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Protect and maintain visual acuity, zgofix these are 11 effective components to protect your eyes glaufix sharp vision forever news avataria espresso i cross on parubiy i will tell you about the most relevant at the moment one person died and one more was injured these are the consequences of shelling of Donetsk Region in the past day the head of the region Pavlo Kyrylenko said that the russians shelled vugledar turkish news york zalizne siversk and settlements of the chasovoyarsk community damaged residential buildings, nonresidential buildings and a medical facility shelled the church in the morning the Russian Military struck kherson with artillery in the morning they received a holiday catherine cathedral, three people who were traveling in a trolleybus were injured, one of the victims is a 74yearold grandfather , doctors are fighting for his life. He has severe chest injuries and a closed brain injury, informs the head of the khersonska va oleksandr prokudin. At the time the rescuers were extinguishing the fire caused by the previous strike, four employees of the state Emergency Service were injured , serhii kruk, the head of the state Emergency Service, also reported that four were injured special equipment russians continue to terrorize the civilian population of kharkiv oblast due to mortar attacks on villages in the villages of vilkhuvatka and kucherivka of the kupyan district, they recorded damage to a private residential building , several farm buildings and cars , the head of the Regional Military administration, oleg sinogub, also informed. Fire, a 58yearold woman died due to enemy shelling of the village of preobrazhenka, zaporizhzhia region, its head, yuriy malashko, reported enemy fire damaged houses, commercial premises and infrastructure facilities, night terror of dnipropetrovsk region, russians shelled the sinelniky and nikopol districts, lastly the invaders fired more than one and a half dozen shells from heavy artillery , informs the head of the region, serhiy lysak, as a result of the strikes, four private houses were damaged , the networks of the transport company , power lines and one of the schools were affected its windows were broken and walls were mutilated, and the Educational Institution in pokrovsk was partially destroyed. People in both communities did not 15 out of 15 attack drones were destroyed by our defenders of the sky this night all the cheaters were launched by the russians from the bryansk region , the air force command was also informed yesterday that the ukrainian defenders forever landed seven reconnaissance drones , the threat of massive shelling by the russians, after a long pause, again took the missile carriers to the black sea, currently on combat duty the occupiers have 17 ships on duty, including two carriers of surface and underwater calibers, the total number of missiles can be up to 12 missiles, the spokeswoman of the Southern Defense forces Nataliya Humenyuk said the enemys deployment of such a powerful naval group may indicate preparations for a new shelling added blame to the Operational Command of the south, ukrainians were urged to ignore air Warning Signals four attempts during july on the border within the chernihiv and sumy regions, the russian derg tried to penetrate into ukraine four times and always at night the Border Guards opened fire to defeat and stop the enemy this was reported by the commander of the combined forces of the armed forces of ukraine, serhii naev, now in the northern in this direction, Video Surveillance systems are being improved and the possibility of crossing the border is being changed. A Legal Adviser of the sharia party who worked for Russian Military intelligence was detained in odesa, the sbu reported that he was giving the aggressor targets for airstrikes in the city, monitoring the locations and movements of Ukrainian Air defense units, and also reporting on the consequences of the arrival of missiles and drones after the fullscale invasion of russia. Together with his wife, he left for the temporarily occupied simferopol and voluntarily went to the the socalled military commissariat of crimea is charged with treason as an intruder in the conditions of martial law he faces life imprisonment he did not get rich the cyber police in the capital exposed a criminal group that promised excess profits from investments in casinos the 19yearold leader of the group developed ways to attract socalled investors and also distributed the profits among as members of the group, one of the suspects is a minor, as a result of the searches, the Police Seized two cars , more than a hundred Electronic Bank cards devices of almost 207 cards and cash in various currencies, it is about tens of thousands of dollars, this is the capital, they posted announcements on social networks and telegram messengers promising ukrainian citizens extra profit under the guise of investing in casinos, criminals convinced the victims to transfer money through the Payment System to controlled accounts, but more became chickens the funds were never received, all the participants were charged with fraud under the fourth part of article 190, and the organizer was also charged with embezzlement under article 304 minors to illegal activities to other news in the summer, not only people suffer from the heat, but also animals if it is enough for us to drink water or hide from the scorching sun and pets often become hostages of irresponsible owners how to take care of tails in such weather in the material of my colleagues valentina, the owner of a golden retriever in the name of the beast, the girl takes great care of her pet , especially on hot summer days, because she knows that overheating of the animal can lead to death because of this for walks with the beast chooses the time early in the morning and in the evening after 8 p. M. , thereby making it easier for the animal to stay outside, avoiding the scorching sun at home, eh, we use special cooling mats for dogs, they are sold in any pet store or you can buy them on the internet eh its any size for a dog, it doesnt freeze. Its okay, we just put it on the floor and the dog lies down on it, and that way its a little easier for her to beat the heat. When i go to work, i put ice cubes in her bowl. I also freeze it in the morning before as i walk, i put ice cubes. This way, the water stays a little colder and it is a little easier for her. Valentina works as a groomer and therefore emphasizes that dogs with a significant undercoat should be carefully combed. Does without a special bottle of water, veterinarians warn animal owners not to leave them in the heat in a room without fresh air, for example in a car, because it provokes in 510 minutes heat stroke and irreversible changes occur in their body. And if you do not provide help in time, the animal can die. The very first symptom is that it becomes weak. This is, it may be a little out of shape, they do not listen to the owner , and breathing becomes more frequent and deep. And also it is worth paying attention to the pig or the hot ears of the animal, as experts say, you should also not overfeed fourlegged animals in the heat. And here is a place for them to rest. At home, it is better to arrange it in the shade with good ventilation , and there should always be plenty of Drinking Water if youre on the street, what are you doing . Take the dog for a run in the shade. Wet the pads of the paws a little higher. Put a damp towel to the head if it is an apartment, then if the air conditioner can be placed directly under the air conditioner, again , the procedures are the same, this is moisturizing the paws, this is a sufficient amount of water that is dangerous for the tails, and hot asphalt, which can cause burns on the pads of their paws it also interferes with thermoregulation, which is carried out through them. In addition, it is worth refraining from too short haircuts for cats and dogs. If the owners take care of their pets carefully, it is the most difficult for Homeless Animals in the summer heat. In civilized cities, drinking fountains are installed for them and free food is poured, so do not leave them in trouble. Those who can be saved darya ruban oleksandr kuga espresso bila tserkva we will summarize the morning already at 12 00 and read more on our website espresso. Tv also on our social networks , join, put your likes and reter will continue Khrystyna Yatskiv and roman chaika wait for the return of the land to state ownership at the cost of losses to the state the Prosecutors Office of the ivanofrankivsk region has been trying to take land from the state privatbank for years through the court, it is about the plot in the village of polyanytsia, where the bukovel ski resort is located, the prosecutors insist on returning the land to the ownership of the vorokhtyan forestry of the economy to satisfy its material needs as far as the land is its property and the second accordingly that no one will deny that the activity of any lyceum economy without the appropriate material base, including for me, it is impossible, the history stretches back to the 2000s, when a large number of land plots of the bukovel resort were illegally removed from state property, during the investigation of the Prosecutors Office , it was found that certain natural persons forged the decision of the polyanyt Village Council. This was established in the resolution of halytsky district court, however, the land plot belonging to the bank did not appear in the criminal case, in the corresponding decision of the galician district court, as well as in all the documents provided by himself the prosecutor mentions exactly a plot of land of 0. 2 hectares with a mark, no decisions were made, on the other hand, it appears in our case now, and in the statement of claim , a completely different plot of land of 0. 1930 hectares appears in relation to which the decision of the palayanyk Village Council to transfer it to the ownership of the peppers is excellent the land plot was accepted and sold more than once in 2016 privatbank became the last owner of the land plot on the basis of a mortgage agreement with a limited Liability Company from the basketry use the disputed plot for the purpose it is no longer possible to meet the needs of forest resources. And then what is the protection of the interests of the state, to take property that can no longer be used for the purposes of the forest fund from the state privatbank, to return it to the benefit of the state enterprise vorokhtyan forestry, as the prosecutor asks in the statement to change the subject of the lawsuit to the same in such a way as to actually cause losses to the state bank yaremchan city court refused to satisfy the prosecutors claim in privatbank hopes for unfair decisions in the interests of the state in two more similar cases at the same time, natural persons who, according to the prosecutor himself, are guilty of the illegal seizure of land plots are not brought to justice. We continue the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel. Of security, defense and intelligence, mr. Fedore, we congratulate you glory to ukraine i congratulate you as a hero of words, well , actually, i would like to talk a little about the work, in particular, and the committee, the main points that, uh, you and your colleagues are currently considering we understand how important it is to carry out parliamentary control even during the war, and in particular, we could not ignore his attention and the problems with the medical care of our soldiers directly on the front line, and we already reflected on all this with our combat medics, who also emphasize that there is a problem and the filling of the firstaid kits does not always coincide with the fact that there should be two weeks, now the command of the medical forces has to solve this problem mr. Fedorovych , the question is, how satisfied are you with the level of communication and whether there is a feeling that there is something such a general understanding and correct communication between the parliamentarians directly and between the representatives of the medical forces in particular. Well , the ministry of defense also has a position on the importance of the heat of defense. During the week of the meeting , it is true that there are several passive questions , except for the ministry of defense of the armed forces of ukraine that we would ask questions related to medical support and the provision of medical assistance to military personnel during hostilities, we considered the issue of providing the armed forces and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with the apparatus, we considered the issue of automatic control systems, that is, we considered a lot of issues and what problems we found that most worried our military leaders, the military is always in the area of ​​attention of the committee, and therefore i personally have no reason to talk about any problems with communication here ministry of defense to those requests that the committee provides , it always responds accordingly, the information is not always satisfactory due to the fact that the members of the committee are addressed by ee military from military formations of servicemen of various levels and privates and there are middlelower rank commanders middlehigh rank commanders we have, lets say, generalized information from the first launches, and sometimes we focus on those problems that we understand, as for your question about firstaid kits, there really is a problem. We received, lets say signals to the combat medics that the tourniquets were broken here, although, lets say , a systemic systemic problem regarding the poor quality of the tourniquets or the blood supply, the committee did not discover only one fact that became resonant but despite that, the committee was really interested in how firstaid kits are formed, which regulatory documents determine the requirements for the standards of certain medical devices, medical devices used in firstaid kits , and found out that the ministry of health does not always respond in a timely manner to the absence of regulatory standardization and the command of the medical forces or, lets say , the command of the logistics forces, which, among other things , including providing military personnel with means of primary medical aid always has clear criteria that we must be guided by in order to ensure that medical supplies and other medical supplies are ee to ee firstaid kits. Therefore, this is a matter of the medical forces of the ministry of defense , the relevant deputies should provide recommendations for the implementation of , say, in accordance with international standards, those means that are in medical firstaid kits and i think that we will solve this issue in the near future, mr. Fedor , i will ask you a little about something else, eh. We will return to this topic in two weeks. You said that in two weeks everything will be solved. I want to hear your opinion as a professional lawyer, you are the president s representative in the constitutional court, and when mr. Stefanchuk, a lawyer and chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, made a statement that the constitution does not prevent us from Holding Elections during martial law during martial law, thats all just really caused a storm of indignation with the super discussion. How could a professional lawyer say such a thing . I want to hear your opinion as a specialist. Well, first of all , i am the expresident of the constitution and a representative in the Verkhovna Rada for a year, but even so, i really only work in pension law 25 years taught students, including election procedures , you know, i cant say that it was mr. Stepanchuks statement that was aimed at the fact that it is necessary to prepare for the elections, he said that it is necessary to consider in context all his quotes and theses, which are sometimes torn from context he said that in the conditions of martial law, in his opinion, elections are impossible , but from the point of view of constitutional regulation , there are no prohibitions on Holding Elections during the legal regime of martial law, and here one cannot directly disagree with him, and prohibitions in there is no constitution, moreover. Now to discuss any elections during the right wing martial law until the term of office of the current Verkhovna Rada expires is at least incorrect, because we, even if we say so, take the position of those experts or those who believe that the parliament is full ends on the last sunday in october of this year. On the 23rd , elections are to be held. For example, even before the war, i voiced my opinion that i believe that the term of office of the parliament is five years, not four, and a few months ago on my conviction, the term of office of our this convocation of the Verkhovna Rada ends next year on the 24th, and this is what i gave this example, it shows that in the absence of a general lets put it this way without , alternatively, any understanding of certain norms of the constitution, the final word must be said by the valuable court of ukraine if there are discussions about whether it is possible or not to hold elections during the legal regime of the favorable state, then different lawyers evaluate this situation in different ways. I think that it is not possible. I think that it is first the issue of security for the subjects of the election process is the need to include all those voters who are outside ukraine and in the purchased territories and in the ranks of the armed forces before the election process as voters, it is now very problematic to do so and that is why my point is moreover, service 83 of the constitution of ukraine says that the authority of our, see the provisions of the Verkhovna Rada, the provisions of which are terminated, in the case of a legal regime of martial law , is terminated on the day of the opening of the first of the Plenary Session of the elected Verkhovna Rada, fedorov is very professional. You said it clearly, and your position is absolutely clear, but there is also a Political Choice for this position. The publication head talked to them. Aristova, they openly said. Then one deputy here even said so, she said that i quote, the president can dissolve the parliament during the war to pass laws, well, the takabmin eh that is, that they are being blackmailed, it literally sounds like this, the servants of the people told how bankova scares them with the dissolution of the parliament, it is political , it is difficult for me to comment on such statements, because i have not heard any threats of blackmail, neither from the state leadership, nor from my colleagues. Who would share such information as you just mentioned they made it public, so you know i cant comment on something that, in my opinion, is so similar to some kind of absurdity, mom together, this is dad, this was a quote. Ok, thank you. Actually, one more question. We are waiting for the summit in the next few days. Where in fact about 30 countries will take part in the summit that should circulate around the proposed ukraine in the person of ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyi has arranged peace and all this will take place on the initiative of saudi arabia in particular and please tell me what to expect here here some real practical mechanisms for the implementation of our peace formula will be worked out, with which we will engage at this stage of Political Support , support for our course well, i would not separate the political component and the legal component of this of the process, first of all, the peace formula was announced by president zelensky already, lets say, almost a year ago, and there is absolutely no need to talk now about any discussions regarding the acceptance or nonacceptance of those specific steps that are foreseen and those specific measures, lets say, that are provided for in this peace formula we have the support of dozens of states for this peace formula, in addition to, say , supporters of russia and satellites of russia, so the political component is of course inseparable , but we are currently working and this has been happening for a long time with regard to concrete content the political composition of this political coloring with a specific legal meaning, and i think that , including in saudi arabia, specific legal discussions will take place regarding those steps that will be implemented in one or another point of the peace plan of president zelensky, but you know from the point of view of such International Legal , maybe even geopolitical at the level of geopolitical assessment of this event , this process is very significant for us, because saudi arabia is one of the leaders of the arab world and has unquestionable support. To saudi arabia, and on the initiative of saudi arabia, this summit will be held without representatives of the Russian Federation, which is very significant for us and because i think it is a very unpleasant signal for russia, and accordingly , i think that this summit will be devoted to the discussion of specific mechanisms , including legal ones, which have to be fulfilled in order to ensure comprehensive peace and security guarantees which we will now also legally fill with content during the discussion with our American Partners with others j7 countries and those who have already joined them 12 i want to remind eh p. We are communicating with the sbu, the sbu is conducting searches on dubinsky , er, mom loves his speed, but dad likes to travel abroad, dubinsky himself is also unknown , there was a scandal that the entire ministry of health worked to ensure that agent dubinsky, who was under sanctions, worked together with fsbeshniks and skunks, he could leave peacefully and avoid punishment, because my question to you was actually a question of security, its not just about catching dubinsky, its also about catching him, and those who help him leave, and all roads lead to the ministry of health gives all these papers, they made out that it is for treatment, a wellknown volunteer wants to run away, you know , unfortunately, some politicians, some people s deputies, including representatives of our faction, but at the moment, they are nonpartisan , nonpartisan, during their public speeches, they do not realize the consequences that such a desire to get hype can lead to, because today , literally, i, by virtue of my professional duties, as a member of the committee on National Security and Defense Intelligence , the head of the profile under the committee, are interested , including in my resources of the Russian Federation, which is waging an information war against us, and one of the top news items is mr. Dubinskys statement about the inevitability of , lets put it this way , the mobilization of russian territory and, lets say, raising the level of tension or trying to raise the level of tension in ukrainian society, thats why everyone should be responsible only for their actions and sometimes even for words that can lead to very negative consequences. As for your questions, it is definitely necessary and e e to identify agents of influence of the Russian Federation and those who try to play along with the Russian Federation, and you know that there is a sufficient legal basis today for all those who in one way or another contribute to the countries the occupying country could be brought to justice in the matter of zakoloprotionism collaborative activity for outright treason of the motherland if there is relevant evidence, but unfortunately, Law Enforcement agencies are not always prompt and , lets say, not always within the framework of the powers they have , react to such facts that for many are obvious as for you and for me in this case and here you can give an example. Territorial centers for staffing of social support is it true that for a year of war or for a year and a half of war, there is actually no data that there is abuse, there are obvious crimes on the part of such persons who, including with the help of the medical system , mobilize from conscripts and not for free for money, and that is why i i literally did not prepare it today, and now my assistant on the right is sending a parliamentary appeal to the Security Service and the state bureau of investigation to the National Police with a request to explain how many cases have been recorded since february 24 last year, for the first time, on august 1, rather than on july 1 this year, there was a statement of notification of illegal behavior and how many relevant decisions were made, whether there are criminal proceedings and how they ended, whether there are closed criminal proceedings or statistics in order not to to refuse to provide information that constitutes the secret of a pretrial investigation, therefore this is a complex problem, you know sometimes, for example, unfortunately, as a representative of even the current authorities, i will be able to state that Law Enforcement agencies do not perform the functions that are expected of them society and this is a very negative aspect thank you thank you mr. Fedor fedor venislavskiy peoples deputy of ukraine, member of the committee on National Security and defense and intelligence was in touch with us and we have a short pause, after which we will talk about prospects in the price policy for fuel in our country stay with us there are discounts on diprylif gel 20 in pharmacies travellers you and save why im here i have sensitive teeth they eat ice cream pain cold air pain sweet pain the dentist advised lacalut sensiti what effectively reduces tooth sensitivity if i i knew the varnish sense, you wouldnt have had to come here before. Lakalut sensita reliable protection from pain, turn it on, its good when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of mallows. Click and around the universe of cinema, and then ok, dresses , a movie channel and sports. I am the goalkeeper and the youth team alesenko of ukraine, my task is to defend the football goal at the same time. Our heroes are fighting for every piece of

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