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, we are starting the information day with news in the studio works khrystyna parubiy one dead and six wounded these are the final consequences of the shelling by the russians of the mezhiv community in the Dnipropetrovsk Region this information was needed by the head of the Regional Military administration serhiy lysak 12 people needed psychological help, three fires broke out due to the attack, rescuers put them down, 49 houses were damaged, an agricultural enterprise, an educational institution, were beaten by a car, muscovites were also killed in the nikopol and manganetsk communities, a 63year old man was injured, he was hospitalized in germany , 14 residential buildings, eight farm buildings , power lines, cars and cafes were beaten, 40 solar panels and 31 times the russians fired at the border of the sumy oblast, the Regional Military Administration Reports that the russians recorded almost 250 explosions from artillery mortars, grenade launchers and a tank were caught in the krasnopil, myropil, bilopol, shalegin, yunakiv, mykolaiv, and medredobud communities last easter and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine yesterday at the front, 20 combat clashes took place in the bakhmut direction , the russians conducted an unsuccessful offensive in the bohdanivka area of ​​the Donetsk Region in the avdiiv region and mariinsky under heavy fire, our defenders hold back the enemy and at the same time conduct an offensive operation on in the melitopol and berdyansk directions, they are anchored at the reached boundaries, during the day, the ukrainian aviation made 10 strikes on the market for the concentration of personnel of armaments and equipment and one on the antiaircraft missile complex of the occupiers , rocket launchers and artillerymen hit one zrk of the mozkovites, and we continue to collect for the front our defenders from the 27th separate the rifle battalion really needs a car, they are fighting in the eastern direction , children are fighting for hellish battles, it remains to collect less than uah 100,000, together with you, we have already closed many volunteer assemblies and defenders are grateful for our contribution to the fight against the occupiers. We ask you to actively donate and this time too, because without you we will not be able to cope, every hryvnia is important, remember that only together we will be able to bring our victory over the enemy closer. Reports of commanders and ministers in his evening address, president zelensky shared plans for strengthening International Support for ukraine in the second half of august, new defense packages, new political decisions for the sake of ukraine, support for our state and people, this august should be fruitful for ukraine, this is a task for the entire team of our state, for each and every one who works for the success of ukraine f16 will not be at least this fall or winter such a statement was made on one of the National Tv Channels by the spokesman of the air force yuriy ignat for according to him, great hopes were placed on the planes because they could protect russia from terrorist attacks, but the positive thing is that the issue of training our pilots has shifted since the transfer of fighter jets will take longer more time than expected, now it is worth strengthening our air defense, ignat adds, let me remind you that a few months ago , ukraines allies decided to train our aces on the f16, and until training began in the white house , they denied the information that they would allegedly provide membership in nato in exchange for the territory of the White House Strategic Communications coordinator john kirpi rejected the possibility of such conversations with lyshenko, and that is how the alliance supported the idea that the path to membership can be developed at the vilnius summit, currently the main focus is on on helping ukraine in the fight against russian aggression and the return of territory that fully belongs to ukraine, they are making progress every day and we will continue to support them not invited ukraine did not receive an invitation to the g20 summit to be held in india on september 9 and 10 jaishankar gave an official answer why did it happen ukraine was decided not to call god 20 advocates for growth and development and not for conflict resolution the latest work of the Un Security Council our Foreign Ministry assured that they are working to get an invitation, because other issues will be discussed at the summit, and economic problems will be a fruit to meet. The other day, the commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine Valery Zaluzhny met with his american and british colleagues, they discussed cooperation in the military sphere, information was shared by the ukrainian general, they paid special attention to the issue of countering enemy drones and building up their own capabilities zaluzhnogo agreed with partners to focus work in this direction and strengthen the protection of Critical Infrastructure objects from russian attacks the ukrainian command also spoke about the situation at the front, the course of our offensive and defensive operations, familiarized them with the plans for the near future, and in a more distant perspective, they separately focused on the needs of our military, ammunition , weapons, air defense equipment, rep, and devices for remote demining, noted valeriy luzhny, justice, the socalled Supreme Court the socalled dnr sentenced the prisoners of azov , pavel avramenko and anton romanyuk, to 24 years in prison, the russian edition of tas writes about this, the men are accused of shelling of residential buildings of the pseudorepublic during the retreat in the spring of 2022, fast, maneuverable, and necessary at the front, bachtype vehicles are assembled by volunteers in vinnytsia , some of them are already on the front lines. And another 20 are in the process of production. They are planned to be completed and presented to the military by independence day. How to get involved in the case, see further in our story, taking the wounded out of the battlefield or delivering essential items for the Ukrainian Military became easier thanks to maneuvering in a car like a small light highpassability car with open wheels for offroad movement was a clear request from comrades who serve in the trenches and they needed to punish the steppes eh on the front lines some light cars eh from their words it was said that even when you go to it is important to some car who even shoots first, and when you drive in a closed car , the first batch of so called buggies shoot at you as a target. And these 12 allterrain vehicles have already gone to perform tasks on the front line in a row production of another 20 such vehicles. We take spare parts from the zhiguli. As a buggy, because it is a sports car and it is used in completely different conditions, that is why it is a prototype, that is, an experimental mechanism that we developed on the basis of which we took from kryvyi rih designers for in the manufacture of cars, volunteers use the cheapest components of old soviet cars during the war, it was possible to disassemble more than a hundred cars, technical donors buy or receive as a gift from those who care , practically spare parts are needed from vaz2101 to vaz2107 in this category, then beams , bridges, motors, gearboxes, the chassis is almost all there in them you go on a buggy practically everything that has a body stream the vinnytsia buggy can reach a speed of up to 140 km h if all components are available, volunteers spend months on the production of ten such cars, the price of one is approximately uah 100,000, their purpose is that completely different units can use it as well as destroy tanks, which cover tanks as a way to transport wounded bc suspensions for special operations forces, e. Opportunities therefore urge not to stop donating and handing over old cars gathering dust in the garage for the needs of the military from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel this is the end of the issue read more on our website espresso. Tv also on our social Networks Join put your favorites further on the air congratulate my colleagues khrystinoyatskiv and roman chayko dont switch stay with the Espresso Team we congratulate you yes a new day has come roman chayka and Khrystyna Yatskiv welcome it together with you thank you with strength of the defense of ukraine for the fact that we have such an opportunity, we congratulate all our tv viewers, our listeners, people in whom i personally have absolute confidence and know that you must help at every call we make respond there, and in this case, we understand that even small donations do not happen, so even one uah 1 from each of our viewers can be the amount that needs to be collected. The 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine is in the donetsk direction, which we will talk about today. Dronika mikadze how without them and the complex, why did we see how they work effectively . This is small for the times of military collections, uh , a million 900,000 hryvnias if you take a couple of hryvnias from each coffee. On our screen, you just point your smartphone at the qrcode and you can pay using the link or using the details, if you didnt have time to record , remember, you can always repeat them on our website on the youtube channel, every hryvnia is an investment, the best investment in our Common Future thank you for your participation. Well, we are starting to talk about the most important thing, and first of all, for sure. Advances near bogdanivka in a day , in total, there were about 20 battles of collisions. The enemy assault squads that are equipped mainly with prisoners every day and in various directions try to break through the defense of our troops. With the aim of blocking and later capturing kupyansk, as a result of working with the commanders in this direction, a number of important decisions were made that will ensure the reliability of the defense, we remind you that it is in this direction that the Largest Group has been concentrated since the time of the invasion. Yes , we do not know for sure about 100,000 ee, but that is where the syrian general was yesterday , accordingly, these conclusions are based on what was seen it is, as they say, stubbornly on the spot, but yesterday it was very young, i think in touch with us nataliya humenyuk, head of the joint coordination percentage of the Defense Forces of southern ukraine, captain of the first rank mrs. Natalya , congratulations glory to ukraine how was the last day of a special night in the south, and relatively calm if we talk about the previous ones, we have something to compare with. But we can state that the enemy is still trying to build up fire resistance and is hitting Populated Areas with maximum power. More than 12 of them were shelled on the right bank in the past day it is a pity that there are dead and wounded civilians and uh, the air strike that the enemy carried out with guided air bombs yesterday evening fell on a general educational institution, in particular, this has become a practice, they continue to strike in the agricultural direction, on the agrarian capacities of the region, and again strike at the places of the alleged gatherings of people, particularly in schools , as a rule, humanitarian aid points are deployed, and that is why the enemy chooses these objects to attack the ee means. The russian public talked about some kind of sabotage because they invent clashes and write the truth, they constantly spit at me there and try to set up positions for themselves because if you see on the map the peculiarity of the landscape of this area, it is just the beginning of this branching fragment of islands and straits from the bare prystan in the direction of the kinvor spit now the occupiers have generally prohibited local movement between settlements because they fear the appearance of Security Forces there, they fear sabotage there and that is why they now they intensified their sabotage reconnaissance activity there, but as usual it came into contact with our counterbattery work , the three boats on which the sabotage Reconnaissance Group set out to collect information and rotate the personnel followed the russian warship to the same place. Past in the past, we understand that the russian army supports the propagandist and makes relevant videos for him, the general staff reported just yesterday that in the temporarily occupied in the settlement of the cossack camp, the russian film crew is already preparing to shoot a propaganda video about the alleged destruction of 150 servicemen of the ukrainian subversive Intelligence Group in the local Village House of culture, on the other hand , they warn that there is a contingent there , in particular from among the prisoners. The russian army and, most importantly, ours , what are they counting on, for whom are they doing this, it is really a rather developed and frequent phenomenon , lately we have been watching them we can see in the public that the transport mark of the cossack scales with the ee has been dug up from a stationary place, they have been moving it for several days to different areas , they are raising propaganda videos in front of it, i. E. They once dug it up, now they are moving with it, now they are preparing another provocation because it is related to her with the hype that they have developed regarding the promotion of the Security Forces. But we remind you that our work consisted in the performance of certain tasks and continues. Counterbattery struggle because we protect people we throw in such a contingent that they want to demonstrate, that is, 50 people destroyed in one place, and what they are trying to create such and such media content and spread it is designed exclusively for their audience in order to suppress the internal order in the valuable army a little because such and such are very common in the west e declining moods and desertion are flourishing so much that they cant collect themselves sweat in the left bank of mrs. Natalya. Hpp draining certain areas, how much does it change . Well, you know. Somewhere, even the geography of the gods and whether the enemy can use it against us, and there were fears that the enemy could use the conditions where the channel of the kakhovsky reservoir has dried up or even the dnieper has narrowed. What can they do . To go in the direction of the right advantage, but there are no such intentions at the moment, except for subversive intelligence. To destabilize the general situation, but on this issue, our defense work has been carried out qualitatively, and access to our coast is absolutely excluded for them, but they are trying to maneuver precisely because of the dnipro investigation, where you said, here is a cluster of islands and here they somehow mark their positions, allegedly expanding their presence. But every time as soon as they deploy, we deploy back ms. Nataliya, very interesting material yesterday, we can read it, muscovites, who still know how to read this is a peninsula of the damned as a dream, and kamikaze sea drones shake krym ot россии there , interestingly, simply analyzed, in particular , open and closed data on ee logistics , which we are talking about, in particular, more than 60 , on the occupied territories for the eastern and southeastern fronts go through crimea , and there is a good analysis of how much and whether it is possible in the coming months to completely isolate crimea from the territory of russia, where only a ferry will remain for crossing, and this is 810 of the needs of the Russian Military group your assessment is like this , its russian analytics, im just wondering if the numbers and calculations match, yes, the numbers are very close to the real ones, really, if you work fruitfully on the section by cutting off the transport arteries, the ferry remains in fact the crossing, but even here the sea has been on our side for several days, storms do not give the opportunity to use it as a logistic logistic artery, and the route that remains 17 is already overstressed, and with the worsening of the situation with the greater deterioration of the situation with the crimean chongar genetic bridges and the exclusion of the ferry pontoon crossings in this direction. This route may stop at all, so we are talking about the fact that they are worried about how their logistics are currently arranged, and in addition to military needs, humanitarian ones are also really suffering. That the highway actually remains the only connection for supplies to the peninsula itself, and there is a situation of humanitarian measures, well, fuel is only fine on the crimean peninsula, and residents complain that it is expensive and not everywhere, not everywhere at all. I think that in principle, this situation means that and the Occupying Forces are not well supplied with fuel ms. Natalya, i want to ask you the following question. I just remember when i was still living in the crimea. Something from the Second World War was also disposed of at the landfills, now every day the occupiers report that in the Populated Areas where the russians, or rather, the ukrainian cottonwoods have flown in, apparently , Something Like the disposal of explosive objects is regularly carried out, and the fact is that it is not only there, old crimea, that landfill this is not only the free dzhankoy district, there are several other locations that they did not publicly declare, and we did not ask in particular either from you or from the general headquarters, but can this picture be when they declare about disposal munitions to actually show us exactly where and on what scale they have cotton there recently, the opposite is possible. They are trying to focus our efforts on those directions that are beneficial for them to demonstrate because we remember that in the conditions of a hybrid war, any information, in particular, received from the enemy in even such an open, obsessive regime needs a thorough check, we will check all this and for every object that they even deploy and redeploy we are working carefully. It was very interesting. We want to know today. Hmm, this ship sailed to the bosphorus and which everyone was closely following. That is, which one is under the turkish flag. I know that the turkish ship is under the hong kong flag. In my opinion , it left odesa without its own flag. It left odesa. Of the port was moving in the direction of turkey how normal without incident yes indeed you corrected yourself at the end of the sentence and what did he pass yes ships do not sail on the sea they enter only russia is true the ship passed without incident this is the first swallow which was aimed at checking to a certain extent the functioning of the same ecorridor that was marked as an option for the renewal of navigation in the black sea. Lets start, well, we hope that this will become such a good trend, as with the naval forces in russia now in its ports and how they feel there, in particular, those vessels and ships that should not carry any military threat to be fulltime civilians or to perform some economic tasks, but this is russia , that is why they are used, which is currently in the black sea, a naval group of nine ships is deployed, one bazovsky chats and monitors the surface situation among these ships and combat and border and support vessels, they continue to hide behind civilians for whom they created an artificial area of ​​concentration for 3040 ships in which they constantly cruise and create such a buffer cushion of the barrier as they consider for the ee naval group of the black sea fleet passage through the kerch strait, the russians are slowing down not by accident, namely because they constantly keep a more or less stable number of serial ships as a kind of justification for their ships ms. Natalya , one last question yesterday, we discussed here with khrystyna and waited for the official answer , then the main directorate of intelligence the militarycivilian administration also said that this is nothing more than a canine informational and psychological special operation with those fears that they will blow up the occupied zaporizhia npp and then the kursk npp and then and almost a Nuclear Apocalypse will begin, why was it done if, strategically, even in the military dimension, any accident at a gas station is not profitable, the occupiers very often resort to those accidents, which then they will not have a day off at all , and this is most vividly emphasized by the accident they caused on e kakhovsky hpp tried to harm the Defense Forces themselves, now they do not know what to do with their defense lines that they created, created and did not create, and the fact that they are trying to include manmade blackmail again is a sign of hopelessness that is, they feel that they are losing on the field and need to shift attention in society to something more global. Thank you, mrs. Natalia. It became instead of the geographical contour and we will move a little to the north along the dnieper and get to the field, the free city of nikopol all the time and during the occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region is subject to shelling exception yes yes yes stay with us we will find out the situation turn on the championship on megogo invincible Oleksandr Usyk vs. Daniel dubo speed and intelligence against destructive power who will win in the battle of the titans find out august 26 exclusively on megogo endibar helps not only with heaviness in the stomach, but also with bloating, discomfort and feelings of fullness of the stomach, there are 20 discounts on enzibar in podorozhnyk pharmacies in july 2023, the espresso tv channel continues to lead the top of ukrainian informational tv channels , viewers have time to learn about the most important according to the measurement data, the viewers choose ukrainian ones view from espresso, congratulations friends Mykola Veresen Vitaly Portnikov good health to all thank you ukrainians for their trust espresso works for you Andriy Yanitskyi keeps the economy under surveillance yes we are talking about Economic News on the espresso channel but it is not about dry numbers and they are clear the terms are about the economy, it is about the ability to analyze, forecast and get a profit, but what will be the Exchange Rates of salaries and pensions and how will the prices of products change, information about everything that affects our wallet and informed means armed watch the news project of the economy with andrii yanitsky on weekdays at 8 10 not espresso watch this week in the program judicial control with tetyana shustrova the Disciplinary Service of the vrp under the control of the judicial mafia changes to the law which normal competition is launched and what corruption risks does the draft law on disciplinary inspectors who were able to get rid of themselves, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova

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