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Only this is the measurement of the bunker and not the op because it is already beginning. How is this element that cannot be controlled . That is exactly why he apparently took a break. I do not think that he asked urgently because the consequences of this sudden blitzkrieg rebellion they in general, they will be told for a long time and they will be affected and this is how he evaluates everything, he called him a traitor, but nevertheless, we gave him some slack. Well, how to wash the blood , you understand, and this is what is happening in the village of tsel in the mogilev region in belarus. It is visible. Well, it is possible in africa, too, because they allowed him to maintain contact in africa, i mean, we will meet in st. Petersburg , okay, here is this comrade, we have erer related topics, the action of these groups is based on the money that is placed there in all kinds of resources mines, cuttings, etc. , and so on, amazonian fields, yes, yes, it seems to him to say that you are sitting on the topic because you will not be replaced in russia. It is completely liquidated. Komarno , so that everything is understood, and it is completely liquidated , that is, the aodito base is in molke, but in the krasnodava district. All the equipment Armored Vehicles all the weapons all the bull everything sent the balance of the ministry of defense large part of the manuscripts more and part of the contract workers at dude wagner signed a contract with the change of defense of the Russian Federation precisely in belarus, and this was definitely agreed between Lukashenko Prigozhin and putin. They will go to the polish border , i think they will cry, there will be no totok, even for putin, this is also beneficial. He will eliminate this, in general, unpleasant threat. That actually killing two birds with one stone would kill a hero. And how would it be that now there are no more internal problems of this kind. They were simply killed in a flow and it turned out to be rockets, not helicopters at all, there would be nothing straight as long as i wasnt there, well, there was a desert, as it were , desert areas, they were going to the Armored Vehicles , they shot them so that the Armored Vehicles, uh, that means they laid bombs, metal, wellknown stories, why thats how putin fought with a handsome man, and they planted him, or rather drove him away, you understand, even if we were in the winter. Putin, but they didnt take him to the basement, well, he s safe to resist, you write pretty, damn it, these prisoners will make it. Yes, there will be a rez of others, and we saw a twig, an example of a russian patriot. How old is he . Glade means public, so that he told how much he got out of it , that he subscribed, they turned to me, or i dont know, they blocked the roads with retreats. Removed the taboo against putin that they are permissible for the garden of the fsb in general, there is no oath, and all that goes against the state, so putin, you go to the state, represented in the kitchen, do what you want, ah, i think this was the reason in order to isolate him and how to remove this problem from the growth of these ragtag gubarevs and so on, they removed it by the way, two of them, and everything dissipated. It is not at all visible that it was not considered an organization, as its members now claim, and even this direction is no longer criticized i dont know if its the case, or its a conditional case, you already know that kind of thing, well, hes a red nationalist like that yes, hes stuck and for the russian people, well, thats what you want, thats more specific, ideologically insanely, hes like that , its more, it means with the success of denikin, or there alexander the third, but all the same, in general, the audience is very very unique, and how did you get rid of the people in general , and as for the beauty of the world, the plot continues , the plot continues, we have a more visible continuation , it is easier to deal with the sentencer than the gyrkin, in general, the role and everything. I there is no need to liquidate it, she has nothing , but with the entrance, after all, i think the plot of the disease is slava, you are more difficult to judge from the other side. Sometimes naruto will discuss what to hurt well, he sits there, show him on the map, he can command the number in my opinion, they removed it well, i dont know , yes, popov who commanded, eh, in general, this is already popular information, they sent everything to the link, and there for these siri there too maybe the bombs will not fly there, well, god knows, but in any case, it means that they somehow decide to go ahead with opal. And with each rode, as it is still afloat , no one has planted him there, he has not killed anything , which means that we do not understand something with you. With good luck in this game, i had some an important unannounced moment or does he have some resources that are impossible while he was alive, did the abductors transfer to africa or are they in other places, does he know something, did he decide to take a break from the video, but i dont think that the plot is over, it will have its continuation i would like to thank you, max, for this extremely interesting informative conversation. I would like to remind our viewers that mark feigin , a russian opposition figure in exile , a former member of the state duma, an iconic video blogger, is currently working for them on the espresso tv channel. How are you . Are you thinking about lacalut fix, it reliably fixes me, my dentist advised me, and particles of food do not get under the prosthesis and the price is good, the right choice for my pension, a new cream for extrastrong fixation of dentures and healthy gums. Its when everything is as you want click and you are in the world of cartoons and around the universe of cinema and then what you need megogo turn on hundreds of channels in thousands of films and sports of ukraine i, igor perduta , devoted most of his career to vorskla, we won awards of the domestic championship, the country was shot many times at the euro arena, many thanks to those who defend our independence. Glory to the ukrainian nation , join the community with a ukrainian view of the world, become a sponsor of the espresso youtube channel. Click to sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian point of view, no matter what ukrainians think about , no matter what they talk about, it still comes first war war and our victory only on espresso from monday to monday completely different spheres of human activity Sports Health politics the return of crimea military analytics of the ninth presenters journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most Current Events through the prism of war in authors projects on espresso every hour every minute we receive a large amount of information about what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the field of soldiers, how the International Community evaluates our successes, and what moscow is lying about from the stream news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important from closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the backs of the commanders news summary of the week this is an overview of only important events, events with the weight of credibility this is analytics, fact checking, professional comments about this and much more today about someone important in simple language available to all viewers welcome to the studio iryna koval and this is the summary of the week on the tv channel espresso news the summary of the week every saturday at 21 00 the most espresso big air of vasyl winter my name is vasyl winter two hours of air time 2 hours of your time we will talk about the most important things for two hours to learn about the war our air joins serhiys air the military summaries of the day and what is the life of the world what in the world will yuriy the physicist tell us for two hours to be informed of Economic News protested by oleksandr morshchyntsi he tells us about the economy during the war and new sports evgeny pastukhov is ready to talk about sports for two hours in the company of favorite presenters about culture during the war ready to talk about the war or Something Else the presenters, which many have become like, maybe the weather will give us some optimism, ms. Natalka didenko is ready to tell us, and we will also have a respectable studio hotel today. In ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians is victory and loss, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics , Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future is now the main and interesting thing in the program verdict by Serhiy Rudenko from monday to friday at 8 00 p. M. Repeat at 12 10 p. M. And mine knocked out two enemy tanks and destroyed an entire warehouse of ammunition. And my dad served in air defense and shot down missiles over kiev, finally i can tell about it ah , cool, now the espresso tv channel will be on the air. Activist, historian, person who has done a lot for polishukrainian understanding. Glory to ukraine, myroslav. Congratulations, glory to the heroes. Well, no one expected that we would reach such a level of polishukrainian relations , in particular, taking into account what was done in cooperation between the two countries , in particular, it is about that the polish ambassador was summoned to the carpet of the ukrainian mfa and the representatives of the president S Administration exchanged rather harsh statements on the one hand, this seems to indicate a lack of communication on the other hand, it is possible indicates certain longstanding internal ukrainian mutual claims that there is an overuse of words and unnecessary words, statements and gestures. As he said, well, polishukrainian relations are not in a crisis, relations between countries and between states and peoples are stable, they are stably positive, you can call them goodneighborly and friendly in particular, after february 24 , nothing changes in this respect. The Election Company in poland is very tough, very active, and what is at stake now is the election and who will hold power after the parliamentary elections, which will probably take place in october of this year. Under the distribution of the fallen. The same relations with well, and in particular the issue of grain and ukrainian Agricultural Products that are imported throughout the European Union without duty, i know it, which was introduced this year for four units of grain this is sunflower, this is corn and this e wheat embargo to five countries of the European Union , this embargo should end on september 15, and now there are active discussions on the topic of whether it will be extended until after september 15. It is necessary and this is the peak of the Election Campaign, that is, every Political Force that is active on the political scene of poland, which needs the votes of the rural electorate and farmers in particular, is trying to put itself in the position of the defenders of these farmers from here and there are very harsh statements from both the government and the opposition well, but adult politicians should distinguish between, i dont know, cutlets separately, but no, we see that it went through one channel or through one emotional tunnel, and we understand that in general it can undermine that which we considered to be generally unreliable , in particular it is about the geopolitical security relations of the two states, so at one time poland played an extremely Important Role and Ukrainian Society is undoubtedly grateful to poland, so on the other hand, we understand that there are certain things that were listed in the statement of the deputy, more precisely in the tweet of the deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of poland yablonski, well, definitely yes , lets separate the flies from the meat, yes, that is, in fact. What has happened recently is a surprise for me personally, that such sharp statements and gestures were made by representatives of the office of both president s andrzej duda and Volodymyr Zelensky seemed to have communication between the president. They feel themselves, they understand themselves and want to be mutually needed. Well, of course, ukraine is now in a different situation in poland, but ukraine also needs poland very much. Considering what is happening on the border with belarus, well, this is the first thing, that is, for me, it was a surprise, such gestures were heard, well and here i think that there is a question of the maturity of politics , well, the representative of the office of the polish president , as it seems, is running for office, will run for the polish parliament , well, he decided to make himself some kind of recognizability in polish society decided to play such a role , a person who expresses certain views that ukrainians should have been more grateful for this, mr. Sibiga from the office of the president of ukraine reacted very emotionally once we chose and participated in various negotiations, everything should have ended with that, but it was to summon the polish ambassador to the Ukrainian Foreign ministry, which is very radical , we are entering diplomacy, well, thats all on my part, that is, when they are summoned the ambassador means that the relations between the two states are in a crisis, in a crisis, the relations between ukraine and ukraine are not there, nothing has changed, the paradox is such a paradox, take into account the absurd situation was that in response to the call of the polish member of the Ukrainian Foreign ministry, the Ukrainian Ambassador was summoned to the polish ministry of Foreign Affairs, but they called in this the same day when the temporary representative of the belarusian republic was summoned to poland and where very harsh statements were made from both sides and very correct ones from the same side , i mentioned the minister of yablonsky to you, that is, where did he say what is wrong . I have a general violation of the airspace of the square on the part of belarus, two helicopters and two helicopters flew several kilometers into the airspace of the square. But at the same time, you are the minister who said that poland condemns aggression against russia , aggression in which the belarusian state plays an active role and more moreover, belarus is a party involved in the escalation of this war , that is, the statement of the poles is very correct, how can you say ordinary people, as i communicate and read honey , i am watching what discussions are going on, the poles do not have well, imagine such a bifurcation, and on the one hand they see russian missiles falling on ukraine, the war is happening on ukrainian territory, and russia is under threat for the time being, who understand this very well, as they showed after february 24, and here there is some kind of exchange, well, very harsh, and here belarus is provoking unequivocally provokes a threat from its own territory against poland, well, all people , people, stupid people understand that the threat does not come from ukraine to poland, but from russia , first of all, and its subordinate belarus due to todays regime of oleksandr lukashenka, the poles understand this perfectly, that is, i think that all such harsh statements, they will not soon be forgotten about them, will not affect poland. Or maybe we understand that emotions are also extremely important in politics. Well, we have to go through the Election Campaign and thats it. Well, the first step will of course be on september 15. As i understand the emotional statements of the ukrainian side, it follows from a very simple matter, that is , on september 15, the embargo on the import of ukrainian Agricultural Products to five countries should be lifted. The European Union is doing something with ukraine, that is, poland, slovakia, romania, bulgaria and hungary, these countries, and above all, poland , have sounded out that god knows what kind of scenarios they are dealing with, that is, because they have nothing else to do, they are frightening with such scenes after 2014 and over the years in 2022, everyone understands that real forces could be behind this scenario, but while the armed forces of ukraine are defeating the troops of the Russian Federation on the territory of ukraine, they are causing them

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