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By militants preparing for their attacks. And here in berlin, thousands attend a rally in support for israel, among them our family and friends of hostages, taken by the american evan stain welcome. Israels military says they will intensify, strikes on gauze, the head of an expected ground offensive. The home off government says more than 50 people were killed overnight and his really attacks. Meanwhile, these really military repeated its warnings for civilians in the north of gaza to move south for their own safety. But israel has also made clear that it plans to continue its been barmans. There is dryly strikes on golf phosphate density of hon. Eunice, a matrix, dress, dozens of wounded to hospital, meet the reports, the district type assigned me neither. You in school, which was coasting, recently displeased, cousins, 7 were killed around 40, wounded the. There were more casualties as if he comes in the middle of the gaza strip. Is dry, the air strikes supposedly get at least 7 dead and wounded dozens more. Including to drink. A home in northern garza was also hit. The b is trying to keep them while they was sleeping innocent children with the father and grandmother. While they was sleeping. What did they do . Do they carry weapons . These are innocent children who know nothing. When movies and weve been in a room for years and people are just watching it straight ones, it would increase it strikes on god. So, as it prepares for above the ground offensive, the who now make it that we will minimize the dangers to have forces in the next stages of the will land from today. Were going to increase their attacks. So i called on the residence of guys, a city specifically to move south for the safety copy that was valued also around gods us border in southern is right. The military build up is supposed to put it straight. It has about to wipe out this. Thomas Specialist Group him us after its due to a storage on his dry, clean, 1400. 00 lights. But the footprint doors has been heavy with more than 4000 people, kate and gaza, so far as the number of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank is also rising, as is really forces increase their rates in the area. Several people were killed one and these really airstrike hit them off compound and the janine refugee camp. Israel says the building was being used by militants to organize new attacks. The Palestinian Health authority says there have been 90 debts in the west bank in the past 2 weeks. Palestinian suited by the aftermath of and his really is a strike. The hit damaging this most compound in jeanine v p g temp. Israel says militants switching from underneath the mosque to plan further. Attacks, neva, its the same meaning local source slate that the time got to ship with the the young people around what time to leave, the neighborhood outside was empty. We heard a sound like, you know, versus they and suddenly there was a strike on the roof of the most up or not. But the gen maam, in the 2nd i, that as advisors were, so taking all the bases of body bought them, let them know strikes on the occupied. We spent a re, a compared to gaza, but is rails will with some of his lead to increased violence here to the palestinian helpful. Tar. She sees dozens of people have been killed over the past 2 weeks. Among them this 19 year old killed and a right my is really services from us. Malaysians dont roll the occupied we spank, but they have support among many residents. His team sions, in violence with some fee of this, could become a new Battle Ground and is rouse war here in berlin. A large rally in solidarity with israel and in support of the Jewish Community in germany is under way thousands have gathered at the i conic brendan for a gauge to show their support. Among them are also friends and family of those who have been taken hostage by hum us on the october 7th terror attacks of left more than 1300. As early as dead german president find fault or stein meyer was among those speaking at the rally. He called for an Immediate Release of all hostages as well for more, we can now speak to dw reporter jared read, who is at the rally underway in berlin. Good to see you, jared. So what were the strongest messages that have come across at the raleigh so far . The mariana that had been just a lot of impassioned messages here today at the riley. We heard from ronnie romano, who is the assist . Uh, ill have one of the hostages, a seat told basically about the anguish that her and her family have been going through since the october 7 mazda attack, and its actually her sisters best day to day. So you see us the crowd to join her in, sing, happy birthday to you. Her sister, id been speaking to a number of people and i guess the over arching mood, i guess is, is one of sadness. Thats why people have come out here today to show you the support. And so the darcy a young woman i spoke to said that she felt compelled to come out because of the historical crimes that germany committed against the jewish people. And thats why she came out today to serve her support an older man i spoke to said that he doesnt necessarily agree with the policies that the current is riley government, but still full of dar seen with israel. And it is rarely people so. So lots of different movies and messages to you today, but i guess the overarching one is one is a sub list. I know, jared, we know that since her moms last, its a tech on israel, and israel has been taking its retaliate, retaliatory attacks on her mazda militants and gaza, all of those casualties in gaza. Were also seeing is a really large increase in anti semitic attacks. Both in germany and other countries in berlin, we just had an attempted fire bombing of a synagogue just a few days ago. So how strong is the Police Presence at this rally today . They see the scenario and there are a lot of police around at this riley and your rice there. There has been increasing Violence Service seems to have mazda attack, a German Authorities say that theyve registered over a 1000 individual crimes. And ever since the homeless attack on october 7th, they have been various didnt ceases, of violence including as you say, a molotov cocktail being trying to waste cultural center. So police have been stepping up their presence and security by rileys like this one. And of course outside jewish institutions in germany, there was the definitely was derrick lead reporting from the israel stella dairy raleigh under wayne ruben. Jareds, thank you so much. Well, a 2nd aid convoy is sent to enter a garza from egypt as follows, a batch of 20 trucks carrying emergency aid for gaza crossing the border on saturday. The roof off crossing temporarily reopened. After days of you and let negotiations, agencies say the supplies that had arrived so far are nowhere near enough for the besieged territory. As israel continues, it strikes finally, trucks moving through the roof, a crossing height, as after 2 weeks of a tightly sealed border aid workers say its just the 1st step and the on the set of nice things. Today we received around 20 trucks of a lot. Of course, this number is not in any way sufficient to cover the humanitarian needs in gaza. And then since theres a humanitarian crisis in the strip, the deteriorating conditions require a lot more than aid. First, the aggression on gaza has to and then the rebuilding and because it can begin and the humanitarian situation of the population has to be improved with the seeing what an incentive then this volunteers into by gathered food Hygiene Products and medical supplies to send to gaza the as carlos damien is living here, were volunteering to come together and help each other to deliver a message to the people of gauze and tell them that we whole heartedly support them and that were praying for them. And hopefully the aid will reach them. God willing to give me enough, dw, spoke to the un humanitarian coordinator, who says much more as needed. Yes, it will make a difference to those few people who do receive, but its a drop in the bucket. What we are calling for is a stain increasing daily deliveries of Going Forward in the next period. So these 20 trucks, yes, welcome start, but not nearly enough. Negotiations on more and deliveries are ongoing, but its unclear when any agreement will be reached. Nor show off is humanitarian policy advisor for ox fam. In the middle east, she told us more about the situation on the ground and concept. A 2 3rd are telling us how its a complete humanitarian catastrophe and has the they have no food. They have no water, they have no fuel. And this is a good thing to an extent the critic could situation where is to put or not receiving it needs it, reduced, there will be more and more casualties. There will be more and more. Thus, there will be a public cause outbreak, m a so that as long as the wind guard ment does not stop and because we will be seeing more casualties. Our colleagues, some of us are telling us how they are having to move from one place to another, continuously being displaced, not being able to find safety. Theyre not being able to find food at the bakeries. Theyre not being able to find what can alter to a or food to feed their children. This is the situation for or the cause, and its not only for our colleagues, so without, without too many terry and aids without a ceasefire. Thats with that. Now theres too many during aids to be uninterrupted, on and on unimpeded. We will not be able to support the people of florida. And how does the un and other organizations that provide aid in gauze . Im make sure that this aid is not being diverted to come off fighters. A bee has been awesome in other organizations like oaks on has been working inside. So for a very long time, we have very robust mechanisms that ensure very strict Due Diligence process sees that to ensure working with the established local partners. And thats tough mechanisms that allow for 8 to go where its supposed to go. Well, after repeated warnings from israel, we know that hundreds of thousands of people have been fleeing from northern gaza to the south. And yet the idea of has told us have plans to continue striking targets in the south. So where can people go to find safety . There is no safe place unless the isnt people who are saying to the south are telling us that they are consent to the follow the with bombardment constance, the hearing the air strikes around them and our colleagues who we, we do not have as much access to as we had before, communication is becoming much, much more difficult, but theyre telling us that they dont know if they are next. They are afraid that they would be the next jobs as theyre putting it. This is a very difficult situation for everyone, unless its ne, fire is and place immediately on nowhere with the states, unless the people who continue to die and people will continue to be displaced from one place to another. That was nora show our policy advisor for ox him in the middle east. Thank you so much. I. If youre watching the double you news coming to from berlin, a quick reminder now of our top stories. Israel says it will intensify, strikes on northern gauze on to protective troops. I had a ground offensive, military spokesman repeated warnings for civilians to move south. Despite the ongoing is really bombardments of air. Thousands of people in berlin are rallying and a show of support trees around among them, our friends and family of those have been taken hostage by him off on the tober 7th terror attack. That also left more than 1300 is really instead youre up to date on definitely news for me and the entire news team in berlin. Thanks for the company. The kids taking a scene in the middle of the dash of the current and sasha organizing reconstruction to the beach. But its getting cold. The volunteers out winning when to freeze the mission,

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