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Ill tell you about the most relevant things in ukraine extended martial law until november 15 the relevant law was signed today by the president of ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi a now about the situation in different regions of ukraine, two people were injured as a result of shelling in Donetsk Region, the russians are mercilessly shelling the region , its leader Pavlo Kyrylenko reported that residential buildings and an industrial building were damaged in several communities. From the artillery, they hit gulyaipol, novodarivka , shcherbak, malitok, mark railway preobrazhenka, and other frontline villages were notified in the Regional Military administration, the occupiers also targeted the zaporizhia district with a rocket, it fell between two villages and did not cause damage. In total, 28 reports were received about the destruction of residential buildings, economic structures and infrastructure facilities, one person was killed and seven were injured. Russians are constantly shelling the kherson region, according to the information of the Regional Military administration 422 projectiles were fired in the district yesterday , the traditional occupiers targeted the premises of educational and medical institutions and a school in residential quarters and brainwashed them already in the morning the village of yakivsharivka in the Kharkiv Region was shelled, the garage was damaged, a fire broke out, the head of the Regional Military administration, oleg sinogubov, reported that in one day, the occupiers took private houses and sports infrastructure from the bogoduhiv kharkiv chuguiv izyum and kupyan districts in germany as a result of the shelling of the city of kupyansk, 55 died in the hospital yearold man and to the operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine yesterday at the front there were 20 combat clashes in the direction of bakhmut, the russians conducted an unsuccessful offensive in the area of ​​bohdanivka of the Donetsk Region on the avdiyiv tamarinsk under heavy fire, our defenders hold back the enemy and at the same time conduct an offensive operation in the melitopol and berdyansk directions , they are entrenched on the achieved lines , during the day ukrainian aviation made 10 strikes on the areas of concentration of the personnel of armaments and equipment and one on the antiaircraft missile complex of the occupiers , rocket launchers and gunners hit one mirror of the muscovites, the russian invaders strengthened filtering measures on the temporarily occupied the territory of the kherson region, in particular, in the settlement of gola prystan, kherson region, the russian invaders announced a ban on any movement of the civilian population from august 15 to 26 in the area between the head of the pier and the kinburg spit , they are conducting mass house searches and checking the phones of local residents, the occupiers are focused on the monitored by International Potato day, 480 russians who came to seize our earth were turned into fertilizer by residents who have seven cards of ukrainian mobile operators, and only from of the beginning of the fullscale russian invasion of the ukrainian black soil amounted to 256,000 50 mozkovits, the day seemed to be fruitful, and from the destroyed enemy equipment, the ukrainian titans eliminated 17 artillery systems, five tanks 15 armored fighting vehicles, 27 cars and one means of air defense of eternal flight and wished for two missiles and 24 drones in the general staff traditionally remind all data approximate prepared a missile attack on Kyiv Security service of ukraine detained a russian agent adjuster for money he worked for the game of the Russian Federation on instructions he drained his socalled chiefs of the locations of the defense forces, the enemy was most interested in the repair bases from the sums , they caught the traitor redhanded. When he filmed the military base and linked its coordinates to the electronic map, the information was needed by the occupiers to prepare another attack on the capital and nearby settlements, currently the intruder in custody he faces life in prison germany is building up its defenses the United States approved israels sale of the antimissile system erotrogen to germany about local media reports that this system is part of israels multilevel war against iran, the dog hurts and others with a hittokill method, it intercepts enemy missiles three times, it can even destroy ballistics outside the atmosphere, the contract for sale is valued at almost 4 billion dollars, it is reported that this will be a record for the Defense Agreement in history in israel , a strong tornado passed near the polish city of lodz, many houses were left with torn off roofs, the storm also damaged power lines , the district town of sirat and pozhin was the most affected by the elements the fire and rescue services say that the death lasted about five minutes, moving, moving one dal after another , the general data on the damage in the communities are still being clarified. Where are the hells fighting together with you, we have already closed many volunteer meetings and defenders are grateful for our contribution to the fight against the occupiers. Every hryvnia is important, remember that only together we will be able to bring our victory over the enemy closer to the speedy, maneuverable and necessary at the front, such as buggies, in vinnytsia , volunteers are collecting them with their own hands, some of them are already on the front line, and another 20 are in the process of production, they are planned to be completed and presented to the military by the day independence, is it enough to be equipped . But how to get involved in the case , see in the story, taking the wounded out of the battlefield or delivering essential items for the Ukrainian Military became easier thanks to maneuvering in a car, like a small light highpassability car with open wheels for offroad movement was a clear request from comrades who serve in the trenches and they needed to punish the steppes eh on the front lines some light cars eh from their words it was said that even when you go to it is important to some car who even shoots first, and when you drive in a closed car , the first batch of so called buggies shoot at you as a target. And these 12 allterrain vehicles have already gone to perform tasks on the front line in a row production of another 20 such vehicles. We take spare parts from the zhiguli. As a buggy, because it is a sports car and it is used in completely different conditions, thats why it is like a prototype, that is, an experimental mechanism that we developed on the basis of something we took from the designers of kryvyi rih for in the manufacture of cars, volunteers use the cheapest components of old soviet cars during the war, it was possible to disassemble more than a hundred cars, technical donors buy or receive as a gift from those who care , practically spare parts are needed from vaz2101 to vaz2107 in this category, then beams , bridges, motors, gearboxes, the chassis is almost all there in them you go on a buggy practically everything that has a body stream the vinnytsia buggy can reach a speed of up to 140 km h if all components are available, volunteers spend months on the production of ten such cars, the price of one is approximately 100,000 hryvnias, their purpose is that completely different units can use it to destroy tanks, which cover tanks, how to transport wounded suspensions of the bc for special Operations Forces , scouts, they are absolutely universal machines, volunteers say that nowadays the demand from the military exceeds their capabilities, so they call dont stop donating and transferring old cars gathering dust in the garage for the needs of the military from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel crimean underground works activists of the Yellow Ribbon movement in the temporarily occupied cities of simferopol and yalta hung Yellow Ribbons and an announcement to one of them calls on the residents of crimea to paint their city with yellow colors and ribbons and thus explain to the occupiers that it is long time for them to leave Ukrainian Land and return home. In the morning already at 12 00, stay with us, the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel continues and our conversations with dear speakers, experts , people on whom decisionmaking depends on this broadcast, and it is very valuable that you stay with us. In fact, now we will have a difficult, uh, difficult conversation, because it concerns the provision, in particular, of our army with everything necessary, but we must, we must refer to this with a certain frequency, because well, the problems are also not exhausted. Unfortunately, although some of them have already begun to decide, we are glad to welcome this spring, kenio, a member of the public Anticorruption Council under the ministry of defense of ukraine, in addition. It is included in it, and here it is really important that the Public Sector is present and is presented in such bodies, because we are talking about rear support, about everything from firstaid kits and their fillings through uniforms through food. That the Anticorruption Council under the ministry of defense was recently voted by the active Public Sector by military personnel and uh, these are 15 representatives who will now be tangential lets put it this way to understand what and for whom money is bought in the army, uh, 15 representatives, among whom is dana yarova, she will appear on our air in just a moment , because there exactly what is the importance of the ministry of defense. It is directly associated with hostilities, in fact, the ministry of defense is exactly what you know , the procurement procurement procedure, these are the volumes, and this is, unfortunately , the magic of big numbers. Do you understand that when we hear figures in the region of uah 30 billion that the ministry is already under contract gave and then you will find out what these are money has not been purchased and nothing has been received, so this is no less disturbing than any terrible news out there, for example, it is from the front, and here it is. We would very much like the ministry of defense, through its spokesmen and deputies, to tell us more about purchases and about this m what are they buying, how are they buying, what quality is it, unfortunately for us , so far they are trying to replace it with some kind of narration of what we already know from the general staff, from the supreme commanderinchief or from the commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine, or otherwise from monitoring, so now it seems that we have established a normal connection with this, yes, yes, but for now , we have a message, uh, it is quite important. President Volodymyr Zelenskyi signed the laws on the extension of martial law and mobilization in ukraine , the extension of martial law for 90 days that is, until november 15 , 2023, and this is already the eighth continuation of the first fullscale e invasion, ee , it is important, it would be important, of course, to understand how many of these continue we will still need , but when it comes to confronting such as a serious and largescale enemy, we must understand that we will play for a long time. By the way, they finally began to recognize this and the representatives of the current government have finished. The russians are not going to give up, they are actually going to the bank, and more and more information is appearing about the next round, such a public round of mobilization already this fall, then we may simply not be able to do without it, we have become more careful they stopped talking about it for two or three weeks, maybe four, how was arestovych there . By the way, the prosecutor was the arresting officer, and you noticed that there is still no comment from him, but the services complained about his conversations and ukrainophobia in joint internet conversations with good russians with latin of the Security Service of ukraine specifically for a check on the denial of russian aggression and all other things. Lets see how arestovych reacts to this. Its not the same as our Security Service of ukraine. Id really like to hear her comment on the reaction to this. Well, here it is. Maybe then just then this will stop, it will be two or three weeks, and it hurts so much pita bread on the crimean coast, only you were talking off the record, not on the air, about crimea, hmm, for many ukrainians, it is still a place of childhood memories, a place of sun, rest, a and some kind of romance, but if we approach the topic that crimea is the place of residence for many ukrainians, it is not just a place. Where do you come periodically . Where do you live . Where do you develop . Happiness when the Crimean Tatars and the crimean krymchaks, who are extremely few left, can still find themselves on the territory of mainland ukraine , but they want words. How they were evicted from their small homeland there in the steppes of kazakhstan. Yes , i think that this is the most painful cynicism that they receive in the regime of occupation. They are already many years old. The topic of filling our firstaid kits of our soldiers and the tourniquets that they received in large quantities do not meet the required quality, the tourniquet tourniquet must be of high quality, there are no compromises, which was documented and did not fail the day before, we said thats what we said and the deadline Committee Said the parliamentary one, that was it Committee Meeting , what came out of this, lets see on the leg , lowquality tourniquets, pressed gauze, nalbufin , all this can be found in some places in the firstaid kits of the Ukrainian Military, volunteers and military medics post dozens of photos of such firstaid kits, however, in the command of the medical forces, such purchases are rejected, medical coordinator Oksana Korchynska was one of the first to talk about the problem on her facebook page. She showed the contents of one of these firstaid kits, according to the calculations of volunteers and our conversations with ee and brigade chiefs, it is somewhere around 60 000 of these worthless turnstiles were entered by the troops and plus about 2530 thousand and more firstaid kits, all of which i said where there is a full chinese model , the 7th generation kat turnstile is a combat classic , it is recommended by the tccsssi committee. This the highest form of recognition for a tourniquet in the world in ukraine, however, these recommendations are mentioned in the documents of the ministry of defense of the general staff and the ministry of health only at the level we know, but we do not officially implement a decent domestic option is the sich tourniquet, it is not on the list recommended by the us tactical medicine committee, but it has proven itself well directly on the field in battle, the omnivore ismailov evacuates Wounded Soldiers from hot spots on the front, in his experience, even three chinese tourniquets are unable to stop bleeding, but the american and you can rely on the ukrainian ones being completely different, here is the manufacturer sich manufacturers, they are made of completely different material, they have different forks, that is, on sich it is some kind of metal float on kefir it is a powerful, strong plastic sich, the screw is fixed on such a bracket, keiths on such brackets are fixed in ukraine, a center operates testing of turnstiles, an independent laboratory founded by volunteers conducts a series of tests there in order to recognize that the turnstile is really highquality, out of more than 160 samples available in ukraine, less than 10 of them are recommended there are only two ukrainian manufacturers, dnipro and sich, experts of the center point out that domestic turnstiles sometimes even win over american selfhelp, that is, the wounded first of all helps himself, because that is what his comrades are fighting for during that time. And in this direction, ket behaves worse because there it is necessary to make more efforts to create the necessary pressure for occlusion of vessels ukrainian tourniquets show better results, however, despite the wide selection of tourniquets from various manufacturers ukrainian soldiers for some reason put chinese ones in their firstaid kits and many other dubious drugs were discovered in frontline units in the command of the medical forces of the armed forces of ukraine. They claim that they were not purchased but received as International Technical assistance back in november 2022, and this year the command the medical forces did not make any purchases of tactical firstaid kits for the armed forces, they say in the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. I understand that there is a reluctance to spend somewhere budget funds, although we have an ee request to internationals, the number of birds looks like several hundred thousand for only armed salts. We count the National Guard and the border service. And you know that we have more than 150,000 firstaid kits in the warehouses of the medical forces command for resonance among military volunteers and society reacted with a post on facebook , in which they assured that the lowquality tourniquets would be replaced and also checked, but there are many doubts about whether such lowquality firstaid kits were really humanitarian aid the public Anticorruption Council at the ministry of defense of ukraine claims that it is more than certain that this is a procurement that was carried out as a humanitarian , i saw this in the state Procurement Department in the 22nd year when they withdrew state funds, and it will be worth everything as a humanitarian, now investigators are conducting these episodes in the end, many questions remain where did the firstaid kits come from, why are there no standards , when will they be implemented . Meetings of the Verkhovna Rada committee on security and defense, the commander sat down for two weeks to check and replace the firstaid kits kateryna galko, espresso tv channel, thank you kateryna , it seems that everyone now understands what is going on, and it seems that we also managed to establish a stable connection with this Spring Member of the public Anticorruption Council at the ministry of defense, ms. Dano, we congratulate you , we know that the deadline for these two weeks , which the committee allocated for inspection in order to make a decision, has passed, and what will happen next, tell us as of this moment, after the meeting and the committee on defense and intelligence issues, what has been decided . Congratulations, sorry for not being able to connect to the program with the internet, eh, not only you, eh, sent my requests, it seems that in this country only the lazy did not send them to a request to the command of the medical forces regarding what kind of turnstiles they are and how they were, how they crossed the border of our country in the capacity of what in the capacity of procurement or as a humanitarian in relation to a humanitarian i will tell you at once three such positions position number one not a single nato country and the same turnstiles that we see in the photo, which cost, well, the ceiling price there is 2, this is a fake, hint yes hint, a turnstile that is set by nato standards, no nato country buys them, no nato country, as a humanitarian, give them to us , dont give them to us could it be the first, the second, that in our photos, we see it as part of the firstaid kit and pp of the soviet union. Well, in principle , there is nothing wrong with them. This is an individual dressing package. In fact, but im sorry, nato countries and the soviet union cant have individual dressing packages either , this is the second and the third thing that the commander of the medical forces is equipped with, well, for 1. 5 years, for example, i was in normal communication with her, absolutely now she does not respond they dont call or respond to public appeals. 14 public organizations wrote an open letter to her, and she doesnt respond in any way. She only talks about what is there. Well, the situation that i talked about in the story, that most likely it was bought with state funds the funds were brought to the humanitarian aid, the fact that it passed through the warehouses of the ministry of the crown tells us that there is an individual dressing package of the soviet union, and the last thing i would like to say on this issue is that even if it was a humanitarian aid, what else am i once i say nato countries dont buy like that, er, it had to go through an inspection and only after the inspection was transferred to well, when er, Oksana Korchynska calls and says we tore five tourniquets to put a sixth one when he was wounded, well , sorry, you already know no, not even about eggs here about peoples lives and about the fact that someone does not want to be responsible for what is happening. By the way, i want to tell you such a story, well, in connection with the fact that in 1517 there was a ministry of defense in the 4th year there was a kind of prudkovsky in the department of public procurement, we almost pushed him out of the ministry at the end of the 14th year, he was a person who was simply not so unprincipled and corrupt that we almost gasped for him , so tatiana equipped him to get out somewhere from pulled out from some closet, some naphthalene was thrown into him and made the castle her own then and the question is, yes, this is a fact, this is an established fact, then the question is, what can this person do, i immediately say nothing good, and by the way, our Anticorruption Council also made a request to the commander of the medical forces regarding the turnstiles , no answer was received, and the lady was given one more question that we want you asked about the same meeting of the Parliamentary Working Group where there were representatives of the government and members of the Verkhovna Rada committee on finance, tax, customs policy, national security, defense and intelligence, you asked a question about the conclusions of the state audit according to the profit of the suppliers, what the Government Official recognizes as a loss to the state, write about the fact that a certain road map was worked out, what is it, what does it consist of, and will it be possible to do this absolutely, realistically, in the conditions of an intense war, how to fix the situation , you know, yesterday was quite fun for me, the meeting of the parliament of the Parliamentary Group yes of the Parliamentary Commission was attended by representatives of the committee on national security, the committee on tax policy of the state, the ministry of defense, the government, we all had 50 people there, yes of this issue. And by the way, the minister of justice who ran away from me. For some reason, yes, thats it. We re in a meeting. Yes , im serious. Of this situation is that absolutely all of them who sat in the hall agree that enterprises that work without profit cannot work. Besides, i will tell you. This audit was in the 22nd year, which was initiated by the ministry of defense itself , and i will also tell you such a very interesting thing that i said yesterday at the Ee Enterprise committee they made a profit by working with the ministry of defense, they paid income tax in the 22nd year, then they have to return the income tax from the budget, and then they return the profit to the budget, well, you understand, there are 50 people, peoples deputies , the government, representatives of the commission everyone is sitting. The minister of justice, who ran away, everyone is sitting and everyone is saying, yes, this is wrong. What should i do with it . The tourist suggested that he would explain so much to you. The ministry of defense must contact the suppliers. There is an order for the state Civil Service to go to court and let the court tell him that he had the right to make a profit. Can you imagine the number of suppliers who worked for us in the ministry of defense before us, the judicial system will simply fall under the pressure of such and such a number sued, the only thing that was achieved was that the ministry of economy said that it would be successful, his clarification, by the way , the state official said, and we thought that you were in resolution 335 when it was adopted by the cabinet of ministers , what did you think that there was no be profit we thats what they thought, yes, listen, im speaking directly to you right now. The only thing that could be done is that the state geodynological service is preparing. Well, the service. Sorry for the changes in the economy, is preparing its own explanation. He yusk has to prepare his own explanation and, er, further actions. We are now coordinating with the ministry of defense and it is shameful, i said about it that if it comes to the court system and if it will be considered in courts with suppliers who were er and are who are suppliers to the ministry of defense yes

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