Apple TV+ has canceled Suspicion after one season, according to Deadline. The thriller series, a remake of Israeli drama series False Flag, followed five ordinary Brits accused of kidnapping the son of a prominent U.S. media mogul and embark on a desperate race against time to prove their innocence. Suspicion starred Katherine Newman, The Big Bang Theory's Kunal Nayyar, The Americans' Noah Emmerich, Black Mirror's Georgia Campbell, Scorpion's Elyes Gabel, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Elizabeth Henstridge and Dancing on the Edge's Angel Coulby. Uma Thurman appeared in six of the episodes...

Netflix's Disenchantment, the animated comedy from The Simpsons creator Matt Groening has been renewed for its fifth and final season, debuting September 1. Set in the crumbling fairy tale world of Dreamland, Disenchantment features the voice of Broad City's Abby Jacobsen as a hard-drinking princess named Bean, The Descendants actor and screenwriter Nat Faxon as Elfo, Bean's Elvish sidekick and Eric Andre as Bean's "personal demon," Luci. Netflix dropped a teaser trailer for the fifth season on Monday...

Comedian Hasan Minhaj appears to be the odds-on favorite to host Comedy Central's The Daily Show, replacing Trevor Noah, who left the show in late 2022, sources tell Variety. However, the insiders add that a deal has not been finalized. Minaj is a former Daily Show correspondent who went on to host his own weekly Netflix program called Patriot Act...

Marc Gilpin, who played the youngest son of Roy Scheider’s Police Chief Martin Brody in Jaws 2, died Saturday in Dallas after a long battle with glioblastoma. His older sister, Frasier actress Peri Gilpin, broke the news, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Marc was 56. A year after Jaws 2, he guest starred on an episode of CHiPs, and followed that up with appearances on Fantasy Island, Silver Spoons, China Beach and the ABC telefilm Surviving. Marc also appeared in the films The Legend of the Lone Ranger, Earthbound, and She's Out of Control, before trading acting for a career as a software engineer...

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Israel , United States , China Beach , California , Dallas , Texas , Hollywood , Israeli , American , Hasan Minhaj , Uma Thurman , Eld Elizabeth Henstridge , Kunal Nayyar , Elyes Gabel , Marc Gilpin , Peri Gilpin , Abby Jacobsen , Matt Groening , Martin Brody , Trevor Noah , Noah Emmerich , Katherine Newman , Angel Coulby , Comedy Central , Netflix , Roy Scheider Police , False Flag , Big Bang Theory , American Noah Emmerich , Black Mirror , Georgia Campbell , Broad City , Nat Faxon , Eric Andre , Daily Show , Patriot Act , Roy Scheider , Police Chief Martin Brody , Fantasy Island , Silver Spoons , Lone Ranger , Radio Station , Op 40 , Hr , Alexandria , A , Louisiana , Qid , 3 1 , Q 93 , 93 , Nvisionwise , Inkedupradio , ,

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