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You cant look at medvedev without mercy, and putin looks at him like that. The next quarter there , the next few months, your vision is that putin will raise the degree of escalation or , on the contrary, will he try to keep it at least at this level in order to possibly reach certain negotiating positions i am told that putin has already entered the zone where he has lost his freedom of choice, he chose a trajectory and this trajectory led him to a dead end, and he is now simply doomed to hope for escalation, at the same time it is not boring that he will probe the soil through closed channels to think how he will retreat he is not a fool, he understands that the script did not go as it should, therefore, in real practice, he will intimidate, uh, the question, first of all, inflicts more and more bloody blows on ukraine, because he needs to imagine victory, and at the same time, he is terrified at night to think about what victory is no accordingly, he probably overruns some part of his players, or they start to probe sanya for options with ways out of this critical situation with a victorious expression on his face this is very important with a victorious expression on his face until he feels the possibilities coming out with this victory expression, he will draw it and this victory expression on tv is actually hysterical, victorious , or in the poor territory of all of your information, it seems to me that it has gotten Even Stronger in recent days bear invitation to this is a good evidence so that putin is doomed, it seems to me that peace is lacking in the next few weeks , the months may strengthen from the last forces , and i am compiling a military one, but at the same time, in a cold sweat and in nightmares, he thinks about how from this to get out of the situation if ukraine is not afraid if the west is not reconciled hopes that they are afraid everything is more weak everything is more ghostly but very much to put on what is not what my answer is tough thank you dmytro borisovych for this honest and extremely interesting conversation i would like to remind our viewers that dmytro oreshkin, an independent political scientist and a professor at the university of riga, is currently working for you on the espresso tv channel. He is recognized in the Russian Federation as a Foreign Agent of ukraineengland on megogo. In the selection for euro 2024, our National Team needs to tame three lions. 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Yakovenko, i would like to immediately ask you about the most important scenario, yes , the syndrome of the long war in execution about the kremlin leaders, in particular, it is about statements medvedev about russias socalled existential war against ukraine and, of course, how ordinary russians feel about this on their own skin bryansk pskov, we understand that the war can be played on two sides, thats the point anton well, what can be said about the fact that the war is really going on, apparently, for a while. Well, for now it was not clear to the world that from the very beginning and putin starts the war , he did not understand at all what he did. There is a lot that he did not understand. The people that there is an army in ukraine and that there are no chances that kiev is tomorrow well, there is absolutely no chance under any circumstances that it will seize ukraine, fix it and achieve its goals no. And now the war is really coming to russia, it cannot be said that she already came to russia because most of russia doesnt feel the war, she started coming in the fall of last year when putin announced a partial mobilization and more than a Million People fled russia because in general people didnt want to go to war because they didnt allow it. The majority doesnt really understand why this war is needed, who needs it , and what they are fighting for and what they are dying for. What has been happening recently is strikes on the territory of military objects. Objects that are located on the territory of russia. This is indeed the beginning of the beginning of the war in russia, but for the time being, it will protect a rather small part of russian cities. Well, there is already a huge difference when we talk about it that the strikes are carried out on some russian object, i mean that ukraine still strikes military objects, in particular at the school, and the military airfield was destroyed , four planes were destroyed, and in other cities there are also strikes , there are strikes on military objects of what russia is doing, because at the same time when the drone attack was happening, at the same time russian rockets attacked kiev and there were human victims, this is the fundamental difference, that is, the war is still being waged asymmetrically, Russia Strikes ukrainianstyle in peaceful cities, kills peaceful citizens, ukraine in rare cases responds to military objects and destroys military targets, this is a fundamental difference, and not only in this , of course, the main difference is that the war is mainly on the territory of ukraine , they are on territory of russia, therefore, when we talk about the fact that this war is clearly being dragged on, it is natural that it is definitely in the interests of putin, this is obvious because the war is still going on the territory of ukraine and ukraine is established become the main main victims, despite the fact that the offensive is quite successful, nevertheless, the war continues to be on the territory of ukraine, the peaceful citizens of ukraine are killed , the economies of ukraine are destroyed, so i think that prolonging the war is definitely in the interests of putin, so now when it comes to supplies of weapons and opportunities will end this war faster anyway, they will continue it for a long time, they will not confirm it in a few years, but they will end it at least in the future year, that is the question the survival of ukraine is definitely political. The will of the leadership of ukraine and the will of the people of ukraine and the armed forces is enough to continue this war. On the one hand , this is the position of i do not know medvedev solovyov at the helmsman who propose to strike the zaporizhzhia region with Tactical Nuclear weapons, on the other hand, there are those connected with kremlinaffiliated western socalled peacekeepers alya orban and so on who start saying what, let s agree on something. By the way, the point is that all these are the positions of orban and others. Peace in exchange on the territory of urban is still a separate story this is such a trojan horse of fascism, we will directly say that we call things by their own names, the trojan horse of fascism in the European Union and nato, but eh, in general, it goes we need exchange territories, it is not only hungarian, it is also chinese, it is also brazilian, it is also african , that is, there are a lot of such goodwilled people who came and offered to share with ukraine to give the occupier a significant honor. Well, at least 20 in its territory. Well, it is clear that this everything is absolutely empty words, because two circumstances are necessary for this to happen , firstly, for this to happen, it is necessary for the citizens of ukraine to agree with it , what is sovshena, obviously, there is no and it is not foreseen the citizens of ukraine will not agree to this and the Political Leadership of ukraine will not agree to this, the armed forces will not agree to this, simply the people who propose it do not accept the essence of Ukraine Ukraine is not such a vertical country where you can agree with the authorities and everything will be as agreed this country is a horizontal country, the people are a political subject , and the army is also a political subject today, so there are no chances. Well, of course, president zelensky now simply expresses the will of the people, therefore there is no chance of concluding such a deal, agreeing with ukraine to implement peace in exchange for the territory does not exist, and i remember that there is also another party that will not agree to this either. I will introduce putin because , uh, putin started this war and uh, yes, he might need a break now. There would be a break, but he wont, uh, so to speak, he will use this respite for transformation for, well , so to speak, the modernization of the army for the mobilization of facilities there and further wars, but they, in any case, of course, he will not end the war and besides everything. It is easier for the war not to end in any scenario, in the presence of putin. Putin simply cannot now stop the war simply because he is now. Because the war is going on, thats why its an absolutely staged staged scenario, the thing is about these turbopatriots who demand an atomic bomb , who are shouting, well, you said they were called exactly general burulyev this is Vladimir Solovyov these are the same madmen who create their political capitalization at the expense of such shouts at the expense of the fact that they periodically fall into such controlled hysteria, well, for example, if you put a shout for vladimir slavic next to you, and next to you put a beauty who shouts gerasims puck, where are the shells . We will see that this is, well, practically twins brothers only eh solovyev hm does not mention the surname of pucky the beauty and does not call putin a lucky grandfather who is actually a complete freak to the letter n that is, the whole difference is only that solovyov does not name names , so in principle the rhetorician exactly repeats the rhetoric of prigozhina, the rhetoric of hyrkina with a bullet , who is now in prison, and this is one line for escalation, for the unleashing of the war , in the flesh, to the atomic war so to speak, a world war, that is, the idea actually speaks of some rational there is such a hysteria in criminals who begin to publicly cut their hands in order to achieve some kind of result, for example, because they were afraid or because, after all, property is what it is. These are very pragmatic people, in fact, who understand well what they are doing. In this case, we are talking about the service of one of the kremlin clans. The fact is that when putin started this war, he ended his personal regime there, and this is another structure that actually leads russia is now not represented by some clans, they are not very strictly divided according to departmental affiliation , that is, some members of colleagues of the fsb and members of colleagues of the ministry of defense can also belong to one clan. If it is a nuclear war, then they are in favor of the continuation of the war. Well, thats how it turned out. They are also in favor of the continuation of the escalation of the war. If it is, for example, a serial business of oil, then they are in favor of this war. Either he turned it around or it was in general in such a fastmoving state, that is, the question of financing. The fact is that the putin regime differs from the champion. Including the main directorate of intelligence. Reduce putins power in order to achieve his commercial goals. So, on the way out, mr. Igor, i would like to ask you , the beauty was killed. Unable to negotiate, he made an agreement with prigozhin and after two months and neither prigozhin nor utkin were there, then they used these two months and because he needed to completely neutralize in wagner, he perfectly understood that the destruction of prigozhin immediately after they met in the kremlin or the murder of prigozhin or the arrest of prigozhin immediately in the kremlin when they met after that did not lead to a riot and it could lead to a serious demonstration of the communist party in the army at the same time that yes, of course, this is not the kind of force that can oppose the entire machine together with the defense, but there it is still unknown how the army would behave, how the power structures would behave. Uh, he did everything technically enough, he left uh, with dude wagner, uh, they took away their bases , disarmed them, took away their Armored Vehicles , took away their heavy weapons, distributed most of them to the ministry of defense, and the other part was sent to belarus in general that left the possibility of some kind of organized resistance, because it is even a fairly compact part of the two brigades that were concentrated in belarus, they lacked heavy weapons. Well, in particular, let me introduce myself that it was possible to go to moscow with such forces to take revenge for prigozhyn and so on. This is from the realm of fiction, because nothing was taken from them, plus , of course, it was necessary to somehow establish control over the gigantic financial empire. A beauty that amounts to, well, several tens of billions of dollars , first of all, this is control over uh, about 13 african countries, well, the presence of c. W. Wagner is known in four african countries , but uh, the tentacles are stretching there quite seriously and in particular, what happened during these two months, uh, putin was engaged in, well, practically when prigozhina was alive, he destroyed his legacy. The information is quite effective, which was simply taken from prigozhin irrevocably, and besides, the process of cleansing prigozhin from africa from the middle east has finally begun this is a question of already silent displacement. And in the rest of the african countries where soldiers were sent to the army, negotiations were held about what is in principle. Here we can replace, lets say , the leadership of the man wagner is not against the lion , almost everything, including the leadership of the Central African republic, is the most so say well, this is the main base of the present army. They said that we need to maintain relations with the russian empire. And therefore, who will be there to represent it . It is not important and in fact instead of it, now what is called africa, the deputy chief of the game, uh, Major General avelyanov, is thrown. Well, this is, uh , well, something, Something Like a contemporary platov court, because it is Major General averyanov who is behind most of the terrorist attacks that russia this poisoning of fiddlers is being committed abroad. And so on. That is, in fact, this is the real deal. This is a modern day platove who is behind many terrorist attacks and many crimes of russia around the world. Here is Major General averyyanov has already started his actions either before subordinating the Central Committee of wagner in africa or, so to speak, replacing this structure with his own people. Handsome, who actually was by status, he is who he is by status, he is just a pedestrian, and then after the death of prigozhin, how will he behave now . I think that putin, in fact, he strengthened his power for a while because that this is indicative prigozhinas punishment, she is privy to the fact that now he will lead with the help of fear, and if by june of last year, lets say, putins power ceased to be personalist, that is, he controlled a lot of things, but now he is trying to restore his personal oles to his personal dictatorship, and to a protective degree he succeeds, well, here only one question he made is that eh, its all obvious time, its all very unstable, because at the moment he s trying to rule with the help of strakhov this demonstratively why they executed the prigorna demonstrative punishment and uh, so that few people could think of now in some way to oppose putin, and in the conditions of a clearly lost war, such sentiments will certainly appear because at the beginning of this war, the life of not only ordinary russians, but also representatives of putins elite, became much worse. This is obvious, that is, the model when the russian elite, whom everyone calls the elite, could rob and steal from russia and spend abroad. This model stopped. And it got worse. Almost all of the oligarchs live in practically all of the heads of putin s departments and so on, that is, absolutely all of them are in these, absolutely all of them have remained in the secondary degree of their assets abroad, many have lost the opportunity to at least they lost the opportunity to educate their children abroad, to buy a pitchfork and other things abroad, that is why their life became worse. Well, besides everything simple, in general, they understand, that is, general buruleva and Vladimir Solovyov were mentioned here, and this is the hysteria that soloviev rolls around the clock and she judges here oh fear and he perfectly understands that in the end he may well share the fate of yulia shashtricher aa the most disgusting fascist aa propagandist of the times of the third reich well thats all there are differences that most likely according to the results of the tribunal, he will not be told. But they will be sentenced, so to speak, to a life sentence , but they all have this fear , and in principle, i think that the people who command a large number of armed people there are in their heads in any case, there is a thought that all this could be ended with the help of some special operation, well, a modern version of what ended the life of the russian emperor paul the first, well, in this case no offense to the fact that it was a snuffbox or a handkerchief or a scarf, but in any case, something of this kind, and i am absolutely convinced that such thoughts are present in many representatives of the russian elite, and i doubt for a second that such ideas exist in many people the generals and employees have members of the fsb collegium and so on, and in order for these thoughts not to turn into action , it was necessary to show the parishioner, only he can, so to speak, eliminate this reality but at least if up to 24 in february of last year, such a variant of the development of events was extremely unlikely, practically excluded, and now it exists, therefore, yes, putin has strengthened his power, without a doubt, now , but at the same time, he has increased the probability of such a thing, and this is the end of his life. Thank you, dear mr. Igor, for this extremely interesting and honest conversation, and i want to remind our tv viewers that ihor yakovenko, a sociologist and journalist recognized by inno as an agent of the Russian Federation, currently works for you on the espresso tv channel, now mr. Igor is in lithuania, the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to espresso tv channels my colleagues are analyzing the most important events this day, take care of yourself and your loved ones see you on the air, in fact, somewhere from 192018 , they say yes, this is a social bubble of a circle of acquaintances and friends with whom they communicated with whom among of which there were many veterans of the atoshniks, actually from these years. We were already preparing. If it were obvious that it was only a matter of time when there would be some kind of fullscale conflict, that until this colossus on clay legs is destroyed, we will not dismantle the linings this is a constant threat to the state, to the nation and to the people, i dont know how to say it. Well, for ukrainian statehood. Thats for sure. You were preparing, you were engaged in shooting sports , you were preparing for basic training, you were collecting equipment just in february, it was all very necessary when you came to the end near kyiv, then in principle on the evening of february , we already gathered about 120 people with their equipment and weapons. For a year and a half, where did you have to serve in which directions, what tasks did you have to perform well, if without chronology, simply by location yes , if not to reveal anything superfluous, then this is volyn at one time, if you remember, there was a great threat of resistance, well, at least the probability of that direction eh there we have been preparing for some time to block this threat, we have been preparing positions, uh, we already had certain tasks , we already had certain boundaries that we were going to occupy and hold in the kharkiv direction conditionally, now here we are already working there, it is kupyansk, but on in different sections of this direction, in different periods of time, they again visited kupyansk and podsvatov, now under kremennaya, and again, since the spring, probably for about three months, they supported

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