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Or calling a terrorist attack. The im clear, richardson welcome you. As President Joe Biden is preparing to head to israel on wednesday in meetings with the government, he is expected to reaffirm americas commitment to israel security. It will also discuss as well as war aims and strategy, as well as the need to protect the lives of civilians and enable aid to reach gaza. And this comes as Israel Presses on with air strikes and prepares free Ground Invasion of the enclave. Its 1st light and the extent of israels military build up on its full do with guns, a becomes clearer the troops to reggie as they prepare for ground defensive. The coach begin at any moment. Over nights these ready Defense Forces continued that as strikes on the guns, a strip that targeting the militant islam is group hum us in retaliation for its deadly tara attacks on israel is really will ships of also being firing missiles at garza from the sea. But the conflict is in danger of escalating farther in the notes of his round troops. The vigilance close to the 11th and is well bolder as tensions between israel and the run back to minutes in group has bullet increase. Israel has released footage of strikes, targeting, what it claims is, minute treat infrastructure in lebanon, belonging to has beula, and it says it carriage as an attack, almost it described as a group of militants from lebanon, attempting to infiltrate the security fence, eh, it was in the whole hand, the iran meanwhile, has raised the stakes for the by warning of a pre emptive attack against israel before leaving israel, us secretary of state. And to me, blinking said the us president s visit this week is also a warning president. Bible underscore are Crystal Clear message to any actor, state or non state. Trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel. Dont. For now, though, garza already on defile weights is well and weld powers to take the next step. A mazda militants of dr. Nearly 200 people during their mastercard, in israel. The mother of one french is railey hostage, has now made a desperate plea for her daughter is release. I didnt know shes there alive. And steve yesterday. All i knew is that shes may, might be kidding up. Um im begging the world to bring my baby back home. She only went to a party to a festival, thought to, to have some fun. And now shes you guys a and the german chancellor has arrived in israel. He is one of the 1st World Leaders to visit since im off as a tax off schultz to pardon berlin. Earlier this morning he is due to whole tasks of his railey counterpart, benjamin netanyahu, likely to underline german solidarity with israel wall, calling on the government to allow food, water and medicine intake. Awesome. Lets get more on that with dw Senior International correspondent. Funny chart in tel aviv funny Chandler Schultz and now in israel, can you tell us more about what is on his agenda today . First and foremost durbin, chances are sold for 6 for us, for 40 doroty towards israel by being present because obviously thats been expressed already by german 4 minutes to be able to send him a few days to go. But also by several politicians. Of course in germany, however, there was quite a bit of criticism for example, when it took german chest a short months to for example, expressed who saw the very thing ukraine vendor was thought of that. So he wants to show hes here. Hes one of the 1st for an has of states to be here, and he wants to show that full authority by his presence in a very practical way. Of course, you may see behind me ive demonstration going on by both simply odin or citizens, but also by people who are missing their relatives throughout possibly abducted since october 7th. And among those estimated 199, people are being held hostage according to offer me information in israel, or several germans as well. If you do not know just how many, exactly, but certainly by schwartz being here, you would want to stress the release of the hostages and try to gather any information and thoughts about the state of, of, of the hostages, the german hostages, where people are really desperately seeking any information and certainly just like all the auto politicians who have been here before and they will try to show a message or not just a full for trying to some more influence just before this a drone defensive is about to start. But its, its, its the conflict itself, is that going to widen so message to, to, to de escalate before things may become much, much, uh, heated up here. What kind of support is germany expected to offer israel and do you think the chancellor shoulds will raise concerns about civilian casualties and the overall humanitarian situation in gaza . Certainly from these really points of view, what do we want from germany . Is some sort of an unrestricted or even unconditional supports. One has to understand that it is of the so called the stats because dont, which translates from german to english into uh, the reason of states for germany to support israel to make sure that the country is secure. The question is only how far that the store duty of germany is going to go. Already today instruct you that the nation has pointed out that the speech of god by israel, as well as the 4th of the creation of hundreds of thousands of people from north to south, would amount to a breach of international law. So german is really walking the top line, but having the story for the on the other hand, also to how far they going to go with the problem is to support as well. And that is on to you at this point for funding. Thank you so much. For your reporting, that is dw is a penny for chart in tel aviv earlier the chancellor match the way that came up, the in berlin, the jordanian leader warned against Palestinian Refugees being forced into egypt or jordan, calling that a red line. The leaders discussed the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip and how to further prevent escalation between israel and tomas militants and gaza. The jordanian king stressed the need for aid to alleviate the suffering of civilians on both sides. But he said that you mandatory in situation must be dealt with inside garza as well as the west bank. That is a red line because i think that is a plan by certain of the usual suspects to try and create defacto issues on the ground. No refugees in jordan, no refugees in egypt. This is a situation of shipments here and i mentioned that has to be dealt inside of a guys that and, and, and the west bank not to try and push the palestinian challenge and the future on to other peoples shoulders. Lets bring you up to speed now with some of the latest developments here. The pentagon has put an extra 2000 american soldiers on alert. The troops roles would include providing medical care and handling explosives, and is rarely forensic officials as 400 bodies from homeless as massacres are still on identified. Many of the victims remains were burnt, is rarely Prime Minister netanyahu as called russian president Vladimir Putin who said he wanted to prevent a humanitarian disaster in gaza. 2800. 00 people have died in the gaza strip, including dozens in the south where israel told civilians from the north to shelter aid workers a the territories on the verge of collapse as it runs out of essentials. In time neighborhoods raise to rubble is really strikes. Continue to flatten buildings across garza, on the ground here in rough uh the scramble to rescue people trapped onto the day bri off to a recent strike. Demolished an apartment building, rushing the injured to hospital, and lining up the bodies of those killed outside the mood. Residents here so they have no way to go with no electricity, no volta, no internet, no, not peace, no milk. But even if we die from hunger, we will stay here and we will not leave. In 5 days we witnessed bones full on houses, corpses in the street. We fled to the you and School Resource was safe, but they targets data and people died. Thousands of people from across goes that have left the homes and headed south to rafa in recent days of to being told to evacuate by. Israel. Mediators have so far failed to negotiate a ceasefire that would allow foreigners to leave garza and the only pulled into egypt. So for many, it is a difficult wait. While he comes to the bowl, the crossing every day, we contact the embassy every day and they tell us to go to the crossing while we wait for up to 8 hours. And then we go back up with you and he is dangerous. When we want to solve this problem so that we can travel up in and out of himself, according to us, secretary of state and to me blinking america. And israel have now agreed to develop a plan that would allow a to reach garza but working out the details will likely take time. Time that is running out to the thousands of thousands quote in a growing humanitarian crisis. Lets get the military perspective from marina moran from Kings College london up marina. Go to see you earlier, a spokesperson for the Israeli Military suggested that the next phase of the war might be different from what people are expecting. Can you give us your assessment of the Current Situation a good day . Well, um, there is an option and we have already seen um the air strikes and israel using its maritime assets um to conduct strikes on the causes trip in or the to eliminate what each row believes to be military targets in order to, to develop these from us, the next step would be um, a ground defensive and we have seen a number of ground defensive by the id f in the past 20 years. However, with mixed results. Now the question is, how this chrome defensive could be potentially different because what were talking here about this essentially a comp, insurgency operation, meaning that one east road forces move into cause or they will be progressing from the countryside into urban areas making. Its very difficult to distinguish between the most fighters and the civilians. That is why israel wanted all the civilians evacuated from the movies which wouldnt benefit from us. And we have to understand how much has been preparing for this. They have studied who templates all round that the id a few, the so they have intelligence and they are waiting a response and they have the benefit of being the, the defender having for the 5 positions, having a very complex and sophisticated underground tunnel system, which is not just one layer, there are several layers, these tunnels are located in the north of kaiser, but as a, in the southeast as well was a rough off crossing is, was egypt. So they have their supply lines there and they have of course, the hostages, which makes it much more difficult for the idea because there is always a risk of these hostages, but being killed. So the question is how the idea can act indiscriminately neutralize and come off without harming many civilians and essentially turning the civilians against. So the idea, so plenty of short term risks for israel there. Um theres also reports of the us has been pushing israel to come up with a Long Term Strategy for gaza, for what comes next if it defeats some us just briefly, how could israels operation to eliminate hamas it backfire if it does not think in the long term wells or i if you issues one, were talking about border political implications. The 1st issue, as you have mentioned, what will be through if it eliminates from us because there is no contingency plan who is going to cover. And because of st. Trip and the other problem is of course, as a groups and states like you ran plunging to join the fight, drawing red lines and all kite are calling all muslim to so we have the problem of global terrorism rising again. Yeah, thank you so much as always, that is moreno moran. We appreciate your time. A Belgium Police have shot dead, an alleged as long suspected of gunning down to sweeter citizens in Brussels Authority say the man was a to nation who was in belgium illegally. He posted a video online claim me to be inspired by the atlantic state group. The resulting terror alert led to 35000. 00 football fan, sheltering for hours and a stadium. A 3rd person was injured and police say there does not appear to be a link between the killings and the Current Situation in casa, thats in his update. Thank you for watching the, enjoying the views and come to take a look at this. Our tv highlights me every week in your inbox, subscribe now the the, it is some of the current key, more people than

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