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The wild. The library golf is good to have you. With this, we begin near the ukrainian or russian border with reports of a massive air attack in the russian region of belgrade on the governor. They are saying that at least 2 people had been killed. The garage is increasingly been targeted by shelving with anti Kremlin Russian fighters believed to be operating in the border zone. Russian authorities now say they will move forward with plans to evacuate children and to scale up security. There are russian president Vladimir Putin says that russian must ensure the safety of its residence in the regions affected by the war. Better reason is the nature of the industry should be primary task is to ensure security. There are different ways they are not easy, but we will do it or can use no more than what we did. Of course, we can respond because of the same with the exact same thing. You must have striking civilian infrastructure and all the similar targets that the enemy is throwing us used to my colleague of responded upon it, remember to joins me now from a region and last year that is where our Moscow Bureau team is now based. May remember russian authorities closed our office in moscow back in 2022, a partner. Tell me, what are you hearing about the situation right now in belgrade . Are right. The regents capital, near the opinion board, it is feeling the water 1st and assets phase as new or daily attacks for which was Court Ordered. These are blaming cubes. This is why the situation right now going back right it, it only this would be lies about particularly does that doesnt 19 miles from the border with a grain and has been a regular dr defaulting and fire, which has reported to be increased in the past 2 weeks yesterday, the government governors will fall belgrade region announced that i dont. 9000. 00 children can be evacuated from the city. I invited regions surrounding that. He said that these children will be moved from their father east, away from their bringing board. It. It is also said that the 1st group of these children will be back waited on friday, which is march 22nd. So something to notice is that this planned recreation is one of the biggest, probably can be made announcement in this region sense so that she has invasion for green, you know, according to the governor so far, 16 people have been died and 98 in georgia in just this past week. So this announcement of the recreation comes days after a strikes force flow shows across the city of students where i told not to attend the school from monday from this monday and even Shopping Centers and called to the places have been ordered to be closed because substitute security situation and josh has Defense Ministry has said that its a Defense System chart. Dont talk to him, his eyes over the region and k of has not commented on these uh by heart attacks so far. But let me ask you, these attacks are being carried out as we understand it mainly by anti Kremlin Russian fighters. What more do we know about them or . Uh so oh yeah, this month like 3 grain base. Rashid and bottom, galaxy group said they have garage into russia and now fighting goldman troops at that time. Now she has different industry send the break to weapons, read what they are, the 35. 00 i shouldnt like to understand groups, which i mention the deal for that. She allergy on the russian one into a copse and decided to do it. But in the, on the group compromise, theres a few 100 bad been hard and i think from then gosh, and running, theres fighting as possible. Cranes armed forces now then go like, not be to really sees the ground. Yeah. The if my veto and by this and damage do my best including, im president , has also reacted on this and called on a federal Security Service to identify and vanish these fighters. I know he said that those will thoughtful crane read trade dos and they wouldnt like theyd be no mercy for them. Yeah. Alright. Ive responded to partner, im, im or to you and read it tonight with the latest on. This is the situation along the ukrainian or russian border apartment. Thank you. All right, lets take a look down some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world islands and Prime Minister leo, veronica has announced that hes resigning, saying that he is leaving for both personal and political reasons. For vodka, said that he is also pretty as the leader of the ruling in guild, part of his departure comes or follows relative failure of dual constitutional referendums. Earlier in march, that fee of his government had championed a long guessing has been elected. The 1st minister of wells in the united kingdom, he said one thing, the coming of the 1st black leader of any country in europe now is a matter of pride, but also one of responsibility. He takes over the role from his predecessor, who announced that he is stepping down in december resilient football or Donnie Alvarez has been granted release on the bill for a 1000000 euro. Jeff is serving just a quarter of the sentence now. The former partial on the star was found guilty of raping a woman in a spanish night club. Back in 2022. The victims lawyer said that it was justice for the rich police of arrested 6 people and rated the home of former and spanish football or federation. President louise will be all of us Officials Say will be alice was not detained during the investigation into corruption in money one. The ex football boss is facing the trial after kissing spanish player judy and also without her consent. Following spains will come when back in on now to the middle east, israels Prime Minister benjamin at yahoo says that preparations are still under way for the invasion of robert and southern gaza. But that it will take some time. On wednesday, us secretary of state entity blinking arrived and saudi arabia for further talks a bit, securing a ceasefire between a moss and is real us Officials Say that he will travel to israel on friday. Speaking earlier this week, linked into the said 100 percent of gauze this population are in need of humanitarian assistance on join. Now by your still somebody is, hes a middle east and north africa expert and Program Director of the International Crisis group to join me now from brussels. Its good to have you with this. So this is um, if we count domain to the bleak and 6 mission to the middle east, since the israel home us more began in your opinion of what needs to happen. Now what needs to change for a ceasefire and hostage release deal to have a well in order for it to fire to happen, uniques book has been lacking all along, which is us pressure on israel to to accept one. And of course, there are differences between his role and how mass ceasefire should be. But regardless of those differences, the fact that were facing the imminent threat of feminine in gaza and were close to 2000000 people who may this may suggest that a ceasefire is urgently needed. And so United States is the only power that can help bring that about if its were to use the leverage that a test. What about the leverage . What about the power of saudi arabia . What role do this, all these have to play and shaping an agreement here . Or sorry, you may be the role of places to go back to United States to put pressure on israel to continue to cease fire. So you may be, doesnt have meeting any significant leverage piece of the israel, thats a month. I understand that the u. S. Secretary and stage is traveling decry row. Next, we know that egypt is already constructing a walden can in the side not peninsula to receive displace palestinians to be can you walk us through whats at stake right now for egypt . Leaders . Yeah, of course the for egypt to the stress of a Better Cities from god spinning into sign i in, into egypt. Therefore, its a, you know, really yes, right, great. And they want to avoid such a scenario. Is there any pulse at the same time . If the situation in southern goddess phillips such a way that the students will out of desperation, throw themselves across the fence into sign a. It would be very difficult for egypt to refuse the a 2 project for entry. So it must make a combination for some of them anyway, and i think thats what theyre do. Its a plan b, or can see certainly not what they want. And what all of this is happening at the same time is really delegation. If theres any washington to discuss the plan to solve on rafa, we know the United States oppose is that how might these 2 competing if you will diplomatic efforts influence types of a ceasefire deal to so as, as primitive significant with better. But it is one thing that to us and is what agree on that its the feet of from us. But theres one thing also that they disagree on, and thats how it is done. And, and that is the key question, because its for israel to see, to come, asked me to destroy and god, and expanding its function ation or displacing the conceptual ada. For which god, i have no surfaces and can only stand, you know, starved to death, then that is the red flag would United States. So that is why the United States also has proposed. Busy invasion of that does not include a provision for the population thats currently living or displaced. Now, youll still be joining us tonight from russells this be helpful and we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. Thank you so much. I in the United States and the state of texas a controversial Immigration Law has been put back on hold by a federal Appeals Court and it becomes just hours after the Us Supreme Court lifted a temporary stay that would allow local police to begin arresting. Anyone suspected of illegally entering the country, challenges to the law or continuing republicans have accused the binding ministration of not taking action on immigration. Last year, the republican governor of texas began sending new arrivals to other cities around the United States on buses. Tens of thousands headed to denver in the central state of colorado. Dw is Benjamin Alvarez goober met people. They are doing what they can to accommodate these new arrivals located far from the us selves and for the denver was not directly impacted by a regular migration until a political decision changed. That in may of 2023, the governor of texas. Correct . Abbott announced that he would start busing migrants to denver, the 5th city that hes been targeted to raise awareness about the immigration problem to texas is facing. As a result, tens of thousands of migrants arrives in colorado is capital city official said that in the policy of denver received low migrants per capita than any other major city outside texas. Many migrants ended up in and compliments on the street. Seeing the desperate situation. Andrea got involved, the mother of 3 started a Facebook Group called highland moms and neighbors that are attracted more than 7000 volunteers to help migrants. Like here in a Denver Church that houses migrants. Andrea would like to see governments and non profits with better resources and more experience doing the job they are expected to do. The problem is that because our immigration system doesnt work and theres no plan. So theyre opening the door to thousands and thousands and thousands of people who genuinely need help and who want to work and just not be dependent on anyone. Theyre not looking for handouts, so i have to like force coats and she was on people. They wont work, they dont want, they werent able to pay for their own stuff. I say this a lot, and i mean it not disrespectfully, but on, honestly like whoever is in charge of immigration policy in this country needs to step aside. Maybe well have a snack, cleaner room and let the moms do it. Like we 48 hours and this could be fixed. Denver has spent more than 36000000. 00 helping migrants. Residents, a neighboring lake would say thats too much. Recently, hundreds of them gathered for a townhome meeting to raise concerns about over whelmed hospitals and infrastructure. The concern is that all of the neighboring municipalities were approached to help with the situation in denver. They want us all of us to take a role in housing and feeding and services, and the people are reluctant to get engaged here, particularly when the city and when, when the government really is not asking how you feel about this, this needs to have public discussion and that had not happened. Denver may have mike johnstons office did not respond to interview requests. In february, the may announced temporary cards to some City Services to funds the immigration response, a decision that increased the already existing tensions. Now that conversation, im not dynamic, has created us versus them in denver, where prior to that i didnt hear that. Prior to that i had tons of people wanting to help and stepping into that space of feeling the gap were government couldnt. Now that some of our wrecks Recreation Centers are closing, have limited hours, and our Motor Vehicle centers have limited hours. Yes, now im hearing like, well, what about us many fee of that . This increasingly politicized conversation with an upcoming president ial election and a radicalized disclose of migration in the United States will only get more heated, pushing a fat, so many tube in solution the route of reach. Or yes, or corresponding in washington to now do with around whats roll, immigration policy will play in the upcoming Us Election Campaign or . Well, its fair to say that immigration has always been a hard button topic here in the us. But with this looming president ial election, you can only expect for this discourse to become even more heated. You have the likes of former president , donald trump, using increasingly dehumanizing rhetoric around migrants. He says that he thinks some of them arent human. He says that theyre poisoning the blood of the country. If elected the problem is has to put forward the biggest mass deportation efforts that the country has ever seen. He brings a bite in for what he calls an invasion, no bite and for his part has been trying to distinguish himself from trump on this migrant issue, saying that he doesnt want to demonize migrants. Instead, what hes trying to do is highlight the stalled by part is and Border Security bill. Not bill that would have allocated 20000000000. 00 towards tighter border controls. But this of course was a bill that was blocked by house republicans, apparently at the behest of trump wants to campaign on the border issue. So why didnt, has been using this as evidence that the republicans arent really interested in solving this problem, that theyre only interested in playing political games. And so you have this back and forth and you can expect that back and forth to only become more inflamed. The closer we get to the president ial election, now theyre reporting for washington, who are more stories now making headlines this, our vietnam is the president , volva and tune has resigned the ruling communist government, communist government parties say that he violated party rules that his departure comes to the middle of a high profile, Anti Corruption drive, it has seen Senior Party Officials and Business Leaders arrest 12 workers have been killed after an explosion at a coma Indian South West in pakistan. Officials say that the glass was caused by the build up of methane gas. Deadly accidents are common in pakistans winding industry in me and mar the auction of the home. Where in present a democracy leader on santucci spent years under house arrest. As attracted, no bidders, the Court Ordered sail fall is a long legal battle between the Nobel Peace Prize laureate to enter a strange brother. She has been jailed for 27 years on the variety of charges brought by the ruling military fund. Well, its been 2 years since russians full scale invasion of ukraine began. And since then, many ukrainian soldiers have given their wives defending their country. Now this means many thousands of families have been affected. They lost children, siblings and parents, and often their only source of income, dw news about some of the women whose husbands have been killed in the line of do little and that fee is 2. 00 and a half months old. Fall too young to understand what his mother was going through. On december 28th, the day his son was born. On a stalls he learned about the death of his father, sasha had been defending the dont yet screech in from russian forces. The news sent his pregnant wife into premature labor at the cause of distress. I could not give birth on my own. So i had to have this very infection. She was born in such a state and he was not even breathing. It was the result of distress. Anastasio and a son now live in the city of judd told me you was sasha once dreamed of buying a home for his family. I think just and he said when the were in or during the war, we will take out a mortgage and buy an apartment and live in between near suite already settled on between. There was a so thats why we worried sasha here not somewhere else. But here, because we want it to live here, some of this down, i still need to to shipping quote, your desktop widget. Anastasio is currently collecting signatures on the president s website to have a husband post. He mostly awarded the title of hero of ukraine. Soon she will have to return to work in order to provide for her son, the kind of stalls. The situation is far from unique. 17, his husband, alexander was killed last november. Then you born daughter. The youngest of 5 was just full months old at the time. These glenda coping without team has been a daily struggle down problem. We use always been my support or i always knew he would take care of me that everything would be fine. With that the, in any scenario who dont even after the invasion. Yeah. I didnt panic because i had a car. Oh, the fuel, your provisions plan. He took care of everything. Its made arrangements with everyone, hulu live, so no. Yes. Knowledge levine neurons means is that all would say a tribe of 17 and was commonly reliance on the assistance of friends and family. Despite the struggles she paid. Shes a millions of ukrainian women whove had to put their own dreams of starting a family on hold. Yeah, but always, you know, there are many women who did not have time to give birth, did not have time to get pregnant, neutral, and they are very sorry that they didnt level who for many like me, this is an incentive to live and mostly an incentive to do something with this, with no end of the war in sites, theres no telling how many more families will be destroyed for full fighting stops. Well, they are among africans, most majestic animals, not long ago, southern white rhino whose were on the brink of extinction. But this year, nearly 2000 of them will begin making their way back into the wild. And they were once part of the private collection. When our Conservation Agency is releasing them to protected areas across the continent. The w corresponded diane hawker reports tonight from south africa. This reino, cos doesnt know it, but its part of one of the most significant, reino relocation projects ever undertaken. Or its one of 89 southern whites, reino cards being taped on a protected farm in south africas north waste providence. Over the next few years, these animals could find themselves in angola, dwanda, the democratic republic of congo, malawi, or ted. Why did why thats in vicious its, its definitely exciting that i think that the opportunity that it, that it presents not any 4 runner as pieces to the risk or on it. But for the benefit of biodiversity. It, it definitely does motivate us to, to keep doing what we do. Moving the babies will be light work. The real heavy lifting comes when the majority of the heard over 1900 rhinos must be transported. Southern wide, reino can weigh between 2. 00 and 3. 00 tons and transporting one across the board is, can costs over 50000. 00 us dollars. Per rhino. Im sort of a take on it is, is that these are on, it has a, have a mess of value. Um, not necessarily talking about a financial value, but an ecological value that they need to play in open areas, you know, contributing to buy diversity shaping shipping landscapes. Romano often seen a sentinel spc se generally appear indication if youve got and how could, how see eco system thats well managed and well protected, ron, or flourish. The rhinos will be relocated over a 10 year period with some 200. 00 ryan. Those being moved each year. The southern wide right. Know population is one of the best recorded examples of successful conservation. 100 years ago. They were less than a 100 of these rhino in the wild. Today they are an estimate, its 16000. 00 in protected areas across africa. Thanks for joining me now is need assess young. Shes the executive director of the international Binder Foundation which is set itself the goal of ensuring the survival of rhinos for the past 3 years. Think its good to have you with this it, this nice to have a good story like this. Re introducing 2000 white rhinos into the wild. How. How significant will this be in securing the future of this b, 6 african parks, acquiring these rhinos is absolutely the best thing that could have happened to them. This rhino population represents almost 12 percent of the entire spaces. So ensuring that these white miners are integrated into key populations around africa is incredibly significant for the space is and how easy is it for them to re enter the why would it be . What challenges are you expecting in this process . Yeah, so theres an immense amount of planning and coordination that goes into rhino trans locations before anyone even touch as a rhino. I know because the International Rhino foundation has been in touch and in conversations with the african part to ensure the best possible outcome for these animals, as well as the safest scenario for each individual rhino being moved. I understand that about a century ago, there were less than a 100 of these rhinos in the wilder today. There are an estimated 16000. 00 across africa. I mean, does this set an example for protecting other endangered species . Because if it sounds like its a definitely clear Success Story here are absolutely, i mean, every translocation or re introduction of a space is helps conservation of scientists build knowledge of revolving for all species. Some of the pitfalls you encounter and, and how you have a successful re, wilding. So with these white rhino is more than any other space, is a lot of research and conservation work can start with them. And then they can pay the way for other reino species or even other tax off. Um i would honestly take this hope for all all of them. I understand too that they are about 60000 southern white rind. News in africa, but only to female, northern white, why nose are left on the entire planet. I mean, its not good numbers. But one of the reasons for this dramatic difference in, in those numbers the northern white rhino which is a sub population of the southern of the white rhino space, is with a southern white rhino being the other subspace is due to crash, to these perilous numbers of the 2 females that you mentioned, there are a lot of smart scientists from around the world working to try to save that spc through artificial reproductive technologies. And we, there was a recent success or, or progress on that Reproductive Technology efforts. And hopefully there will be more white rhino soon. Yeah, we hope that as well. Meaning that soon, executive director of the international winded foundation, we appreciate your time did not need to. Thank you. So theres a few. Heres a reminder now of our top story. Russia has begun evacuations from the belgrade region 4 to renew crate anti kremlin. Russian forces facing ukraine if carried out several rates. They are russian president Vladimir Putin saying hes stepping up defenses in the area. Georgia dw news. Ill be back at the top of the hour with more world news. I hope you can join me that the flamingos, albania is not, and this is an internationally recognized nature reserve the public government test on the boosting, tours and 5 building. And as for pushing climate get create the next on d w the big games through next door life and the for lola in revision. There. Are there any truth to the stereotypes about these mixtures and how do residents survive . There need them to discuss exactly that life and well be here in 45 minutes on d, w. The name is the calls back. Said loud. Thank you so much for joining in. Welcome to dont hold bad. A lot of people do that. Its all about saying it aloud. Guess what . It means. No say like good everyone to ok. Retiring into the microphone. Sorry. Check out the Award Winning outcome. Dont hold back the the a sanctuary for birds in southern albania. Each year unique homes, the birds in nor to lagoon every the we can counts here from 2000 up to 4000. 00 the individuals if we put the airplane to, to be completed. The disaster nearby the government is building an international and

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