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Which is militarily much superior. And of course, the, some of the public also, um, you know, calculates that, not only would it have to face as well, but also the united states. So, uh, there is a dilemma here for tat wrong. While one is you know, very much supportive of how masses, alteration and um it is, you know, one is also trying to, uh, push away or to did to israel from, uh, engaging and a miniature operation gas. Uh, that could endanger the Operational Capability of having us at the same time when is very much concerns about the great war. Uh, which is not in the interest of iran because of the tremendous power out. It was supposed to redeem security and stability. Does that mean that in the near term, therefore weve been seeing it on continue to support its proxy is in the region, not just im us talking about has been law, but also the proxies in yemen, for example, from by me signs were fired about mc towards is around me so that the us warship shut down. So should one be expecting more of these underground support for eating and proxies in the region . Well, this is much more likely that iran is activating its a so called assets within the so called excess of resistance. And them, at least not only are from human, but also pro one in forces in iraq and syria could be activated when it comes to the uh you know, the massive involvement or the potential mass of an involvement of hezbollah. Which is by far the most minute treat capable of asset of the wrong in the region. This is also not certain because of the, you know, situation in which labinata finds itself in because left and on is in shambles. And its facing a and cannot make and political collapse and cannot afford another war with levin. Oh, sorry with israel. So um, you know, so this is also challenging when it comes to an involvement and active involvement to much more that weve seen so far from as well as side how much support and how much of an appetite is that among people eat on. Forgetting directly or indirectly involved in any confrontation with ease or like given the 1st day of a new an economy. Absolutely. Its not the only to poor state of the running economy, but also its a, theres a lot of, uh, you know, frustration from your running society, these of either regime. Weve seen revolution protests in iran a year ago. So the regime is facing tremendous. You no problems at home, but what we can observe is a tremendous gap between states and society when it comes to the issue is red pass fine. Because of the, you know, decades long propaganda from the song of republic about israel and palestine. We can observe a societal backlash, societal reaction that is very much uh, identifying this kind of power play executed by the region to abuse the palestinian cause and to advance its own regime interest. So there is a strong societal opposition to the kind of narrow it says that ron is promoting. I would also like to have usa on house. Ill be at a be a factor as integrating and governments thinking, given that both countries agree to, to stall ties earlier this year and solve the area, was very close to an agreement with ease well before the home us to attack. Absolutely, and this is why i said that the very outside of our interview that youre wrong is a main beneficiary of this war because uh how about how masses attack on israel and the war itself has the fact so torpedoed the normalization process between saturday and iran which has been a thorn in the flesh of the regime. It has considered a potential normalization between sod ravia and these ro, as a veritable security threats. There being a lots of, you know, warnings directed against ravia to pursue this path as normalization from your on state media, much more, you know, just had of the october 7th attacks. And so uh, this has been uh for now if for a positive success for both iran, but also how much that is also being a very critical visa view. This process between softer be and es real because you know, a positive discussion was that in the wake of such a process that us with granted security guarantee to south radia and such a security guarantee woods that would actually put some important invitations to the kind of expensive regional policies that hes not republic has been pursuing in the region where you live at the time, even though thanks so much for joining us today. I look for the job. Thanks so much sir. The solve the dealing with is around, has been put on ours, but what is the why the role of saudi arabia when it comes to relations between east well and the kind of thing is she has a report proof that saudi is writing the relations were being rebuilt in set time, but this was the 1st ever was really ministerial visit to the gulf kingdom a few days later. Another is wally ministers, trip to re add the visits followed is really prime minister. Benjamin netanyahu is addressed to the Un General Assembly in new york. He claimed peace between saudi and as well was close. But i believe that we are the cause of and even more dramatic breakthrough in historic peace between israel and saudi arabia. Sound either knew that full jean closer ties with as well. Risk. Im going palestinians. At the end of september, it sent its 1st delegation in 3 decades to be occupied. Westbank. Its aimless to reassure palestinians that the oil rich kingdom still supported the fight for statehood. Which on october, the 7th, everything changed. The deadly terror attacks on these re the soil by militant is lemay screw, palm us have shaken the middle east. The world in retaliation is well has declared war on him. Us which governs the goal, is to strip within days, reports and much but found your radio was pushing us backs. Plans to normalize ties with is well on hold the saudi government, even how talks with its and israels arch enemy iran, one of the strongest supporters of homicide. Analysts believe the Saudi Crown Prince is trying to de escalate tensions in increasingly vol natal region while publicly supporting the palestinians. We are the full as we gather here to see the escalating violence that guys is witnessing today. The price of which innocent civilians are paying. We have firm or rejection of targeting civilians in any way and the importance of sticking to International Law and the necessity of stopping military operations against civilians and infrastructure. We want to create conditions to restore stability and achieve peace that ensures reaching a solution to establish a palestinian stays in a way that the chief security and prosperity for all which at the moment peace and stability seem a long way off. Improving relations between saudi arabia and is well just one of the many casualties and showed in believe me, Young Musicians from israel and the ballasting indebted precept performed together their fault of a long running project from renowned conduct. A new veteran by him in memory of his friend, the ballasting, and right to edward side, a concert that began within minutes silence. The scene is rare, unity, young israelis, palestinians, and lebanese musicians sit together, listen to each other and find a common tone. 3 music full study together at the band boy in sight academy and bell in the music school. And its students have been shaken by recent events in this and i thought the most and show thats at least here. They have a place where they can come and feel secure, that they can express themselves freely and safely have a place a where they can be together was it says im doing the, the academy was founded by conductor daniel baron boy, him in 2012 with the goal of the coming, the divide between is radius and palestinians. His deep conviction is that Peace Community come from understanding the his son michael band blame is a professor at the academy. The institution hopes to provide the students with a safe space and a feeling of normality and dock times globe and miss dusta. I dont believe there are any defiance that cannot be bridge key mavita. I see repeated efforts to overcome boundaries through talking and i see the making of Music Together. Its combined them and was. 6 the is he, there are many different emotions of their sadness, anger, but theres a lot of fear. The students are very afraid for their families and friends. Despite the situation in israel and gaza, all students returned from the summer break to the academy in bell in this evening is about more than just music. This was really moved. Thats all i can say, said suzanne, seeing these Young Musicians from both sides of the wall playing together uh blank. But an emotional program. This hillary emotional, the pre approval is, is necessary need for the performance. But also for the musicians bravery in the face of trying to do that commitment to keep making Music Together and thats it for now theres more on that as well. Im also on our website dw, dot com. Im gonna respond to your input. Lynn, thanks so much for watching the learn shannon. She was thinking during the sizing, the Award Winning offer is available for every language and has never been said to go online on facebook, the app store and youtube. 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Israels manager is refusing to allow a few in so the time which we accusing how mosse of stuff, finding supplies assess the secretary of criticizes israel actions in gaza is reviewed by the countries foreign minister and the power of

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