , but the most interesting thing is what actually happened there. Where could it have come from . We decided to figure it out together with the experts, where the videos that were made public, they can actually say that even some of these planes were, well, also on combat duty, that is , they were refueled, they may even have been loaded with some kind of ammunition. Thats it of course, minor damage to such an aircraft could cause a fairly powerful explosion and damage not only to it, but also to the satellite aircraft in general for the air force of the 334th Russian Military transport aviation regiment. That is, there is a minimum of 2300 hryvnias, from 20 to 30 aircraft is based on the il76 this is the main Russian Military transport large widebody ee aircraft, they cost a lot, it is impossible to quickly replace them. Of damaged and destroyed planes, this is such an unpleasant loss, for example, the last model that they were, that they are now producing the ulyanovsk, yes. Its cost is 86 Million Dollars for one plane, but at least two burned down. Well, i think that even if the old planes burned there , the il76 md means er, well, the production there is still in the soviet years, the cost is still 30 million now, and if there is a need for an intensive supply of weapons, well, in er, the war zone, yes, they have two sides that are practically out of order, if something is to be supplied to belarus and they mainly delivered aircraft there, which is also problematic, so the russian propagandists began to build versions of, well, versions of where it could have come from, they began to say that it could have come from nato countries, they say , an airfield located less than 40 km from the eastern border with estonia and 60 from latvia, and on the direct route to ukraine, more than seven hundred. And from where, apparently, they could too, but this is what ukrainian experts say, depending on whether on a direct route, that is, through the territory of belarus, or if on the territory of the Russian Federation, then this 800850 km that is, we can actually talk about the use of groups of combat drones with a range of up to 1,000 km. If we are talking about launches from the territory of ukraine, today russia has created a socalled buffer zone of about 60 km in according to the principle that if a drone or the don passes near the borders with the Russian Federation, then it can actually fly calmly throughout the territory of the Russian Federation without any obstacles and destroy any ee objects, here it is Still Necessary to understand the drones of ukraine in general or it flew from the baltic sea through the airspace of the Russian Federation, for example, through st. Petersburg, and then destroyed the targets in general. Were they ukrainian drones, but there is another version that also has the right to life , especially considering the events that have been taking place in russia lately . Exit to the baltic sea is possible not only from the territory of other countries, they are possible directly from the territory of the Russian Federation, it is possible that the russians are simply some internal ones going on today, in fact , because we remember that they have certain problems are connected with the destruction of the leader of the ee group of wagner, perhaps some separate units today have decided to start their own political history and thus weaken, for example, the ministry of defense of the zaporizhia federation, this option should not be ruled out either. However, all doubts were later dispelled by the head of such intelligence in comments to the world zone publication Kyrylo Budanov confirmed that the attack on the air base was carried out from the territory of russia, although he did not specify who did it, ukrainian Intelligence Officers or russian partisans, as well as what how many drones were involved in this operation, but he noted that the guys were specially targeted in the object, because the russians use the il76 to transport military cargo and paratroopers. Bombs, however. Subsequently, a video of the Suicide Attack appeared on the internet and was distributed by one of the ukrainian bloggers, noting that it was a ukrainian development, which remains a secret, but one way or another, this attack showed the toothlessness of the Russian Air Defense system. And the fact that an attack in the deep rear of the country is quite possible, the aggressors are striking on all fronts, cruisers are sinking tankers, that means they are hitting uh huh ships there, amphibious uhhuh , the tugboats have barely reached the pier, which means that the planes are one behind yes. Airfields are being struck, if such strikes on airfields become regular, it can will significantly affect the efficiency of russian logistics for the war in ukraine, and the further it goes , the more it will force the aggressor to think about whether or not to pull its air defense away from the front line in order to protect the calves, so despite the presence of russia in large numbers longrange missiles and heavy weapons, there are many military targets in its rear, under the close supervision of the security for the occupying country, there will be nowhere serhii kostish ictv facts of the week the only news, you will find more interesting things on our Youtube Channel facts of the week, subscribe to us so as not to miss the analysis of the main events of the week and interview with cool experts and you, we say goodbye to you until next sunday. Glory to ukraine that, like a crow, approaching victory, the enemies thought that independence was just a word for us , but from the first steps on our land, they we have been convinced for centuries, we defend our independence and are ready to fight for it again, the Defense Forces of ukraine stubbornly and relentlessly, step by step, win, gnaw, squeeze out of the enemys claws, our earth, our will, our independence, we thank you for every moment and for this day, we prove our independence every day when we say weapons, we imagine automatic machines guns, tanks or rockets, but an equally powerful weapon is a reliable communication of advancement at the front and the lives of comrades are saved , enemies are taken by surprise and positions are retaken , reserves are used in time and delivered ammunition in all this is a huge merit of our soldiers signalmen armed with signal our army is stronger glory to the signal troops of the armed forces of ukraine our weapon is the truth marathon the only news is sufficient and verified information as it was lets look further the only news in the center of events time news marathon works for you journalists of facts ictv and windows of stb my congratulations Volodymyr Zelenskyi today visited 8 brigades of the operationaltactical Group Donetsk and three brigades of the operationalstrategic group of troops from tavriya in the zaporozhye region, the president listened to the reports of the commanders of combat brigades about the operational situation at the front and the level of Logistical Support , the head of state and the military discussed the creation of an auxiliary system of providing brigades, which will take over the strict functions of me and free time for commanders for combat work also during on this trip, the president visited the stabilization points where medical aid is provided to the wounded and injured servicemen in the donetsk and zaporizhzhia areas, awarded the work of military doctors, more than 50 soldiers were awarded for extraordinary bravery on the battlefield, among them two orders of the gold star, in addition, defenders and defenders received orders of bohdan khmelnytskyi, as well as princess olga, the defender, the president wished health and the fastest victory, it is extremely important to support our Football Players , communicate with cambrigams with combatants, this very, very royalism will start from them, from those who go into battle directly, this is exactly what is missing, what exactly is enough, and what exactly needs to be changed, everything that the soldiers talked about will be questions for the participants of the rate, especially regarding re, the guys heard everything, awarded our military doctors, thanked the teams, became points, great people save heroes , restore life, restore the strength of the real ukrainian cossack character, when boys recover from injuries and return to the positions of their fellow soldiers and destroy the occupier again, the honor of thanking such soldiers in the direction of melitopol, fighters of the 47th separate mechanized brigade skilfully destroy enemy aircraft, they say. Until they arrived, the enemy behaved extremely defiantly. And now it is less in

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