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This phoned bus driver by law. Got the margie if i was born in 1960 you remember my 1st drug when i was going on there . That was when people had to started going more crops of this, go ahead so they would have the broad, less the green fault than ever before i knew. So id love to avoid a lot of both of the good news on the the 19 sixtys must be advent of commercially intensive agriculture in india. In areas with irregular, involve follows, begin drawing on ground water, not just for the crops, but also for the household needs, an increasing drought and dwindling ground water. Many of our buddies struggling residents left to find work in cities. But unenroll by the state. She got together with others to push for residents, right to water. I think ive deleted that sort of. He didnt like it, but the thats dependent on agriculture. Families needed an average of 6000 cubic meters of water. But a button good lead danbrook as to best photo binding plan. That would enjoy everyone received an equal share of water because this areas are 350. 00 millimeters, but even average that input out over the collateral end of this 6 of 6000 cubic meters. Equal youll need some kind of a lot of like 150 who was made but he is so we are not do it get out of you short notice should we and if were eating and themselves and the same, almost same situation would remain. So exactly as water isnt necessary, of fishes agreed to make up for the shortfall. But the water from the creation of it flows about a 100 kilometers away to a water which base in the challenge now was how to get its water to equity. In india, water is frequently diverted to open canals, but study show its not an effective method, but up to 60 percent of the water last and on the we. Instead, the are pretty active as best way to the government to try a close by the system. It diverts google go directly to local phones and joseph allies and from there to each house on today that plan is on track. The question is, will decrease note of the ecosystem stuff or as a result. Ready g g, joy has been performing, hydrologic those studies to find out. So it doesnt impact on the system. Definitely. But then you also need to see this in back, the number 2 little faithfully stick matters. If it is well, do we get to doing it . The local water bodies on the ground water in the long dry then that to contribute to that base flow. And that gives you it is that it would have some sort of things. It can happen, eat people use this. What i do this just me a not for me to walk into 2 cups. And 6 props like diploma, granite food, which tanks to the regular and reliable supply of water has become a means day of the economy with the fields, flourishing local farmers, generating jobs. And profit at these bubble grants out in high demand all over the world. And because this food doesnt require a lot of water, theres been enough less than the rest of was the supporters revival of traditional livestock finding the ones quiet market and not study is again bustling with activity pharmacy. Theyre not just seen more water above ground. Thats more underground to the need than was on the in places video Distribution System is supplying, bought to the ground water level has risen from a depth of 1000 feet to get on the 20 feet for dublin. And they will do what they look like. The system has not only succeeded in supplying villages with enough water. Its also driving social justice. Because water here is treated like currency list, Agricultural Workers who dont actually use all the water, the allocated can sell that. So bless a benefit to them. And to large land owners and lifestyle photos, we need more water the most are the we will do our lives on the leg. There are more than i loved as people. So when a good we think listen, we get water. Same on the water and the, and the person warning then it goes over that. So this is a cause this, this is a general, yes is in, with, in really in this system i, for the was once known in the speed as the land of droughts. A reputation, its now firmly put to rest, but its replenished water bodies, it could provide a template to ensure everyone in modest drugs added regions gets the fashion of water water related disputes. Im not trying even think theyre pretty common. But Climate Changed in dues droughts are taking them to a whole other level. Do you think it is correct to supply water to a village while depriving another village of the sea . Well, there are many of religion swans which are facing the same dilemma. Less head over there to find out more people gathering by the thousands to protest to the construction site. This demonstration took place in western prompts in march 2023. So when police intervene, the situation turned violent, resulting in serious injuries on both sides. And this is the project in question a will to rest, as well as Climate Change causes more frequent trouts. The rest of the wall is meant to provide local farmers with enough water to irrigate and dried periods. But not everyone welcomes and the people here in sun. So need a village of less than 400. 00 a defined it to us have whole is one of the farmers in favor of the project. Hes already set up his connection to the rest of the wow. Ive already been since the showing that before we protected it before the demonstration because we made a cabin and used to straw planks and earth to cover it all. They knew where the connection was small and it was all burned down like this. And through i said, id say the guys a new to wait cell phones, the whole psalms, a 170 heck, tons of land, mainly greys, please to cold cups that the poli, without the additional irrigation during the hot summer months for me, long to do so. A fama that hes opposed to the rest of the while. He was the vegetables, he grows on the 3 hex has from a well right on the property with the military. This is my, well, the, the water is going down compared to 2 weeks ago. Ill have to get this man in a normal year. It overflows in winter and all that. But its gone down by at least 2 meters. So player wise job younger that hes worried as well could run dry if mole right and go through his quotes in the base unless seats and to the ground floor to a new ibex that i wont have any access to it. But you wouldnt, i dont have that much land so it doesnt make Financial Sense to get a connection booked as well. And that for it would only be worth it if i used a certain amount of water for it. All the locals who want directly involved in agriculture, somewhat co, between the friends shown which if you listen to those in favor, they have excellent arguments. As to those who are against it, i admit i dont have a clear opinion of utah. Sure. Its a massive construction site for just 12 people. For me, its private property. Its these people are going to monopolize some of the water and many a whole i guess having government plans to support tucker culture with recipes was like this. A contentious one regional coat, recently counseled several projects. So i think i lock rewards for saving meshes. Climate talk to this site. Its foolish to capture and hold for to one at school where the scots, they say a back to solution would be to switch to less water intensive agriculture, environmental generalist mot. Clermont c believes conflict cipher bolts will only increase, not just in the agriculture sector, sunscreen, and i think sincerely is just the beginning of whats going to happen in france as water becomes increasingly scarce. Of its a hobby for 2 levels, we will have shortages, we will have rationing and there wont be enough water for everyone in the end to know the blue. It wont show up for us to do well with a mobile portable vegetable, some at so many levels. So once the project stopped, but hes concerned about the violence of the protests and march, or they, lets say, lets say things to us on the phone. You cant say it was a war, but almost i cant go to sense of the how much of the body since the protests, its too intense. I mean, this doesnt say its a total of the cells. Also available also says another round of violent protests. But he cant see the issue resulting itself any time soon. On the judge, the old there is no dialogue anymore. But you cant talk to people who say they want to talk to me, but only on the condition. So you respect what they want to do. No, this is keeping the environment the home process driven from the dispute incense. So lean is just like us has many communities in central and southern fronts. And when temperatures start to rise, the buffalo voltage is only found to intensify water bodies are hardly any goods to human logs, animals, and most of the largest ecosystem. If theyre not keen, im considering that as humans are responsible for all of this pollution, it is only fed that we are the ones to do something about it. But that is a very enthusiastic, beautiful while in t, as in india, as Southern States or somebody louder, which is doing a lot more than just something. When a local n g o put out a call for help to clean up the trash along the water tank and done and not do it, didnt expect 350 people to show up. Heres what it looked like before the clean up and after and it happened in less than 2 hours. And you said that would we have 25 to 30000. I dont want to use who have but it does go to another class. People are going to make a positive contribution to the site. Im gonna go to the hot boxes organizing a ton of money and then theres a phone bill if the n g. Okay, go, baker, and the father god might, its voted, deals have been distorting lots of bodies across government though for the past 5 years, the organization has restored 4 large lakes, 9 small ones and more spread across 98 goes very low down because one of the climate, those oldest, its fed by the know your lordship of for 15 years would remain dry because of 3 major problems. That the there was lock setting, visit governance here on the canada of border. I hadnt been met at all. I need all the white people. How to engrossed on 4 and a half of the 6 and a half allow me to log in on either side of the bands and garbage had been dumped into that check damage to which but this done receives of all to fix it. Of these were the 3 problems i met him on of attending, limited in 2017 money con, done. And his team began cleaning with dunk and its checked downs. They also created, wrote in convincing 2 and a half 1000 families, settled along the river, banks to relocate to state housing. And then for the 1st time in 17 years, the little tank was full. The villages 2 kilometers away once elected, reliable water sauce. But just a few months after the reservation was completed, locals and noticed an increase in ground water levels because of a little down could now redeem the water is received back in the bomb. If it drains this item, if it didnt, people to and from the bottom it says, days watering the tank for the past 4 years is being water in the near. We using water to bump out the water for farming. Thats i wonder what the use to buy 200 to 200 meters of water every day. Its much better now because i can get water when the im gonna need it at home. And my savings have increased as a result now and then. And the water again, its not on the people who have benefit from it and from the ground for the region editing instead of the stand cuts now also become a habit doctor various a species thats because bought into has been beyond just cleaning the time. They planted over 10000. 00 cheese of native varieties using the milwaukee method, a japanese f orientation technique. This ship of far as protects the water in the time. Its also attracted thousands of blood and butterflies species due to the low tang and the green zone surrounding it. At the joint i had when i sort of done fill up with water in 2018, we used to water these bonds. We got a water from lower united shortly off of that, we use the buckets to transfer the water from the con. Get for 20 splunk on mute on im, i dont got that on the number. Its in the cali 30 monday to go. So you need to, one of the to find more than chose the end you will reaches out to schools and colleges yet its most policies do. It has been social media by sharing. Its whats up link and posting clean updates. Its succeeded in bringing many young people together who wish to be a part of the process. The industry of us will be watching people about this. Theyll be coming around it and theres a young boy you enroll in 2 years with us. If you ask him, what do you want to be when you grow up . And he says, like you are a good non trees and save legs. Now hes like, what would you do for food . He replied, while i go home, we are seeing such positive changes amongst are the protection of water bodies requires more than investigation, increasing encroachment waste, dumping effluent discharge, and lack of trouble maintenance by civic bodies. I just some of the major problems well into organizations like money condoms, hope sped awareness about the urgent need to save local water bodies. Done and not do has over 200000 tanks and other irrigation sources, but less than 90000 of them are in use. It will take a collective effort from the government and citizens to save water for future generations. The managing officially is not an easy task. I actually once try feeding the fishing officially and i can say its quite a serious stuff. But what men gone to often machines, gun, there is an innovation which is trying to reduce the walk load and fish of these and increase the productivity using to of the most important innovations of all the time. The cloud and the smartphone. Its feeding time and the fixture of excited this fish from are in indonesia decides when and how much they eat, nothing else and they become malnourished. But the feeding them is wasteful and create extra costs for the summer. The money spent on fees, accounts, and 90 percent of the total costs still top found a coupon design is more than an icing at cliff farming. When he completed his biology studies just a bit, 10 years ago, he was already running his own catfish. Com, consisting of maybe 80 pounds, it soon became a full time job. He recognized that he, on the fish feeding systems needed to be improved by automation. Really used to via kansas farmer. So thats my favorite, fisher a dentist. Yeah. And when i had the ideal to build the feeder, it was just about, you know, building the feeder for my fish pharmacy. So its a simple idea. Small idea for a Small Business and performing is big business. In indonesia, the east asian country has the 2nd largest at quick culture industry in the world of to china, producing 14800000 tons in 2020. Thats had a negative impact on the environment up to 40 percent of the countries. Mangrove trees have been cut down for fish phones and over feeding. Fish pollutes the more tests the access feed, the composes and release is harmful substances like ammonia and nitrates get brown, whose life is smoke. Feed was the 1st step who most has become a thriving at quick tech business. It uses motion sensors to find out when the fisher hungry and then releases the adequate amount to feed into the palms. This reduces waste and water pollution. A plus for the environments. With fish, thomas was skeptical that fast and they werent familiar enough with the technology to benefit from whose life is the idea. It was definitely challenging. And the very beginning of the farmers that dont have any mobile phone and they dont know the cloud. What, what is cloud cloud is, is in on the sky of that for the rates. But what we did is not trying to sell about the technology itself, but try to convince the farmers the detective as you can help their daily basis. In the days the startup blend, the farm is the small science they needed to operate the fee to train them how to use it. By using this, we can replace the most labor intensive process to get the farmers. Do we just the feeding and we can feed the face like 5200. 00 pounds per day. So eventually the basically the draw faster and we can save the feeding plus one significantly and only know can number the incomes. If the fish grow foster, the farmer can harvest the more often and if productivity rises, that could reduce the area thats turned into fish problems in the future. A benefit to the environment and reducing waste is always a good thing without the excess feet in the room deficient, healthier, and this less need for antibiotics. Today give ron whose life has stopped to have the fishery provides Digital Tools for some 70000 fish promise across the country from buying feed to selling produce and financing most of the, of the culture of pharmacy in indonesia, they dont have a good input. For example, the price of suppression by the middle mind, they dont have access to find formal find technology is helping to make engine each has aquaculture industry more eco friendly. And the global need for improvement is huge. Un estimates that like 2030 culture will provide close to 2 thirds of global fish consumption. A plastic is every with its in the food that we eat out of water and that we be then in fact even not a bloodstream out of cause the best idea would be to just stop using plastic or at least to deal with it. But then what do we do with all this plastic that already exists around us, especially with water. When one idea is to filter it and the other its not exactly blowing bubbles, but not very defense for me to have an engineer to explain it to the world has a problem, tiny plastic particles or how spend it in water is everywhere. The harmful to both nature and humans. But a solution has recently been found. Tiny bubbles can force the micro clinic sticks to the surface where they can easily be discarded. Is it really that simple . How soon can this be implemented . Pulled on time on, came up with the idea. Hes an engineer and entrepreneur and a successful visionary. Perhaps maybe people bloss cleaning wastewater with micro bubbles isnt you know, once learned at a lecture in london that micro plastics are hydrophobic. They dont like water and will adhere to an air bubbles in the water, no flaws and so forth on lot on go to some javascript years later. Dealings on is the idea and mature. Just im, i was watching my vacuum cleaner robot and move throughout my study. When i saw out of a way to crate and Adherence Technology for the water. That with a ton of must be flowed freely in the water or cleaning it out the loan or specified small beginnings and the lamps. The challenge was to create bubbles sooner than a hair. So that is many plastic particles thats possible here to them. The then the project group, the 1st prototype was called the one which worked on a pond. It was the 1st 0. 06 for an thomas team. This is how the Technology Works under water bottles, escape at a depth of 2 meters. 2000000. 00 per liter, plastic and water repel each other, similar to oil and water. Its different with air which does tend to attract the plastic particles. Thats why they adhere to the bubbles, they literally stick to them and thus migrate to the surface. The alarm physically comfortable hearings, technologies can be used wherever micro plastic hotspots arise or are found on the weve already been able to remove 98 percent of micro plastic components from water in the visa river and preliminary model tests, not meeting any residue principles of them and we did it without chemicals from just with pure micro level technology, just with their exclusive images of the 1st large scale plants on land. But using the same technology, the bubbles do a lot, but much energy is required. Another problem is that even the tiniest organisms, such as plankton, could reach the surface with the bubbles in blank, wed be removed, disappointing source from your water. Thats why the innovation must be you selective link, where a lot of micro plastic the stimulates ideally and heavily polluted rivers such as an asia before the plastic reaches the ocean from sprints. From there you have a lot of guns and we still have plenty of challenges ahead of us. Yes. Especially finding the micro plastics in the respective bodies of water. Thats really hard. Right now we can remove the needle from the haystack is kinda cool, but we still have to find all of the haystacks in almost a mile from and some of them as we have the technology should be marketable in 2026 to ensure the money does not run out by then the German Government has taken over the financing for those of us who have easy and abundant access to water are still trying to even colleague a basic habits such as just funding the tap all by brushing our teeth. But the story is today because closer to this imbalance and also highlighted the agenda norm negotiate, but who needs to consider what uh, what you would like me to what you think you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media. I will see you next week with more soft stories until then take care. Good bye. Now its gosh, the in good shape. When are circulatory system is running smoothly . Our bodies function, the better. But what happens when blood is flowing properly . Well show you what to look out for the possible side effects of circulatory diseases and surprising treatment in good shape. Next, on the dw, as we love us, we love does us anything unusual . No mountain is too high. No road is too long and such a faith, ordinary we all the specialist of lifestyle, 009. In 60 minutes on d, w, the someone else to see the highlighted selected for you, you every week. A new a box, subscribe. Now, sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow or to bring an Environmental Conservation to wife with learning facts like global ideas. We will show you how Climate Change and Environmental Conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. Knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for the these guys have blood running through their veins to be with a no frills circulatory system, which would never be able to cope with our high activity levels. And thats why we have to our heart has to keep roughly 5 liters of blood constantly pumping around the body block. Theres a risk of system overload if we do sports in excessive heat. If there are blockages in the blood stream or when its highways

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