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Sevastopol, respectively, the target was water with fish, so they were hitting sevastopol, respectively. The operation was not laid down by the commissioners from our side, well, certain economic problems have already started for the russians, well, because the russians export a lot of their grain from novorossiya, well , what kind of russian farmers are there directly the russians are already starting to lose money on this, and this is only after such a shortterm effective raid of several of our personnel in the mikadze, is it possible to say what exactly the russian ships were hit by, or is it really possible to talk about this, that this latest version of the komikadze drone was used. What are your conclusions from this reason well, i think that it was a mod after all. This is the known version of the boat in the social network, which is open to access , or is it such a bridge if we take the previous ones. To pass were open access, the dances are a little different, the shape of the hull is a little different. Well, we dont have anything other than kamikade boats. Well, we didnt have anything to get these russian ships in new years eve , so its a big deal to go to this version like that, there are only assumptions about patriarch mikhal, nothing else. And here we are actually talking about the range of this mission, because if we say that this is about the magura b5 drone, which has a maximum range of up to 800 km , then if we are there, lets assume that the start of these of strike drones was there somewhere in the area of ​​10 or so somewhere i almost 700 km, that is, it is said that it was carried out almost at the limit of the technical capabilities of this drone, and by the way, why did information appear that the combat part of this drone is much larger than in the previous versions, it says up to almost 400 kg of explosives, but i have a question, first of all, about the control system, you did aand analytical materials where you studied the features of managing such firewood over Long Distances. Can we say that now all the nuances that ensure effective performance by such drones and the risks of disconnecting such drones from starlink are actually minimized. That is, it is possible to perform tasks in any conditions. What does your analysis say about the control of such drones . You do not know about the subject of a new attack in novorussian. We can actually add new details, judging by all the developers in kamikaze managed not only to find a way to solve possible problems with disconnecting the page and to keep a stable connection, what is the whole mission about . Well, until now it was believed that if, for example on ours, if there is an option, do not use the old ring, give the equation, there it turns out that there is a stable connection from the transmission of the picture from the optics of the electronic station , it always happens, but in addition to the fact that it was possible to bypass the problems with animals, it is obvious that it was possible to bypass this solid russian rap, so what is considered that those russian strategiclevel radioactive warfare systems can do gps falsification there, distort Navigation Systems , knock guided missiles or ships off course, and here it turns out that there is nothing of the sort Something Like this does not work in our case with kamikaze boats, everything works stably. Therefore, in addition to this other attack on novorossiysk, today can be considered in some ways a triumph and the means of the russian, well, russian. Well, by the way, to return to the actors themselves was to remove the management of the kateralno komikarno, which were known to push the most an important detail is that for the use of these and this type of weapons, you do not need a complex infrastructure, well, you literally need just a gentle descent to the shore, in order to descend in this way, you could only use this frame and simply piglet with convenient location so that you can establish contact with the boat control equipment. Well, thats how to manage it because its really important, because well, to prevent the russians from hitting the infrastructure for our kamikaze boilers with a retaliatory blow. That is , you can say that our boats hit their invulnerability, i was literally from all angles , sir, what can we actually say about that Russian Amphibious ship that was struck, how many such ships do the russians have left . Etc. And will it affect this option when these amphibious ships were used as such a ferry option for the transfer of Russian Forces in the direction of berdyansk or other parties that are currently occupying the enemy or does this significantly limit the capabilities of the enemy . I think that this is at least psychologically i can limit something, well, besides the fact that they still have minus one ship that was in service left the uhe lavlad because if you take the known data that was publicly available well, the russians had about 10 amphibious ships in the black sea ships of all types and 31 these are seven seven one and these ships of project 7 5 and the one among them is considered the most recent, a large landing ship of project 11, we are just cracking , we are all the consequences of the attack. Other ships, so if you decide to recall, lets say, the last attack on amphibious ships that took place before this, that is, until march 2022, berdyansk, so that after that, for a very long time, the russians did not risk bringing their amphibious ships to if the distance to our means of destruction is such a barrel, it is possible that this will once again have a significantly greater impact on the destruction of the logistics system than we can, in principle, expand to imagine now. The Russian Federation was bound by the fact that these ships seem to be impossible to get there, but they turned out to be very easy to get, and this is another day in terms of the russian fleet, so lets watch, but here are the first assumptions just such, but what can we miss, how will the enemy now make Defense Systems against sea drones, because we have seen versions that the kerch bridge is there, they are starting to surround it with what protective structures are they creating there to combat these unmanned systems, what is the most optimal thing the enemy can do now in order to somehow protect themselves from such attacks, we see that for their own safety, the russians have so far tried, first of all, to apply broken camouflage to their ship hulls, but they somehow it turned out to be optical electronic stations on our hamster boats, they will see this by the way, by the way, russia, in order to protect itself from our kamikaze boats, the most massive option is to multiply these bon barriers, we put them against corner reflectors, its not clear why exactly they do it well, its obvious with such logic. Well, by the way, in order to ensure safety. It was from our naval drones that the russians , for example, collected from the far east, for example, their 2m3em antiaircraft guns of the second world war, because they were previously where they are pulling these antiaircraft guns installed on mtlv, there were a lot of people present, how are the russians going to use them, and then, as you knew, they will attack them themselves, probably with the density of defense against our drones of all types, as we see the density they need, eh, this is not the next wing well, it turned out that the russian one was, in principle, to cover it up with nothing. It seems that the russians will primarily bet on such means of physical protection, but during the parade on navy day, which was in this russian leningrad, the russians tried for the first time, put something similar to the ground system of the rap field 21 on one of the missile corvettes, it is important here that it is only one of the missile steps, although there were at least four of them, this means that they have such protection kits for Electronic Warfare plans, but it should not be ruled out that it is possible that the russians will try to convert these field 21 in order to put them more massively on all the ships of the black sea fleet to ensure future attacks, but if the russians begin to use resources irrationally in this way, it is possible that it will even be a plus for us, because the more the russians spend resources on naval defense, you and i, respectively, even our soldiers will have more free hands if, in terms of hitting various intelligence targets , drones have more similar targets , mr. Ivan very thank you for the live broadcast of the stress channel for your highquality comments. And why would i remind the broadcasters that ivan krychevskyi, a military expert from the Information Consulting Company Defense express, was on the air when express was on the air . And then we continue the topic in the same way connected with Technological Solutions carried out by the armed forces and our industrial companies, but not only at sea, but also in the air, we will talk about drones and Artificial Intelligence. We are now joined by the chairman of the board of the new Energy Alliance of ukraine , the commander of the special unit of the strike drones, the white eagle valery borovyk p valeriya i congratulate you i want to start our conversation i wanted to start our conversation with yesterdays statement by the minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov who said that ukraine should keep up with the world in the field of Artificial Intelligence, it is needed for all industries, including it is needed for the military environment. He said that the actual use of Artificial Intelligence significantly increases the efficiency of the use of drones. I know that your company is currently taking certain steps in the direction that Artificial Intelligence and pattern recognition affect how your drones destroy this enemy and i would like you to tell our viewers in more detail and simply how Artificial Intelligence increases the effectiveness of the use of combat drones on the battlefield in fact, we have been working with Artificial Intelligence for quite a long time, when i said in our previous meeting that we were doing a project for monitoring power grids using Artificial Intelligence and drones with a grant, well, partly from the European Union in lithuania, we did such a project and we use similar methods to guide the drone to the target, that is, the logic is that you need to have a database from taking pictures of such images. It is necessary to have images loaded into the Artificial Intelligence database, which means that from different angles they show what this armored personnel carrier looks like, for example, so that the program itself can distinguish it from a tractor or a car, and so when this program is already loaded and it is trained what is this axle , where is an armored personnel carrier . And this is a tractor , this is a car. The load is like that, when this program that you call there we are all there Artificial Intelligence, it understands this by itself, what is it, here is this object, and i am not interested in this object, then when the drone is on a combat mission, it is already possible then connect other programs that track the movement of this object, i. E. When it is captured and the object has been identified, it gives instructions there to the electronic Guidance System of the drone itself and adjusts this return and then either hits if it is an object the object stationary hits this one the target in this object that he has determined or he tracks its movement and constantly keeps it in the target. How do you show that it constantly keeps it in the target if it is moving and already has to reach the target . Then you have such a question that you need to fill a large database of these images of enemy targets from different angles and this large amount of work so that , relatively speaking, this Neural Network works without errors, that is, now as you understand, you are doing just such informational analytical work collecting images of enemy targets. And then there is the question is whether it should be done by one company or maybe it should be united in some such state or joint private project so that this database of images was collected as quickly as possible in order to speed up the process efficiency of using these approaches of Artificial Intelligence , then in combat operations here, look at the military , all e those who are involved in what i am talking about know that the delta terminal is there it is the base of the situation of valuable planning and the situational business of the battlefield, in order to plan a special operation, strike intelligence, and do to intelligence and so on, we have cooperated with these guys there since the beginning of this fullscale invasion in its history, the itcommunity is doing on volunteering , that is, by filling this base, we fill the base, which means uh, again, uh, everyone who does this fills the base, but here is another question, we decided to take a slightly different approach in order not to fill up and not waste a lot of time human and physical resources to fill the database of all objects, although this also needs to be done and is being done that ot, for example, left for advance yes, we see that we are doing reconnaissance there and we see that there are such and such objects there, there is no need to fill the eastern base, that means some armored personnel carriers and armored cars and tanks of various formats and rugby and so on, we understand in the process of intelligence or we are given these data that there are such and such objects we and we and specifically these these these these objects in uh there online mode there we train the system that is we give uh or our photos or what we have there from the network or the one from that base as it was before and specifically on this site already, so that the proof system works, this Artificial Intelligence works specifically on these objects, and then you spend less time on that, but do, lets say, this preliminary analysis, more photos, upload all the objects in full, and so on, you just concentrate on the specific objects on a specific that are on a specific direction of impressions play, we are talking about the stage of development of these solutions, are there individual samples that already really use the advantages of Artificial Intelligence already in the format because of the combat operations we are in the format, we would not do it yet we we did a couple of drones on the Training Ground, we already lost them because we are friends with this system with our autopilot system, and some uh, well, at the beginning, the drones were simply not reloaded to remove it from the moment of peaking. That is, we are already hitting targets on the Training Ground with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Now we we are finalizing and what i think. Well, in the near future, we will already show it at zero. And how is it, they say , to measure quantitatively, how much the efficiency of a standard drone increases there, in particular , there with a standard Guidance System when the operator chooses a target and directs the drone to the very impression with the ee block. When Artificial Intelligence helps to perform this work , how much will the efficiency increase or decrease the burden on the operator, can it be measured in terms of time , sergey, you know, i think that depends on depending on the situation, you understand this uh, this is Artificial Intelligence its a program, this hightech thing works, then its cool when, for example, you cant adjust it with the operator, and its cool, its good when you dont speak, for example, you adjust uh, because this is the human factor. And it already clearly proves that it will work very well when there are actions of the rebbes anti drone systems and then the drone itself chooses this target. I think that the impression will seriously increase. I will not name numbers, because it is necessary to have a Research Base , so much, how much did you neutralize on the handles before you installed the drone, and how much after you installed this system . Of course , the accuracy will be better because the human factor is where you got distracted or well lets say so gave more gas or left to right and did not prove it, we had such cases, good goals for us there in the kherson direction, for example, where it just passed by, well , that is, at a Long Distance , it was well proven will allow you to prove exactly, but not always you will be able to use it and everything will be the same, a person must be er for correction in such cases it is better that only a machine should do it if it is well developed, but the efficiency i think over time we can somehow calculate a what what does your experience say about the analysis of foreign or enemy samples of strike drones, in particular the same lancet, is there in particular a development in the direction of Artificial Intelligence, these american sichblades, is there such a solution . Are they still managed by only one operator in order to carry out combat operations task, what does your experience say, well, the company that produces the switch blade positions it as a fully equipped system with Artificial Intelligence that can track a target that is even moving and impress us, we have not used it, so i will not on the one hand, i was told that it is possible, others say that it does not work , that is, it is not possible to say 100 that it definitely works and it works well. It is exactly the same as heymers. Goals, but if there is gps and good guidance, yes , it means that it is 100 . Now it is impossible to say that uh, it works uh, uh , in these systems, uh, the russians are also positioning that a new type of lancet will do it, so far we have not seen it and well, until you feel with your hands, while you you wont see it for real reports on the impressions of target tracking and concretely confirmed, well, this work. Well, it is not possible to say anything more specific here. And which are now at the request of our military , because now i have a briefer understanding that these developments are based on the rather heavy work of your companies and on the experience of your operators. And when we create such a certain universal model and hand it over to the military, surely the requirements change , are the military ready for such Technological Solutions that would, well, perform the combat mission on the battlefield in a slightly different way than it was before at a certain time, well, the military, of course, they want him to install a drone, this drone took off on its own and without the help of the operator reached the targets and hit them, or if it was a bomber or a reconnaissance drone , it returned even without the help of the operator, and seven years ago, the development of the vitol, which takes off vertically, does not need a superpilot in order for it to take off, it means that it sat down , the pilot is needed so much that its influence is important , or, uh, there are good ones there now, so we make a very good pneumatic catapult, which means that from the launch it is possible to do it there. The pilot turned away i went somewhere, pressed a button, and it flew, yes, that is, the military, if answering your question, needs a fully autonomous product, which, well, i apologize, as the military themselves say, which can be given to a fool for a fool , that is, dear, you are not, we are not, we are not going to put an intelligent product on all the front lines a soldier who understands everything there in the electronics of takeoffs , landings, repairs, or piloting , therefore, for the military. For training people, the question is in companies that can do it, this is not an easy task, but there are many, well, not that many, some companies , including us, are going in this direction, and i think that it will be implemented, if it has not already been implemented, it is possible that we we do not yet know the development is going on every day and will be implemented in the near future, definitely because ukraine is currently the leader of these developments in the world, unfortunately , we have the best Training Ground for the military and the military on this earth, you know how much it costs for these developments and the production of percussion drones because you took on such well, a new piece of work, a technological piece of work, we need to look for people, new procedures, new skills, and how expensive it is for you today, at the expense of which you cover these costs, all this is now from investments, mainly mine and also we raised with the help of public investors raised this is open information 350,000 € we raised but we raised for the complete set that is we uh can you congratulate us in uh means during this time without the past of our communication we have already received the nato code for our strike drone and here it is, somewhere in the near future, i think in a couple of days we will have permission to operate another uh uh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh uh uhuh uh uh 40 km. So far, we invest it all ourselves, sometimes we take external finance , but we try to return it as soon as possible. And this is where we come to contracting with the state. Of course, this makes the product more expensive because you have to pay it specialists , you have to lose a lot drones to see that it really works, you need to support this program, well, randy is quite serious, and thats why hmmm, if we talk about drones there, for example, fv there are from 400,500,600 ee euros and up to two and a half thousand ee, so we are kamikaze in the end there we have 2. 5 thousand kamikaze bombers there, three and a half thousand bombers, but we already want it to be with Artificial Intelligence, so that it is with a good connection with the antireb system. That is, we concentrate on serious military products and try to make them the best we produce propeller frames ourselves we are approaching the release of ee motors, we make the controller, we unsolder the boards, that is, we want to make a protected, good product, but it will be expensive, it will not be the product that , relatively speaking, will reach there 1020 of it will reach as they have, i threw it, the shaft has which i think has already passed purchases, but he did his job in exactly the same way, he will do his job there, the fpi from the drone, which uses cheap components from china , china is slowly starting to ban the supply of such components and will descend to the level of motors that cannot be supplied, so we we are based on making an expensive product for the expensive pleasure of the orcs. That is, we will make there yes, good fireworks with the neutralization of the hightech hightech equipment of theirs, and of course it will be, well, well, this Artificial Intelligence itself, the product itself , but he will be better and work more efficiently. Thank you very much for your professional comments. For the work you do for our country, for our protection, and for our viewers, i will remind that valery borovyk was in the films from the press, he is the chairman of the board of the Alliance New Energy of ukraine and the commander of the special unit of the strike drones, the white eagle, this is what we see. What potential is there in ukraine for the creation of technological samples that were to destroy the enemy and ensure victory on the battlefield, there are discounts on mebikar ic 10 pills in pharmacies. 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