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Wrong a in central can, you know, according to the national statistics, one in every 8th kenya is confused. Alcohol, not a very big number, but when you consider the 42 percent of those who drink a coincidence to be alcoholics, then question mark stuck to arise. Well wishing central kendra, one of the most effective regions to try and find out why and what society can do to address this. And i want to begin with to maria, do you mind sharing what your journey through addiction and recovery has been . I feel like ive struggled with alcohol addiction for 13 years. Well since my 1st drink, basically, i havent been able to drink nicely or properly as most people would say. But at what point did you realize that, hey, this is beyond just the usual drink over the weekend . Its beyond the dependency. Its Something Else i used to tell myself, i did not have a drinking problem. Honestly, i never, i would call myself and alcoholic just for laughs, just for gods. But in truth, i really did have a drinking problem. I wouldnt wake up and drink, but i would get a whole bottle excessive in 50 a male. Im zynga and finish it all by myself in my room. I would maybe go with friends, they would drink nice and responsibly, but i would always drink to blackout. Yeah. Yeah. Do you remember what time at what point you felt like you need to drink in excess of probably when my father died honestly, all my life. I think my father struggled with that dixon over the alcohol, basically. And it was never, it was an open secret. You know, his family never really spoke about it. He never spoke to us about it, but we could all see that hes struggling with it. I think he went to have 3 times. Yeah, i think when he died i felt, oh, okay, uncle, hold to kim, let me so oklahoma whos boss, you know, its a huge mistake and well come back to to that in a short while. But true. Were talking about recovery and youre literally just these into your recovery journey. 5050. How many days . 56. They all come back to the nations. How like, how are you feeling like now . I feel so good. It is. I feel so good because i look forward to using something ive struggled with for like over i think, 15 years plus. Yeah. And its not the normal thinking like i have a drink on friday and thats it for the weekend. You know, its daily drinking from morning to evening and thats arlington monday, sunday. So i can see it like for now i am so happy i can wake up so bad. I know what is happening here. Im not drunk. So any. Im so glad that you and so rather i liked that and for you again, what was the point at which you felt . All right, this is its, i need to turn my life around or something is not going to work out in the end. I have a son and i have not really been a part of his life due to that it is now the article is if im not to be not part of his life, for like the longest, im you standing, you live in dcf and it took me im so, but im glad i feel disappointed in blood. It took me almost 11 years for me to come out of it. But im so glad to know i couldnt be there for my son. Yeah. Not to jump the gun or anything, but i know i know you had said that you had tried recovery before and do kind of slipped and fell back into it. Are you hopeful that this time it will be different . Oh yes, im very, very helpful because this time zone may have power of lifted sleeves. So im so ready for the john. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So on, i want to introduce you because youll also a recovering addict. But beyond that, you also have a Community Based organization working very, very closely with communities here who are struggling with alcoholism. So based on what youve had on your own personal experience, how wide spread is a problem of alcohol abuse and addiction in kenya . In fact, you should be to get a National Disaster because actually we are losing a lot of people to a who lives in more than about drugs and other this is put together uh, addiction. These assume vista, this is in the to is the reason why we not, we can say that we have this, this, this, but this picks right up some of the 300. 00 plus signs. Because like in a village is what they do when the person dies from a call is and nobody talks about it, it took them to the mortuary after that event, that time smell, pm. No, we dont know the cause of death. A things that im not even to come to that much of it just buried. So we dont really know how many people we are losing in the wake in kevin, never, we lost more than 2020 people. And now we cannot say of that. Its just the only people who are drinking because the, the ej ej ej. A group that we bought, it is between 59 and 74. So you can see now that its not, not just the tended, this just just made us. But even if those people, yeah, so it is a big problem. Theyve got to across the board. We can also use this group of people to reach the poor. Its anybody can come, you know, kind of get dropped into the, into the addiction was need. So its, its, its really deep and its really duck. I like that. Weve established these obviously a problem. And i think these a double problem here because the list sits brew question has been brought up the bus to dies alcohol. But john, i want it to come to you because you are used to lead to and you decided that your organization, joe jen got to meet initiative, which is like you look for build the community of the Society Initiative to tackle this problem. Why was it so important for you . It was very important to me because of my, my grand father used to drink. He was, i need you dated drinking of yourself. And then there was the scene idea of that he was sitting. Hes 21. 00 is a flat, and then blinking to that has to finish. And then he died leaving hes a tube in the struggling and even to date, the seat is struggling. So i felt if someone had lead, if someone have stopped the fighting again, is that many, maybe my grandfather would not have died. And then uh, talking to women payments because um, most of our festa and then supposed to try to use me to come seem to talk to you these my tell d z medical, hes him and my tell the left on maybe stopped. Hes a education, it just because of alcohol is him. So i feel to know these these time for us to raise a but, and before we proceed, nobody ever takes the 1st drink thinking that theyre going to end up into alcoholism. So what leads one into that sort of spirals such that youre no longer have control. Its not the one most thing and not always tell people we chose to drink, but in the entire while, nobody to this to become an alcoholic. And so we go through the face, they just did come house price, they just the experimenter where you experimenting before. So we just to look at because they are functional and then instrumental is when you stop getting blackouts, then we have to have the to stage a be to be just a just when now you, you even tried to come out, you cannot come because im already the brand new subject that the body is addicted to the drug. Actually its not you with making the choice. Its not too abusing the drug. Its not a drug abusing. Youll see the schedule stage, lab i, its all about the last as you lose your job, you start selling your things and then you lose yourself. Watch self esteem. And it leads no disappointment for some noticed. Have to be coming to say, do this not having to say the ideas shown. Yes. Um and you said that you lost quite a number of people in your family and because because of alcohol use in my family, we have that problem. We brought it quite a number of cousins. My dad, they did the roads accidental and the instance of alcohol. My sister dated the complications. My brother has had been to rehab 15 times and still he didnt make it better team 3 years ago. I lost my nephew as well. Ill go to let the competition may need sort of help calling data complication. So we have a number of groups that are like, what are you listed . So its really why plus my family. Yeah. So let me just hear from the people who are in the audience, right, because we are hearing, but parents and families being addicted might be a contribute. Its in fact, did any of you grew up with parents where you would say what dependent or alcohol excuse, raise your hand. Lets see. Can you please tell me about your story . My name is aiden, and i think alcohol is something that, 1st of all, you should need with that. And for sleigh bed. And when i was growing up, i was planning myself like when i was a kid like my father would come drunk. Like fight, like be done, my, my, you see and and some things, for example, in my family we, i couldnt. What do you see we, i couldnt what do you like to create . What for the drum, the drum you see. So we find ourselves like, for example, the 1st ones, in fact, the 1st one, all of us we have done got, does that include you out see if you say, but what we see is that we would like for sure what we would like to stop in sometimes we uh, even we come up with like the fuzzy fuzzy deals. We feel like incomplete. We say no to video, but do you see like we can slow time for the blog request that you see because that because that thing. Yeah. A. All right, so let me ask stella question here. Center has been sent by local governments representative. You know, we call them mc as members of the county assembly. And im just wondering when you hear people speaking here, this is not a problem. One generation, its 23, sometimes 4 generations deep. So we had to even begin to tackle it. The only way we can tell quote it is if we start from the onset, you know, from the fun. But you say team, this is hatch to the, to the leadership bit. Because as, as we see whats up was the motion toward this alcohol, a hardwood introduced to us from iowa in the ages of those which would use to do the classics class 7. You know, before its at home when it comes to what, what the leadership is doing right now was i think for the last few days were on the has really had a big problem. But i think over the, as you can see, thats more on the has the steps that have gone that we need is a look that has, has been taken in place. And that is that you can be able to. Yeah, yeah. And you can not see a drunken man Walking Around and shouting at us, but in the absence of them in here in the town does not mean the absence of them in the entirety. I mean, we all come from rural homes. We know they drink who quoted deep, deep in the interior. This is im seeing the steps that you guys say, were not as black as was okay, but its still something that youre struggling with. As i said, one of the things that i will come to assembly has been able to do and the govern 9 guessing piece of data that they are working towards. I used to deal they used to be is, or its a program that calling the m y s related services. So these m y s is that thing, particularly youth who are most actively involved in nbc . No it is. They wake up, they have no way to go. So these young people are being taken given walk to do for 3 months and upbeat for the walk. And then hes going people to decide, is this something i would like to learn . Is that security that would make me feel more useful with all that it was like for pick up like was they see, you know, that they will before a desperate a. They have nothing to do with that lives. Let me, let me hear from john. Eh, not very good on side of uh they, they, they go with the government, but im here to see that go, government is doing nothing. Oh, it is doing the study not being, as far as alcohol easy is going to send a vessel said em way is, is, is not meant to head the i did it these mans to, to help few just to give them um, how she likes, but dont to agree that thats a step in preventing people from being disillusioned and potentially falling into alcohol abuse. And to me, i think that these are you still funny, okay, because what these should be done is these at hospitals in, in can you devolved the quotes of the code, the government events of establishing and have the additional incentives in every, in every hospital. So that one of that is sick and go there access medication, then take him to m m y s. Okay. So you think we have the wrong way around . Let me hear from im here because shes teaching to speak to me. Yes. You guys in india, it of people who are filling us is the county governments. The county that the monday it has been devolved. And the monday to collect from licensing of bus is supposed to go to 2 twin rehabilitation public education, a book thats the insightful source of support. Right now we dont even have a come to a committee of a funded tournament facility as we speak. Now we dont have a ticket deflected, but somebody supposed to go to that. What is the f all the complete control up to what im calling to see . Is it in place . How big plastic . Because we have the meeting with the Deputy President palostio and the only comforters was supposed to come up with the goose dental act. Would that be done . The both of them had the both. Okay. Something i havent had the boat to. Let me, let me, let me i licensing should what it did. Went into a be, this is not for me for what were building roads. All right, let me just bring all this up to speed. The alcoholics drinks act is what regulates the control of sale for production and distribution of alcohol in this country. And that kinda, which is what you, wherever here is the National Authority in the campaign against alcohol abuse and drug addiction. I know youve been told you are doing nothing. You have to give you a chest, respond the, the government has, it has a very big stick on prevention, and im going to read you the creation because you have, these are for those will read the dictate they need, they need help, they need to, i can use the account to be able to been a fruitful because especially to able to give that to you, the ease of someone who is addicted and they go to us with a gift that we have something the calling though. The envy type, the. Hes the free editor, if that hes from the county government, they need to just call it. And i talked to you all the wonder of what people have set you able to apply and they get to the car and its got the speed by the code to the method is going to the people. So if somebody has someone who is 80, they bought 2 gift cards and we misqueso needs came in, which is my side or whatever. Plus need to be good to go. Yeah. Because the girl gets treatment in india. Oh. And so talking to the resources that are already available and i want to bring and kind of here kinda is, im excited to see whats behind the bar. You wouldnt expect to see him in the debates like this and yet see a, hes a no one to is this such a thing as responsible drinking . Yeah, i think uh, i think its fair depending on there was like that us having because ive seen examples of how i stay at pine to buy and im having some guys that this guy will say, okay, fine. I want just take one bushy and go home because im driving all my life threatening me at home. So i dont need to drink so much. Obviously, not everybody who takes alcohol ends up on alcoholic and alcohol. I was also reviewed, you know, a cultures. We have different names for different rights around it. So what is a healthy relationship with alcohol . Like how would you describe it or to meet the 2 has to revolve around drinking responsibly while driving . Yeah. No. Lets just take on the drinking it response because you can just stand here and do more. The more like the hall, the hall tree. All right, so we should have those people was playing alcohol and they beat the dispute. It didnt without, we should have specific distributors who are licensed by the government will, should supply to places other than having quite the weighted speed here. And there is, the doctor will end up having things that we are know supposed to be taking. Okay. Let me come back to evans phone here because we were talking about it least it bruce earlier. Right. And this is a primary reason for people landing themselves in hospital. Whats coming close . I mean, some of these drinks we of them came across including the pay and then the cpanel that of, um we already had levels showed novia having it at low call home preparations. But of course, uh, being a, uh, a b p a, that homes then be already packaged. And therefore we are seeing if people are losing sights and getting and keeping the conditions, you know, people getting it you know, i called poisoning and for that too much i even, um, blocking out, um, this is why you were talking about uh, going to a trusted distribute to but listen i, i enjoy my glass of wine at the end of the week. Like any other person, right. But i dont want to have to think about who the distributor was. So as a consumer, is it possible to protect yourself against elicit bruce . I dont think so. Oh yeah, yeah. Um we have boxes that are 40 licensed thats actually display the good alcohol folk from. Can you breweries and know that and the battery is where theyre selling the the the, its a know what in sleep a mixture. So its not that this, this uh, this elicit brucell being sold in some, uh, should the places that uh, being sold in the box. Uh ryan, talked to me, but do take blue cross and go on. So it was of done liquor. Uh, quoting you to be sure to be the original and then in my tell yeah. So you had an experience where you bought alcohol over the account. Uh thinking its a brand that you are familiar with and then what happened to did you get an will . Yeah, okay, i want to know about whats happening with men here with families. I talked to me about that because you hear from me lees havent broken and we are having a lot of uh, single parenting. So sometimes when a mind fails to maybe achieve that is ones bds of def, i mean a month, its to hide us and the very, to have these little alcohol easy and ive that drugs. So thats what we are having a lot of us drinking just because thisll see, i think hes lacking 5 us. Ok. So broken families, lack of education from the kids who being left, but because you focused on men and it is true, thats 1. 00 and 5. 00 man. Do take alcohol compared to one in every 20 women. But the women also drinking for you. You talked about having a child who you hadnt seen. How is that relationship with your parents . If you find me during that time, it was terrible because know me not being there for my son means. My son know has to have someone to look after him. So you know, thats giving other people responsibilities thats really didnt meant for them. Yeah. But we have, we havent spoken in a while knowing what you know now and doing the podcast to try and help people who are dropping with the same thing. What do you think needs to be done more by us as a community by governments and other stakeholders . First and foremost, of course, is to talk about it. As i said, mine with my father was an open secret. Why is it an open secret . Why not bring the kids together explained to them . This is whats going on with your father or this is whats going on with your brother or alcohol has taken a hold of your mother. You know, the more we speak about it and the more we like we, as people in recovery are able to explain what we went through, how we wish things that have been different. Thats the very 1st step that we need to take. Okay, of course, let me hear from because i know you have the solutions and you already implementing that. I think close for collective responsibility where we cannot send that to the section of the government. We do this, maybe not the way to do this or the national go is everybody. Everybody has to come on board from the individual to the family, to the community, to the county government. National government rehabilitation doesnt have to be expensive to be effective. We can do it a bit of the village level. We have people who are actually bringing this be together because what about some of the Substance Use this or the needs is love and acceptance . The moment we stopped pushing them out to be, what do we have accepted and we have the accepted in the drinking dance in the drug dance. That is we have the actually good that is where those 2 of things i take. Yeah. Much as i emphasize with that, so its very difficult for a family who is currently trying to deal with the person whos addicted to, to, to share love. Because they still from you the lie to you, you know, where do we find the grace to extend to them . Ended up in rehab because somebody booked up the good didnt me when everybody else will just bring up. Bringing up the bab, someone came and told me i knew a beautiful yes telling tell didnt youre a public speaker. You can make a difference in this mission. Thats how i ended up being the twins frustrated. But everybody kept telling me how useless i was. So i became, i, i just jumped to myself from anybody, was close to me because of the people who mean up to the question youre drinking. Other people who love you, but the approaches over on their purchase order them. So if we can educate them to embrace this before and make them know that they have 6, people will need professional help. We will get the break. So okay, is the club g . Is the shake, the, the cab, these are they doing enough . A religious bodies involved a fund. We are doing nothing. When i bought the vehicle i was on the program or you went to them. The try to me a bit touch the glad you mean not my charge, but the internet that anymore on any fuck a spot that we they more than the 5 are they to a past us we stopped the journey but wrong. Very very. We have people who took phones. I just thought that the building is a to me saying, how can you are dining re be seen us . How can you mean, believe the gland gods and i big. Its like they have the, im judged, our youth. They have jacked eh, the alcoholics and forgetting the at the us sent by god to seek the sackful soldier. So to me, i being the judges who todays up. The judge, you should not be monday oriented. Victor, judy stopped being detrimental, and the judge should not. And to show this thought would be more now using alcohol easy. Let me hear some of the solutions from the side under. You wanted to say something. I think we need to come to a place we have by as a society, as a nation. We have talking about preventive conditions starting from schools because i did look at these quotes and you may be thinking even that youve been dont, im not exposed to drugs. But let me tell you that as well. Yeah. It has to be the drugs as so much. So we need to go back from there is cool cheese in your organization and everywhere in the society and speak much about probation. Okay. So kind of, uh, youll be the 2nd to last. The last person again is this such a thing of ethical partying because you dont want to tell people what they kind of kind of drink, but is there a way for us to enjoy without it being excessive . I have a lot of stories with my clients. We met kind of apple, we have like on the experience, we have talking about the things that are affecting them. So when, whether they are drinking bodies, when they often and you realize that if they have a problem, that is when you have like a top to seek to go about. Yeah. So the scenario maybe you, you find maybe someone whos been drinking and run boat to you the sick and go to you or the todd cope too. And you feel like you need to go to the 5th to talk to him, right . And if you observe that possible, i think he has a side, he has reached his limit. Like i said, just maybe a glass of water turned out sometimes. Uh uh, organized for like a buffalo to take to compliance hold on because im behind the bob and its business. All right. It has on the corner. Me you back to me have to save. Yeah, but i like what you said. So being your brothers keeper, all right, so she, well we want to rough with you. If you had a chance to, you know, go back in time to when you 1st touched your 1st bottle. What would you tell that version of yourself and what would you tell anybody who might be watching, who is struggling at any stage of addiction . I would tell myself, she please dont eventually. Its because its on funding against. I mean, i got into its not wanting to be and i didnt get nobody wants to be and i did. It was all fun and games on to to know if people lose to drink weeds. Now the concrete, but now im left because of i didnt know they cant create tickets, get out of it. Now i just have to keep getting hired over and over again to numb the pain in the me is that . Yeah, so tell them i on the please, please, please. She just keep both tracks. Dont stick in that fussy ok. Yeah. Well, thank you very much for your thoughts and to all of you, we asked a simple question at the beginning of this debate. What is the problem, evidently, a very complex one. And the answer to that problem, if you asked me a lot of compassion and grace, thank you for watching. The the 3 young immigrants from zimbabwe support the family . Because the state cons, the siblings live in england and from africa, and send as much money as possible. But the financial obligations are any known as the transactions 75 minutes on d w. The used to be 1st page researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time. They are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature. The more likes watching it on youtube, dw documentary, music can be destroyed. You can try. But its impossible to see perform for head lice in housemates jewish tennis need to alaska by face the was the nazis favorite conduct. 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