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Holding other people i had. We asked to be very fast check when you have reception fees, we might have to call the police. Im with some environmental activists somewhere in the romanian forest. Were being followed by angry longer. Its not there always but off. Sure. Sure. How do i love that . There is another new piece of furniture made of wood and it was pretty inexpensive position. I think i have quite a lot of wood in my apartment, and ive never given much thought to where it comes from doing up it up for the 2nd furnishings made of wood at a good price. Were not told where the wood comes from, just where the item was made. As consumers, we usually dont think about where are would it comes from, of what is supposed to be eco friendly after all. But the headlines tell a very different story. The legal logging and violence are escalating. Would thieves are killing foresters . My hunt for the timber mafia, begins and romania this morning. Raids on companies are taking place across the country, targeting firms of suspected of involvement in the illegal temper trade. Its a business thats worth billions. The police have given me permission to accompany the raid, but then revoked it. Even though we badly need more transparency when it comes to the Timber Industry, the, the carpet and mountains are home to one of your ups last and largest primeval forest. But many parts of it looked like this. Its been estimated that half of all logging in romania is illegal, and germany is one of the biggest buyers. With consumption is booming, and forests are shrinking across the globe. Not far from the ukrainian border. I need some activists. Perfect. Some of them are the, the men are members of the romanian organization, agent green. They received the tip offs from the police about areas that they are the signs of a legal longing year in this area where the Law Enforcement is waiting for us to enter 0 very high suspicion of Massive Media logging a lucky we are quite a bunch today and there is a lot of Law Enforcement the wrong, but this area has a history of violence. She got a poem, founded agent green because he spent years fighting the timber mafia, the Global Network that includes loggers traitors and corrupt officials. The activists believe that longer is, might have reused a single permit over and over logging far more trees than they were permitted to. But the local authorities dont see ida i with the activists with us. We see youre definitely mistaken. The law says, the Standard Practice might be clear, but sometimes there are gaps in the lowest grade zone. For me as a Police Officer, its very clear. Its all the trees are still here. Where does all this timber in the soul mil come from . And why is this so much traffic on these road on and also for the just ask what our task force has checking, which was cut down and what was the purpose . So we knew whats wonderful for one day to have all that and was, well, wed like to take a look at the place youll people are checking out. So lets go, ill put on monday. At some point, youll go back to your customer the the activists arent quite buying the story. Corruption is wide spread in romania and the timber mafia. Exploits that they bribe public officials, politicians and Police Officers. After the raid one Police Officer who had taken part in the investigation was arrested, accused of taking 300000 bureaus and bribes from a timber dealer. The act of a survey of the forest from above the drone pilot doesnt want to show his face out of concern for his safety at the bottom of the river. Here, you can see anything wrong with the course on this side. But if you just just go above our line by like a 100 meters or less, you can start seeing the big logging at the top and it goes around the. So its not easy to get here. If, if this hard to document how much timber is being logged here, and were not even in the remotest forest of romania yet. Just imagine how complicated this would be in other locations. Is this on that and then on next to the threads which are being marked for the cutting. There is otto trees that has been cut or id of about 3 months ago. Thats how the science looks like. But they are not doing any single paper. So they are missing and being caught illegally and there is no mark around them. Environment is monitoring the illegal logging can be dangerous, as gabrielle po knows all too well the court. There were plenty of life threatening events. I was beaten all wants to that, and actually there was a one time when they really thought they, they accuse me because i was not moving anymore by chance. I survived. But my bodys scaring deep once and i basically no longer have a bone in my body, which was not broken. That attack happened in 2015 phone and his team from agent greenwood investigating illegal logging in a nature reserve when they were attacked by a group of men. Its the phone was wearing a body camera at least 6 foresters had been killed in romania over the last 10 years. Of the government and Law Enforcement are supposed to protect romania as natural resources. Instead, people like gabrielle poland, risk of their lives to save the old growth forests. Romania joined the European Union in 2007. In 2020 the you put romania on notice for failing to protect its forest. But as of september 2023. The you hasnt taken legal action the next day we head out to another location. On the way we passed piles of log the birch trees trees this size or at least 100 years old. And they are essential to the local ecosystem. And old trees also store more carbon this forest is managed by a room seized by the state Forest Administration has been dogged by accusations of corruption. One employee told me that his boss threatened him for refusing bribes. Today the police arent accompanying us. So whenever we stop, we dont need that guys before turning the cars around. Okay, i have to to one. So i want to know what am i so we say to get a with the lets see where they are. So i think its very close to, to do what, like look at what huge trees they had here. This is a beauty for makes for a typical order says we and i said really nice for us doing with us because theyre dragging the trees through the harvest, the yeah, a calling all the vegetation including the, the new generation of threes. Youre not supposed to do industrial operations like this. Youre supposed to cut one piece at the time, not drag everything together, destroying or the generation to sort of, its beyond the legal log and use. Nobodys allowed or not allowed to cut. Its there working like they hate the for is this is a day by station. This is a full for destruction of the entire how beat that of course we had there way the activists want to gather evidence and confront the longer that right now, the wait was sent to you by booker is because of the rate the, the authorization for this area has expired, but i saw that it listed the date of december 31st. So theres a discrepancy once youve spent those funds, each of our thats not our problem. Maybe theres an error in the system or Something Like that, but we are 100 percent in the clear temper has become such a big deal. Its under even more scrutiny than drugs. We can hardly do our jobs anymore. I dont know because ive never started. So youve destroyed everything here. Everything is why you doing this. Its just a go. Its a little more hide and destroyed. And i think this is a start digs. They look at this tree, you cut it down even though its more than 200 years old. I thought that youre not supposed to be here in the 1st place. In part, you know, youre all but i got to put, they suddenly think they look then the longer is realize the man theyre talking to isnt here on official business. He mention my name. Theyve realized hes the environmental activist gabrielle, upon the 1st 1st the police going these very dangerous. He mentioned my name, therefore i couldnt believe this. There is a bounty bryce on my head if they catch me, they kill me. Whoever gets my head gets a lot of money and now we are being chased and they are calling people ahead. We have to be very fast. One is more worried than ive ever seen him. And his fear is contagious. That maybe its not there or should should. How do i love the doors of this car . Was the name of this place. I start to look for anything in the car that we could use to defend ourselves. Were in luck. Its a part of logging truck, not a block, a and were not the only ones who dont have reception. The loggers dont either, so they cant call for reinforcements. We managed to escape the Global Demand for wood is huge. We use it in construction for heating furniture, even toilet paper, and the Cardboard Box is used in online shopping. There was even wood in clothing, and tires and deforestation is a major contributor to carbon emissions. Yet and a 2021 e report, researchers were unable to identify the source of 120000000 metric tons of wood used in a single year. So is this, the on identifiable would ending up in our own homes . To find out more . I pay a visit to your honda sign in whos been what detective for w w. F, germany for 20 years. Now note, quoting to interpol, 15 to 16 percent of would sold globally was loved illegally. And i think thats a lot. And it seemed as low to end up with that didnt tropical for us because according to engine poll, its 60 to 90 percent more met. So the moment i purchase a product with a would comes from a high risk country. So we could be highly likely that this product to stems from some sort of illegal activity does piece of product in india gotten into account how there are labels that certify sustainable sourcing, like the one issued by the Forest Stewardship Council and e u regulations band, the sale of illegal 10 brentwood and europe, and siri as, as gifts, final thoughts on the fact that regulation does exist, but its not implemented well. And then all certificates exist, but they are often meaningless in high risk countries regardless. So illegal would continues to play a role including on the German Market as well as being the used 2013 timber regulation was written with loopholes, for example, in applied to tables, but not chairs, a new deforestation. La aims to close such gaps that weve been in the guidelines as long as the products made of illegal timber sold at a lower price. You can run across those products. When you buy furniture from a retailer at a roof motion prices, it can stick in price, but its also going online to look at a furniture vendor like move of health. Now, what about that . A lot. This is shante. This is will take a look that has folded wooden legs and its a posted if it costs 149 euros. Because if id say thats a low price for a chair like that. And its fairly fancy. Its off the way to being an arm chair. I guess theres some hope us has them here. A wooden bench costs 40 euros a table made of solid oak. 129 euros thats nothing unusual for your honda sign in. Its not prove that the wood was illegally sourced, but it is worth a closer look. The c. I key a list in bags and 17 minutes away. We decided to check out some local retailers. This is a big part of the wood detectives work on the fitness center. It is what that is supposed to be that you this month in getting like done and strangely enough, every time the w w. F doesnt market analysis, we fund suspicious product itself on the home just by the way. Im deal thursdays, finding them doing those tests using is for like father tests, they failed to create more transparency. So the industry has a cheap, its a most buttons, so offices based health team, those 3 answers to us because its the flavor for you regarding what the impact of the legal lumber trade and the destruction of the forest is terrible fitting. Not under its driving Climate Change and the loss of buying a diversity. Why is a legal team but treated like a minor offense knock before they go out, they more inspections, more rigorous controls and much roy and penalties, and yet, which would have a deterrent to things of a conclusive still no happening of his cost with the whole you know, speaking to vocal com to somebody who was presented busy. Ikea is the Worlds Largest furniture retailer and it consumes more than half a percent of the global timber harvest. Were here to take a look at a few of the items that seem suspiciously cheap on their website, so to speak, all your friends to this is so from what does this lease chelseas very cheat. So we can assume it comes from a country where labor costs to load on, get to disclose tend to be the same countries that have issues with corruption and with the loss of illegal looking. So when what happens when you say thats the case in eastern europe, its sending russia as a civilian was the only part. So it would be interesting to know exactly where these food comes from and of itself. Abundance has shown will contend the thoughts of contact with him. I kia is full of an expensive furnishings made of solid wood. Research carried out by algebra and the earthside organization. In 20202021. The found the links between ikea products and the illegal timber. I cant deny the accusations but down and says no furniture retailer can guarantee its completely free of a legally logwood. Are we going to do any fielding in this . No, that we dont want to call attention to ourselves inside johan is down and crawls under tables turns chairs upside down and takes 3 hours worth of notes. Get over this coupon. And she now put a tip of feeling for this is behind is made in showing on the screen. It does go to a tree rings here, a very thin. So these tree probably grew in a very cold environment with in long some weeks that slows grows. And gives you, would, that looks like this to me for the controller this time might have come from russia being processed in china. That exposure to european . No, no, it will pop. Thats my guess disappeared. This one is somebody from neutral russian timber is regarded as high risk and its import was banned after russia invaded ukraine, selected after a few more purchases at another retailer, we returned to its audience office. Were going to send one samples to a lab to trace its origin. The is any of this would the product of illegal logging while we wait for the lab results i had to france where interpol is headquarters. I have a meeting with dr. Brown, who is an environmental crime investigator for the agency. You mindful . What are we having with in this process . So i tells us to apply on that. It seems like most people dont care about a legal log. That is this. Thats also been my experience. The all feeling a lot of the political discussions ive witness completely missed. The point of the problem is growing more and more urgent with us. More and more massive and worry. Some of them will see you as a topic. They should be the top of our list minds was fema mail, looked the interpol cooperates with countries around the world. But the problem is huge around says that interpol estimates the illegal Timber Industry is worth up to 152000000000. 00 a year. And with community it is, then lets close the environmental crime is the 3rd largest crime in the world though its its, its right behind illegal Drug Trafficking and kind of drifting crimes cumulative to send. The overall context is also important and context you 1st and foreign mental crime goes hand in hand with the worst kinds of organized crime, with things like human traffic in the drug trade. Last sections of the weapons, training on the button on the even, please. An Important Role in terrorism was an issue with exp why terrorism. This most was these 2, at least it was a terrorist groups. For example, ill show about the are financed by the resource, plundering of natural resources, illegal logging and illegal charcoal production legos. A put some of the for all by to that charcoal who just also imported into the already done that. We feel our sausages on it and its it and have no idea where it actually comes from. This will come to start safety here. That gives us, its a lot like an investment portfolio pound explains the criminal organizations invest in a variety of industries, including a legal timber size. Is this im in the tool list, salsa. Its a natural resource. That right now is just as important as gold is the kind of thing the organized crime loves. This is huge profits because the very lu penalties are doing stuff. So new theyre not the tyrant on. As a result is probably the problem is growing massively must sieve. Illegal logging is increasing illegal up as ramping some try that full on him on the floors. I show him some photos i took during my investigation. Not let me make this bigger. So thats what you meant by this is a forest in romania communion. This is getting old us the criminal organizations like places like this. You can protect isolated regions where theres little oversight to corner where they can just run 2nd area and sell the timber illegally. Its a high price, it goes by difficult and violence is please, im fig. Grow i know i know roller. The romania is not alone. Many other countries also have the same problem. I mean, suit those to us in east south east asia, uncle and especially them become delta. And theres also a huge hot spot for legal logging and Tropical Forest funding portion. Bundle have been told that youre skeptical who does highly sought after and demand keeps rising. Even as prices keep rise, i think that he did good the in cambodia. Nature is also being plundered over the past 20 years. More than a quarter of the countries for us to vanished about 90 percent of that due to illegal login. The Marcus Hopkins came here from germany some 30 years ago. The environmental activist has tried to counter cambodia as powerful timber mafia which is said to have ties to the highest circles of government. Rather than meeting in a public place. Hes come to my hotel. This is fucker, so the son bill, regardless, youll have an illegal logging operation run by gangsters that pays a regular wage to the pop director. Hell give some of that to his subordinates and the lunch chunk to his bosses in the ministry was, i know it wasnt times and a boss in the opinion minutes daily the ranges work is gone for the logging company in the protected forests frontier being totally illegal so the whole classic massey of style operation, regardless its class such as matthew of business openly criticizing corruption in cambodia is dangerous. An activist friend of macos high because criticized the military for their involvement. He was then shot and killed by a military Police Officer who does the hits administer pension, busy, busy local activists to basically risking their lives to expose these deals like him. A hunch of no, given that youd think that the bureaucrats would at least bother to properly enforce their own trade agreements ation. Thats it. So menace done just because as long as theyre a bias, as long as theres a market, we just tilting against windmills. Yeah, the call from the 100 lights or the sun came from the heat. This map shows how much forest did land cambodia has lost over the past 2 decades. Im hoping to talk to environmental organizations and activists about this, but no one wants to speak on camera. Finally, i get a lead and head to the pray long forest. Large areas of the lowland drain forest were declared a protected area in 2016. But the trees are still vanishing at an astonishing rate, i joined a group of men who regularly patrol the area in hopes of stopping the longer as were devastating in the forest near their village. Repeat that its 6 30 in the morning more. I just got up and dont really know where i am, whos been invo somewhere in the middle of the forest. Okay. And follow through the night i kept hearing the sound of chainsaws taking down trees. For me, it wasnt all that far from here on sale as well. That takes one year full time for a hurried breakfast before we set out them. Man, its all i dont find that i think the were not actually supposed to be here. The authorities have forbidden that them and tell me and some have already received the visits from the police. The trade in timber is a money spinner, and the people involved in it wont give that up easily. Even if this is a protected area, the kim so key is one of the groups, unofficial leaders. He and ill let teen document the trace is the longer is leave behind. They share their evidence with researchers and posted on social media. How old is the truth of the month now . 100. 00. Yeah. Family, the southside, thats what was called to the timber company, sells the root in vietnam and other countries. Now im going to go to the use of under cambodian law, timber exports are highly regulated, but the smugglers pay that little heed. Once in vietnam officials issue new documentation and the timber appears, legal on paper, at least in the meantime, the you in vietnam have signed the trade agreements. Its likely that vietnam will soon be able to certify the legality of its wood. And the furniture exports made of it, and that in turn would eliminate checks in the you know, what was the name, whats the name of the tree again this afternoon, im a link to me. Okay, well then well see if we can find a trace of this type of tray back in europe the name can but for now, our search for longer is continues. We spent the entire morning making our way through the nature reserve. Its hot and dusty work. The there have been some violent encounters in the past. So the patrol takes a friendly approach. You know, its illegal to cut down these trees and yes, i know, and i and then then why you doing it in that . Dont more than that. Um, theres new work in my village. Slow panels of the the to longer is do the dirty work on, but are in very little for it. Yeah. The big money ends up elsewhere, which is the reality of the illegal temper trade at all. Both nature and people are exploited. Right . So i cant remember anymore. My, exactly, this is just a warning. If the authorities some, theyll put you in hand coats and im wondering wonder why come on we only take your chainsaws and tell you to go home on probably the when they take apart the chain saws to put a stop to the illegal logging. If only for the moment the soon we run across to another group of longer. This time its a father and his sons, our father says he only found young trees. All the big ones had been felled. There chainsaws are also confiscated. The 2 by the sound of chainsaws is coming from every direction from the left and the right. Look it over there are some more logger is loading up the good. Im a lot never they are about to take apart the chain. Saw as when cement arrive, secuity of the there from the lumber company. Suddenly the mood is tense. Why did you come all this way . Say, i dont know what to tell, you. Know that you know exactly where we are. I give us on the do. I call, do we have a problem here . Why would you tell me if we do then to be is if you want that, then youll be at fault. If we count degree, theyll be serious problems. Excuse me. So now we have to hurry again and leave the forest, but the single security guys could call for reinforcements. We dont have cell reception here, and were alone. Spends a lot the man had planned to spend another day in the forest. Instead, they decide its time to leave. Its too dangerous. We wait until after sunset and then head out away from the forest of forest tuesdays might well be numbered. The back in germany. The lab results from the wood items we bought arent here yet. So i set out to find out more about the wood from cambodia, here at the tuning institute of Wood Research and humbling Deputy Director get hot call is in charge of wood identification using gets into a vist and self listening to the scientific collection itself. We have about 35000 boot samples here because im all of them documented these here solid tropical wood. So none of these, and heres an old piece labeled Ice Institute for foreign and colonial for a straight stitch of to mean it was upside to come from. The institute examines would from all over the world, calls and see what dealers and Government Agencies like the Customs Authority come here to find out where a particular shipment of wood comes from since collision deal isnt that one industry. We have the samples you sent us on in the com hob and its the wood i brought back from the nature reserve in cambodia. The samples are 1st boiled until they soften some for several days the out, so then there sliced extremely them like making it so this because cool. Im putting it under the microscope. Lice lice can follow along live on the monitor, the so its in, you can cite the cells, this lanes are very unusual. Im of either in single root, im looking to design it or Something Else i might show in a storage sales, extending term right here. And really what you can see these granular structures dollar so theyre crystals and some toys. Look, theyre starting to glue, increase the add, like a prism, the dispersed as light things time. You can see that here has on windows, so top, so lutely multi engine thats already served. Just include escape. There are only a few issues of treating like along the genus terminology on to the crystals like this because of some of the cause of those. I was a photograph of the month. It shouldnt get all the costs, believes its a tree known on the market as Indian Laurel to confirm that the interest its attributes into a database cuz out american model doesnt want something isnt already see there are certain similarities from under our microscope and our reference database. Because there are these large corps with storage cells around most of these fine lines. And so its conclusive. Its a valuable indian logo, but it is, i nice it, along with cambodia. Indian laurel also grows and other Southeast Asian countries and india over the past few years get how to call has seen more of it on the european and German Market. It taken up by thousands of beginning in 2017. We started seeing more of this on the market is already made product for Musical Instruments, color and texture wise. It resembles loose root doesnt on an indian model isnt that protected species. So it can be used without any difficulties or preconditions this for all right . And for vin, most of it, where do you see it on Musical Instruments . If i wasnt devin, hows it go . Things like finger boards that will get the same range of things as youd see with rosewood and so lovely. We would do some sort of thoughts and some place on we check out the website of a Musical Instrument retailer. Indian laurel. There are 235. 00 classes on places. Yes. Those are, those are E Instruments and we will see this kind of wood quite often on the fingerboard system and theres a lot of them are visual and not from unknowns. Vendors wire epa phones, all major manufacturer as well. Yeah. Hows that look . So if its a global trend for me, you get hold of the coal, adding trees to the list of protected species can help put the brakes on the illegal temper trade. But often the industry just switches to other species, like Indian Laurel, and even legally logwood can become a problem when its logged to the point of near extinction. I want to find out more, but from the major timber companies, only a just timber from austria is willing to speak with me. The company has several production sites and romania after a number of scandals. H. S. Timber now touts that sustainability credentials and it system thats intended to identify legal timber. This is exactly why he just has a very efficient insurance industry. He hired a push that comp to mine is the companys sustainability officer. Can you say with a 100 percent certainty that your Company Never has any illegal woods . You can meet me to 100 percent or we can never see. And this thing with 100 percent certainty, its, i cant see with a 100 percent certainty that will never have a workplace, oxygen, or any other legal liabilities. Every Safety System tries to ensure a high level of safety. If you want the percentage to bye, see, im 99. 9 percent search and 7. I dont like to come along with it doesnt thats very good. Theyll sell a good, sorry use of but is 99. 9 percent certainty even possible in romania romania. Romania is part of the European Union, which is well regulated in comparison to other places in the world. The basic structures and romania are functioning and the system is based on the rule of law related stuff because this thing that you as well the rules will only get you so far. If you can just pay a small fee for account, or if it documented, or if you can get an official or a Police Officer to look the other way for a bit of cash and get them to do things that might not be strictly legal. Leader. Recently got yeah, thats just speculation. Sorry, its speculation, but its also reality so that it can be of any event, we dont defend things like that. The fact is that we only want to deal with with this being logged legally. Missing candidates in about half of romanian timber is logged illegally, push back hoffman sees it like this is give me the issue, isnt the front of the station destroying the forest . Give me this isnt a clear cut saying your old growth forests, separate numbers. That would be the ones this been fun. But when you look at the trees vanishing and the carpet and isnt that exactly what is happening for us there being clear cut to get in kind of go some kind of like a level maybe . I mean, did you want to find any major clear cutting and romania over the past 10 years . That was truly an example of clear cutting magic and cartwright. Actually the clear cutting suppose is clear cutting that was done there. Im pretty sure this is correct in was a 100 percent in areas affected by wind. Roughly wind throw refers to trees that were upper rooted by wind and romania. Gabrielle. Poland also told me that longer is approved trees by using steel cables and vehicles. The so what is illegal . Whats on ethical and whats simply an allegation. There arent many clear answers to be found. And clarity is in deliberately short supply. Its an Industry Worth of billions and Consumers Want their affordable would, furnishing the results from our would samples have arrived present in samples from 6 products. The lab didnt find any indications of a legal would, but it did find 3 discrepancies. The ikea handle was supposedly made of birchwood lab identified as post by a wood from asia. Ikea offered only a tourist replied. Its an error has been made. We will correct it immediately. After another inquiry from us ikea road, we will check your results carefully in consultation with the supplier Environment Sustainability report ikea road by showing where the wood in our products comes from. We want to set a good example and increase transparency, and thats a bit strange because ive asked ikea several times where its wood comes from. And i never got a direct answer stating the name of a country where the word came from. It unfold become that they replied, we always ensure that we observe all relevant rules and regulations in the areas in which we operate. Uh, actually before she left them and husband, we also sent this ikea co took in for testing. The result was the would comes from siberia, an area that is at high risk for illegal logging. I know ikea finally responded with more specific information about its origins. The word they said it came from the, the codes region upside syria and was logged to before the total ban on russian would imports. A wooden sofa leg was also flag. Ikea says the word came from romania, but the labs that that was unlikely. The wood market needs to become more transparent about sourcing and more controls need to be in place. In germany, the federal agency for food and agriculture, or b, l e is responsible for wood in ports and they reply to our inquiry. They said they take random samples and use a risk based approach. Last year, they conducted 217. 00 analyses. Not particularly stringent given that 27000 companies in poured wood to germany. The b l. E is part of the ministry of food and agriculture. Its had tim is the me from the green party didnt have time for an interview company. They mean its home route. Im meeting parliamentary state secretary cloudy, a miller whos also from the green party. So why isnt there more oversight on this issue that soon as we have to do this within the scope of our staffing resources, there are inspections and random sampling or spot checks. I wouldnt say that we do less than others do. So im doesnt have any dental the problem. The question is, is that enough in see how much of a source of food is a controlling request . Do we have the resources to do more . Id say we could always do more money for our research departments. Our fisheries authority, the customs divisions, they all like to do more the police, the ship for each site. Everyone wishes for all sorts of things around the other. The bunch of illegal timber is a market worth of billions. But the b, l. E has only 23 Staff Members to monitor the industry. The agency tells me theyve never found illegally harvested timber, not flies, of additive paged. Thats kent, one. We know certificates get foraged and then checking them isnt easy for us and or inspection authorities including custom set. If you say we get a certificate from cambodia, what do you do with that . Thats mostly then its, its authentic, but and verifiable is obviously got. Maybe you like the language skills, or maybe you simply cant check if its actually official or legal and is this focus of it so on to the god suspended to come by. Well, why dont we have stricter regulations about them . Why do our laws and regulations have loopholes . Just tell me if i put in politics, everyone would want to do more. She was caught up in europe. Everyone gets a se just and everyone has different interests that sticks in testing. The be at least as the average penalty for a violation is 1800. 00 euro stuff. It off, cookies it off many say penalties for violating the would trade regulations and important violations are too low. Important. Its on isnt this whole because of the all we could certainly imagine taking a stricter approach extra. Definitely. Yeah, it was playing hoops, but again, they would have to be negotiated with the partners and find dont think of a patient problem. The European Union timber regulation states, the Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of this regulation. So germany could impose stricter penalties, but on statement um and no thankfully in the end your left thinking will anything happen, whatever. I sometimes find it very frustrating when i realized that you and the professor is as i say, and politics you need thick skin and a lot of patients often or in reality, time is running out in june 2023, a new regulation on deforestation. Free products came into force, but according to the un, another 830. 00 hector is a forest will be illegally logged in the time it takes to watch this film. Some of that would, will end up in europe. If germany and the you dont act, the brutal business of the timber mafia will continue. And the more environmentalists will be forced to risk their lives in cambodia and romania and around the world, the even better to india. And its a very good cash diebold boss. And the fraction of them to find a waste of them. Okay, so so what happens to that . They throw it away to change this people in this eco, india does he minutes on d. W. Big hot dogs make a strong case against smoking in frames because health is urgent need is the constant, harassment can even lead today and when the little ones that have to defend themselves, they can focus on in 19 minutes. On dw, the, we are all set, were watching closely. All the to bring you the story behind the news. We rolled about unbiased information for 3 months. The, this is the, the news life from berlin, the, you installed the gold here is a case requesting out just action approval by to bed starvation. Theyve got the correct south africa is asking the court to order israels to allow for an attorney and 8 the attacks on International Shipping talk. Definitely, governments will think, revel, spike and commercial invest. Holding the cult 8 and getting 3 people survivors invented ship one, decreasing rescue, but they didnt maybe

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