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To stop the killing. This pump, the mass that goes, being committed against the police to young people. Know part of the to a non conflict is above International Humanitarian law. Of secretary general walk wont be lead. Definitely, this is not. I will also coming out to the us sending military advisors to israel that hadnt been expected ground defensive in gospel. Uh, what i can tell you is that, that there are a few is relevant military officers with experience, the kinds of experience that uh, that uh, that we believe it is. It is appropriate to the sorts of operations that, that israel is conducting and may conduct in the future or to our viewers watching on tv, as in the United States and to all of you around the world. Welcome. We begin today with a reminder that a civilian is a civilian, is a civilian. Those were the words on tuesday of us, secretary of state, anthony blink, and add a Us Security Council meeting. And he was referring to the 2000000. 00 plus palestinians inside the gaza strip, who are now caught in a war between israel and the terrorist group home us blinking called on all countries to send humanitarian aid to gaza. And he called on her moss to stop using civilians in gauze as human shields. He also called on him off to release the hostages some 200 people who were kidnapped on october 7th. A 1400 people were killed that day, making a moss responsible for the deadliest single attack on jews since the holocaust. The horrors carried out that day they are coming to light more and more case in point. The is really cool, but spirit. It was one of the 1st communities attacked by him us, and it became the scene of mass murder. The w use max sanders reports security is tyson keyboards fairly today. But don, on the morning of october 7th, the army was nowhere to be seen. The more than 1000 People Living here were among the 1st to be attacked by how much fighters of the realm to keep bullets for hours firing. Machine guns grenades, rocket launchers, how much lead terrace move from house to house over hours . Killing civilians are taking them hostage to date is keyboards. This deserted all. Whats left are burnt, destroyed houses, and a community in ruins. Of you know, these are illegal sorties want the world to see this and hear from people who are there. They bring the house on the smoke them out. And when they finally opened the doors, reeves and decided who is the live boosted rama gold was part of a small group. Defending the keyboards. He said they fired till they ran out of bullets. And i got to tell the story because 2 angels came to people, some reserve soldiers have no idea where they came from, the us there was a munition and a cell phone. So we can pull up families that tell them where we are. Okay. And we kept them going and kept on fighting. There was dark green army arrived when the fighting stopped. Emergency responders, looking for survivors, found scenes of horror which it opened the stomach, what small children, a boy and a girl had started to the back and tortured and ill say tortured now. Yes, ill say the father was without it. They took out his eye. The mother was oppressed was cut off and while the children were really attacked and they asked into the middle and heating the food of the how of different holiday holiday meal that this, this, this of this family was suppose the physical evidence of what happened at places around the country it arrives here at a mixture from oregon. Central is real. These are some of the up to 200 unaccounted for. People more are still being found. We are working day and night, it shift and shift, trying to identifying every age and everyone. This is hard because people were disfigured, mutilated burned. We are here doing what were doing because were thing. This is a whole emission for us identifying the last casualties and all of the civilians that the got killed is so in florida its for us. We want to give them their final respect families waiting to bury their dead. And those who saw what happened or angry, as well as bereft at the boots. Barry from us killed more than 100. 00 people around 10 percent of the community. For ronnie gold whose sister in law was killed that morning, there can only be one response. Israel must completely destroy gaza. They made a terrible mistake. There heard us for this very bad the damage they will suffer will be even worse. And the ideal zone, they will never think of of doing that again. If this the only way we can live together by them understanding that it can do it to a single emergency respond or ya see land. We saw the horse. Thats how most cannot be part of the future. We went through a lot, went through the holocaust. We went through a lot. It will be strong. The world is supporting us. Yes, the one of the piece is a very important thing. The piece. Yes. But not with home us. Peace seems a far away prospect. Here in the ruins of cape wood, standing. We want to go to israel now and id like to bring in a tall a hard to she and a friend where the target of a home us the chevy attack back in 2010. Her friend was murdered. Tall was severely wounded, but she did survive since that shes dedicated herself to the fight against terrorism and the calls for peace. Its good to have you with this. Tonights taller we just saw a report i knew you were watching with this. Im from the side of the massacre at keyboards, barry, i mean thats the only one of the atrocities committed by how mos that day. How wounded is the is really nation at this moment as well. So. So brenda, i want to thank you for having me on your show and also to extend my gratitude and the gratitude of another 9000000. This really is because you are one is the only tv channels now who are still calling, how much terrorists still covering. Actually whats happening in israel rather than the focused spin entirety of pulling the gaza. How the way ill tell you how wounded we are. We are a nation traumatized and i mean youll nation knows very well. Germany knows very well german use of one of our greatest eyes today with that. Its no secret that this is the biggest atrocity protocol on jewish people since the holocaust. So were still shuddering from this. We havent even located or where everybody is. We still have 40 people missing now either there shes in some field in his room. All that will so him in gas a still have babies, toddlers, children, women, and men taking a hostage. We havent yet identified old to bury are that we are traumatized nation and ill tell you something, friend, something else. Its like an earthquake, right . And you have to be asked the shocks. What is the asked the shops . Its like i indicated a little bit earlier. The after shoke is this the main stream with the media yourselves exempt . Of course, the most western media uh quote in how much militants so as to be the see says i called the organizes and its almost like a, even the United Nations secretary general today made an absolutely outrageous speech that responded with are of and busted to the you and responded that he should be fired immediately. You should resign. Because he said this, she said, these atrocities dont happen in the vacuum. Meaning, uh, what is your called a success . Somehow the heading babies and the rating of dead corpses is legitimized because just as the picture victims its limits, i was told and people is it which it does the felt like yeah, let me tell you something out and then ill of, ill ask okay, but my god suppressed my went through so much and ive got a lot to say, okay, i, i want to be this. I, i, i was stopped 13 times with them. A chevy. All right. I watch my christian friend hacked to death because theyre executing this thought she was jewish. I lost my health, i lost my friend, i lost the dignity to provide for my slip, so sleep monday and everything. But i didnt take out my frustrations out. Some arabs calling them up and have them to death. This isnt excusable people are searching the boss. So the palestinians, and its inexcusable. And i, and 9000000 of it is right, is absolutely raging. Not about this. I know youre angry, but i want you to know that youve spent a part of your life working to bridge the gaps between israelis and palestinians. That said, what is your reaction to the fact that no palestinian leaders have found it in themselves to condemn the mazda atrocities . Well, im not really surprised and thank you reminding you of us because i always try to remember to say that it was a muslim such a new site. My life, i probably have moved policy, new friends, the most is riley. So i know its just because im a very i managed to differentiate between evolution good after the attack. Im not surprised. Told that no published in Young Leaders have refused to to condemn this. I mean, so yes, this is a sore point. My been speaking around the world about this, so use the european governments in the American Government have been farmed in the Palestinian Authority with billions of bureaus. And it, by the way, the attacks on the october, the 7th would just have us. There was sections of the piano, who also joined that in the piano and come to come under the auspices of the mountain the best to publish the new 30 and must move to best take some european euros. And he is rewarded in the people who attacked me and murdered my friend with a monthly salary while theyre in prison. But its always hes going to in quite a give people incentive to murder. We shouldnt be surprised that hes not going to think what all i have to say we do. We dont have a way of verifying what youre saying. They are about where the money goes. I just want to make that clear. Do you understand the concerns that are being expressed to is real from its friends about the scale of israels response in god . A no, absolutely no. And i tell you why because people always say we want to propulsion, you need to respond proportionately. And i say, i say personally, hasnt forbid that we would respond proportionately because that would mean we would have to the head, the exact same amount of babies. We would have to write the exact same amount of women. We would have to broaden the exact same amount of promising in families sitting peacefully in the homes. We do not want to per push that response. We need to disproportionate response and therefore is run is called the to the northern part of guys are at the moment we have tapped from buildings. Weve distributed leaflets in arabic saying, go south. Weve extended our deadline from its 10 days since we gave the warning. People that have had plenty of time to cross those few miles into the south. And its very interesting. Its only recently the egypt save above it to open the board just to humanitarian i. Well most think brent. We have we have a humanitarian crisis here. We have over 100000 people who have to leave their homes from the north and the south. Theyre living in the hotels. Theyre living in mind that you have to live in every way. No ones talking about the humanitarian, a colorado that is coming to disrupt the double compulsion. Lets keep it or get to who started this with the salvage rate. So what did you say then, to the birds from the us, secretary of state anthony blinking knob. He visited israel immediately after the these attacks. And he said that the middle east has a choice of the hate the, the lives of offered by him. Us or the people working together for peace and stability is that, i mean, i could sense the anger that youre carrying right now. It means is a, is even thinking about peace right now. Is that possible or . No . Absolutely, no. I know people say, oh, the innocent 1000 civilians have cost the innocent civilians, but we seek for each now of hundreds of innocent civilians who followed these savages into my keep would save me to all people says newton dead for this. We hear radio, we saw a mobile phone close recorded by these terrace, calling the sound is from jewish phones and the parents. I get them on one guys, one subject. You said, oh i moved it. 10 people with my own hands and the mom and dad be innocent civilians, a son. Yea, and also i go to remind you of course there are innocent civilians, but lets not forget this. Thousands of innocent guides and civilians these re st. Paul to so 911. 00, the same thousands of innocent guides and civilians who dish out can be every time a jewish, not jewish, jewish fuss of this month that i have the palestinian friends. I have a friend or 2 in guys, right . Theyve done nothing wrong by heart rates for them. It really does, but my hot breaks my own people and youre talking about, you know, innocent civilians. These people are getting a cop flush for full. So allowing like how do you say 100 . The hundreds of thousands of humanitarian night that israel has been given to dallas for the last decade or so. Let me ask you this. Now. These people never did anything wrong. Lets close a copy paste with from us. And these people both to come, by the way, well, before we run out of time, let me just ask you, then what has to happen for peace to be achieved . In your opinion . I mean i, i know you agree with what youre, youre hearing from benjamin netanyahu. That hamas has to be destroyed. But do you think thats the only thing that has to happen before you can have peace with the pill . Telephones a. Its a very good question list and asked at the attack. A few years ago i, i contact to the Young Palestinian man, and i said, lets make, lets make the world better place what do you want to do . And we told so we set up a little after school club and the refugee can teach and published in children english and computer skills. So they could betcha the lights now cause he could never say that because his own people wouldnt murder him for the have a normalization this with that you. All right, so what needs to happen . First of all, regarding your pin in america, you need to completely withdrawal any fund into the Palestinian Authority because they all stayed in money from their own people. The squander and poverty you see and gaza is because there are people that own leadership of stolen that get rid of that leadership. Lets look for fresh leadership. All right . Unless no bill kind of have you so sorry i and rain boat that oh we need this rounds and unicorns these people. A lot of these people have been fed hatred in the United Nations or the rest schools in gaza with the curriculum specifically teaches Young Palestinian children to hate jews. And i believe the International Choir to the lots of under and certainly now in the United Nations follow in this outrages justification of the slow trick. My people, the problem is not with israel. The problem is with these big organizations and the money that stream it into the kind of thing in the process and you know, thursday unfortunately were out of time charl onto if we appreciate you sharing your thoughts and your passion with our viewers tonight. Thank you. Thank you, brent wait, hurting, goes ahead. We thank you for supporting these ropes or the response to the how mazda attacks is real, called. The 360000. 00 reserve is now that figure amounts to 4 percent of the countrys population. It has also been massing forces close to gaza. Israel says that it will destroy him off and has a signal began and again, but it was sending troops to carry out that task because it is one of the most densely populated places on the planet fighting there is predicted to be very hard and costly. Ahead of the ground operation and gaza, the us is sending military advisors to is reopened. Heres white house and security spokesman john kirby. Uh, what i can tell you is that um that there are a few relevant military officers with experience. The kinds of experience that uh, that uh, that we believe it is, it is appropriate to the sorts of operations that, that is real is conducting and may conduct in the future. To go over there to share some perspectives from their own experience and to ask the hard questions, the same hard questions that weve been asking of or is really counterparts since the beginning. All right, i want to take this now over to brad bowman. Hes with the foundation for defense of democracies. Its good to see you again. Brad, among the military advisors that are going over. I understand one is maureen, Lieutenant General james glenn, who he has experience why the against as lubbock stayed. He served in for lu j interact, one of the bloodiest organ battles in recent history. All of that considered what kind of expertise can be us offer is real here. As you know, the israel israel has a formidable military. Its the best, the most effective military in the middle east. But the United States has a lot of experience in the middle east to to say the least over the last 20 years after 911. And you have a gentleman, such as the marine car, Lieutenant General, who spent many years fighting and some of the toughest places a lot of back the kind of urban warfare where there are lessons that were learned at great cost. Great human costs are they can be shared with our is really allies to help them accomplish their objectives as at the lowest cost for them. Do you think the us believes these really have a properly conceived, well thought out plan to enter guns, and i think after the october 7 terror attack and, and your previous guess helps to your viewers kind of understand some of the anger that im also hearing from his release, which is understandable, right . There was some sort of combination. I think for them of pearl harbor 911. 00 under per capita terms. It was roughly equivalent to 40 or 50000 americans dying. Roughly 13 to 14 times more americans and died and 911. But these tears didnt come from afghanistan, they came from a mile to away and came crashing into their living rooms, doing horrible things. And so theres, theres great anger and his role, and thats understandable. They, uh, they want to defend their military. But saying that youre going to destroy him off and doing it or to wildly different things. Yeah. And after you destroy them, what comes next . Israel doesnt want occupied garza so theyre not gonna occupy it. Whos going to rule . Theyre very tough questions that need to be answered. But right now israel just wants to prevent the october 7th from happening again. Yeah. And if you, if you go in and how clear does your objective appear to be, i mean it to the untrained, died. People looking from the outside, israels objective of destroying home us seems to be more of a desire than a clear objective. How did, how do you see, or yeah, no, you know, we have something new. I was called the, the wind burger doctor, the power doctor. And its, its a list of questions you asked before starting and military conflict. And, and one of those questions is, you know, whats your exit strategy, right . And so, you know, we call that a phase for operating. What do you do after you . You compress your military objectives, but to accomplish your military object as the one of the most dense environments on earth urban environments. With many, many miles of underground tunnel stocked with weapons that enable a mouse fighters to survive bombardment and conduct surprise attacks many of their arsenal stored under hospitals and schools. They know that territory, youre literally talking about block by block building by building room by room fighting, and then you have to hold that ground once you have it. Right. And then youre looking at a counter insurgency. So this is as general patricia said, the initially difficult was his quote, i think hes exactly right and speak from experience. And so i think what israels looking at right now is maybe just focus on northern gaza and transforming northern gaza. And then maybe stop there is because they are looking at other one of their eyes at has blonde, the north, right . Wondering whether when they get bogged down in gaza is, has blogging to come in and their major way in the north. A. Do you think thats the, thats a big worry to among us military advisors at israel is going to find itself with a multi front more . Oh, yes, absolutely. Thats the, the, the us as an extraordinary combat power in the last couple of weeks to the middle east to Carrier Strike groups, a Marine Expeditionary unit, f, fifteens f, sixteens f 35, a tons, air Missile Defense units. The list goes on and on. The parent and present by the looks and the cameras secretary awesome. Looks like im says dont dont. Whos talking to talking about iran in his chair puppet has blog to try to prevent a another front in israels north. Not to mention the west bank which can light up as well. Let me ask you before we run out of time, weve got about a minute. A minute, minute and a half the us. We know its a meeting ukraine. Weve talked about that before. Its also keeping an eye on china, and its now competing, we bought to aircraft carriers to israels defense in the mediterranean, or in the gulf region. Is there a danger of the us military overreach here . No, i think in this moment theres a danger of under reach. I think if we dont deployed combat power, now were going to have a smaller problem become a bigger problem, thereby syfy enough, more resources. So this is the danger. Heres american weakness, not strength. And the endo pacific commander, recently at the pentagon podium said not a single house that has been pulled from the in the pacific for this, this fight. So the United States is a great power. We can walk and chew gum at, at, at the same time. And this is a moment to stand in my view with our ally israel and to recognize that behind these terror puppets is the puppet master announced these mamma can talk over on it. How close do you think a war with iran is due to events that have happened in the last 23 weeks . Hard to say, but the big question is, has blog does tell ron you does, its a varsity terror team to try to save the Junior Varsity him off terror team. I primary purpose and it has the law as the chart as well, from conducting an attack against around nuclear program. Brad bowman with the foundation for the defense of democracies. Right. Its always good to talk with you. We appreciate the analysis. Thank you. Thank you. But the day is almost done, the conversation continues online, youll find this on x or twitter, either dw news, you can follow the red golf tv and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. Well see. You then have the i felt beautiful, happy survived, and we are in the west african country looks clearly on the 20 of the good. I mean, the brutal civil war came to an end time. I was 13 fights and the government all the what we experience is the trauma and in that was the night that i bought great by him estimate that that about 10000 children participated in that we pretend like it didnt happen. The 77 percent next, d w because it was a shipping giant building a gigantic molten through local residents. So wary of the chinese conglomerate some vicious project, which is the zion corruption and environmental destruction, critical voices of being sensitive logo. In 60 minutes, d, w, the limitless freedom of the online young north koreans fled to south korea, where they realize their dreams of becoming social media. To detect is reported a man lives under kim john. But then they disappeared without warning. Need to reach to us as a north korean propaganda video was happened from north korea, which love starts october 25th on d, w. The hello and welcome to another edition of the 77 percent. The show for app because you, im your host live show here is that we have on todays program celebrations and dancing is live slowly returns back to normal in the field. He has to gravely in sierra leone. If the money uh young people how they get over memories of the civil war and on

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