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, our battery worked there for more than six months well, until other tasks were set, my job is to make the artillery as accurate as possible in the preparation and defeat of the enemy, suppress it and pave the way for our infantry to ensure its path so that it can advance further to the next one, destroy the enemys equipment , suppress it so that it begins to retreat further and we were able to advance to occupy our territories, our lands, and for this we have been working for almost 500 days and we are doing everything as quickly, efficiently and accurately as possible without digging here infantry support cannot go forward, we suppress the fire immediately after ours ends, and in the fire they go on the offensive , we carry out for a fraction of the minimum at least well , some and they are already going, they just clean up after us what is left, the fish and completed did not advance further and the work goes on and day and night, early in the evening, at any time of the day, we support our infantry, guys, and everyone, all the soldiers from the armed forces who participate here with us, we all work harmoniously and gradually advance. That is, everything is done so that people are alive in the bakhmut fortress a city that became a symbol of resistance and strength, once a cozy modern center of the salt industry of ukraine with a population of 70,000 inhabitants, now it is completely destroyed because it became the epicenter of hostilities. On august 1, the russians began to advance on bakhmut, constant butchery assaults that turned into one stream of the russian peoples strength does not abate she still has chronicles of battles outside the city in the plot of our warlord ruslan smeschuk, a year ago the largest and bloodiest battle of this century began, which continues to this day. The russians are attacking the svyatodar bridgehead at bakhmut no longer with rockets and shells, as it was many months before, but directly with infantry from the direction of popasnaya. This is the first attempt of the socalled meat assaults made by the mercenaries and prisoners of the socalled wagner pvk. 2025 men each run madly at our units and they are shot accordingly on one flank, bakhmut covers solidar on the other, low villages are transformed into nodes of defense and logistics, they hold back the advancing russians, where they are again and again they are covered with artillery, but it is quite effective, so august passes, september begins, the situation gradually worsens, daily shelling of the bakhmut bridgehead, daily casualties , often from the number of local residents, several tens of thousands of civilians, all that remain to live in solidar bakhmut and other settlements of the bridgehead, they live mostly in basements, i do not want to enter here we are relatives, i lay here in october with, as if not paying attention to the bridgehead, the Defense Forces are destroying enemy infantry equipment, all according to the old standards soviet, that is, art, preparation, rap, preparation, then the infantry, then they dont die and again lick their wounds and dominate, that we storm the enemys village, the defense retreats , exchanging kilometers of the bakhmut bridgehead for thousands of destroyed russian infantrymen , we constantly change our position , we constantly move, we constantly refocus on landmarks and constantly again apply powerful machine tool blows in bakhmut itself, there are almost no undamaged houses left, you people continue to live here, the situation is so tense , you constantly need to listen to the air and thats all around miss bombada, you have to be careful with constant flights, winter is coming, bakhmut is holding on, the consequences of enemy attacks are here , in fact, there is not a single safe place in the city of bakhmut, bakhmut, on december 13, in the principle of ground forces, all sides are being implemented, oh, lets keep the defense as possible, the russians are approaching the city of the armed forces of ukraine are conducting maneuver defense cities are visited by the president , personally at the positions , meets with the soldiers, first of all, i would like us to thank those who are with us. Some local people continue to live. This is how the sounds of explosions and complete darkness are. Bakhmut is preparing for the new year. In fact , it is literally a few hours before the holiday, but the new year brings only deterioration at the beginning. Wave after wave first depletes the fighting stock of the defenders and then they begin to get closer and closer until the next trench or the next position passes into the hands of the russians, they lose people but seem to agree exchange hundreds of thousands of their own for ukrainian positions and ukrainian life, the influx of equipment and artillery bombardment and the air raider was many times more intense , but now, well, in manpower, the manpower has been exchanged, so the manpower is just going to the fields, all covered with russian corpses, in january, the russians succeed to break through the defenses under the solidarists to capture the city in a fierce enemy manages to cut off almost all the means of securing the bakhmut garrison the situation for the defenders is worsening even more this is ours this is ours this is our grantometer by using reserves and counterattacking the defense force, they stabilize the situation, the spring of this year begins on the bakhmut bridgehead, it is difficult and kryvava is opened , the homeness of the fifth resistance diverts significant offensive resources of the russians, but they continue to press. We have what they have in april , the russians finish off the western quarters of bahmut and take control of most of what was once a prosperous city, the front here constantly thunders with explosions, but when the enemy becomes a rotation from the wreckage of the bachmut takes out wagners suicide bombers, there begins a local counteroffensive, even at single targets in the village, the russians open fire from the tanks , mortars, and so on. As far as i understand, the russians are now taking down their positions there, whats the type oh, we launched two shells there, and i sprinkled 15 there in response, i. E. Now we will be a little longer. Well, the gunner left, and here at once he sprinkled all the Defense Forces, advancing along the flanks. The capture of those russians who are lucky enough to appear to have a good life why are the boys dying , dont shoot battle for bakhmut unfortunately, it took the lives and health of many defenders of ukraine , this is the price of withdrawing significant russian forces, the price of destroying tens of thousands of enemy soldiers ruslan smishchuk Stanislav Kuharchuk and ihor livinok details the inter tv channel will run a marathon of single news in two days. The arab judge will hold a peace summit at which representatives of three dozen states will seek a way to end the war in ukraine. The previous similar meeting took place at the end of june in copenhagen, under conditions of secrecy, today much is known about the upcoming meeting, what is the goal of ukraine at this meeting and how strong is the negotiating position of the middle east country of the fiery south among them and neutral. In total, up to 40 participants will gather in saudi arabia this weekend to to discuss the establishment of peace in ukraine this will be the second meeting at the level of National Security advisers and political directors, but this is the first time such a scale has been met at a meeting in jinda, official kyiv plans to familiarize the participants in detail with our peace plan, we are involving additional countries of the global south, the main thing is to hold such a meeting in the middle east that completely destroys russias narrative about the support of ukraine exclusively by the countries of the collective west to implement the ukrainian peace plan and welcome any attempts by ukraine to expand diplomatic geography regarding the task right here to saudi arabia we we are sure it is important that countries from all over the world will hear directly from ukraine about the horrors that are happening because of the war about attacks on civilians at schools and hospitals residential buildings, infrastructure, they will hear how russia violates the territorial integrity and sovereignty of russia, there will be no representatives at the summit, but among the invited are a number of countries that either demonstrate a cold neutrality or openly gravitate towards moscows orbit, so far ukraine has not managed to win their sympathy, but now the situation has changed russian the decision to withdraw from the grain agreement and strikes on ports had a Significant Impact on how some countries look at this war, because they buy ukrainian grain, it was also indicative that in africa there was a clear call to russia to remain in the grain agreement, but president putin said no, buy grain from me, i hope this decision will speed up the change in the attitude of african countries, another basis for negotiating positions ukrainian counteroffensive, it is true that it is overshadowed by somewhat inflated expectations of the slow advance of the armed forces that meter behind the metro , the occupied territories are being retaken against the background of last years success in liberating kharkiv oblast and kherson. The recent statement of the italian minister of defense, the situation at the front has reached an impasse, which makes us think about the longterm terms of the end of the war. The counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine complicates the fact that the russians dug in significantly. Therefore, it may be a Political Choice that will determine the end of the conflict, the fact that the counteroffensive turned out to be more difficult than expected is confirmed by the ukrainian most foreign observers, however, note that ukraine has not yet used all its forces in the offensive and has an advantage in highprecision artillery , and ukrainian commanders, unlike their of russian colleagues want to save the lives of their soldiers, they still have more territory in a month than the russians managed to achieve in a year, so ukraine can protect not only its people, but also its weapons and ammunition, therefore the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine chose the tactic of scouting for a weak point for a breakthrough that could become absolutely devastating for the occupiers , it is worth looking at the details of what it actually achieved. The counteroffensive is now happening more slowly than ukraine would like, because the western partners did not manage to deliver to ukraine what it needs in this war will end when russia is defeated, when ukraine wins, and not when ukraine and russia sit down at the negotiating table and ukraine is forced to make concessions to convince neutral countries of this, and ukraines task is to do so this is part of the strategic goal of forming a unified approach to the ten points of the ukrainian formula president zelenskyis peace and prepare for the future at the global summit at the level of the leaders of the states kyiv plans to hold it already in the fall olga zhydetska oleg nevidmskyi the European Bureau of the inter marathon tv channel, the only news is to transfer longrange tauros cruise missiles to ukraine, german deputies made such an appeal to the government, what kind of weapon is this and is there a chance that the Ukrainian Army will receive it, tetyana logunova will tell taurus for ukraine, german deputies call on the government to immediately transfer longrange missiles to ukraine, language about taurus cruise missiles gathering dust in the warehouses of the bundeswehr in germany, more than 600 units, some of them are not ready for use at the front, however, they can be quickly modernized and prepared for shipping to ukraine can be done by a german manufacturer company. However, first a political decision is needed to force the government to adopt it. Both the opposition and the deputies of the sending coalition are putting pressure through the media. The aggressor receives ammunition from the bundeswehr, there are cruise missiles. That is, we can help. It should be remembered that ukraine will still need time to integrate the russians into air force, so now at least one unit should be given so that this process has already started, the free democrat is supported by his colleague, the christian democrat, rode rare weather, he made a bet on newspaper interviews and appeals on social networks, taurus is not only an effective weapon, it is about political will, you do you want ukraine to be able to restore its borders of 1991, including crimea, do you want russia to learn to lose, this should be our goal, so taurus just now move to the front and we really need a german analogue of the british shadow storms that ukraine received from official london, these missiles are called bunker killers because they are designed for highprecision strikes against the most protected object and fortification of the taurus enemy , they are equipped with a turbojet engine and an infrared guidance system, and they can also hide from air Defense Systems because they are able to fly at altitude 30 m and use features of the landscape to camouflage the radius of action of such ammunition up to 500 km, the government is still responding to the calls of deputies in the ministry of defense, the official berlin said does not yet plan to transfer longrange missiles to kyiv. However, this position may change when it comes to arms for ukraine, the germans are focused on the United States, so if washington decides to transfer the rams missile to the Ukrainian Army, the germans are highly likely to do the same, aunt even isha frolov, details, German Bureau of the tv channel intermarathon the only news there are more than 5 thousand wagnerians in belarus , this part of them is located near the border with ukraine, another part is near the polishlithuanian border and this became the reason for the meeting Prime Minister of poland and president of lithuania gitanas na useda, both sides believe that this is a considerable risk for European Countries and they should be ready for provocations by mercenaries, because for both putin and lukashenka it is a great temptation to use the wagnerites to destabilize ukraine, nato said na useda polish Prime Minister teosh murawiecki emphasized that the alliance must be ready for any scenario of events at the borders. On the lithuanian border on the polish border, which we have been observing for two years, russia and belarus are increasing the pressure on our borders, they are increasing the number of provocations, and we must be aware that the number of these provocations will increase in order to destabilize, in order to create unrest, chaos, uncertainty and at the same time show the weakness of the eastern flank of nato to all our Alliance Partners to show weakness , the topic of the wagnerites and their leader has not disappeared from the information field for a week , especially after prigozhyn was spotted in st. Petersburg , where the kremlin held a summit with african countries with the participation of putin, this caused a new wave of rumors. Of the crisis group, who at once in several countries conducted their own research on the wagnerites and their future fate. But it became a sensation on the sidelines of the russia africa summit, and they really saw a person who was definitely not expected here evgenia prigozhin, the event with the participation of putin is not even close to ordinary mortals, and moreover, he also met with the president of the Central African republic, and this made western analysts talk again. Well, what is actually happening . Can prigozhin return again . And with him and his private army in these shots the russian army accepts wagnerian equipment, it seemed that this is already a full stop, at most they will let tena stay in belarus for a long time, then where does this st. Petersburg voyage come from its report on the future of mercenaries prepared by experts of the British Energy structure of the International Crisis group, and i began their opinions, and as for the fate itself, here western Analysts Expect that moscow will write it off. That should send a signal to other possible mutineers in russia to those who may show disobedience or too loudly express their dissatisfaction with the situation in the russian army, the same thing is said in different words in many in the western capitals, remember at least president biden, who receives intelligence reports every day and joked about prigozhin. If i were him, i would be careful about what he eats. I would be vigilant when i dine, watching whats on the menu. Im joking, of course, but who knows, until it happens. And the wagnerites are setting up in this camp in belarus, western analysts do not see a direct threat that the mercenaries can somehow threaten ukraine, as they say , without access to russian prisons and without heavy antitank weapons, it is already on the test that we we know that this camp in belarus can accommodate approximately eight or nine thousand people , which is not a very large force for any attack on ukraine, especially if they are lightly armed, what they can do is choose the tactics of short raids across the border exclusively to distract the armed the forces of ukraine from fighting and stretching the defense lines, but it is hard to imagine that ukraine will not see this now, it is sad that there are better opportunities to shoot further than it was in february of last year, so they will be able to immediately attack the wagnerites as soon as they will cross the border, military analysts also do not exclude the wagnerites to keep poland under tension by simulating preparations for possible raids from belarus, just by simulating just to create even greater tension, because experts no longer see any other use of prigozhin, but they say that if there was any information before the mutiny the kremlin cook can be used in the elections as a technical candidate now no one will take any risks for sure, if you had asked me before everything happened , the handsome man was a character who served as an interest regarding putin and the elections, i would definitely tell you that i am not sure that this would be done to take away votes from the opposition, rather to mobilize the russian rightwing, because he was absolutely loyal to putin, despite the fact that he criticized the shortcomings of the russian army and many people there. But he never criticized putin personally and this was such a traditional way to show that there is putin, he knows about the mistakes of some people in his team, but he himself is innocent. This has been the case for years, but not now. The dissolution of wagner, if it has not yet happened, but it may well be in the process of cleaning up the whole the media of prigozhinas empire, where he had business interests of all his contacts, it is difficult to believe that putin was not angry because of the betrayal of someone who showed loyalty to him, but is it possible that prigozhina and the army of mercenaries will simply march to africa, maybe his appearance at the african summit in st. Petersburg is a preparation for such an exile. To deal with this , an expert on russian influence in africa contacted me from the nairobi tent, who has been following wagner for many years and knows about his business there. They appeared on the continent by offering Security Services for regimes such as general ugu zabolotny, who will be at your disposal, who will act without rules and procedures at all, taking the economy , natural resources, black traffic under their control, but these regimes support and protect them, because in many cases they still need their services, understanding this the state Department Took unprecedented steps, for example, recently blacklisted the minister of defense and two other military leaders of the republic for contacts with the wagnerites, slapped officials of the middle ranks to show the first person that you need to distance yourself from mercenaries of beauty so as not to feel restrictions on yourself, however, this can scare the business that had dealings with them , but still not the leaders of the countries, says my interlocutor, this can be a tool to limit the influence of the wagners on the continent, but unfortunately this is not enough, the sanctions are unlikely to be enough to influence African Leaders to force them to fundamentally change something, because most local politicians perfectly understand that wagners mercenaries are ruthless in what they do atrocities against the civilian population are exploiting natural resources, but from the point of view of security for the regime, they have no alternative. So sanctions will affect the business of beauty in africa, but the wests response here should be political rather than economic, and this is now a challenge for the states to squeeze out of africa not only the wagnerites, but also to minimize moscows influence on the continents, the process is big, complicated, not fast, but you have to start with something, so we started with prigozhinas private army, against which another sanction is currently being prepared package dmytro lapchenko serhiy koval tv channel inter marathon single news the usa handed over evidence of russian war crimes to the International Criminal court according to the New York Times the relevant order was given personally by the president of the United States joe biden the publication reports that the American Special services have collected information, in particular, and details about the decision of russian officials to deliberately strike on the civil infrastructure of ukraine, in addition , evidence was provided regarding the deportation of thousands of ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territory let me remind you that the International Criminal court personally accuses the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, of this crime, and at first there were bucha irpin, gostomel and raisins. These cities became a kind of business card, the real face of the russian world, mass murders , torture, rape, the deoccupation of these cities revealed to the world the terrible truth about the army , the army came to raisin in kharkiv oblast representatives of several embassies of sweden , switzerland, and canada at once, diplomats talked with local people and saw with their own eyes the consequences of war crimes by russians, europeans deep or 22, we were able to identify this area after we saw a video on telegram channels where the russian occupiers were burying our soldiers , work was carried out and we understood that it was the morgue of the city of raisin, it was still under occupation , 23 bodies were brought to this place of our military guys after the deoccupation. Literally after a few days, our search group went to the place and we were the first to find out that not only our soldiers are buried here, but also civilians from here to chan , there are still pits and crosses with numbers. Instead of names, next to the plaques, they are mined, these are kopanirs, ocenism of the russian occupiers, near the cemetery, their equipment was buried here, trenches, they hid near the cemetery, they were not fired upon, even with the dead, they overlapped foreign guests admiration for the ukrainian people and their resilience and determination to end this occupation, we deeply admire this determination us there is a lot to learn from the ukrainian people , how it is necessary to fight for freedom for values. Of human grief, the whole fivestory building on the street of memory in the basement of this building after the airstrike on march 9, 2022, 47 people died , maybe five or six people were still under the rubble that they did not get then, so from monday , the equipment will be closed here, the equipment will work

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