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Comments about this and much more today , the lord speaks about important things in simple language, available to all viewers welcome bags of the week that saturdays at 21 00 nayspresso every week saturday Political Club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world Vitaly Portnikov host espresso and invitation experts based facts, give their assessment and forecast of the development of events, do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday Political Club , saturdays are not espresso, we continue our broadcast, you are on the espresso channel, i am yehor chicheryna, 6 30 on our clock, and disturbing information from paris , the french capital, there the eiffel tower was evacuated, but not the tower itself, but the people who were on it and around it. European pravda and the local bfm. Tv channel also reported on this. Three floors of the eiffel tower and the space near it were evacuated on saturday due to a threat of an explosion. A Police Source reported that bomb disposal specialists are working on the site , the monument is closed to visitors. Well, it is known that the evacuation began around noon and was carried out as a precautionary measure. So far, who has reported the threat of an explosion, the eiffel tower is the most visited paid attraction in the world. It receives about 7 million visitors a year , about 75 of whom are foreigners. Well, lets hope that there will be no explosions and real threats to the lives of tourists and residents of paris and french citizens, well, now we meet on our channel this roar, a member of the public Anticorruption Council under the ministry of defense of ukraine, the head of the Public Association dream of the children of ukraine , we welcome you, given the presenters well, lets talk about public procurement, one of the main such sensational journalistic materials that appeared the other day because published on censor. Net journalist Yuriy Nikolov made an investigation that found out what was bought by the Ministry Defense summer jackets for ukrainian soldiers turned into winter jackets tripled in price well, then the details of the information, the details of this investigation of Yuriy Nikolov, we demonstrated how in december 22, says yuriy, when there was no longer any panic, hysteria of the first months of the invasion , a truck with clothes arrived from turkey to ukraine for our soldiers at the start, this uniform weighed and cost the same as a normal summer uniform and was called it is simply camouflage. And the last document was already about winter clothing and the price of the batch was no longer 142,000, but 421 well the numbers swapped the same numbers one four two then four two one yes the numbers shuffled very interestingly the mental situation Yuriy Nikolov ms. Given tell me do you know the story of the purchase of this form and how it happened that 142,000 turned into 421 and who paid the difference please 22 th year, when we held hearings of the state Procurement Department for the 22nd year, there, you know , every contract can be taken with eggs burning with clothes and everywhere there will be problems and everywhere there will be grounds for violation of criminal as you know, shapovalov, the first deputy minister of defense and the head of the state Procurement Department, khmelnytsky, is behind these criminal cases. Regarding why the cost of the form has changed, here is the question, do you know if the form crossed the the borders of ukraine and its value has changed, so here is a question for the customs officials, who changed the declaration, who signed this declaration about the mass media, because the price change takes place right there , when the goods cross the border , and here is really very interesting, who and persons who put her signature under ee this document regarding the registration which was purchased which was purchased in the 22nd year in turkey it is true there are a lot of such contracts i will tell you honestly some unfulfilled to date ee this is a big problem ee return accounts receivable. And what i want to emphasize, look, there are two types of procurement of the ministry of defense. It is centralized. What we do is the commission on total security. We centrally purchase things such as fuel, food , clothing, etc. And it is decentralized on purchase as far as i understand, the military unit purchased this decentralized purchase, and here the question is also for the military unit. And who is the person who signed , and what will happen to this person who signed the acceptance of such goods . Next, what is the form it came to us from turkey, it does not withstand any hmm, lets say no quality criteria, hmm, and i want to tell you that the people who accepted it centrally, i am not talking about this situation from the military part , there were many such situations, that is, i never wrote in about one situation, but this is not one situation, there are many of them, and even the people who accepted them put their signatures of support and said that we are ashamed of what we accepted, but then if you remember, i started running in may, which we will not have from the winter uniform, then she painted nicely and wrote that everything was fine. I wrote that it was bad again. Hanna the painter wrote that it was fine and then they went to buy anything. Once again nobody what he does it, er, it should be. Well, thats right, its not a shakeup of the situation. Its just a statement of fact, according to which the Law Enforcement agencies should work, what has changed . Now we launched the procedure, not now, its been a month since we launched the procedure for purchasing winter uniforms, and er, already contracts have been signed and winter uniforms are already being sewn, and i hope that on october 15, when according to the ministry of defense regulations , every soldier, even the one sitting in the rear, will receive a winter uniform. I hope that c c will be delivered in a timely manner because we traded in a timely manner, we traded transparently, the price is absolutely adequate. To date, the entire winter uniform has been sold, the entire request of the rear wing for the uniform has been sold, and i still want to tell you this, well, you just know this. Its not funny, but uh, we are fulfilling now, we fulfilled the request for the rear wing according to the form, when we traded the uniform for the 22nd december 22nd, 22nd year, i was not mistaken. That is, we were currently fulfilling the request for the rear in the summer of the 22nd year. This became possible thanks to the fact that four billion 600 million uah were saved on food and there was a redistribution of funds. I used these funds to purchase winter uniforms well , the editors sent me a document that says 421,400. And the signature there is roman pltnev. Well, you just said who signed, here is the last name, you can work with a Law Enforcement agency, who is this person, romantic , i have a lot of questions for Law Enforcement authorities, because uh, inna was also the dbr and other structures , including from me, repeatedly received documents uh, which confirm , well, lets say the facts of criminal offenses, but on many of them, i even wrote and they took offense at me there, but on many issues they dont respond, why dont they respond . I also have a question, madam, and here its a global question. I know that you seem to have been engaged in the production of clothes in ukraine at one time. We dont have clothes in turkey ourselves, we dont have people, everything is fine with work, its fine for companies to work now, everyone is busy and there are no free hands to sew this uniform ourselves why do we give money to someone to earn and and indies, but not in ukraine , today we launched auctions and according to our laws, according to the law on public procurement, only residents have the right to participate in auctions , residents are people, this is a company that is registered on the territory of ukraine and pays taxes on the territory of ukraine, in the qualification requirements we wrote so that there were manufacturers, that there were production facilities, that there were a number of people, that there were financial statements. To date, only ukrainian Domestic Companies have entered the auctions , and this is a plus for the economy. The purchase of forms is not in ukraine for some reason. Why, you already know this question, i cant answer it because i wasnt there then and i was the person who ran and shouted what are you doing today the situation has changed, but i absolutely agree with you that those facts that were uhuh previous yes uhuh for the previous period from the 22nd year they should be qualified by Law Enforcement agencies they should uhuh be investigated they should uhuh pass yes this eye the stages of the investigation and the people who signed some documents must be brought to justice. If this is not the case , what kind of democratic country are we . Of defense and how do you feel about this information or rumors of gossip about the fact that in the near future Oleksiy Reznikov may be resigned or replaced as minister of defense, he can go to england or to another position that seems to be is there some kind of casting going on for the position of minister of defense . Is it true . Well, lets start with the question. To be honest, ive been talking about whats being filmed. Ive been hearing about it since february, and lets wait. I cant comment on anything here. But these ive been hearing political talk since february, more than half a year ago, lets wait if it happens, it will happen in relation to such a council, we had an official appeal to the minister, and here are the prices of the appeal regarding, you know, a very controversial issue regarding the declaration of taxes by the military e we took the position that this is inadmissible because uh, uh, excuse me, uh, uh , everyone in the military now has to deal with the declaration of their income, its like, oh , we made a proposal aah, why in these, in this lets put it this way, this list of military personnel who have declarations is not included. People who work with the military commander work very well. Thats there. Excuse me, corruption is just at every step , they demand money at every step, and we made a proposal to include these people in the declaration, and the declaration of the military today has to be canceled because the military is now, im sorry, they are performing tasks , they have to, yes, they must definitely declare those who make decisions on procurement, which are here, that is, to the center, what i told you, that in a decentralized manner, there are people who are engaged in the blocking of military units themselves, let them report, let them report on their fortunes , and the military commissars, because frankly, when they asked what to do with the military commissariat , i said, lets protonate and create something else, so let them those people who are responsible for e. E. Lets say for the purchase of military units, those people who sit in the military commissions where corruption is simply rampant, those people who sit in the fork where corruption is rampant, so let them submit their declarations about the only thing i will say in defense of the ilc and certain military commissars. I am also currently in the mobilization process. And here in the city of irpin , kyiv region, i undergo the vlc in the usual clinical irpin city hospital. Well, i was examined by civilian doctors. Not everywhere it turns into a corrupt element there, i hope so. For example , civilian doctors. This was a change literally maybe a month and a half ago. Only to the chechen troops there. Thats how it was, thank you, ms. Reva, it was an interesting inclusion, we talked about many topics, and now there is a pause after a pause, vitaly, without them , the peoples deputy of ukraine will join us, be with us, the pain can become an obstacle on the stairs, not with my knees from pain in the knees. 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Summary of the week this is an overview of only important events, events of weighty credibility this is analytics, fact checking, expert comments, much more. Tv channels espresso news summary of the week every saturday at 21 00 of the best brand my dad was a tank driver, he was my sniper, he stood so well that no organization could sneak up to our positions even received the order, and mine knocked out two enemy tanks and destroyed an entire warehouse of ammunition, oh, what, my dad served in the air Defense Forces and shot down missiles over kiev, finally, i can tell about it, ah , cool, we continue our broadcast at 6 50 p. M. On the clock for 10 7, his chichirinda on the espresso channel today, im in the middle of september, but i hope that you are no less interested in me than with mr. Mykola, now we will be in touch vitaly bezhyn, peoples deputy of ukraine, congratulations, mr. Vitaliyovych, can you hear us . We cant hear you for some reason. Three lets talk one two three were working great look i wanted to start with you too heres a funny topic whats going on in the parliament we already talked with Zhan Belenyuk about this topic oleksandr krasovetskyi wrote gender director of folio edition a wellknown ukrainian publisher what events in the Ukrainian Parliament did he have in mind i understand that the elimination of a certain number of deputies is reminiscent of Agatha Christies novel ten negroes. Im sorry, maybe its not politically correct, but the title of the work is exactly that, and zhan belanyuk wrote on facebook under this signature, but i im going to survive. Are you going to survive . Vitalyovich, really. Everything is so difficult and threatening for the deputies. Let me remind you that in this novel, people on the island gradually died one by one. Please, your assessment of what is happening. Is it really a novel . I saw a post by journalists, i saw a joke, a colleague, ah , am i planning to get kicked out . Yes, of course , i am planning. They work in principle, they work as they have worked and remain at their workplaces. Just wait for oblivion, we see that mostly concerns those peoples deputies who, for some reason , prefer the details of their daily life abroad or ahah to elite recreation. Yes, i think that in principle and in the case of absence, we understand that this is a vote , of course, but the parliament is unlikely to lose a significant one , because people on this pension took four, but now many people write on these same social networks , ordinary voters and yours and other Political Forces they write about the fact that they obviously understand the deputy , well , many of them, a large percentage, understand that the next parliament is not bright for them, that is exactly why they are trying to steal. Voter is there truth in fate and the truth in these in these assumptions, please look, in principle, i dont think its worth talking about any electronic things for simple reasons about we have a war and this is the only thing that has us to worry about whether there is someone there who has decided to steal somewhere. As in the last day, i am not talking about deputies in general, but about our state at all levels. Look, if we see regular cases of corruption, then it is pointless to reject that such things happen in an opinion like mine it seems that the anticorruption vertical in our country is still gaining more and more strength, and i still hope that none of these figures can avoid responsibility. Well, lets move closer to your profile, communities spend excess funds on repairs from their budgets because they do not have the right to redirect them to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. Well, accordingly , a whole petition was registered to the government and to the parliament , the president , first of all, about changing ukrainian legislation and giving the opportunity to ukrainian communities before directing this money to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine or really . Here is this petition, we ask the president of ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine to reconsider the draft law on the immediate redirection of sums the personal income tax of our defenders of city budgets for the military purposes of the state budget, are you really . Are you familiar with this petition, or is there really a problem with this, mr. Vitaly , i am asking for spices. I am not familiar. Especially for rural areas, is there currently no mechanism to direct local budget funds to the need for security and defense . This is not true. There are opportunities , such as small communities in poltava oblast. Automaton opishnya, she actually spends huge chunks of her budget on aid to the armed forces, if we are talking about this city and the law on local selfgovernment in general about the danger of defense, funds can be spent. To the extent of the police, and therefore, in particular, members of our committee this week will register two relevant bills to replace the law on local selfgovernment with amendments to the law on the budget code, which will allow maximum already legitimize this procedure so that there are no problems with those teams who really operate in this way, but this is one plane away, another plane is the question of what is probably worth the military personal income tax, and the majority of them should be targeted and should really return to the needs of Defense Security, because now what is happening in some communities can send 100 of these surplus funds. And in some communities, the community receives 120 million per year from the military, and a million is diverted to them, only the old one. Regulation of quotas, this should be done during the review of the budget code and the preparation of the 2019 budget, and we understand that the government has until september 15 as the budget date. A wellknown defender of the ukrainian language, a doctor of philosophy, he is a public figure writes what Denys Shmyhal the cabinet of ministers essentially rejected our petition on limiting energy costs to increase the level of defense capability and cited the example of the lviv state administration that maksym kozytskyi, the head of the state administration basically announced a new tender for uah 96 million for the reconstruction of the biathlon shooting range for the shooting range there and roller ski tracks in lviv oblast. The expected cost is uah 96 million 105,000. Should i then spend money on ski tracks at a time when, well, we have needs for drones, there is a need for other things in thermal imagers, we collect them every day in our broadcasts, including this tender. I saw it on the prozorrow website. It surprised me. Which in you and i in kyiv may need to translate the cobblestones from sumatra to the opera house. What does the kyiv City Government do . There are such things, and i believe that the legislation should be close to creative. Therefore , the author of the petition is definitely legal on Bohdan Khmelnytskyi street. This is happening, but the City Government the head of kyiv says i want to, but i cant, since im redirecting if to the armed forces, then im violating the legislation of the understanding that if a Small Community in poltava oblast can direct millions, then kyiv, which, according to the calculations of the ministry of finance , will receive an additional 61 billion this year the military budget and who just started talking about the Defense Security support program for 5 billion i think he can definitely find a tool, you know, i watched one of the journalists of the famous interview with mr. Klitschko yes so where she asked the question why is kharkiv building a shelter and in kyiv the problem with the dpr was so sure, the question is, do you trust directly, the responsibility was put to leonid yemsyu, a deputy of the Kyiv City Council , the answer was very simple, because there is no design documentation and tomorrow we will build some kind of shelter, the day after tomorrow, someone, dont give god will kill in this shelter, who will be to blame, the person who built these shelters. You understand, i think we should think that people did not quit, and not think that some official will be extreme if a person writes. Are you currently assessing the relationship between the central government, the cabinet of ministers, the president s office and the kyiv City Government, as far as i can remember that two months ago, after people died under the walls near the door latch to the shelter, the door never opened there was considerable tension, there was a rotation of the heads of the District State Administration in the city of kyiv, what is the current situation, tell me simply, i represent pavlo, participating with the president as an administrator, so i think that on the one hand, it is correct to assess the situations of individuals then there were problems, it was a tragedy when it was a decision of the scientific military administration were dismissed somewhere, there were the same issues with the kyiv City Government in the eyes of the mayor, i dont know about it, i think everyone should do their own thing, now change the law and your attitude to the fact that the mayor in no way affects the choice of appointing the heads of the Regional State administration, they are appointed on the line of the president , first of all, i really believe and have consistently believed all four parliamentary years that the problem in kyiv is systemic and because of the crooked current legislation, and i said that including the responsibility of our parliament that we are the law on the capital no, they did not change. And as for the head of the mouth, how to catch it, the kmda is the executive vertical of the executive power, they are subordinate and directly accountable to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, and there is a problem in that that we have mayors who are elected and he is the chairman of the kmda, but such current legislation is not a problem here, the problem is that kyiv is the only city in ukraine with limited local selfgovernment, there is only one solution it is to delimit the kmda, which will steal, and then this problem will not exist but the head of kyiv does not support this idea, because

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