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Find a way to prevent a wider or regional or the Mariana Evans dean. Thanks for joining me. The rough on Border Crossing between egypt and gaza has reopened for humanitarian aid. And vehicles are entering the palestinian territory with vital supplies. These pictures are from the egypt side of the roof of crossing, which is the only entry point into the territory from outside is realm. The crossing has reopened in the past few hours and a humanitarian. A convoy has entered into gaza carrying food, water, and medicine of foreigners who have been waiting to leave the enclave have also gathered at the border. Its not known how long the crossing will remain open while the night of nations has warned that the Health System in gaza is on the brink of collapse. I asked lin hastings to you and humanitarian coordinator in the post and in territories is 20 trucks with age can make any difference. Yes, it will make a difference to those few people to do receipt, but its a drop in the bucket. What we are calling for is a dean increasing daily deliveries of Going Forward in the next period. So these 20 trucks, yes. Welcome start. But not nearly enough. Can you perhaps walk us through the process of mediation that led to the reopening of the roof of Border Crossing . So i know the talks were going for quite a long time. Why did it take so long . But part of the reason the course is because theres a number. Busy of different parties involved is really the egyptians, the partners who are trying to deliver to military assistance, various member, other member states, etc. So theres a lot, as i say, different parties who are involved and thats a big part of the issue. Another part of the issue, of course, is every member state or party has some of their own interests um, but also just different requirements, etc, which really needs it to be settled. And unfortunately, because you, mandatory and assistance should be on condition. And what about those who hold foreign passports and the thousands were waiting to leave gauze on . Could they be allowed to leave at some point in the next couple of hours . I dont know. There are many, many rumors around again, theres a number of different parties who are involved and that we meet consent there, safety and security issues, of course involved. And again, each members state has a different methodology in terms of dealing with their own National Staff at the United Nations. We are hoping to be able to get some non essential staff out. But we also want to be bringing in other staff to replace those people who have been in guys are under very, very difficult circumstances. So they can rotate. And so that we bring in new staff who have are, are exhausted yet, and will be able to contribute and support the Ongoing Operations as we stay and deliver or un secretary general is among those who are calling for a ceasefire. What can you tell us about efforts to achieve this . So weve been calling for is monitoring seats fire for several days now. Its needed for us to be able to deliver assistance. Without it, we do have other mechanisms called a notification system whereby we informed the current parties that were trying to move. But what we really need is a humanitarian ceasefire to be able to deliver assistance to where people are. That was the un assistant secretary general lynn hastings. Thank you so very much for speaking to us at dw, thanks very kareem algo laurie is a journalist based in cairo and he told us more about the impact of the a deliveries in gaza. The one white is detained and that is that theyre only allowed 20 trucks to come in. This is the agreement and to now it seems like the trucks already entered on the other side, a no unload, it was forklift this on to smaller trucks. It was in the gaza strip into then be distributed, but the we talking about the 20 trucks for 2300000 people. It really, if it is just already said that this is a drop in the ocean, you need to know that you and its saying that it needs about a 100 trucks of the in order to keep bring the most necessary items into the gaza strip. And before the war and there was already is there any locates limited located where they there were 450 trucks coming every day to cover. So just you understand the relationship of 20 trucks. This is why know the, the moment the 1st 20 trucks enter the discussion started that, of course, that needs to be a more sustainable and the amount and big amount of 8 thats coming in. As he sent mentioned, theres hundreds of trucks waiting with the size of the jeeps, the size in order to enter. But they didnt know is no agreement between egypt is really about to for the each company is International Leaders are in egypt for a summit and the conflict between israel and palestine and militant groups more than 20 prime ministers for ministers and regional leaders are attending the meeting in cairo is aimed at the escalating the conflict and providing humanitarian aid for civilians in the gaza strip. The conference is being hosted by each of the president s of jo thoughts. Ill cc as well at the summit is german 4 minister and elena bare. Bach called for a new piece process in the middle east, leading an independent palestinian state next to an independent state of israel. Heres what she had to say to mr. President for a gathering asset here in egypt. And this really and father, whose eyes uh, sort of crying whose wife and 2 little daughters has been brutally objected quite homeless terrace. Mazda in garza who is desperate for sorrow with sorrow because she can find Drinking Water for her little baby, fearing that the violence would cost well with dems, for other family members, family and 11, and who is worried about the violence escalating to her country. Across the region, we see terrible human grief and fear. And let me be very clear. There is no doubt all civilian lies. Meta just the same. And let me be also clear, the cost of all the suffering of these past weeks, the suffering that brings us here today, the suffering of the little girls, the mother of the families, had a name. It was how most the brought to run this terror over at you spread on october 7th, committing atrocious friends like any another country in the world is right and has the right to defend itself and to protect its people against this terrible, within the framework of International Law thats why the German Government strongly stands in solidarity was useful. For germany, the security of the state of east road is non negotiable. What is also clear is that the perpetrators of this terra do not speak for the post union people. They speak only for themselves, they speak the language of terror. The post union mothers and fathers in gaza, struggling to find Drinking Water for the children. Do not speak the language of terror. That brothers and sisters in the west bank, in jordan, or in lebanon, who are afraid of regional escalation, do not speak the language of terror. We hear in this room do not speak that language. We speak the language of International Law, of unity of peaceful co existence. Thats what unites us. In this sense, i appeal to everyone to stand up against terrorism. I appeal to everyone to distinguish between terrorist and the civilian population at all times. And i appealed to everyone to not fan the flames of hatred because that is exactly what, how much and this ones those want to risk further reach, you know, escalation to divides us. This terrace plan must not play out. That is why the fight against some us must be carried out with the greatest possible consideration for the human and terry and situation. For the innocent men, women and children in gaza. That is also why we must not now join. Please step up. Our efforts to help those most in each gemini has increased its human and sharing a to god. 6 by 50000000. 00 euros to we encourage all this including from the region to join this cost a some ive already announced to do so. It is crucial, stepping up our humanitarian goods. It is crucial that humanitarian goods can now go into java via russell. And i would like to think you the chip shouldnt governments and us partners, as well as the United Nations for your efforts in this. But we know that more help will be needed to evaluate the suffering. And im glad that here in this room, we agree that ultimately this region needs a new piece process that will allow bose is released en, palestinians to live peacefully and securely side by side in the 2 independent states. This may sound far away today, but only adjust its lost in solution. Would also mean the all too much defeat from us and its playbook, which is based on a complete rejection of human energy of diplomacy. The object its, its really goals. The mother in gaza. The families and 11 on the need us know they need as the International Community to speak the language of humanity to call of the and for some analysis im joined in the studio once again by the double use of shani. Rosanna is shiny. So listening to the remarks from the german 4 minister on a bare bach. Um, who do you think her remarks were primarily intended for . Well, the 1st and foremost audience for this specific summit, this the ad world. And weve been seeing in the last 2 weeks, a lot of back and forth about whether the moderate partners in the world for a Strong Enough to condemn her, must have some of them have some of them having some friends been very uh, you know, gentle with we know just being against coming from both sides and shes trying to make a statement very much directly at the or im saying 1st of all we understand that the blood is blood. Its not a jewish but isnt worth more than our blood. We are against bloodshed period and you know, she appeals to the sick to keep dignity and humanity for all try and maybe to, you know, correct them the, the, the messages have been heard this week. It always seemed bite. And in this real quite, you know, an equivocal, unprecedented support, you know, an american president traveling to israel at time of a conflict actively going cap conflict. And shes trying to say we here, we see the suffering, but still at the same time, but to make a difference, a difference between the tourist. Those were breaking all the rules, all the, you know, possible ideas of how we conduct yourself and kind of conflict. And you know, the legitimate concerns that we have for the palestinians for this opportunity and so on. Well, the summit is bringing together representatives from the era world and also from the west. But you know, the key players such as the United States did not send any senior representatives to this meeting. And not surprisingly, israel is also not participating. So what can this gathering achieve . Will there be any kind of concrete . What steps . Oh, also missing or how much you know, this is also part of the problem were in israel does not think its time for negotiations to with the mood now among Decision Makers and in the public a such that they are not interested in any a ceasefire. Any compromise any negotiations. So this is the, is really side how mazda is such that is not open for dallas, nobody, nor will the, theres so many motor in the countries that, you know, publicly in such a for him with it. Um, can they achieve something . The goal is to maybe aim for a humanitarian ceasefire that will allow to bring more aid, which is top concern for the countries that as, as weve seen and may be bringing some sort of new release of more, you know, hostages held in gaza. And weve seen already how much is open today idea by the release of a to a women, a mother and a daughter with american citizens if they were released overnight. So that could maybe be something that, you know, realistically, can be achieved. One more points we need to keep in mind when we hear everybody speaking in the score of an in cairo is the fear of the liquidation as they said, of the palestinian problem does a sphere, the collecting policy and risk which is out of the cause of a

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