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Doesnt escalate any further stuff. Im this, these are config. Missed by to is kind of get a job any and king stress the need for age to really be i the suffering of civilians on both sides. But he said that humanitarian issue must be dealt with inside guns and the west bank and the no refugees should be forced to act the temperature. That is a red line. Because i think that is the plan by certain of the usual suspects to try and create the fact 2 issues on the ground. No refugees in jordan, no refugees in egypt. This is a situation of shipments here and i mentioned that has to be dealt inside of a guys that and, and, and the west back not to try and push the palestinian challenge and that future on to other peoples shoulders. The content has taken on a role as media in the bowl between homicide day as well. So who has had times with home us since its early days. Its gives it an important position of influence over what the e u. U. West and some arab states label a terrorist group, but it also brings into question how appropriate contact is as a mediator of a base towards a friend to the west and to this one enemy. Cause how works a tight for on foreign policy. Doug has Communication Channels with homos have made it a Major International player and an important us and a u. L. I a small state with a long history of mediation, as in past flareups during this time, immediately took on the role of negotiate uh, holding talks for the release of hostages held in gaza. Cause i caught diplomatic ties with israel in 2009. But it is experienced a balancing relations with opposing players. For example, counting both tear on and washington has friends. Doha has hosted the political headquarters of homos for more than a decade. Over the weekends, the political leader of the militant islam is group is male hon. The met with the rons foreign minister in doha casa, is also widely regarded as a major financial back of a mouse through its funding of Civil Services in gaza. It says the Financial Support is full, humanitarian and political efforts to maintain stability and support cause and families. Doha has tried to use monetary incentives to find Diplomatic Solutions in past conflicts. Guitar latest, say their priority now is to de escalate, protect civilians, and to prevent any spillover that could trigger a regional wall. The middle east analyst and editor in chief of the dentist magazine. Then youll get law is with us. Now. Lets talk about kind of Financial Support, which it calls humanitarian and political aid to hom, us. What does that actually mean . Does . Does that mean that it goes to military efforts as well . All money is always multiple or at least to use. It can be used for humanitarian efforts and of course to maintain the infrastructure or even to purchase weapons. And the categories literally carried the suitcases money into as a for several years. And they did that uh with the like a condo in by the is really a security agencies and in coordination with israel. Because israel was actually quite happy that someone is taking care of the infrastructure and gaza because they, these really is new that, uh if, uh they that the monetary situation involves a collapses, wars imminent. So humanitarian situation isnt any better. And is there any help was and weve seen a very strong home us it out it as well. Yeah, absolutely. And that was of apparently a miscalculation inside is 0, the strategy of 5 minutes to better. And benjamin gets in at the out and he went on the record in his own party to his own Party Members saying that its better to fund on money into gaza, to support homeless if you want to avoid the creation of a palestinian state. Because you would have to face some sort of a, a political agreement. And so he was mine time. And now of course, theres a lot of soul searching, lot of criticism in israel with regard to that policy. But that was not only it is really policy. Lets say it was an International Policy and to a certain extent, the are wills and, and the west and will somehow agree that the status quote of with some us is better then. Then some sort of a final solution and of course would be a see now is that isabel is no longer willing to, to accept the presence of from us how they want to deal with that situation. How they want to solve that situation is an the question, of course that is being done, the military means that devise the, our will to the west with regard to the proportion. That means the tell me how to do it is contact to being a mediator in these top, considering that how much previous male honey lives in kata. How much does political headquarters a base there in the us and other countries, of course, labeled almost a terrorist organization . All of course, to a certain extent, the political level home katara is a small, but very wealthy state has a raise on data, which is mediation, which is connections. And they do that with the toddy. Bon enough, got us on that. Of course that did that with him us and also also the family of the me are provided at hospitality and protection to the fed to a missed on the a. And so i think theyre not willing to cut ties with them. On the other hand, i hear a lot of criticism of the category and vigorous rule in germany. I never hear that in israel. It seems that these really is with the ties with a guitar intelligence, a very well aware of the kentucky role that they want to use the guitar rebuilding because our influence and that is also the case for the us. Lets not forget that the us have a Strong Military presence in control, and they have a strong intelligence and security ties, but because har is, and they seem to want to make use of the guitar, you influence guidelines for me. Interesting stuff. Thank you for coming in today. Thank you. Well, lets have a look now at some of the other news from around the world. Official Election Results now confirmed that pollings ruling law and Justice Party was defeated in this weekends column entering elections. A combination of 3 on position pa, hes 154 percent of the votes enough to fall and the government victorious block has bound to democratic elections or institutions eroded during a use of like when leadership india is supreme. Court has defined to legalize same sex marriage saying it doesnt have the pounds to do so. The 5 judges said its part of its job. But the court did stress that the rights of eligibility to people must be health of them as suspected of killing. 2 swedish nationals in brussels is dead off to being shot by police. Ill tardies found a weapon on the band following the attack on monday evening. The alleged gunman posted a video online claiming to be inspired by is atlantic state resulting care on the dates associate 5000. 00 football fence shelving for hours in the stadium. Dw bronsels correspondent jack park sent us this update from the senior the she so nice. Yeah. So it was uh, early this morning, the man after 12 hour man hunt was voltage by the public and was salt actually a by the police off today being in the, in the cafe, just on the road behind me. He and i, the belgian pub ill probably prosecute to federal prosecutor has said that he died in hospital around an hour and a half later the mind is known as the slumber l a. Hes a 45 year old. She lives in mount of origin who had a nationality request in belgium, rejected. He was a known terrorist and known to have terrorism in sympathies. And so theres a lot of questions about how this attack was the lights to take place to sweetness, nationals were killed in the city center at about 730 on monday evening, just ahead of kickoff, between belgium and suite in the international game. It was taking place here and another suite has the volume a she said that was perpetrated by this month. What to police 12 hours to find it. Yeah, thats one of the Big Questions. He was posting videos of himself conducting the attacks, claiming to be a member of the, as on this is im a state celebrating the fact that he, he thought he had killed 3 people. And those being Big Questions about exactly why it took so long. 12 hours. He was basically free the nights on the run. Im why im in the loudest of the fact that there was terrorist attacks here in 2016 in brussels. Why it took so long to this months behind apprehended, and theres going to be a lot of questions for the Belgium Police in the bodenals ortiz to answer right now. And what about the most, if jack the, as i said, he claimed that he was shooting these people. He was shooting sweets specifically. Now we know contextually the sweden has had a big bass. Little reason the is a binding of crumbs that is have massively upset the is that it is not meant community in sweden and under on the welding sides. The sweetest Prime Minister has said that they have not raised that her love threats that it was already raised here in brussels. The tire loads right has been raised to full, which is the, the highest level, but it appears that is that the issue around the crump, anyone can only make what seems like quite an obvious links. The thought was the motive for the attack. As i say, he claims to be a member of the islamic states and that he perpetrated the killings of these 2 to be this nationalist on that account. We also do know that this man had traveled to sweden, but this need to so thought jesus said that he was not known to them. They dont use brussels correspondent, jack american, brussels. Theyre. Youre watching dw use life from both in. Thats get you up to date on out top story yet this our President Joe Biden plans to visit israel on wednesday as far as military strategy and full range. So set to top the agenda of his meetings with the government at a meeting with germanys old f schoultz King Abdullah of jordan warned against trying to push Palestinian Refugees into his country or Egypt Holding this a red line filled told the iran and his pull that not to intervene in the conflict. He is also on a plane to israel at the south, and should be fighting soon for thomas with the government as the 1st leader to actually come to his relatives. Thomas massey good indicates valium, which so many people died. Of course, you can get more information and breaking news from our app at any time. Its downloaded from the app store. Itll give you access to play the latest news from around the coming up. Now magazine close up with a closer look at fungal, my celia, which can be used as a lizard substitute a Building Material or a soil. Its and i base as well as the one thing ill be back next. Ill with the truth is talking into the topic every week on the a this is stereotype still states the west leads of africa. How do we change this . Adults to make, can meet with congress these creations. Together they know the contradictory nature of these euro centric attitude. And how these police can be changed. Stopped filming, on the 21st on p o. W. Vin limitless freedom of the online young north koreans fled to south korea when they realized dreams of the coming social media to the fact is we close it up and lives under kim john. But then they disappeared without warning. Need to reach to us as a north korean public and the video was happens from north korea, which love starts october 25th on d, w, the patrick madison. Her son is a my college, its his research and to funky, focuses on the use as a material of the future using my celia and the spread like network of fungal roots. Hes growing the slips that today hes bringing here to try to tie piece to that. How is the time . Oh, vironment is crying out for biodegradable materials and in that are Less Energy Intensive to produce energy in tennessee for the tears to that. He is a bree search of deep and his fascination with funding st. Montalvo, you can see a cloudy growth here, sends a pizza. I like to see the fungus fill up the whole dish. So this is the one well use. The patrick mona is a plan in even if he likes to use an Old Fashioned hand cause hes researching the way. Funding could change on lines. This Industrial Area in edmond because a, some of the sun used to be the size of a vist coast 5 of century it was the largest employer in the area until the phone went bankrupt in 2009, leaving the ground heavily contaminated, would sink. If he wins the remediation contract, patrick mona intends to solve this contamination problem with funky, the tombstone. Typically the state of our planet, emission to the state of the ground as well for it. And its getting worse, but a lot of soil is degrading and its loaded with heavy metals, especially in urban regions out on its all about finding future oriented solutions. Patrick moon is facebook foraging spot is on the other side of the sun. Here he can gather what he needs for his work sunday, which could help remediate the contaminated Industrial Area. The student is invalid copies mission. I often came walking in this wood as a child of its where i grew up 9 fall cities close. My father is also in my college, just on the, from the research here. A few me gave him of the, some vague, i learned a lot from his internet so that he sparked my interest in nature to solomon hang anything up to these mysterious organisms. Mazda plants, no animals, they form their own kingdom. Patrick noone is picky about his mushrooms. He needs special types of special tasks, the chocolate smoke. Today, today, ive still got 2 or 3 mushrooms on my wish list for Material Development and t clue. Theyll get there are 2 or 3 types of bracket. Fungus. Id like to find now to use in my next few months work next. And pardon me . Oh no. He gets lucky and finds again. Oh damn. Which is just right for his research. Hes not keen on the idea of ordering funky on the internet. The little calling locate funky, just work much better in my lab than the thunder you can buy, just anywhere. Im get calls and to see for even you here, ive never worked out why you can help you, but for me thats what works and think. So lets, hes 9 vague no, no used to be a joiner. He also studied product design, but now he devotes himself to funky research the, the best finds from his research, a multiply to you in his lab, using a nutrients solution in a petri dish. The women from pearsons for each thing. When you talk about funky, most people think of mushrooms, you put them, but thats just the fruit body that grows above the ground, like an apple on a tree, good to 50 cities and the root body is the reproductive structure, right . Then the actual funky is the huge network of my celia. Im in the ground. Emboldened during his goal is to breed fungal, my ceiling. Im here in the lab as it forms the basis of his work in the audit and all of the seal and choose those one was in the fridge for 6 months in hibernation, as it works. And now its slowly growing of cool so that i have to intervene in time for it to thrive. Thats what were doing now. And then i found my favorite time and they were all growing uniformly of excel. Much have a look showing me and my mother and i just recently moved into one of these labs on the edge of the sink contamination area he wants to remediate. Hes been carrying out preliminary tests for a while. This aquarium allows him to examine the results so i appreciate stage, he said this reddish layer, we see here is the soil heavily contaminated with his inc and hydrocarbons cornered lots of stuff. And i have 4 different types of funky, which can neutralize and thinking hydrocarbons. So you can call in and also shut off. Were using 2 different types of fungus. Weve already reduced the pollution levels in half a year when to didnt get into it and he transports the results of his experiments out tools. These beach logs have been injected with my ceiling, them from king always to mushrooms. Its now growing all over them. The task of the fungus is to absorb as much think as possible and transfer into the low pizzey me to the cell phone go. My celia is such a large network, the roots, and its like the roots of the funky here on the old here on the surface, it looks like white matter. Its patrick luna wants to find out which funky works best with which plants and bacteria to reach the best results on the sides. Hes conducting parallel experiments with willow plants which have proved successful in similar trials. The trips of the roots deep into a kind of fungal brute, so called liquid my celia, to get as much fungus as possible on the young roots. The interaction been work similarly to the beach locks. The vi thank the holdings and seeing the willows extract the sink from the ground, but also what they need the funky to do, so to speak, the funky pass those inc onto the trees through the roots are done decent synchronize on the building authority. What . So the trees then concentrated into the leaves and the branches, right . Then you can s at least 2000000 spaces of funky, exist worldwide. Many living symbiosis with certain tree and bacteria spaces, according to estimates on the one percent is known. So its time it funky, determine important processes in the lives they are increasingly in demand, especially in the biotech sector. The hope is that the new materials based on the phone go, my c, m could replace list sustainable materials. The scene of a, from the found who is the institute for applied pulling the researching potsdam, has been eagerly awaiting this package. It contains and let the substitute mushroom leather. This has been died and waxed a set stuff. This is a fungal material i sent for processing. My gosh, the main task was to dye the original color on your, you know, they did a good job of it or found it could be turned into a hand bag or something similar. So now im talking about, id say to off all that kind of scheme of the use of these fine fungal threats to create the live up. His goal is to produce it on a launch scale, substitute live the is an increasingly high demand in the textile industry. In the production process, he makes use of a special property of the phone to my cnn. The fine roots to know, grow in a linear way, but in the 3 dimensional jungle forming structures that can hold carriers substrates together. How does all that looks good, heavy about that. So the customer will, right . The purpose of boxing it up from this group is relatively quickly and doesnt really need any light tape. And here we have the idea that we can produce the materials without using too much energy and resources to find much volume has the materials, which ideally are recyclable and contribute to the circular economy. You know, these kinds of off. I mean, its not like the usual linear economy way, where you take something, use it, and then throw it away. In terms of texture, its much like animal thats out of his bag. Does he know the show piece mushroom, let the products of actually being made from tyndall or to fungus for a long time. In romania distribution still exists today, but the material is comparatively red. So production is limited. Can of a wants to change that the, i think thats, thats and thats why youre thinking of it further on this in the course of im going to produce larger quantities so we can produce more quickly. Ill send that out who dont see and can, but it can take years for a phone just like this to grow until its finally ready. Its done hot and switch them off. The basic formula to the material is simple. In a book ads which i didnt nutrients such as will go serial starch to the phone, go my seen him once mixed together, the growth process is triggered. The result is quite remarkable. This is what the strongest length looks like in its full state. It resembles a huge lasagna. The letter has matured in the innovation room of to just 2 weeks. A much faster process than with kind of hot united healthcare. It looks pretty good. What kind of actually flashed you can pull it off quite easily. As you can see. The size of the substrate to hanging from the mushroom leather slips, trot. Im they dont hang head on pennsylvania. Hes constantly refining the recipe. No, its up to mom. Ive tried a few different substructure combinations, and its always exciting to find out how it works. This is the amount of it can be easily peeled off. How helpless is probably the material has turned out. It does not have soft or hard. It is the hot on thats always an exciting moment of the month to month. Its important to have seen a book that his product is 100 percent organic. In the material test the mushroom lives and now has to prove that its doable stretchable and 10 resistant hes looking to optimize it as much as possible industry specifications of the district. So its a good results with the come on. We can work with this. Yeah. Yeah, the sooner the great thing about this work is that so much is still a noon, or you can be experimental. One for life and dec vanya, its mission, i might discover a fungus that a is an ideal, as a leather substitute for that is best to go. But it might be able to break down a plastics. For instance, im plastic up on what i was on. So unless theres a lot of potential importance out there is still so much to discuss about funky new ways of working with them and benefiting from their affects or imagine all the time. For example, in medical research or in agriculture, the in the son, patrick luna, is mixing up a special recipe. The carry, a material is a hydrogen made from potato starch. This time his fungus will be used in a vineyard where one make it has hired his services. Mission mission, he is this 1st im mixing the liquid my see liam of 12 different types of funky for the fines citibank, together with a hydro channel which is able to store extremely large quantities of water in teams. Wasik suspension at the z and run winery, increasing the dry somebody. Supposing a big problem for the wind grow is they looking for ways to counteract whether extremes cause the climate process. Patrick moon, a sprays the my ceiling. Im solution from his live onto the roots of the vines. The idea is that the funky can use the low my see little filaments to drove water and nutrients out of the depth and support the plants in times of droughts. As youll learn soon is this except extremely effective with the young plants having broken in a dry summer when it doesnt rain for 3 or 4 months. And even then sometimes up to 30 percent of the plants die. That if they dont get enough water fountain was initially can, you can be, they said that can come in such extreme situations. Funky, can provide the winemaker nor a branch permission to close the winery from his father. When punch in the vines, some rose would not mike arised, because the liquid joe had run out. We will have different speed visible on see if you can see a difference very clearly, i would say. And so a lot of them didnt thrive. The leaves are much lower than the others in this plot folder. Thats right. Id say one in 10 didnt thrive if its in sales could fall. And yes, then it happens that replanted in plots 18 or 19 months of life. But we didnt think about michael, rising them and even be nice mid august because he didnt get the we can still do it now. Holding. That would be great if its still worth a tune. You know, lets see. She was skeptical at the beginning, but now nor a french maid is completely convinced by the phone go. Sheila its, its of, its obvious that its really helped other people. Of course there are lots of other factors that play a role to im convinced by this whole system. Its been so definitely. So theyve been gone since we stay now a success for patrick my

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