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In 1991 , in no case will they declare independence, it will start such a sadness, womens war, etc. In the contest well, why dont you give it all, but we have you , we dont have enough things, what you dont have enough for. Applied by putin, this is not the best way to turn anyone into angela, the chinese will never climb again, but if ukraine does not last, or you end up with some kind of shameful peace, then wait, wait. After two months, china will attack, not taiwan, because they will introduce or when the germans say, zelensky said i need 55, i already say 55 2 3 5 3 this is only for kiev in odessa, in kharkiv , it seems like years there, so the germans will answer the rainy one here in well, if 30, and for khm , 30 will be needed. Here they are of ukraine now the senders note all these 30 so that ukraine will receive such a beating from russia that you will never need in the future history and say that it is the last thing i write that during the war of the Second World War, a friend of the heart and our cargo is translated from you. You know the russians are enough. They are retreating they are already going to stalingrad, what they drank , they did not teach him to conclude an agreement with him, they did not teach him to go to the armistice, they did not teach mediators to send ot vytykana, and i did not think of you in the state time, whatever the difficult situation of the soviet union was not overshadowed by the answers, it meant that it was necessary to send more, more planes, more tanks, more oil, more aluminum , the allies behaved very clearly. The residency in the west sent an ambassador, well , hitler did not go for it, so here is the paradox of the africans, they made the right decision, ee, the strategic Intelligence Company attacked and recruited sufficient support in for ukraine, i think that right now i have problems finding a strong candidate. Well, the antitrump paratrooper doesnt fit the role, because its obvious that a strong proukrainian candidate will win the voter. Opa is going to overtake the vertebrates, just in one wicket , they got themselves a publican. The rating of the gay republican candidate smshatnoy zhstyny ​​nykaly мы помни меня бываtь предсtавиtь organization 15 i stressed from the Trump Administration zaidyas as if vopros mne vot ona sejjaj has already traveled to some states for a poll of Public Opinion at a distance that turned out to be no candidate. Well, i think that there is something said about the consophon. Well, he does not see the republican race. Here is a publication. There is a big chance to take the white house, and the congress has chosen a date with a clear ukrainian positions well, thank you, andriy andriyovich, for this extremely interesting and productive conversation , i want to remind our viewers that andriy piontkovskyi was working for them from washington now, join the community with a ukrainian view of the world, get up a sponsor of the espresso youtube channel. And this is access to exclusive content, personal thanks, pinned comments, special icons and the possibility of personal communication with the espresso team, click to sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian perspective , now on our air, work slowly, grand military expert , retired colonel of the british army, glory to ukraine, dear mr. Colonel gate save the king god save the king and glory to the heroes, they need it very much now well, dear mr. Colonel, it started in the south of our country powerful counteroffensive actions of the armed forces of ukraine are unfolding, how important is this direction and in general how do you assess the degree of readiness of our fighters to take the south under fire control, first of all, this question is strategic and the answer depends on the progress on the battlefield, because if the Ukrainian Forces succeed in breaking through in the south and it is possible to get to melitopol or even better to berdyansk, then of course it will be a powerful gain. If they do not succeed in this, then questions will arise. Was it worth resorting to attacks in this direction, because we know that it the most fortified and mined at the front area, however, i think that if the fighters will manage, there is no doubt that they will break through the defensive echelons, but how much will they need for this and what losses will there be on the way. It is one thing if the plan succeeds, on the other hand, is such a success worth the depletion of resources, because if the losses are too great, then from a Strategic Point of view, such a success can be a defeat. Therefore, we must keep an eye on the events of the next few weeks. Berdyan direction, tokmak direction and further down the list, there are fierce battles going on, our infantry is working, our artillery is working, we lack aviation, but the troops are advancing, the enemy, as far as i understand, is starting to use operational reserves to try to hold his line of defense, how difficult will this company be, in particular, we are talking about the August September Southern Company , the probability is quite high only ukrainian soldiers have the determination and morale to keep fighting hard the challenge for russia is whether it can allow continue to advance in the direction of donetsk, because it is there that they are persistently advancing, and not in the southern regions. We know that they have very poor logistical support, and ukraine conducted a very Successful Campaign to destroy Russian Artillery and ammunition. What we do not know, and i do not think that anyone in principle, he can know it. So this is where the enemys weakness in terms of artillery and ammunition is located. It can be in front of donetsk. It can be behind bakhmut, and even south of zaporozhye there will be a place where russia suddenly will be able to fight properly. It is there that a real strategic breakthrough should take place, and therefore, looking to the south, i have a question. Donetsk and taking it is an interesting question at the moment because the battlefield is not fully understood and maybe it will be liman or it will be bakhmut. Is it donetsk . Is it zaporizhzhia and the south . And only in the near future two or three weeks or within the next month it will be clear where in fact ukraine can cause the most damage amateurs very often start drawing certain arrows on maps trying to figure out which movement can be considered general but informed people talk about the importance of logistics glen you just emphasized the importance of interruption of enemy logistics. A couple of days ago, i spoke with one of our officers in action, and he said what difference does it make to what depth they dug concrete pits in the south if we destroy their logistics, they can eat each other in the next couple of months, destroyed logistics is a lack of fuel, it is a lack of ammunition, and it is a lack of the possibility of functioning of units that have really dug in very deeply. Well, accordingly, if we are seriously talking about the destruction of enemy logistics, we understand that on the one hand this is the crimean bridge, the kerch bridge, on the other hand, this is the taking under fire control of the socalled land corridor from mariupol to, well, and, of course, the interruption of communication through the crimean passes of destruction logistics is important, but when hostilities are unfolding as they are now, the most important thing is not so much strategic logistics as tactical, in other words, what exactly is standing in excess and who is fighting. This is what is important , because the weapon that is at hand or immediately behind the back is more important than the weapon or ammunition that are at a distance and they know about it , so in order to break their morale and their will as much as possible, it is necessary to concentrate Ukrainian Forces in front of certain borders and then destroy logistics behind these borders so that they feel an immediate shortage if to concentrate on strategic logistics, this gives the enemy time to move from one part of the battlefield to another. If you attack tactical logistics, that is, food that was planned to be eaten today, water that was planned to be drunk today, ammunition that was supposed to be used today, then this will have a special effect on a specific part of the field battles, so i believe that over the past six months, we have done a lot in the field of strategic logistics , but russia continues to advance and we need to support our soldiers on the front lines advanced infantry, concentrating on those areas that are immediately behind the infantry in order to reduce the enemys fire concentrations so that he does not have either artillery or ammunition to return fire this is the key to a breakthrough if we are talking about the enemys power, not the south, we understand that there are certain problems, but they also have certain advantages , in particular. This is a fairly strong line of defense. Artillery on the other hand, we understand that the key task now is to split the Southern Group of the enemy, i want to say that russia always has the potential to attract resources to this war, both human and armed, the only thing that can break the south is the full deployment of the front line, and by this i mean that as soon as ukraine breaks through somewhere and finds itself in the rear of the enemy, the russians will begin to flee, that is, the most important thing is to break through, create a certain gap in the defense and effectively use it for the purpose of encircling the russians, however, it can be very long. That difficult battle up to berdyansk. The Russian Defense may not crack so easily, so i dont think you should set any time frames for yourself. It is necessary to admit that the front needs to be maintained as best as possible, which means that obviously you need more drones, more equipment, more carats of speed help with everything the fighters need to continue moving forward because this war can last for another 23 years direction should not underestimate the ability of russia to throw all its resources into the pit of war we must be ready for a long battle and for that this breakthrough will take a long time, now there is a Constant Movement forward kilometer by kilometer , and that is why you must adhere to the principles of war, one of which is the concentration of forces, which is vital. If you want to break through, dear mr. Colonel , in your opinion, it should be considered as separate fronts as separate not i know the battlefields this is the kupinsky lyman direction, the donetsk direction and the southern direction, in particular when it comes to the enemys strategy. They are trying to play on three local directions in their own way or after all, gerasimo you now have the strength. Somehow to focus all this and bring it to the general logic of a military campaign is a moot question because they concentrated their efforts on bahmut but without success so i would say that they will not do the same thing again although they can this is russia and it is quite possible that they will go and again step on the same rake of attempts to change something , now it seems that they are trying to maintain as wide a theater of operations as possible, because when it is as wide as possible, it makes ukraine think very carefully about involving reserves because there is always a place where russia advances, now this is a matter for the general staff and they must keep themselves in their hands because it is quite possible that in the area of ​​the estuary or even north of donetsk, russia can break through and start actually moving forward, this does not mean that they will be able to actively to move forward, they would rather use the gaps that ukraine has at the moment, ukraine cannot currently cover the entire front by advancing to the south. And this is exactly what russia wants to create pressure in the north to force pull up the reserves to the north to the estuary, taking them from the south, all this is like a poker game and nowadays it is important who blinks first in the kupinsky estuary direction, we understand that the enemy there can do well with logistics there , it is convenient to transport personnel ammunition , and so on. And we understand that there is a strengthening there battles, it is difficult to say how high the intensity will be during the next couple of weeks , but we understand that the enemy is transferring a large number of trained troops there, and i think that now russia is trying to change the phase the fact is that ukraine has shown itself well in the south, so now it must continue to advance there , because if they break through the south, it will no longer matter what happens in the north, because the most important trophies in this battle are the donetsk crimea, it is necessary to continue advancing in these directions of liberation donetsk and crimea will change the dynamics of politics and Strategic Thinking inside russia. What is an estuary, no one in russia knows where the estuary is and they are not interested in it, but they know where crimea and donetsk are, so if they lose them, politics in russia will change. Putin will not be able to survive the loss of something so important. We now understand that russia is now trying to commit another crime not only against ukraine but also against International Maritime law, in particular, it is about russias attempt to annex the black sea basin, in particular, that which belongs to ukraine , according to we see intensified strikes on odesa in the south of ukraine, but this can most likely be woven into the general concept of russian aggression in the black sea basin, so ukraine nato was convened and we understand that extremely serious steps must be taken in response, first of all, you need to forget about International Law in a war like this , International Law does not exist, russia has already violated all International Laws regarding war, therefore, they are not interested and it does not matter to them whether they violate something, the facts speak for themselves itself it seems that the west doesnt care where the laws are followed and where no because they didnt do anything before. Remember how russia installed mines in the black sea, which then ended up in romanian harbors. Russia used to stop nato ships, for example from bulgaria and nobody did anything, so lets forget about the legal aspect of this issue, secondly, i dont see anything unusual or special in this. The fact is that russia is trying to attack ukraine in all possible ways, and where there is a weak point , they will attack, and the weak point is because now there is no Ukrainian Navy and because they have the ability to put pressure on ukraine in the south regarding moldova and transnistria while keeping ukraine in the north due to the presence of wagner thus effectively moving the pieces on the chessboard it is beneficial for themselves to position themselves in a position that causes ukraine as many problems as possible, but we do not forget that almost every act against ukraine is part of the internal russian essence and much of what they do is aimed at showing that putin is still an authoritative person that he can still exert pressure not only on ukraine, but also on nato, considering how he puts pressure on nato and nato countries in the baltic sea. And he believes that he is doing the right thing by putting pressure on romania , bulgaria and turkey in the black sea. He still remains a tough person and can do what he wants. The transfer of wagners criminal organization to belarus. Yes, we understand that at the moment their personnel is not enough, but we are watching how belarus is gradually being filled with russian mercenaries. In order to glue this or that military provocation successfully against ukraine , instead they can try to destabilize the border with lithuania and poland, and they will formally act as an extraterritorial military criminal group and they will not represent themselves in the official government of belarus or possibly russia. So the key story here is how the euroatlantic allies react in the event of this or that military provocation, first of all regarding the wagnerites. We must forget everything that happened before because it was a theater it was just a theater a kind of games and none of us really knows the scale of these games and who actually participated in them, we just have to understand where they are located now and therefore, the fact that their groups are not that big, although there are not many of them, russia is strengthening them, which means that they are going to use someone for something. We have no idea why it is possible that even strengthening them in the future to defend putin is the whole absurdity of the current russian policy, but not forget that Wagners Group threatens not only northern ukraine, it also threatens poland and lithuania and even latvia, which is nearby. Therefore, they are a potential threat militarily, even if they do nothing , they are actually a problem for both nato and for ukraine , simply because of its location, they really dont need to stress. You asked about what nato will do, so lets clarify if the wagnerites cross the nato border. Or any other border and in order for them to have nothing to do with it, they must act differently, what is the essence of the existence of the alliance , so i am sure that the russians, putin and prigozhin , understand this well. If they dare to do so then they will sign a death sentence for themselves, i do not think that they are preparing her for this, unless there are some megaextreme scenarios, at the same time they are being reinforced for something and, most likely , something is being planned in ukraine with the war criminal kartapolov, who sits in the russian state duma. A couple of days ago, he disclosed the state secret of the Russian Federation in response to and proposed changes to the mobilization orders in russia he said well of course we will do it because we are preparing for a long war how do you see mr. Paul russias preparation for this phase and whether they will really go for it their preparation is quite strong i mean they are working on their own Defense Industry by overmobilizing more people and also on their relations with north korea china and iran they are working hard to create a stronger soviet system precisely the term soviet not russian of the soviet system which can actually fight against ukraine for a long time and will be able to destroy ukraine step by step using massive resources this is what they are doing now and their intention to continue do this until the west surrenders. I am convinced that putin thinks that if he continues for two more years, the west will fall and collapse and a Peace Agreement will be concluded that will secure the captured territories for him. Not properly organizing its Defense Industry, this is exactly what russia is doing now, while ukraine is not, it is a very serious mistake to rely only on allies, because at a certain stage, the allies equipment, ammunition and Everything Else will run out, and then ukraine will be left alone and it will be expected that it will do much more on its own, so the country needs to prepare for the fact that this war can last 2, 3, 4 years , lets remember the Second World War lasted five , the First World War also almost five years so we may still have a potentially long way to go whether or not the supply of storm shadow to ukraine will be reduced , we understand how important these longrange missiles have proven to be, of course there will be a reduction because as you use them they become less and less currently the industry in general cannot produce more or at the same rate at which they will be used so the supply of such missiles will be reduced ukraine must understand the importance of making its own missiles it must direct its efforts to making its own parties of shadow and to do it quickly and for this there is a real intellectual potential in ukraine, it is a matter of the will of the government and, frankly, someone smart who will lead ukroboronprom and start doing what ukraine needs you. Thank you, dear glen, for this frank conversation. Study the espresso tv channel. Get save the kins. Glory to ukraine. Glory to the heroes. They are fighting and i hope that they will not stop and that the breakthrough will happen as soon as possible. Thank you to our viewers , i want to remind you that now on the espresso broadcast , a retired colonel of the british army, a wellknown military expert glen, worked for them grand participants of the program have run out and remain with tv channels from the press. My colleagues will analyze all the most important events of the day in operative mode, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Until we meet on the air, it is difficult to get up and climb the stairs. Old injuries and sprains constantly remind you of yourself with sharp pain. You need help. The kneecap moves easily. 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This was the third attack on the island this month, it was noted in Operational Command in the south, and yesterday the occupiers launched four reconnaissance drones

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