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Civilian age for guys asked of me, thing with the is really lead is foreign minister on a line of to have a haunts, a catastrophic humanitarian situation. The phil guy a welcome to the program, un secretary general, antonio botanist has visited the rafa Border Crossing between egypt and gaza, holding for it to be reopened, to allow a to reach palestinians. Gaza is facing shortages of fuel food and medicines. The u. S. Has more than 2000000 people on at risk of dehydration and bought a boat diseases. A laurie securing up at the border, but not being allowed into the territory. Un says 100 truckloads a day needed just a good terrorist and the difficult situation required. Extraordinary humanitarian mattress, and unfortunately this is not a normal email. Instead itll put i sent its, it will put, i should be in the water zone. And that is the reason why i have appeals part of your manufacturing ceasefire. Not that i can see that the manufacturing ceasefire is a pretty condition for the manufacturing delivery. We dont want to punish the guys the people twice, 1st because of the war. And 2nd, because of the lack of humanitarian aid. But it is clear that to many that inspire would make good savings much easier and much safer for everybody. Well, do that too much . Is Directive Communications at the you an agency full of palestinian refugees. She told me the rafa crossing from egypt and must open as a matter of urgency. What we do know is that people are in dire need of a need to monitor and assistance. The supplies needs to need to reach the soon as possible. And the siege on the golf trip must be listed on the other humanitarian agencies have not been able to deliver any human attendance applies to people in drywall in the past 2 weeks alone. What do you, what do you understand the hold up to be i really do not have those details. And what i do know is that the situation on the ground for people in golf, including half a 1000000 who showed her in honor of school, weve done all the facilities, is absolutely entire. But this is lots to be due to the lot supplies that have been running out for the agency. I work with on worked in 20, laurie loads of a, a cheese in a situation, but used to require 100 a day. And so the ocean, this is exactly why the un, im very included, are cooling for sustainable humanitarian access and regular human to turn axes. So the aid flows into the go tripped for people. It means among the women, children or pizza flows on regular basis. The situation and cause it was described as catastrophic, even before this war broke out. Is that a difference in the a vet you need to guess . And now now that there are bombs and missiles to be full or is it just more of everything that is needed . Yeah, to me who lives in the strip thats out of state of the population. Similar to to girlfriends. I was wondering something the mountain is the whole process is in need of humanitarian assistance or has been impacted in one shape or another by a war. So we need a lot of supplies because people are in need of supplies and they are running out of water. And thats the most critical part of this is why were asking for a few ways because fuel is absolutely clear the crate for the pumping station. So that perhaps in peoples homes go start going with getting water. So watson on those lower is waiting to get in, besides a fuel and a food. What else are you trying to get in . What their Food Supplies are essentially like cleaning supplies. So yeah, is the part of the deal that appears to be being struck between egypt and israel. About this space god across this abyss crossing into gaza is that someone will have to guarantee that aid does not get to how much it only gets to the palestinian people. Will that will, thats about policing, involved up people up from the u. N. A will that be done by the someone from israel, or indeed egypt has been on the ground and the goal is to for the kids. Now, we have been giving supplies and the systems, including the systems like schooling for people for many, many years. Now we have very scrutiny systems in place, our own staff, 13000 of them, they get screens. So we know where the systems go and it goes to deeper and who need it most. Thank you for joining us, said unit to to my director of communications at the u. An agency palestinian refugees. Thanks so much. Gauze is hama, Strong Health minister says more than 4100 palestinians have been killed. And 15000 wounded in is riley as strikes. Israel has again been shouting, vitality dri, including the south, where the total golf is to go for their own safety. A mouse is also find rockets into israel. Palestinians are waiting for humanitarian aid to cross the border from egypt. They are ready and waiting. The percentage of these aid trucks is supposed to be allowed through the roof or crossing the only crossing into gaza. Not controlled by his wheel. 20, you know a trucks regatta, 2 and a half 1000000 people need assistance. 20 trucks is dropped in the ocean of need right now. Im guessing on the other side of the roof, a crossing there is may him and despair even of Southern Gaza is where it goes. Well told the northern guidance to go for safety sake. Heavy air strikes and con units in the south meant the overflowing nicer hospital took in even more wounded for critical care. Theres no safety. Theres no way of saving gusts. So how does it so you have to be ready to dine and to just stay in your house will be when there is a threat originating or uh, being conducted against israel from the south. And we will strike absolutely is wheels. Army will soon move into the gaza strip. Israels defense minister told the troops massing on its border oh my god, i promise you that whoever sees guys are now from a far will see it from the inside. Good luck. Oh. And is really ground operation will likely focus at 1st on the north with some us expected to put a fierce resistance. All of that pushing even more doesnt southward in need of food, water, medical supplies and back on the other side of the roof, a crossing 8 supply stream into a nearby airport, destined to joined the backup, waiting to get into Southern Gaza. A gym and foreign minister and a babble case, extending her diplomatic visit to the middle east. Shes now in israel and will travel onto lab and on and then to pay summit in egypt. After me, thing is ready to leave this. I miss babble, said israel had the right to defend itself, but its protection for civilians. Joso and im stacked gym. It will increase humanitarian a to gaza by 50000000. 00 describing the situation that s catastrophic. The foreign minister also demanded the Immediate Release of hostages being held by. How about these a viewing guys in these innocent hostages need to be released immediately. Can these innocent parents, children, and grandparents be ongoing to him . We all want to prevent the entire region from plunging into chaos. And this is why yesterday i traveled to jordan. And this is why im going to continue traveling to 11. And this is why in all these places ill be very clear in my messages, hezbollah, im as no pulls up in an into this conflict. You know, like so many others. I want to underline the shy one, iran, she, i militants in a row, and a she just on to seize in the oven, not to put fuel messiah, or should join in on the tire of triplet. This tell us to spin on the families of the german hostages, who have been taken to travel to but lead to try and press the government to take more action. You have the president front about this time i met some of them and said he was deeply moved by that plight. He also said hes country was doing everything in its power to secure the captive release by cisco. Shes a really yeah, the woman is this picture here. Shes neat the headphone you. Boon babies knows marguerite moses was kidnapped by him off terrorist along with 5 other family members. Their relatives have come to germany to keep pressure on the government here. Thats what all this here is this mr. Schultz and i told you, but we dont want to interfere with the german public. But you have to do something the tax of less than with sleepless nights and, and less thoughts about their loved ones. Oh, vision. Here is to try all of this is a gentleman the real back against it. Not only shows ive seen this is it doesnt really go well, not simple. Good. How comrade is a former german Intelligence Officer with experience of mediation between israel and thomas. You told me its likely the hostages not being held underground to like a hooker. They will be held in safe places uh, underneath that means in the tunnel system of kaiser distributed possibly nowadays in the view of uh forthcoming, a drunk forces operation. And then also, scholars possibly more in the solid run the knowles, but not in one case, that would be unlikely, and they will be placed in order to protect their objectives, the hostage takers, in 1st of all, explains what do you, what do you mean by that theyll be placed to protect that adaptive. I mentioned the proximity as i mentioned, the proximity of uh lets say Decision Making um the people uh, off the uh, from us uh, the transfer military leadership, public leadership as far as they are in a contract. Uh that means so if you want to hit them, you risk hitting uh the hostages. So what, what, what, what back to best best uh, notorious uh, how much the use of acumen shields. And i can, we can only, we can only speculate, but youre pretty sure it best still inside the territory. If i bought it to been taken away, that would be or quite outland dish. Because that would assume that the mouse would have been able to smarter them out by a tunnel to egypt and territory. Now no other options, rice. Im the practicalities of looking after a so many babies, children, women, the elderly, one of whom, a holocaust survivor, the private colleges, looking after them in such stressful circumstances. That it is all likelihood a challenge on the one hand or the other, henry of good. Just you that the hum us is looking very well uh for themselves. So that means they are privileged in terms of the food, in terms of the beverages and song, they wont share the same fate as the fellow kind of thing. And so im off now so it could be possible for them. Although i could imagine that the caring for the most vulnerable a persons among the hostages might be a challenge, might be as role a reason for hopefully releasing them earlier than all the others. Right. And all we clear what thomas wants in order for the hostages to be released him in principle, yes, although we will have to ask ourselves whether how mouse ever expected to have a train 200 roughly 200 hostages. Because, and of course, as such a diverse, lets say a group of hostage is uh, being a heavy bind nationals uh from uh, quite a number of, uh, International Country or until National Actors countries foreign countries. So um, this is the 1st i know is just to keep them in order to, to, to safe, got their own lives. That means how most attractive lives. The 2nd a might be then to negotiate or to enforce it kind of must be 9 by the acceptable outcome of the war for them or how much. And the 3rd one if they achieve that is of course, to negotiate within the frameworks, we know the release of the maximum number of posted and prisoners and israel. So you know, there are this a 4500 or possibly 6000. We dont know. And that they will for sure off the mont uh to have them released or okay, we go. I can speculate for us, how do negotiations begin . Who talks to who and how, especially when both sides have said, we will not talk well, thats a, thats true for the moment. Of course, nobody will talk now as long as the guns have not yet fall on silent. And so that means in the end, uh, if there is no way to, to in, in force of the use. And as you know, this is a quite a challenge to say the very least. And then uh, and then that will be negotiations in direct lines, of course made ga to do a tour likelihood page because egypt maintain so channels uh to both sides. Or can we get a look at your own personal experience with the the is riley soldier aguilar, charlotte, Charlotte Thomas held him for 5 years, even rejecting requests from the red cross to visit him to check on his welfare. When you worked on those negation negotiations, what was the breakthrough . What was the thing that made you think . Now were starting to get somewhere . Well, or as i said, the, the if, if the war one days over then come off. If it still exists out, this is one of the crease. Now, the question is, who will then be that negotiating side from home aspect . Lets assume someone will be best. And then the end, if the hostages of they are as well, some one will have to decide how to release them. And if a mouse or a successor has still a kind of power negotiation power, they will do that. And i find the time to speak well, come when a mouse or a successor or whos ever gave us a kind of signal. We dont know, we are not aware of whether there are some tentative factions may be on the on po, humanitarian grounds. That might be a, might be interest attempt. I dont know. People, countries, governments sometimes indicate that theyre exercising, that most of the efforts to do so. This might be just park, i hope that is something behind that. But the time being, as i said, im us will insist as long as it exists, the to get the kind of guarantees for their own. So by the 1st basic line. And the 2nd one is to the mom, the maximum of concessions for what is the right side. Thats the frame where the warranty and a pallet. Thats a question. Thank you so much. Maybe i said hostage negotiator, come get how to colorado. Thank you. So thank you. So is it just been hearing israel launch is a ground defensive into gods forces will have to deal with a Sophisticated Network of tunnels under the tetra tree. These are used by how much sound other is the misstep groups, perhaps hundreds of columbus as long as the network is known as the gauze and metro. One of many is really air strikes on gaza. This one targeting causes Tunnel Network according to the as real Defense Forces for id f or destroying the tunnels used by the militant islam is group how boss has long been a priority for israels military. The network runs underneath gaza, connecting its cities running to the border with israel, and also connecting the strip with egypt. The tunnel slip militant store weapons launch attacks and are believed to contain hum us command centers because those tunnels are also lifeline to the outside world. Passage ways for importing essential goods, as well as weapons under a long standing is really blockade. This animated video released by israel shows what they suppose that they look like inside militant as lemons. Tomas has been developing the Tunnel Network since they came to power in 2007 recently him us claim the Tunnel Network is 500 kilometers long from us another to how does groups use tunnel exits . Basically, holes in the ground to match rocket attacks on israel. The launchers are then brought back underground. That makes them nearly impossible for israel to see or target. Israel has tried bombarding the tunnels and 2014 in 20172021. To destroy the Network Without success, but with significant civilian casualties. The Terminal Network is reportedly world and underneath the marketplace is apartment blocks and hospitals. Lets pick this up with coby michael, who is a senior visa to Israel Institute for National Security studies. He joins us from that kind of a welcome to the w. Im so how has israel figured these tunnels into that planned for the presumed coming ground . Defensive a good evening. Um the only option to me in a to the store, to demolish uh these, your infrastructure is by uh the ground force, ration gods wrong force and torres to the gulf stream. And it cannot be totally eliminated from here. And this is a exactly the next stage of the, of the store and the it will take you while im really just not the piece of cake. Its not the 6 the war, but youre going to last weeks, even miles. But the, the 1st stage, the, the ice, you and the last Something Like 2 weeks, you might say the most significant center is a gravity of these, a, of these styles would be safer, softer and later on we will have to continue to clean things. Dial gather stream from the know to the boulder with egypt in order to finalize the issue of the nation. Right. Okay, so we have a situation where, where essentially talking about to of and wolf are going to house to house a streets to street a complicated by the existence of these tunnels from which, how much uh, medicines can just pop up and launch any number of surprises at ease, right before that space has been described by many people looking at the situation as just a trap, waiting for israel to walk into yes. How much is waiting for us . And the took into consideration the doctor shop chair and they bark bark attack. Uh there would be uh a ground force of interest and then they put in the trash trash. And i believe that they really the the know what is the increase in generalities was supposed to be the easily model. So for the end, the job is to surprise them and to do something that they do not expect us to do. And then this is the original that the we have to cumulate the very i can write intelligence, we have to exhaust that. We have to remember that they are the following days, all the drugs, not so easy to be such a long period of time, other than rob, they are exhausted and they would be more exhausted. And we will try and we will come with uh, our surprises and the, i believe that the, at the end of the day, the orientation for stop to be the mortgage. Right. So im on the further, complicating a fact is that we, we are presuming that the hostages are being kept underground in these, in these tunnels, near how much control sense is waiting for is riley troops to perhaps kill them in the efforts to destroy the mass infrastructure are yes youre right, the shopping that the drum, i think i got the controls operation. This is like the way i think one of the reasons that the we are not there yet because i believe that the they usually start abuse in diag. You have to think about a very creative ways to rest you. Hostages bought the original box. I mean them, not all, not all those suggest would be it will really come out the line and we have to understand, weve told them we are dealing with dealing with the bar has mothers. And the, at the end of the day, they should be, they must be eliminate that all of the, from the 1st of the last, the, the, the, and the in the version john usually has to do all the force together with the shooting to the community. In order to pressure from boss and how about us understand that the civilian, most of them are liable enough as and if theyre there, theyre very wrong, Pretty Simple selection. We may realize here between the terrible, because the idea of it is what i see is that home, another stick isnt a, she wouldnt be a st. Marks front of the other for each way. She says its something that cannot be boring. Well, i dont want to thank you with the cost. Okay. I think so. Not that to go back to endeavor 1976, but in this is something that came up in the okay, the months recently from us. Thank you for joining us of outlining not for us could be michael with the institute for National Security studies. Im not living. Lets take a look at a couple of other stories now and well start here in Dallas Police at last. We have activists that have pro probably stayed in a protest in the city last night when the 170 people were arrested and dozens of offices injured. Apologies of bands similar demonstrations in an attempt to prevent anti semitic incidents. A palestinian still got passed in friday. Prayers in East Jerusalem is raised. Security forces a bond worshippers under 50 years old from entering the alex and most security in the ad. It was also tightens and some roads closed. Colton and russia has extended the detention of a journalist accused of violating the law on foreign agents. Also a coma shave works for Radio Free Europe radio, liberty, which is funded by the united states. I think the 2nd 2 extra and this to be arrested in russia. And since the invasion of the price started for a quick reminder that top story of this, our un secretary general, antonio botanist as visited the rafa Border Crossing between egypt and gaza, called for it to be opened to allow aids to reach pump experience. Gaza is facing shortages of fuel food and thats a lot more at the top of the hour. Also its available of course around the clock on d, w dot com on the the w have a good day. The israel analysis and background stories we dw use provides extended coverage. What is the humanitarian situation . What will be the impact on your expense report from the scene . What the extended coverage on t ws next, on d. W. He left his home country of south africa to do what he does best. The i went there with law job probably like 500. 00 in my pocket and cooked his way around the world. And i was taking the techniques and the philosophy, and im sure the fact to come to africa one day, my boss, so invitation of the african vote for a max pay of 60 minutes on d, w. You cream was like a stepping points. You know, pilots you into that warranty wants to finish your studies. Now you have a certificate from a crane. You can just go back to somewhere else currently more people than ever on the world wide in search of a pass in life. So why do i want to go back tonight . Yeah. Like, i dont have any music. Theres no reason thats nothing for me that yeah, i believe something that is coming very, very soon. Yeah. Can we learn more about, you know, when the story in for my reliable news from migraines, wherever they may be the welcome to our continuing coverage of the conflicts between the as well and thomas over the next half hour. Well focus on the challenges ahead. Submit a whole network of tunnels bill by militants on the gallons that youll hear from the families of his way the hostages, who have come here to germany for help. Well also look at new with foreign policy, but 1st the role of egypt

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