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Generally accepted rules, the International Order must be restored, it is very important that bilateral negotiations with partners take place on the fields of meetings in life. Thank you to our delegation for this work, the consolidation of the world is one of the most important tasks. The greater the consultation of the world for the sake of restoring a just peace, the sooner it will be ended by bombs and missiles with which moscow wants to replace the norms of International Law. Chinas participation in the summit in jeddah deserves special attention. China represented the league of diplomats. Who had previously come to kyiv and moscow to listen to the positions of the parties regarding the war and its conclusion, sources in the eu publication said that china took an active part and had a positive attitude to the idea of ​​a third meetings at this level, it is interesting that the representatives of the peoples republic of china missed the first meeting in copenhagen, chinas participation in the eu is called the great diplomatic prize of ukraine, as garden writes. Well, actually, the active participation of saudi arabia in the issue of peace for ukraine is also evaluated positively by analysts. With the audit , they managed to collect in the fields themselves three to five countries per year, including brazil and south africa , as well as other countries of the global rooster , such as indonesia, mexico, zambia and egypt. Of the president Mykhailo Podolyak joined svoboda ranok. I congratulate you on the eve of this meeting. On the eve of this meeting, they expressed the hope that the foundations of a new Global Political architecture would be laid at the meeting. So you said, well, this is a rather broad formulation. Explain what this means in practice. And in your opinion, was it possible to lay these the basics , well, it is impossible to lay the foundation in one meeting, but at least the things that are clear on this, they were eloquent , first of all, if we want to have a really productive dialogue, then russia must be absent, yes, that is, because where there is russia, there is always destruction, russia does not know how to talk, but as an ultimatum puts forward some conditions that are not realistic and unconditional. This blocks any conversations. Yesterday they took a neutral position, they are studying the nature of this war more carefully and are ready to talk about the key element of returning to International Law as for as for a unified system of interstate relations well, that is, well , that is, uh, russia has definitely destroyed everything it is necessary to restore everything and make it possible. This is the second component. Well, the third component is definitely coming out proactively with certain proposals with more realistic ones than it was, for example, there six months ago. Regarding, do you remember many peaceful initiatives today, one or the other, including , you correctly calculated almost the entire zbririks was without the Russian Federation, because china, india, brazil, and south africa , of course, all countries already more or less give a clear understanding of how this war should be finalized, that it is impossible to transfer this war in a protracted conflict , it is impossible to agree on some temporary ceasefire, a temporary demarcation line, etc. The front still admit that they are not dominant today in terms of Foreign Policy. It seems to me that there is no answer to this question yet. Why because russia believes that it has enough resources on the front line, enough missiles and so on, but in the meantime, we see that in principle, russia is being pushed aside from Foreign Policy in general. Nevertheless, it seems that any meeting, even at a high level, any agreements , they cannot force russia to simply take and stop shooting and withdraw its troops from the territory of ukraine if russia just wants a long conflict will be maximal and as some experts say, even after the complete deoccupation of all ukrainian territories, russia may well wage war by shelling ukraine with drones and missiles well, lets put the emphasis right here, look, in order to wage a long war, a protracted conflict, yes, of course, putin needs to turn the war into a lowintensity war , well, that is, so that the hostilities are of low intensity as such, but in general, a war , a protracted war, is resources, and of course, when countries are not interested in order for this war to be protracted, well, it means that we are now talking about the ukrainian coalition and about certain countries of the neutral plan. Allow russia to expect an opportunity to receive additional income to finance the war, so the question is not that the countries should be forced to cease fire, because only the armed forces of ukraine will force russia to cease fire. This is already obvious, that is, we can make the world not gave russia the opportunity to circumvent sanctions , well, that is, through third countries. So that the world does not finance russia, look, there are White Companies that are still on the Consumer Market of the Russian Federation. There are a large number of countries that are interested in copurchasing Raw Materials in the Russian Federation, if it will be less, much less, then the budget of russia for the war will be much less. Today, we know that russia is additionally financing the war, that is, they have planned 5. 2 trillion rubles for this year for the war, they have already spent all the money, they have additionally increased it to a practical 10 thousand trillions of rubles to finance the war. And this is somewhere around 3235 of the budget of the Russian Federation, and definitely federations will do this much less, then russia simply will not have the resources for a protracted conflict , this is in relation to a protracted conflict in relation to events on the front line, well, of course. Once i emphasize one two three tactical significant tactical defeats will be forced to leave and here i move on to the second stage as soon as russia begins to lose precisely in the military sense russia will not have the political elite that exists today and thus she wont be able to even after the deoccupation of the entire territory on us, she wont be able to continue her globalist concept , well, this revanchist concept why because this elite will no longer exist in russia, well, that is, it will undergo transformation, partly this elite will disappear, partly this elite will be arrested in part, this elite well, it will be reformatted there , and it will accept er, it wont happen again as soon as russia loses on the territory of ukraine mykhailo , tell me the details of how those discussions took place in general, what were the most painful moments during these discussions of the second meeting and these the meetings lasted for two days for saudi arabia. What was the most painful . Is it the issue of economic sanctions and their circumvention and trade with russia, or are these moments about recognition . That is, what was the most difficult thing at these meetings, the most difficult thing is always the discussion of the issue that russia should leave the territory of ukraine, this is the most difficult thing. Wars understand everything clearly, but some countries continue to think that this is a question of territorial issues of some nuances , yes, that is, it is meant that the Russian Federation is attacking the territory for the sake of this territory , well, the east of ukraine as such should be explained that this is, for example, leave something there to the Russian Federation even a small piece of it will mean that the war has simply been postponed to the next stages, this is difficult because some countries have a shallow understanding of this conflict and, moreover, some countries continue to consider russia capable to conduct largescale military campaigns there, that is to explain that if we want to finalize the war, the war itself, to find the end of this war, then russia must lose. If we want to continue the war and thus discredit maxim in International Law, then we need to agree on something with the Russian Federation , not all of that they finally understand and this is the most difficult question regarding sanctions, of course you know here. No one will tell you that we are helping russia to circumvent certain sanctions because this is a premium segment. We will receive much more income from this circumvention of sanctions than we received when we traded directly with the Russian Federation, but because no one admits it, but these topics are also present in the discussion, as fanenson time writes that european officials called chinas constructive participation in this meeting, yes, and in general , reuter also started about such a positive assessment, how do you assess this meeting and you say it is difficult to convey it . Partners of ukraine have heard the position of ukraine, well, there should be many meetings and there should be back, not only public and not only within the framework of such a large scale, there are 4042 countries present there, and personal bilateral meetings of the two sides are needed, well, it means informal formal, it makes no difference and it is necessary to explain once again to emphasize that it is necessary to explain not only that this is a genocidal war precisely on the territory of ukraine, it is necessary to explain that this war absolutely clearly violates International Rules as such, well, that is, if this war is not will be correctly finalized, it will lead to tragic consequences for this world, Global Education as a whole, and this applies to politics and economics and interstate relations , and in general to any principles of International Law and International Humanitarian law , we see what is happening in the black sea and so on regarding china, i am much more optimistic, i even look at it because it is obvious after the meeting of xi jinping in moscow, after russia is almost in one direction, well, china is promising something then it does everything the other way around. Today, it is clear to me that china looks at russia in a completely different way. Well, that is, it does not perceive it as a strategic partner. Why . Because , firstly, it believes that russia will not press ukraine , and secondly , it will not be able to win. In this case, there will be no stability in this very political elite, and it makes no sense for china to support the summer, which may disappear as such tomorrow, well, that is, because china is playing in the long term, the third component is zeroing there, a parallel zeroing of chinas reputation when china agrees on something, russia then comes out and, for example, transfers, or at least declares the transfer of Nuclear Weapons to belarus, and so on. And besides, after the failed mutiny , putin is definitely not perceived by chinese leaders as a strong person who controls the internal space, and so on. Further and similar to that, definitely china, but china , you remember, was quite active in being prorussian, in a certain prorussian way at a certain time, well, i mean there for six months , when it came out with the 12 steps how is this war to stop today china is already different from everything in my opinion it is obviously looking and definitely ready to find another solution and it is very good because it will be possible to communicate and limit the key limit once again i emphasize limit the ability of russia to receive large funds for the financing of the war where the continuation of the financing of the war summing up here the snakes are writing about the fact that there should be a third meeting before the j20 summit. Is it known now what the agenda might be and whether it is really possible to enter into peace talks by the end of the year or to achieve there are some such global agreements, well, lets make sure that we are not mistaken about the peace talks. We must clearly understand the peace talks with what conditions and the initial initial ones, because peace talks today, when russia is in the occupied territory, it is impossible, this is what russia wants, yes, that is lets significantly reduce the intensity of hostilities , lets immediately stop the fire everywhere, and after that we will sit down at the negotiating table, and then russia will, you know, such a term, diplomatic russian , stir up the topic, well, that is, they will constantly Say Something there no, we will not leave we will leave and so on this is, well, this is an extremely dangerous strategy i want us to make mistakes negotiations are only possible when Russian Troops are not on the territory of ukraine i mean precisely with the Russian Federation yes, well, that is what what happened in copenhagen, what happened in the game, and what will be possible in uh, in india , this is a question. Lets put it this way, the platform is when all the countries that do not directly take part in the war do not mean russia and uh, and a single platform is spoken with them as it should to be finalized well, that is, according to the points, why should the war end on such and such points, such and such positions, and so on, but these are not negotiations, because they once again emphasize that it is extremely fantastic for russia if they today , firstly, reduce the intensity of fire, and secondly , stay on that territory occupied, well, where are they located today . By the way, in parallel there, the same sands, yes, do you remember this person speaking . No , we dont want the territory of ukraine there anymore. That is, you went in, took something, uh, there by military means, wrote yourself into some legal document that does not exist there, and after that, he tells us that you simply congratulate him because we already consider it ours, so it is important for russia to stay where they are, and the third component is to drag out the negotiations the process, well, that is, it is like minsk2, well, sit, talk, talk, and while they are talking, they will additionally finance their armed forces , reformat them, saturate the defense, again, in parallel, erode support for ukraine well, that is, to introduce some divisions there, to divert attention, for example, on the african continent, this is an extremely dangerous strategy, so i emphasize once again that russia initially left the territory of ukraine , after that there were indeed negotiations about the finalization , well, about the legal fixation of the consequences of the war that india has in relation to that one which will be in india, siberia is a difficult topic , it is still being worked on. Again, there will be certain populations about this, but in the meantime, lets say that 15 countries in copenhagen, 42 countries today, of these 42 countries, a very large number of neutral countries. This already shows that there is a certain understanding in the world of ukraines position and that the position of ukraine is beginning to dominate regarding how the war should be finalized if it joined and told about the results of the meeting in saudi arabia, adviser to the head of the president s office Mykhailo Podolyak was a guest freedom of the morning is freedom of the morning subscribe to the radio freedom by the way, mine is in all social networks in order to quickly receive information. Well, lets talk about bridges. Well, as they write in the comments, those who are tired have already used such a phrase. But nevertheless, now we have official confirmation from the armed forces of ukraine that they launched missile strikes on bridges that connect the occupied crimea with the mainland country, that is, the kherson region, we are talking about the chongar and genie road bridges located on the border of the kherson region with the occupied crimea , the representatives were the first to report the damage to the bridges because of this, the work of one of the three checkpoints, namely the chongar checkpoint, was temporarily suspended by the occupation authorities, and the occupation head of crimea, serhiy aksyonov, wrote in a telegram that there was one hit in the area of ​​the chongar bridge, and part of the rockets were shot down by air Defense Forces due to a hit on a damaged road surface , road crossings, the occupation authorities, all about the start of repair work, the analysts of the institute for the study of war say that the attack by Ukrainian Forces on bridges in the occupied territory is part of the Ukrainian Campaign to block the building of decisive of counteroffensive operations, i will remind you that the occupiers from crimea deliver fuel and ammunition to the russian army in the south east of ukraine through the chongar road bridge. This crossing was previously fired upon in june. In addition, in the black sea, the russian fleet no longer seems so invulnerable. This is a quote about it on the telethon, said a representative andriy yusuf, head of the Intelligence Department of the ministry of defense, said this after a russianflagged juice tanker was damaged in the kerch strait during a drone attack. It was allegedly transporting fuel for the Russian Troops in moscow, this information was confirmed to be blamed throughout ukraine, according to the federal agency of sea and river transport of russia, the tanks received a hole in the area of ​​the engine room, the russian telegram channel озрожной новосtи published a recording of the negotiations of the sailors of this vessel on the recording the crew discusses that the tanker is afloat but he cannot move himself, the ukrainian publication nv ee new ways , meanwhile, notes that the attack on the tanker was a special operation of the Security Service of ukraine and the naval forces and took place allegedly according to the classic scenario, that is, a surfacetoair drone was used and with 450 kg of detonation on board earlier, sources in the special service informed radio svoboda that the sbu conducted an operation in Novorossiysk Bay as a result of which a large Amphibious Assault ship was damaged and the lonyhorsk hornyak, lets talk about this in detail oleksandr kovalenko, a military observer of the information resistance group, joined to our broadcast. Greetings, mr. Oleksandr. Good morning. If we talk about the latest news that we have collected, and about the fact that the strikes have been recognized on the chongar and genichesky bridges and what can we say now about the damage to the logistics of the Russian Forces, how much did all these events affect the russian army . Well, yes, if we are talking now about the dzungar bridges, which were damaged but not yet destroyed, it was damaged a then it is very important for them logistics in the zaporizhzhia region ee it is through these masses that the supply of ammunition to fuel and lubricants of the forces and equipment to compensate for the loss and so on and so forth a if they dont work, then the way is only through armiyats, if road and rail connections dont work, the way is only through armyansk and this is an additional plus 170 km or even more if we are talking about different routes. As imsu 42 of the chamber, for example, in some locations they can be in the range of these reactive systems of salvo fire, and therefore it becomes dangerous for the russians, first of all, to transport everything to the mainland in the south of ukraine from a temporary of the occupied crimean peninsula, and secondly, the logistics of ee will no longer be so effective , and the provision of advanced units can still rely on the resource of ee warehouses and all that reserve that was formed in the zaporizhia region and also in the Left Bank Kherson region, but taking into account the intensity fighting, of course. And this reserve will exhaust itself very quickly, and therefore, without logistics, they will have a shortage. And i would even say that there is a shortage of weapons in some positions. Of the bakhmut direction received information that the Russian Forces went on the offensive, which means that there is a resource that is not what a is and the situation there continues to be extremely difficult, uh, near bakhmutus , if we are talking specifically about baknutsus , a large amount of russian resources are concentrated, this is one of the most saturated in terms of units and equipment er location er thats why they went there to some counterattacking control offensive actions er one way or another but after they leave the positions they had to er try it but the fact that they went on the offensive is not yet means that they can achieve some result, one should already draw conclusions not from the fact that someone is going on the offensive, but from what they , er, managed to do this next. Including it in millimeters media center she says that the Russian Forces increased the shelling in the east of ukraine last week and that the hottest direction is the kupyn direction and there the enemy is trying to regain its position and words if speaking generally about the situation on the front in the east is the most difficult to tell just like that, well, summarizing. What is the situation now with what this week, so to speak, and is it really happening that the enemy is strengthening its positions despite the fact that we see shelling and tankers there and destruction there are road bridges, but none the less, how many resources do the Russian Forces currently have in order to advance . Here they can really advance in a narrow direction in some individual locations, but lets say, the estuary of the kupyan axis, and there a huge amount is concentrated in terms of quality the best resource of the Russian Occupying forces, because there is more or less a satisfactory fulltime staffing of a units , both in terms of personnel and equipment, even better than in the south, but they tried to launch offensive actions in the direction of the kupyansk estuary and until february 24, 23 year, that is, precisely on the anniversary of the fullscale auto attack , and this offensive was choked before it even started, and in some directions they do not stop pressing on our defense line already. That they are increasing artillery strikes and are now trying to advance in the direction of the estuary, in the direction of borova, in the direction of kupyansk. And this was predicted to be a very difficult situation , because there it is necessary to hold the defense in the east, in this plasma aa we are holding the defense but last time i give an example, they used two tank regiments, as well as motorized rifle units for the attack on borga. The result of this epic offensive in july was the capture of the village of nadiya, so that you understand. This village is less than 20 houses away, and it is completely destroyed, and for this they again used the resource of two tank battalions tank battalions are not used at all in the first echelon during the offensive. And this was done in order to break through the defense line in one fell swoop, which happened two weeks later, after two weeks, the village of nadiya returned under the control of the armor strength of ukraine, this is a demonstration of the fact that they can really attack, but capture and receive no. Oleksandr, who wants to ask you to comment on this news about the fact that near the coast of alaska in International Waters 11 russian and chinese ships and the American Military has deployed forces to monitor them, this was announced in the us northern command, this is their cnn. There is no confrontation, it is for russia to start a war with the usa for alaska, they will return alaska eh no eh absolutely no hm eh this is exclusively eh hiding eh really with weapons aa they are trying to demonstrate in this way well what do they really have is potential, they can dominate in certain waters , but this is more than just a demonstration, moreover, if you look at the list of ships, ships , warships that take part in this demonstration, well, in fact, it must be somehow sad because in russia, these are mostly ships that are 40 to 50 years old, that is, on some new fleet that has no analogues in the world. One news is that germany will transfer longrange nea taurus missiles to ukraine. Please in the month of may. And tell me what kind of Cruise Missiles they are, what is their advantage. This Cruise Missile is very similar to the sides of the scalped g, and they have very similar functionality , very similar characteristics. Therefore, they will be able to be used, in fact, in the same way as we already used british and french missiles to strike in the deep rear of the enemy and there it is very similar, the warhead weighs 450 kg and the flight distance is similar to 300 km the most important thing is that the main phase of the flight of this missile takes place at the dniester altitude and the interception of these missiles for Russian Air Defense means, well, this is a very, very difficult task, and therefore their efficiency of use is also very high, and in combination together with british and french missiles, of course, we will be able to hit a larger number of targets, destroy more warehouse logistics, and so on and so on , and so on, and so on, and finally, with regard to russian capabilities, because this weekend, in the last days, we also see russian shelling and firing with calibers and daggers and chess where they are launched why such diversity is a question of tactics or is it a question of what is produced there, conventionally speaking, what is in the warehouses and the first and second really when different nomenclature and different means of defeat are used , different algorithms of countermeasures are used accordingly and precisely because of the use of these various countermeasure algorithms they are trying to confuse and make the work of our air defense more difficult, and on the other hand, it is true that they do not have enough in their warehouses of the necessary ammunition and production does not satisfy their needs for the daily and constant conduct of such terrorist attacks, that is why they mix to make this impact , fire impact, it is as powerful as possible and combine different types of missile weapons. Thank you for joining and answering such questions that are heard in the information oleksandr kovalenko, a military spectator of the information resistance group, you talked about the situation at the front and about the weapons , including what ukraine can already understand i will surely receive this freedom of the morning soon. I thank you all for your comments. I would like to remind you that there are several live broadcasts on the radio freedom channel during the day, so you can follow the events in ukraine and at the front together with my colleagues, and the freedom of the morning is with you on weekdays every day from 9 00 here on the radio svoboda channel on youtube and also on the espresso tv channel, subscribe to us, like it, it is very important for the promotion of these videos in the ukrainian spaces of youtube, i wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow 530 days of heroic resistance of ukrainians to the russian occupiers continues on the air on the news on espresso in the studio of anzhelika sezonenko kherson is on fire three times during the night, the russians attacked the city center, hit a highrise building and a private house there, fires broke out under the rubble of her own home, a 59yearold woman died, 12 more people

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