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Eastern Alamance head coach John Kirby previews the spring of 2021 season
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Eastern Alamance head football coach John Kirby spoke with HighSchoolOT Triad reporter Zack Adams to breakdown the seven-game spring season. The Eagles were 14-1 overall and 7-0 in Mid-State Athletic 2A/3A split Conference during their 2019 campaign.
Show Transcript
Welcome back to high school. T. I'm Zach Adams, and I'm joined this morning by Eastern Elements head football coach John Kirby. Thank you for joining me here, Coach. Hey, thanks for having me, Zach. Uh, no problem. So about the Kobe 19 Pandemic has adult many challenges Thio high school football programs across North Carolina. Just how did the Eastern elements handle the roller coaster of emotions since last March? And any protocols of the war in place for our workouts, practices, etcetera. You know, I think you hit it on the head when you talk about emotions in that, You know, last march, when when this thing hit, I don't think anybody really realized the that it would take his long We're a year later, and we're just now getting back to some type of normalcy. But, you know, I think our school system was one that really took precautions, and they did not allow us to do anything, and actually, our weight room is still not open. Our kids haven't been in our locker room yet, and we haven't been in the weight room since last march, but, uh, today actually is gonna be our first day in the locker room and that we're we're being able to practice here in Eastern High school today. We're, uh, due to the rain and the weather and just the lack of field space that we have. We've actually been practicing that in the city of Mavin. They have some turf fields that we've been able to get on. So our kids have just been meeting us there, as opposed to coming here to school. But, you know, starting over and and, uh, we were able to come back in October to do some of our school system, allows us come back toe to do some skill development, and and some, uh, just trying to get in shape training. And and with that, though, it seems like a long time. But then, once you put in the dead periods that the state has has put in and and then along with weather and Christmas and Thanksgiving, you know, it's it's not that many days, and here we are in game week, and, uh, we just feel like we're so far behind that that what would normally are. But I guess we just gotta keep reminding ourselves that everybody else is in the same predicament that we're in. But you know, a Sfar as the off season and what we were able to do, It's just it's hard to make it another. It's hard. It's hard to assimilate it up front block. When you're 6 ft apart. I'm not sure Coach Foster So the national has ever even heard of a 6 ft split because they're Toto. But just, you know, just a lot of things that for the last couple of weeks we've been able to get back into the reality of a of a real football practice in real football season. So the North Carolina High School Athletic Association now has a new requirements in place with Facebook coverings as well as a mandatory mouth guard for this spring of 2021 season. I just How do you think some of the Eastern players have adjusted to those rules issues? Well, I think you know this is adults have to do a good job of role modeling what needs to be done, and, you know, these kids hadn't seen each other. A lot of kids hadn't seen each other in a long time, and then when we get back to finally doing something, you know, they want to congregate, they wanna hug each other. They wanna, you know, they their teammates, they're bonded together and and, you know, you're constantly telling them Thio distance themselves And, uh, you know, it's faras wearing the mask and doing what they're supposed to do. I think for the most part, most of our kids are doing doing what they're supposed to be doing right. But, you know, sometimes it's kids, kid, you know, an adult as an adult sometime, too, and that, you know, you find yourself forgetting, uh, Thio to put that mask going and you just have to keep reminding them. But, you know, I'm with it. I think that the High School Athletic Association has done a good job of trying to get us back safe. And, uh, you know, if they tell us to wear a mask and it's going, let us play football, then I think that our kids air they can sacrifice wearing a mask. So recently, of course, there has been some bad weather with rain, ice and otherwise. You did mention that the eagles have been practicing on turf fields and the city of Melvin. But just specifically, how do you think that your kids have adjusted? Um, given all the unfortunate circumstances, would that be from the schedule changes or uncertainty in forming a season announced woman in Practice Times. Just how do you think that you know all the answers, overcome that adversity? I think our kids and our parents have been very understanding in that. You know, I think every high school coach in North Carolina or every high school coach tries to put out a schedule and you don't bend from schedule. You stay with it because this is what you do and and you give them a schedule in advance and you expect your players to adhere to it. And now we're finding out we're giving out schedules by the week instead of by the month at a time. So you know, we're week to week and and our kids have done really good. As far as you know, Adherent took what we've got set, you know, talking about how we've adjusted in that in a typical season, you know, it's very hot. We're using the old wet bulb to make sure we can practice and and you wanna play when it's cold outside and now we're starting off playing when it's cold outside and hoping to warm up is we go? So it's been an adjustment. And, of course, in our, you know, our team, we practiced a week without receivers because our receivers from playing, uh, playing basketball. So, uh, you know, I guess this is one of those seasons where, you know, the basketball coaches can say, Hey, those guys had to wait on may Mhm. So Eastern Islands that dio 14 and one for all and I seven and oh and I Mid State Athletic two a three, A split conference play back in 2019. Um, it's been a while, but I just What do you think? We're some highlights from the previous football season? Well, you know, looking back at at, and I think as a coach, you don't really realize how good you were until you reflect back when it's all said and done. And, you know, we've certainly had a lot of time to reflect. But, you know, the senior class that we lost a year ago, the Jordan More's, the the Austin Bryants, the Kobe Maze and you know, the list just goes on and on of of guys who were in our program for so long. And you know, what a successful career they had. And, uh, you know, you're only as good as your last game. In our last game, we lost the Southern Nash. So we've got a while to sit here, and I'm gonna say we festered on it because we got beat by a really good football team. But, you know, it's one of those things where our kids are excited about getting out. And, you know, the our kids are excited about getting their names out there. Thio like the ones that represent Eastern High School. We got 20 seniors on our football team that, you know, I think six months ago wasn't sure whether they're gonna be able to play the senior year or not. You know, the Jackson Stokes, the Heaven Palace, the cold Jordan's and and the Austin cameras, those air seniors this year that that we're going to rely on to hopefully keep that tradition going E. So the Eagles will have to account for a few departures on offense about a notable one being a quarterback Austin Bryant. He threw for 3107 yards and 47 touchdowns. A senior. Just how big of a loss is Austin's and just who is expected to take snaps at a starting quarterback spot tomorrow night and beyond. You know it's hard to replace the quarterback who threw for 3000 years, two years in a row. And you know, the thing about Austin is Austin had no fear. He didn't mind throwing the football. Sometimes as a coach, you thought, man, why did he throw that? But, you know, he he didn't have a fear. He felt confident in what he did. And that's something that you know, you don't coach. That's that's already instilled in him a Sfar as a quarterback spot right now. Uh, Cason McCauley is a kid who was rjb uh, snap guy last year, and, uh, he will probably get the nod this Friday. Well, actually, is gonna be this Thursday night at Northeast Gilford, and, uh, we had a transfer come in from Washington High School 100. Douglas who? Not Washington High School. Uh, Wake Forest High School 100. Douglas, who is, uh uh is getting some reps, but you know, he's only been out there for a short amount of time due to basketball. And those two guys air, You know, they've got a lot to learn, but we have confidence. Sin and Cason is a very, uh, Swifties. He's different than Austin in that his frame is not as big, but he things happen with his legs and his feet because he he runs very well. So arguably one of the area's top defensive units coming back with a Will Burnett, Evan Powell and Jackson stoats all back in the mix, kind of leading the way. Two part question here. Just what are your expectations for the defense? And just how important is it for Eastern and such a unique season? Have a strong foundation on that side of the football? You know, I think last year going into the season, we knew that we were very heavy handed on the offensive side and that all those guys have been starters a year before and we knew that we could put up some points. I think at that time, you know, our defense, kind of, uh, some of those guys, we're the Evan Powell's, The Cold, Jordan's and the Jackson Stokes started a sophomore, so, you know, they were kind of young in the mix. But, you know, now those guys are seniors and those guys on the offensive side of gone. So I think our team's gonna rely on their defense, too, to keep us in the game. And hopefully, you know where our offense doesn't turn the ball over and and put ourselves in a bad position. But, uh, I think last year, the latter part of the season, our defense kind of got an identity. They found themselves running to the ball and they found themselves just, you know, playing and keeping us in the game. And and, uh, you know, a lot of those guys we're back. And it's our hope that that, you know they can. They can make Asian Al Mats a good football team this year. Eso besides some of the guys that we mentioned already, just who are some players in particular that Eastern elements will rely on for success and the spring of 2021? Well, you know, I think you hit it on the head with a lot of there's there's gonna be some names of some kids that that we haven't heard of. But I think they're gonna be names that you, you know, that you hear from from Eastern Elements football again. You know, we didn't mention Darius Cain has has had a couple offers right now at the receiver spot, and then we're relying on case and get the ball to him. Thio Keep him going. We realized that he's gonna be, uh, taking on some extra attention, but hopefully that's gonna free up the Hunter Westbrook's and the stair Ian Williams, who both will JV players last year who both caught touchdown passes in the Southern Nash Regional final game. So I mean, I think those were some names and some kids that that will probably help us is, well, we had a transfer into his name is Dante McCall from Durham, Riverside, who played their last year. They just recently moved to Lebanon. It seems like we never get a transfer, but but he's a really good one in that, uh, he was a running back for them last year, and he also plays a linebacker, and he's been a bright spot in a really good team player force Uh, Quentin idly is another kid who was understudy Thio Kobe May last year, and and Quentin has has gotten bigger and faster and and I think he's gonna be a good, good running back forces. Well upfront, Josh Hester and, uh, Tyler Pain have, uh I mean, Jacob pain have really been, uh, ones that have, uh, you know, they're coming on and hold. And I call that pain Brantley Pain. Uh, we got a lot of pains that go to school here, it seems like, but those are guys that have, uh, you know, they worked hard up front. They've been three years starters for so I think that they're going to make things happen to so, uh, I don't know, just got a lot of kids that have been in a program for a long time, and, you know, it's 20 seniors and so time to shine. And, you know, we're just glad that we got seven games Thio Thio allow them to play and be the best they can. And and hopefully we can move on and, uh, make up, make a run in the playoffs. Oh, eso Eastern elements will be playing northeast Guilford on, uh Thursday night or tomorrow. At this point, just how excited are you or your country staff and players to get back in the field are back on the sidelines for a meaningful football game. I know it might be hard to tell a little bit without socially distance practices, but I just kind of what's the atmosphere like? And can you tell their excitement? Well, I think the atmosphere is that we're all excited about having the opportunity to get back on the game field. And, uh, but I think on the other hand, as a coach, you're kind of worried and concerned that that you don't have all your ducks in a row, and we just got to continue to remind ourselves that that were other teams were in the same boat as well. We do have enough experience, guys that that you know, even though the lack of practice that we have, they've got an idea of where to go and what to dio. So I'm sure there's not could probably be a sloppy looking game, probably for the first few games. Andi were hope. We just started. Sloppy is the other team, but it's, uh just not having the spring and not having summer. That's a whole lot of a whole lot of work that goes into those and not having camp. So, uh, will there be some some issues I'm sure there will be. But you know what? We're getting to play. We're excited about playing our coaches air, excited about playing our communities, excited about just, you know, being able to get back into the mix of it. And with that being said, you know, we're hoping that the the governor will come through and allow more more fans to come see our team play. And, uh, I don't know. It just it feels good to get back to some kind of normalcy. Eso in the mid state of Athletic two a three. A split conference will be league only for the 2021 season 20 believe that the Eagles are going to stack up with the remaining conference opponents as the abbreviated season nears. Well, you know, I think when you look into our conference, you know, and I think that we've got a I think our conference is a good conference. It's a conference that there's a lot of great coaches in our conference that if you're not ready to play on Friday night, and you could get upset, Uh, but I think if you look at our conference from from the last several years Western elements Northern Guilford, the two top teams that kind of come to mind, you feel like you got to go through at least those two if you're gonna have a chance to to compete and go deep in the playoffs. Uh, you know, Northern Guilford with all the state championships that they got, uh, there's a lot of tradition there, and those guys air, they do a great job. They do a great job of coming at you, and they do a great job of preparing and, uh, just a lot of rich tradition at that school. Western elements in Eastern Elements. If you know it's it's one of those robberies that it just it's a big rivalry. Both teams could be undefeated or both teams could. One team could not have won a game and the other be undefeated. And it's still gonna be a great game just because of the great rivalry that that we have for each other and with that's respect for each other. I think that, you know, they respect us. I feel like we respect them. And you know what? The end of the day it Z what high school football is all about. But, you know, I think that you look at those two is teams that, you know that you gotta beat in order thio, uh, to win a conference championship. But, you know, then we just now put something on the on the locker room wall for Roxburgh person in Morehead and Rockingham County because they're saying that the eagles are overlooking them. And that's not that's not the case and that, you know, again, I think on any given night, anybody can beat anybody. But those were the teams that that, uh you know that we know that we're gonna have to go through in order toe to be successful. Mhm Last question your coach and say I'll fill in the blank. For Eastern elements to be successful in early 2021 Blank needs to happen. I think our defense needs to continue to be able to stop People in our offense can't turn the ball over and put a defense in bad situation.

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Wake Forest , North Carolina , United States , Washington High School , Lebanon , Rockingham County , Jordan , Eastern High School , Kobe , Hyogo , Japan , Hunter Westbrook , Austin Bryant , Ian Williams , Devan Powell , Zach Adams , Josh Hester , Austin Bryants , Cason Mccauley , Darius Cain , John Kirby , Dante Mccall , Wake Forest High School , Facebook , High School Athletic Association , Carolina High School Athletic Association , Im Zach Adams , Eastern Elements , Eastern High , North Carolina High School Athletic Association , Mid State Athletic , Jordan More , Kobe Maze , Jackson Stokes , Heaven Palace , Northeast Gilford , Not Washington High , Will Burnett , Asian Al Mats , Southern Nash Regional , Thio Kobe May , Tyler Pain , Ethio , Northern Guilford , எழுந்திரு காடு , வடக்கு கரோலினா , ஒன்றுபட்டது மாநிலங்களில் , வாஷிங்டன் உயர் பள்ளி , லெபனான் , ராக்கிங்ஹாம் கவுண்டி , ஜோர்டான் , கிழக்கு உயர் பள்ளி , கோபி , ஹியோகோ , ஜப்பான் , வேட்டைக்காரன் வெஸ்ட்புரூக் , ஆஸ்டின் பிரையண்ட் , ஈயந் வில்லியம்ஸ் , எவன் போவல் , ஸ்யாக் ஆடம்ஸ் , ஜோஷ் ஹெஸ்டர் , ஆஸ்டின் பிரையண்ட்ஸ் , கேசன் ம்க்காலீ , டேரியஸ் கெய்ன் , ஜான் கர்பீ , தாந்தே ம்க்கால் , எழுந்திரு காடு உயர் பள்ளி , முகநூல் , உயர் பள்ளி தடகள சங்கம் , கரோலினா உயர் பள்ளி தடகள சங்கம் , இம் ஸ்யாக் ஆடம்ஸ் , கிழக்கு கூறுகள் , கிழக்கு உயர் , வடக்கு கரோலினா உயர் பள்ளி தடகள சங்கம் , நடுவில் நிலை தடகள , ஜோர்டான் மேலும் , கோபி பிரமை , ஜாக்சன் ஸ்டோக்ஸ் , சொர்க்கம் அரண்மனை , வடகிழக்கு கில்ஃபோர்ட் , இல்லை வாஷிங்டன் உயர் , விருப்பம் பர்னெட் , ஆசிய அல் பாய்கள் , தெற்கு நஷ் பிராந்திய , டைலர் வலி , வடக்கு கில்ஃபோர்ட் ,

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