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Anthony had. Welcome to the program, the us as boys to band tick tock, unless the social media at cops its ties to china. Us low mac is overwhelmingly applied for a bill which forces the chinese on to, to sell the app to an owner from the country other than china or fi. So total bank, its a big concerns that the social Media Service could be used to collect american citizens personal data, and that it poses a threat to National Security. China has protested saying its unfair to use those documents to bring down the competitive advantage of other countries. Im innocent showcase for goofy dances or a threat to National Security. How american c take talk could shut it down in the us. Of the, the house is given by dance, the Chinese Company that owns take talk. I know to made them sell it or phase of bad. It comes from it growing concerns over the chinese governments ability to access use the Data Collected by the app. Tick tock is a threat to our National Security because it is owned by, by dance, which does the bidding of the Chinese Communist party. This bill therefore, forces tick tock to break up with the Chinese Communist party. Take talk is one of the wells, the most popular apps thing i would do. It has more than a 1000000000 active users and over a 170000000 in the us alone, many or passive scroll doors, but others use the platform to earn a living. And rely on it to acquire brand deals and other types of income. They are now concerned about the impact a tick, tock, shut down could have in their lives. I make a book, the ones that want to take up, and it is my full time job. I mean, the worlds me um, the platform that i have on the income that i can create to for myself and my family. It completely changed my life. I went to sleeping in the truck to let it appear now. So now employing people, we have a team of 17 people, we have a staff tick tock says it has never shared us user data with chinese authorities and wont do so if its asked. If the bill is approved by the senate, it could disrupt the social media landscape like never before. For lets get more on the story from the depth leave reported. Stephen basically step, im going to see you. Im taking says its already rolled off. Its us business from china. So why is that not enough for congress . Yeah, you know, by dance has really gone to great links to show its distance to badging and recent years. And at the end of the day, you have to say it just hasnt really succeeded this effort that you mentioned to wall office us operations. Its called project texas, and it supposedly cost 1. 00 and a half 1000000000. 00. And some of the highlights. Its what the algorithm and put it on us base servers owned by us based company, oracle, the Management Board based in the us. And then even the 8 hr team hiring locally, theyre based in the us. So all of these things were meant to reassure everyone that hate these operations completely based here. Nothing to do with aging, but it hasnt worked out. Weve had a reputable reporting recently based on internal sources in bite dance intake talk saying that, look, theres still data going back to the Parent Company in china. And theres just not a clearly defined structure between by dance on the one hand. And this us operations. Its just not clearly established, and so it just hasnt been convincing. So what about that one of the pots to this ultimatum is the sale of the company to a non chinese country is right. Even realistic with china says outright, no, its not going to happen. At the end of the day though, it has to be considered right. If this legislation is going to go through and we know that in the past it has been considered, there has been interest. Remember the 1st effort to go to ban under the trump administration. There was an effort by oracle and walmart to Team Together and to take over tick tock that ultimately came to nothing. But it goes to show that there is interest out there. This is a mass of service with massive regions ad revenues of only grow. At the same time, its going to be impractical in many ways. Its going to be very expensive. Its hard to know exactly what the valuation will be, but it will take a lot of money. So were probably a group of individuals, and then it has to be consumed. This thing has to be done basically within 6 months, according to letter this law, it has to be signed off by the president. So all these make it difficult all but the same time you have to believe theres gonna be interest out there. Even if it is a bit of a shotgun wedding, what types of uses say its going to impact them where were talking about the Economic Impact take top claim 7000000. 00 businesses linked to that platform. Is that real . Yeah, i mean, i dont know the exact numbers, but its, its undisputable that tick tock has become something of the king of ad revenues amongst social media in recent years. Its really been eclipsing what the others have been doing at a time when many have been seeing ad revenue fall. Its been soaring, and its been very savvy about the way that it does ads. And its been successful, reaches the demographic that Many Companies wants to reach. It also has this Creative Community that we saw on the piece. They have a stick to it economically. Im just not sure these are compelling arguments ultimately because there are rival social Media Networks that are beginning to do the same thing. Maybe not as successful yet, but these ads can go there, these creators can go there. And so i just dont think that this is really going to talk on the heart strings of many americans. And for many politicians, it doesnt really seem to move to dial either a battle is just beginning to believe or for the state. And basically, thanks to the gothic conflict now and International Efforts to get humanitarian height into the enclave of ramping up. The 2nd ship is preparing to sell from cypress, with more supplies. A 1st shift, carrying around 200. 00 tons of food is just down. Was a by now from landing large pots of jobs. I had been left davis started since his route launched its military offensive in response to home office. October 7th, tara tax. The ultimate this months loan fighting in han, eunice, palestinians are slowly returning to this residential complex. Now in ruins. As is really Ground Forces withdrew from the area. Most of them have lost their homes and have loved ones missing the keys. I ran to bring food and water for my children to feed them and my husband is not here. You was taken by the army. Unfortunately, i found the whole tower gone in on fire and you can see things further south and rough on the un agency had been Palestinian Refugees said their aid facility was hit by. Is there any forces . Strong garza Health Ministry sees several people were killed and dozens wounded. Animal assisted oh, this is forbidden. Were an international institution. All of us, all of this is for people on the we stopped returning to our homes. We work day and night to serve refugees. Its forbidden. Oh no. What is this . We take all of this to the elderly and children. What is this . The attack has confounded the despair of many gardens who are already suffering and severe shortages of food and basic supplies. People came here to get aid to get food, to get that daily meals. Its run the done. How can they bought us during the month of ramadan . Is there it is facing criticism for allegedly blocking humanity . Are we in a deliveries into the gaza strip . Claim is really a tar. These have repeatedly denied the un is warning of the imminent risk of famine, but they are aspect to date of the correspondent tenure claimant into prison and as to what is rather saying about the attack on the un. Id sent a in rapid a while this early military said in the statement that the, the air strike targeted a hum us commander who provided intelligence as they said to over untruth, movements and also as a claim was involved in taking control of humanitarian aid. Im also said in the statement that he was part of, its a police force. No. And hes been hearing of course, from why the un agency pro Palestinian Refugee said they had shared the coordinates that its usually being done with the the is really military of this. Um distribution center. They said its one of the few Distribution Centers in the south that is still a function. And one of the stuff members of worst killed antonia is and is where the army spikes Mintel International media on wednesday, that is where i was trying to put flood gaza with humanitarian nights. Attacking United Center would seem to run counter to that goal, but it not yeah, absolutely. But we still have to see what that actually means to flood a garza with age and to see it really happening on the ground. What were seeing right now is actually International Efforts to diversify, to bring an aid into goals of, to a lot of pressure has been put on as well a to open more and then crossings, which has not really happened on tuesday, a is well, it has opened a new gate gate 9 to 6, as they say, to let in 6 trucks for the world of food program. Thats a direct way into northern garza. But 8 organizations have said they need a more of those uh, you know, land access because this is the quickest and fastest way to get into gaza. And what were seeing is, of course, the International Efforts, bye of the air to drop a age into gaza. But also to open this maritime corey door where theres a ship known to where expected potentially later today to come to gaza. But also the us military wants to build a floating p a that will uh, take some time. But we also heard of course, from 8 organizations that theyre calling for is these for you. So thats a people can get the age safely because its the distribution in golf and why the war is going on with all kinds of logistical obstacles as well. Theyre saying that its so difficult to get the age, especially into northern garza logistics and critical. At this moment, tanya has already been decided by some sense of the ship that you speak up thats already on the fly or nearly being unloaded. Hasnt already been decided. How and the exactly with this i will be distributed. No, we dont know the details yet, so were expecting the ship to arrive. Its a, you know, its a towing a barge also with all this aid. So it is a slowly moving, uh, we were told might be uh, happening today. Um, but we dont know exactly where the ship will be. Offloaded we heard from the organizations to n g o sit there. Were building a debt. You to receive the ship and then of course this, it needs to be distributed and people are really waiting for this. They should be distributed in a north and goes as far as we understand. But we have to wait and see how this will be done. Hopefully, later today, they definitely correspond to 10. You claim it in jerusalem. Thanks so much. All right, heres a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world, the cell 5 roughly that you have to deal with. This has given up hope for the coming dodge prime minister, despite the selection victory in november. They couldnt find enough support for a Coalition Government under his leadership is the pro comes and made negotiations to form a so called technocratic government not directly controlled by political party. Its a Japanese High Court has ruled that denying same sex marriages in japan is unconstitutional. Its the latest and the number of similar rulings, but the government, the governing conservative of the party, is opposed to changing the law. Japan is the only country in the g 7 group of highly industrialized nations that does not allow same sex marriage. North korea has released images, appearing to show later can jump on driving a new battle tank. State media says came joins, trips during a Training Exercise and described the tank as the worlds most powerful. The release comes off to south korea and the us conducted 11 dies of military drills, which the north views as proposals for an invasion. Southeast asia, now with thousands of young people are trying to get out of me and not. Its not a race and trained, but an apparent new spike being driven by the military, which has plans for mandatory conscription in raising lakes. Many have tried to flee to neighboring thailand in order to escape that military service. It comes with a time, me and most government is struggling to contain the rebel forces funding for great to or to me in some parts of the country. Hundreds of people q outside the tie embassy and young gone. Mia malls and launch is city. Many here hoping to secure a visas, so they can leave the country and escape military service. Youre going to do the demo as far as an older, from the one to the old men aged 18. 00 to 5. 00 to 5. 00. And women from 18 to 27. Most of in the army for up to 2 years over the full, my members of the Security Forces also being called back to walk. Finally. Yeah, no, im already against the crew and i have no desire to do service for this military regime as well. But i also dont have any idea about where to go, what to do next at the moment, and im uncertain about my future one, which i knew we why, the way i think it is military service lives targeting youth. Young people in me in mar, have lost their dreams, and this law makes them hurt even more. When they dont think on that it makes us sad and feel even more fearful. Our future is already fading away. So the west lock could be the greatest mistake the military has made, and its breaking young people the me and mom minute tree stage decruz 3 years ago, over throwing the democratically elected government. Pro chess followed the one to responding with force against its own people. Move in 6000 civilians were killed in the 1st 20 months off to the february 2021 crew. According to the Peace Research institute also bridge revel onto groups opposed to the one to have been growing across the country. And the government has struggled to keep control with reports. Some of their own soldiers have even deserted. Forcing young people in to minute tree service appears to be an attempt by the one to get to tell me back on the front foot. But judging by scenes like this of shoes, visas, its driving people to see me on my now theyre almost 240000 russian citizens living here in germany. Then that number is believed to have ground since the invasion, if he cried. Many of them will have a chance to vote in russias president ial election with stats on friday, the deputy team spoke to some members of the russian diaspora here in berlin to learn their hopes and the fees for the future. Notionally, this gilded fortress is where a barrel ends russians would come to cost their boat. Since on these elections, these days, they mostly come to mon, alexia violently flooded me approaching fish. This critic was fine day, and a penal colony last month. Another brutal nail in the coffin of democracy try as we might, some are still hoping to keep the flame of life to arrive in the back of the embassy routines. Opponents are trying to link their and freedom for political prisoners, shut the campaign to rename the st. Alexi, nevada, and the stress of his deemed almost 50000 signatures most the guy wasnt enough on the support. And i think that the fight is not over. This basically stuff sure. What am i going to do this today is a part of the fight against pollutants propaganda. We just above this a space for artists nearby. Thousands of russians packed into a cosy theatre in search of inspiration, hope a therapy on stage discussion about the upcoming vote about war on about what to do next, research to advance expect any good from the selection you by you. Are you going to vote no, no. Why not . The last time, i dont know what nobody would say. I dont know. He would probably call to do something. Because i dont know if i should go to the russian embassy. I will will. Who will you vote for . I guess i will destroy the ballots. Probably i will just vote for more than one candidates, and maybe i will write our president is not on the right in the united states. And i think most of the people came to the germany through europe do not have much expectations from these elections because its very clear what the outcome is going to be. E, mid that feeling of helplessness sense of guilt prevails over vladimir pertains war on ukraine. But no matter where you live in the west or in russia, you feel responsibility for this the demonstration, no of so on edge. Everyone here knows all too well type routine has deployed the boss a type of process to keep control and crushed the st. Just the minutes ago, actually, consulate as a person that has spoken to me is a set time um, meaning that shes been observing all shes been present to this action i answer has been registering year things that is happening here is im really bad. How about i just muscles, im afraid to go back to russia. My homeland, who could think that because im thinking, perhaps this month, a political exile who tells me he was imprisoned in russia for fighting corruption. Are fearful, and you want me to chose for still can use and we saw him a secret anatomy and the, when the you create the, you create to the daughters go to the said us in the us and people dont believe which is what this continues. Let me see is would be with the bottle field part of the question on the electro change of diminishing prospect. All that is left for those here are small lights of coverage and expressions of defiance and hope for a better future. I spoke to alexi is apart from the frederick event foundation, here in germany, its the oldest political think tank. They tell me what the selection means for russians around the world as well. You said sort of vote, which is about actually selecting a better candidate. There is no competition around this is clear to everyone, but there are several other functions of this event. So the russian, theres even cannot not hold the elections because it still needs to generate some kind of a semi genuine legitimacy problem, bedroom approaching. However, if you compare the, even the ballot itself to all of the other elections web loaded up, which it has run, its the shortest one. It has the least possible number of different ideas on it. And obviously it will be all about how many people will turn out to actually destroy the ballot as someone has said in your reporting or maybe write a different name onto it. Or maybe just vote for a candidate who is at least superficially um, anti war. These are the 3 options we will see, and i guess its all about making this flip a cit, terry, and vote for poor james. 50 term, not too easy and not too pleasant for the criminal. Are you talking about the protest, but there is an entire generation who only know russia on the 3rd and 25 use. Is there any reason for the animal heart, the political situation, they could change any time soon or in any significant way . Well, it is a desperate time, and many people feel that, you know, is this the darkest hour already, or is there more to suffer and to endure before there was actually a shift towards a better political future . Analytically speaking, there is no reason to believe the changes happen at any time soon. So its all about preserving your energy and the belief that there is a different political set top where russia can live and can be going. And this is also, they have a different extent of, i need optimism of the deed. Sure, you will not vote pointing out of power. Doesnt mean your need to give up on your country and on the elections and then your institutions altogether. As historically alexi putting off in whites until after elections to push through unpopular limits. Hes not alone there on this planet. Do you think another conscription slash mobilization . If its for the crime, for at could be waiting for russians post the selection. I think there is a list of majors which has been withheld to be implemented after the election. I dont necessarily believe conscription or a new mobilization will be the actual thing to do because its highly unpopular and risky. But we know already the dresser will reform expectation system for the 1st time going significantly inside progressive taxation. So you can see the economic effect of the sanctions and the war is there, the state needs more money and it needs to in the last couple legend results. Slade, rice, the data road, has ended often more than 9 willing days. And 1600 kilometers the wind was celebrated by supporters of Animal Rights activists protested after the death of several dogs in the rice. And in training. I have called for the annual event to be back. Coral reefs provide a home for nearly a quarter of old marine spaces. They also helped protect coastlines and support the 1000000000. 00 fishing and tourism industries. But finally, due to the fossil fuel Climate Change and over fishing, they are bleaching at an alarming price by marine biologists coming up with new ways to stave off the destruction including using and on the board a sound system. Lets have a look at those to the sounds of the sea, boosted by an underwater to speak of these marine biologist supplying the sounds of a healthy coral reef totally. Which is dying in the hopes that it will be encouraged to regenerate. This is our little microcontroller board and this is the amplifier for the speaker. And so all of that goes out. So this is a recording from a healthy coral reef. The crackling in the background that you hear is mostly staffings trends. And every once in a while, if you hear a little from pops or grants, or goals at the lower frequencies, those are all fish costs. Recent studies show that corolla v was more likely to 15. They were rece making healthy noises. Scientists, the hoping the idea takes off as rece around the world is struggling to survive and increasingly looses from his ramada of that top story. Before we go, the us house of representatives has the prove to bill that could lead to a band on the social media platform take talk with for us, chinese honors to sell the platform of price having it removed from us as your state. And it keeps us mckinnon will be here in half an hour with another pause and for me, for now and all of these things here in billings. Thanks for watching and stay with the the, the, based on because were not spoken about eco, india, celebrating women who make a difference. Why are we in charlotte, in the big, you know, financial is to come by kind of a change or environment. Initially, we are ignoring the for sure, or the Underlying Forces all the spacing. And thats what i need to do. You want eco, india altogether. Next on d w, he paints castle tennis bees man like and today to browse the clear internet dog and gifted out his. The new nationalist government is attacking him vehemently. Get under de terrorism, using his canvas as a way to fight full day focus on europe. In 60 minutes on d, w, the, on 6 crises around every single connection mapped out shows that you see the on the board is what makes things the way they are. All the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world. Now on youtube, the, the one thing that we all experienced during the months of march doesnt matter which part of the world do we move in on what season it is, is the largest off messages say, is discounts. And in saying marketing or celebrating the into the actually womens day, but is this is really what women want. Hello and welcome. I saw that got the body annual watching equal in depth into this episode. Lets try to

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