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On a beach and the care of in the world can seem blissfully calm and peaceful and harmony with himself. But deep down, were well aware that theres something fundamentally wrong with the world, a growing wrist, leading to divided Global Society who we are and what we can become or questions that are still decided by where we come from our gender and the color of our skin my name is emilio white. Im a political scientist and writer and im committed to the 5 for justice accompanying me on my journey is Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and a major thinker on the issues of equality and human rights. But also by no means unproblematic figure. What can jefferson tell us today . And what, what adjust the world and the 21st century looked like the over 3 centuries ago, the age of enlightenment began, bringing with the progress, reese and human rights. Today these achievements are risk. Do we need a new enlightenment for the 21st century . The, ive been invited to a conference in berlin to speak about the subject of feminism. I often get asked to appear on tv talk shows when they feature racism and injustice, especially since the publication of my book, why we matters the now. Were then as my home now, but i was born and raised near paris. I started in new york and london was a researcher in new york and worked in cambodia, tons in the antonio. As i look around the world today, the issue of inequality seems to be attracting, growing public attention. This is under your, our here because we can see a system with fundamental problem. One thing and the fluid us be courageous and not afraid. Liberation is an uncomfortable process. Then lets sees the opportunity provided by the current chaos to bring about a profound transformation for every one time so much. So in china, 300 years ago, during the age of enlightenment, the world was also be set by chaos and face calls for a radical change for justice, a quality and liberty, and a central figure. Amid those developments with an alignment thinker, Thomas Jefferson, boone into a wealthy plan to family in virginia. Thomas jefferson would become a t architects of american democracy in 1776. 00, which is 33. 00. There was a lead in the making, highly skilled attorney and politician who spoke several languages with american calling the war with the push crown. He was tossed constructing a formal declaration of independence in the process of painting the revolutionary woods. We hold these truths to be self evident to the old man, created a quote. The declaration also stated that the people will have the right to embellish the government that denied them nice try. The Thomas Jeffersons demand for equal rights for man was a utopian vision, and this remains. So even now, in the 21st century, people are not born with equal rights and opportunities. Why are we still so far away from jeffersons idea . The some humans that go see that more equal than others. The disparity between wilson poverty is rising in a way that has never risen before any quantity has enormously increased. When i think of great source of the discontent and the discomfort that is running through the world today has very much to do with the new guns constant. Cala photography and absolutely key issue is the distribution of wealth. Whether we share in the tie is at least as important as whether we will have an out of the fog of it and they can come here at the base of the palace in berlin. I attended a forum on the future of democracy hosted by the german president among the guests. Steven pinker, an american psychologist. And one of the most high profile champions of the in light of human will be when he has a surprisingly positive stats that things for humanity. Ive actually been getting progressively better people often call me up to this because i have tried to document human progress. The fact that over the last 250 years, our lives have gotten longer and healthier, we become better educated. Poverty has been reduced a talk or see has fallen or has fallen. Crime has fallen natural accidents of disease have been reduced as long as if i have an optimistic, temperamental, or overall world view. But i was persuaded by data that surprised me as much as they now surprise my readers just by any measure of human well being. When you actually look at it over time, you see that there, there has been progress. The how are you in for you . How is it . Yes. Yeah. Stephen painter is the author of a well known book titled enlightenment now using suicide on metrics. He argues that since the age of enlightenment and practically all areas of life, things have essentially been headed in one direction, up, a ceaseless then makes them a most welcome guest for head to state the center for intersection. Well just say, what i love about his books is how he reinforces hope for enlightenment and reason. People who believe the world will only get worse, tends not to intervene or take action lessons out of they want me to, but has it really been such a Success Story . And if so, does progress necessarily mean greater justice in the world . I set out on a journey to compare the narrative of the enlightenment as a project of progress, with reality, a journey following in the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson and also through my own Family History itself a story of division. My father is white and comes from a jewish algerian family. My mother is black and is from left to meet an island in the caribbean and a French Overseas territory, the jews. Yeah. John, to solve f safe estimate, theyll say its because this guy just young, declaimed, couldnt be found, as ill say its for mentor. This could as just now doing, but its, you vastly got to the engine, but as you have courtesy, last hong kong had officer, should the men see it as to why they havent . How should she said the homepage . So i got a the most unique is an island of inequality, home test, small number of privileged white people with the majority of the population, living with scott, access to social participation and economic opportunity. 7000 kilometers away from paris. The islands capital for the phones is a caribbean city, that still feels like a european colony. The streets of those 4 to france are named after a white man with the disparity of power. So mentioned into the colonial architecture. Its bizarre, the the fannie not be the most of that. Thats a one sort of yeah. So as it sounds like, you know, thats known as that i went out with my p on a little boat trip. She grew up in a working class area of fall defaults. As a poet, she tries to find words to describe all thats been going wrong and mass to meet for centuries. For might be just as begins with language. Because to fight in justice, you 1st need to put it into words it gives you to of course, what motivates you to write your problem. So, do you have any political motivations behind your work . Yes, it is the power to the people, a lot of apples to them. And of course, at a point it did come through militarism dont is especially with my mind to this have to be political in a place like face and then which is to this. What motivates me is being used to the well luckily, and i believe that my poetry could contribute to invest a few about my boy is this your Football Team here also remember . Yeah, yeah, book wonder theres a lot of talk you right now about potential institutional changes about the colonialism that didnt exist on the last sociate in the way to Shape Society and how the people could read a few power task. Um, sometimes i feel like crying because i feel so power the power to ship it to ship. Perhaps my words can help to touch the hearts of people with the power to change things politically and institutionally, while myself and so i speak out on behalf of the place where i live, hold up a hold of think, show the what was your history . I should be quite as loves on im but i love to, im militant with political feminist words that empower categor swap. Yes, real quick shows. I say i got i will now more but still to ask, given our situation with all history, i believe that the people who has committed the injustices in our country must take the share of responsibility. Josephine call us up out of the school setting. Anything. Yeah. So, you mean friends . Absolutely. Im talking about francis responsibility for crimes against humanity for slavery, the concluding manufactured of the present shipped by europes colonial past. Because theres still a dependence, an economic dependency, you know, in recruiting friends kind of a, found a way to keep themselves in the game. The crimes committed by france on matching the date back to the 18th century. It is indeed absurd. While the philosophers of the enlightenment convened in their settle to discuss equality and human rights, white landowners were exploiting the labor of slaves from africa, force to toil away on cotton and tobacco plantations. Under the most brutal conditions. Thomas jeffersons plantations in virginia employed hundreds of slights quite the contradiction this enlightenment sco repeatedly called slavery a model. The prophecy get profited greatly from the practice was still after the premature death of his wife, martha. Jefferson began a lifelong sexual relationship with his slight Sally Hemmings something she could never truly consent to by todays standards, right. He was in his mid forties and make those even 16 jefferson, like the 406 children with the oh, officially slaves. But he publicly decry the institution of slavery. There, there are problems with the lot with, with the like that, you know, that the, many of the writers of the, like, meant with, i mean, racially prejudiced themselves. And yes, its connected to the idea of colonialism. And yes, there was a belief with western values was so naturally superior that they could be just exported to the world and the world should be grateful for them. You know, and thats those, thats a problematic position. A much of the world will now tell you so i can get very angry when people dismiss the enlightenment because they say it was euro centric or the light been invented . The idea that youre a centrism is a problem. The white men, sinkers, were the 1st people to insist that you were peons. Look elsewhere in thinking about human nature. And they often risk their lives for it in 2020 active as from left to each, tore down the statue of a white colonial era. French official, it was one of many monuments to slave traders, explores kings and president s linked to colonial rule and crimes that were toppled that some slavery was especially abolished on matching the can 1848. The island 12 is still in the hands of the descendants of white european settlers and former slave owners. The king as their no locally constitute a small minority controlled the majority of the islands economy. A major symbol of this new colonialism is a carcinogenic pesticide called florida. Cone. Fields and rivers were left contaminated through its wide spread deployment by plantation owners over the course of several decades. Even long after it had been banned in france itself. Over 90 percent of the islands population have traces of glory to cone in their blood. Mount unique has one of the highest rates of Prostate Cancer in the world. The nurse, as a musician, and a member of a collective that organizes protests, blockades and demonstrations against the french government. What big families, and the powerful banana lobby responsible for poisoning the land. The for nice and his fellow active is request for justice begins with rebellion and directory assistance. Let me see, can you pull the same individuals responsible for the use and the sale of quoted code on month and 8 is now on the big supermarket chains and wholesale industry show they have you can only control here and they also on the land, it will be magical for pick up on totally going to be they not being held accountable for the legacy of injustice from colonialism. Which is why were taking a stand to ensure that justice is done in a couple of weeks you. Because of what you say, dont pay reparations for what theyve done and pay back the money they owe us. Then we dont want them anything, anything in their sleep. Im not going to be legend. Okay, you like a baby. You begin faces with the most you and what, how far i just wanna have to go and how radical does one have to continue to be to achieve that, go ahead done. So these are just reverse system. The system, like these typically creates processes that maintain the status, quoting so it might, for example, to meet non violent resistance, but at the same time itself take violent action against the population. Once the power structure within the system becomes that a symmetrical response, likewise has to be a symmetrical with us. And so radicalism and polarization become a necessity in order for us to get results on the back end. If its less upon the go, see, as you will go look at least is nothing negotiations. In the case of quoted con, back in the 19 seventys farm workers, hilde large scale strikes cooling. First off to the use of the pesticide, let them move it. They negotiated in vain and youth and nicholas 40 years later with phasing a Health Crisis that will be with us for another 700 is call us up and go through because you cant negotiate with someone who doesnt consider you. Theyre re quote it funny because it is an over the goal is to get them back up and theyve got what we have to figure out is how do we remove those . Some powers that prevent people and, and communities to live lives with dignity, and ensuring that human rights. 1799, Thomas Jefferson was a witness to the french revolution was serving as the us some past due to paris. He knows that the cutting off heads is becoming so much a mood that one is up to feel of the morning with their own is on their shoulders. But we are not to expect to be translated from despotism, sensitivity, inexpensive. But jefferson found himself involved offering advice to the would be reformers among them. His friend, lucky to lafayette, with the jeffersons helped and left by a pen the declaration of the rights of mind. And the citizen which was paused by the new French National constituent assembly. In august, 1799 article one minute boone and remained free and equal in right. The paris is the city that connects me to Thomas Jefferson. I grew up and went to school in one of its suburbs. My sister and father are the only members of my family still living here. Whenever im in town, i stay with the cables. Shes a car geologist at a paris hospital and normally goes to work early in the morning. But today theres time for us to enjoy a french breakfast together. And friends, women like us who are born to black mother and a white father are called mid cheese or mixed race. We grew up used to terminology like this, together with race of slogans at school, at the workplace, and even in our own family, the the searching for content change orders, it takes down. Youre gonna make him. I remember this time back when i was a med student in turn, when one of my classmates asked a girlfriend of mine a question. She didnt know the answer, but i did. And he said, im not listening to you. You have no idea. When i asked him why he looked at me and said that because or black or that was really hard and i said, im sure he was joking. But it shows how unaware he was of the potential impact of his words. How comments like that can harm people that get caustic of this and the concept . Yes. If its a form of violence, ill see you. Yes it is. And in the medical world, things are already difficult enough. Kennedy is interested in demos the i tomorrow im off to see crowned out and did to talk to him about his political views. What do you think about that is almost the brave of you the my grandfather lives in a small village in the north of france, far away from cosmopolitan like jump. Yeah, lag is my dads father. And now 91 years old, the child of colonizers and raised in a family of all jerry and spaniards. It constitutes an error solvable conflict. For me, he was always very loving towards us as black granddaughters, while at the same time expressing races sentiments. He became involved in the far right phone us tonight after is on the he looked then became leader of the party now called the some of them on us. You know, the, to the uh oh, you mean just the worst of all this is for the preventative. Oh yeah, that is the most and my grandfather spend many years in africa and tyria the Central African republic and cookies law. But always saw things through the eyes of a colonial life. For him, other cultures, especially african or era, were inferior. Let us whom and plus plus the federal government. If so, grandad, for a number of years, you were an activist with the phone, us to not much of them is, could you both go, who was, it wasnt easy to, to know. I was too busy working to be an act available at the meeting that you ran for them and elections, who identified with their manifesto. Yes, liver. The whole of what do you see is the biggest problems in society today. What role do you see . No little by little the borders or disappear a 40 f t p. Eventually there will be none. Hear me. No more in the world will be one of the sales people more than once. The boarders are all gone. Yeah, all of the races will mix the last. Uh huh. The, the races will mix meaning. Well, jody, he said, yeah, its allianz, the spaniards, the lebanese, the british and the americans only all mixing together and the laws and then creates conflict. So. So if you think hopefully mm hm. What are the, what about me . Im a mix to the way, but yes, but thats not the same. So, but in the middle of you come from a french territory to the, to a whole, youre not from a foreign one. To be up at the ok go, what does it mean to be french zone to . I suppose this is judy, its somebody who was born in france and lives there key to the old school. Dont have it. So if someone from senegal, algeria, or morocco and their grades here, or from cambodia, then theyre french to see full say, the buffalo civil, and it was not necessarily before they dont live like french people, both, youll do a lot from the moment foreigners arrive in france they need sound reasons for settling their holes. You can bug, they can just come over here. Oh, if you play come here to work me. See . But if there are folks who dont want to get a job, either here, then we shouldnt let them stay. Well, you, me put it on there, but its kind of a still a part of you still trust to solve the problems youre talking about your father . Yes. You, of course. Yes. You. Yes you, if you do me, it is. And if they were elections tomorrow, if one, and they get a lot of a book go to google vote, party gives priority to french. People should look just like you and your own home. You put your children 1st to as well. You cant make that comparison tables yourself, but see that in a family of your own children always take priority. Theres also its your family stuff. I mean it would be the last time i saw my grandfather. He died from cove it a few months after my visit as fond as we were of each other. We were strangers in terms of our outlook on the world. For him, borders seem to be a god given thing for him and training so called racial purity. But seen historically, theyre the exact opposite. Continually changing and often arbitrarily drawn lines that stakeouts sovereignty claims and keep people artificially separate at the Founding Fathers of the United States, but determined to enlarge, stay young nations to treat when Thomas Justin was sworn in. Is this the president a nice, you know, one, the country was just a fraction of its current territory on the jefferson, the school diplomats, the us expanded westward is most remarkable achievement of securing a huge fringe controlled colonial. Tell the truth of the bargain price of 15000000. 00. The Louisiana Purchase sold the country nearly double in size, but there was a lose inside the indigenous population to relax and finally displaced in force to live on this new territory. Many people suffice its an old debate that never goes away. Who gets to come in and who has to leave . Who belongs and who doesnt . And both the us and your on the one hand enlightened europe proudly proclaims its commitment to universal human rights. While at the same time erecting fences along this external borders and interning ordinary individuals and camps, year of the continent of the enlightenment, the ceiling itself off to secure domestic stability is the you failing to deliver on its proclaimed universal right. We are convinced that each human being or has a solemn dignity that can never be touched independent with this individual does come from i. Theres nothing that we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. I having to repeat the very same speeches we gave a year ago. So now we can say its not the full but the 5th winter in which children are having to live in on he to him. But the campaign moria burned to the ground on and the people in both in the hudson gulf enough, and now suffering respecting the little means in forcing it to this. And thats what i expected the European Commission into for them. And if the parliament too serious about this, it should launch an inquiry to get to the bottom of all these incidents. Its in. There is something about all the things that we need to talk about money to us versus entropy goes to with some concepts, some of the human beings. So the human was supposed to be the pin of the west person and the entropy assist. Awesome being. So the idea of the migrant, they seem to janiella, jumped onto a horse that also being which is not really human enough. And thats why you can treat them, you know, i smoke 250 years after Thomas Jefferson, the idea of equality and unalienable rights remains precarious. Men are created equal perhaps in certain groups. But others are considered inferior simply for being different or other maybe the enlightenment is not the Success Story that has brought us only progress over the last 3 centuries. The unlike the 19th century and people like cable and marks, the enlightenment never believes that progress was necessary and inevitable. It only believed that it was possible. That was a new idea, progresses in our hands and that means so is rigorous. Its up to us. Over the course of my journey, i keep thinking of stephen painter. And this idea of us having had nothing but improvement since the enlightenment, which from me seems a worthy topic of debate. Hi stephen. Really . Yeah. Hi. This is how are you . Very good to you. Yeah, good. Has he been involved in so far so good. Yeah. And for fascinating city, im still working history. I spend a day accompanying this defender of the enlightenment around berlin and have a few questions for him. Could it be that pinker has a somewhat one sided view of human kinds of progress in the last 2 and a half centuries . An admitted certain parts of the world. Perhaps hes forgotten how hard people in social movements have had to fight for progress. Seems to be the easiest i progress as an organic natural process . No, i havent. I thats not the way i think of it actually, but i mean at least judging from the book, this is, you know, so we see the graphs and we see that done where a curse. But theres little to be said about how the wind down. Well, i dont think of progress as an organic process. I think its a large we have productivity enlightment of the idea that we can use knowledge to advance human flourishing. And to the extent that we try to implement enlightenment, ideal slight reason and science and humanism, then progress can go forward, but it certainly doesnt happen by itself. And of course, there have been times in history where, where mass movements have been essential to process progress. You also criticize movement, social Justice Movements, and the less, you know, for being progress. So folk or Something Like progressive progressive fallback that progressive phobic. Um, but if it wasnt for them and you know, the, the, the liberation movements, the social Justice Movements struggles that have contributed to a lot of progress. And it seems that so what well do seeing the plate, im all in favor of social justice and social Justice Movements. If they are driven by the lightning and commitments to individual rights. Its the principles are for your light and that justify be pushed back against government oppression. Because an important of light in principle was that governments are there to serve the interest of the people who we look back a couple of 100 years. Weve had a handful of democracies now, a majority of countries in more democratic than autocratic and the majority of the worlds population. Most of the countries that are more democratic than autocratic. And this is a fulfilling and enlightenment ideal. And its continuing to be committed to that idea over at energizing this movements against government depression and today is august is the work of humans. And theres also the question of who profits from it. Ringback according to the figures, only a small minority of us, while the 1000000000 areas of our planet enjoyed a more than 50 percent increase in their wealth during the pandemic. In the same period over 150000000 additional people around the world has been affected by hunger. Lets this out. What is poverty adjusted for inflation and cost of living for a country . 2. 15 a day . Is the world bank indicator, a lot of anthropologist say that number is far too low. If you want to base your definition of poverty on having a dignified existence in society, and that could mean from a 7 to even 15. 00 a day to speak with us. And then with those figures in mind, we have over 4000000000 People Living in poverty. That puts this Success Story in a very different light enough. Ours. One of the biggest issues facing the world today is economic inequality. A question that decides which people are even able to participate in society who has the opportunity and the right to have a feeling life and who doesnt. What answers to the 21st century, some light and thinkers, half the we could think of a very small tax that a we citizen of the rich countries which they in order to support the poor countries. We should think of the system of taxation on the global level and not only on a national level, but a target store. Yeah. When you look at taxes, its important to ask what kind of instrument they are. Weve gotten used to a narrative of the state taking away something from citizens, a bureaucratic monster controlling people in order to feed itself them, its a fit that of english is. Yeah. But when you look at taxes, theres a Regulatory Framework that is defined by our social contract while digging on that because thats how its set, talk on site. So we said that those who get a lot of also give a bigger share back, ill go some tired. So look game so that were able to pay jointly for infrastructure, security, education, and health, etc. A time for our taxes. In fact, the ultimate tool of light in men for ensuring justice. Do we need a Global Compensation mechanism that takes from the richest and gives to the poorest . In an effort to get multinational corporations to pay up and 2021136 countries agreed to a minimum global taxation rate. All companies would be required to pay at least 15 percent in taxes regardless of where they make their profits. But its so much point to such moves if there are always loophole somewhere, enabling those to avoid such taxes. One of the principal backers of the global minimum tax rate was german chancellor and former finance minister will laugh shots, who as himself faced accusations of having been involved in the biggest tax related scandal in german history. The in from this come ex, case was uncovered by a multinational media partnership, coordinated by the german non profit news room cause like teeth. Its journalists discovered that a gang of bankers and lawyers, cheated tax payers around the world to the tune of at least 100. 00 in 50000000000. 00 euros through refunds of taxes. They never paid. One such come x still involve german base formats, spunk and starch about high profile. Politicians were also implicated in the scandal. Comics is the perfect example of this injustice in our taxation systems. A small group who already have plenty enriching themselves at the expense of society. Money that was sorely needed for schools, hospitals, nursing staff and caregivers because its an attack on somebody coverage, you know, and thats something that is a little bit abstract. I feel like many people dont really know what happened and that that was no public outreach. Do you think it has to do with the people who are involved in the screams and that they do not correspond to the typical image that we have of criminals . Before publishing this investigation, we asked our ritas, how would they define qu, megs on one pass and, and so it also tells us the house and on so can come back to so i think thats exactly the deficient. And the thing that, thats, that gives us an answer to your question. And thats exactly the thing the, a well dressed, a come from good to university is the a part of the ellipse. What i wanted to, to, to avoid is disclose vacation. Mm hm. Like okay, yeah, you know, he was such a small guy, they are also geniuses. Do you know, come up with the formula to rob us all. I think. Ok. Im sorry. No, i mean they are criminals. What do you think is particularly wrong with our respect system that low is as well so to pose and such scandals . To happen . Or, i think the main problem is that you have 2 parts. There are not equal talking about the quantity. So the problem to prosecute is the authorities operates on a national level, was criminals, upper rates, and across for the level. So if and, and the general persecutors want to investigate something in the netherlands, they have to stop at the vote and ask me a call x to to, to do that. It takes time. They have a lot of limitations in terms of which kind of information they can share because the privacy laws and they put the needs to rethink the way they, they, they fight against this kind of a fraud with justice stops on the board and clean and then criminality troubles all over the walls in every country. People try to avoid tax is people dont really understand why taxes are important in our society. How can you explain that . I mean its, it has to do with this misconception with what the taxes off for the reason why taxes have this. But a bad image is because a lot of politicians in the system labeling themselves and they go through that has to be removed like youre going to law. And this message is, is really undermine and, you know, the, the social role of texas, texas, of that to make it was the site is fed more equal. I mean, thats what its under talk from my point of view almost every day. Because is this, this, this new liberal idea that if you are not doing good in life, is because you, this of it, im sorry, so a lot of people who are born and in, under m and social conditions or, or with, with any kind of, of, of limitations that dont allow them to be equal, and thats why, you know, text is all full. Text is where an explosive issue back in Thomas Jeffersons time to no taxation without representation. The railings quiet those findings to us independence itself. It was time they stopped paying taxes to the british crown. The line during Founding Fathers also had their own financial interests in mind. Many of them needed slavery to prevail. Without it, the plantations would collapse. Thomas jefferson was in any case facing mounting this, leaving beyond his mains and spending profit. This amounts of money on the sofa and porcelain off an expensive one. Ironically, jeffersons face would later, during the tooth on the bill, the like so many other islands in the worlds oceans, monique is, and especially grave danger from rising sea levels. Another manifestation of inequality with the wealthiest 10 percent of the global population responsible for almost half of carbon emissions. Its those contributing the lease to the Climate Crisis who will suffer the most to see the glasses. These are moving to the body shop where the Thomas Jefferson have to say about economic and environmental inequality. If you were us president , today about the staggering wealth of a few contrasting with extreme poverty of others. I see you is prepared to celebrate the 15th, and of the 3 of the declaration of independence. In 1826 jeffersons health was to tilio racing. He was unable to attend the fest to the teeth in washington. What do you do to actually to addressing the issue of human rights . The mass of mankind has not been going to settles on their backs, nor a favorite feud, boosted in supposed, ready to ride the ship, us and dod shortening off to whats on july. The 4th Independence Day he left behind a tremendous political legacy. As well as the sizable mountain of debt is the face of virginia together with his slaves had to be sold for most useful surviving children with Sally Hemmings, however, she had negotiation for the children to be freed, upon reaching the age of 21 or his dis, they was settled for the moment when they moved as free citizens the ultimate lee, Thomas Jefferson to was just another person full of contradictions. Westlake where he was at odds with his ideas. It was the foundation of us economic model. But his ideas still pose a challenge, not least to the privilege of our world. And what kind of a world would it be if all of us really were born equal and endowed with inalienable rights without borders where people could travel to where they want a World Without hunger. Because every human being has the opportunity and right to have a fulfilling life. One with the colonial crimes and environmental destruction. For this kind of world, we dont need a new enlightenment. We just have to put its ideas into practice. The montenegro is deal with china. For some, its the building project of the century. For others, its an ecological entity to nomic catastrophe. Prestige project highway, built and financed by trying estate owns the company. Will this work out for months in 30 minutes on the w. Prejudices, stereotypes, to shape, to west the ease of africa. How do we change that as the adults do, may can mean, says congress, these creations, together they know the contradictory nature of these euro centric attitudes and how these beliefs can be changed. Stop fooling us. In 19 minutes, d, w, the we are all set and were watching closely. We all seem to bring you the story behind the news. We rolled about unbiased information for 3 months. Done the, this is dw news life from berlin, the 1st emergency age conroy entrance casa 20 trucks carried food, walter and medicines, the besieged post and in territory. But a, to let the agency say the deliveries are nowhere near. And now also ahead of the summit in cairo, and besides the agreement as regional on western nations tried to stop the israel home us complex from escalating into a wider war the

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