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Scientists say they may have found out why theyre able to fly so far. The. Im clear, richardson, thank you so much for joining us. The us house of representatives has voted to remove republican speaker, Kevin Mccarthy. It is the 1st time in history, the speaker has been voted out of the position and comes for a showdown between mccarthy and a small group of hard right conservatives from his own party. And mccarthy has described his ousting as personal and said he will not stand for re election. Just days after narrowly avoiding a government shut down. A rebellion amid the republican ranks has trust congress into chaos. 8 hard line republicans joined with democrats in voting out speaker of the house. Kevin mccarthy ending a rocky tenure for the republican lawmaker. The office of speaker of the house of the United States house of representatives is here by declared vacant right winger, matt gates, a controversial fire brand from florida led charge to was to mccarthy. He said, the former speaker didnt do enough to curb Government Spending and made too many concessions to democrats. Kevin mccarthy is a feature of this walk. He has risen to power by collecting special interests, money, and redistributing that money in exchange for favors. We are breaking the fever now and we shouldnt like to speak of his back. During the vote, several look mccarthys supporters warned that a vote against him was irresponsible the house. Kevin mccarthy think long and hard before you plunges into chaos, because thats where were headed. If we vacate speakership in an address after his removal, mccarthy said he thought the vote was the product of a flawed political system. In todays world, if youre sitting in congress and you took a gamble to make sure government was still open. And 8 people can throw you out of speaker, us and the democrats who said they wanted to keep government open. I think youve got a real divide. I think youve got a real institutional problem. Mccarthy also said he will not seek re election. Congress is at a standstill until a successor is elected. Another government shut down deadline is moving next month. So this was a remarkable showdown. Lets hear more from d, w. William blue cross joining us now. William, good to see you. We still have a shut down looming, kim house continue with any form of business, or is it Us Government basically on hold now and effectively. I guess its a shut down through the back door given how im president of the situation is we just heard earlier. This is never really happened before in the house of representatives. So people are scrambling to their rule books and to the procedural experts to see what happens now. But basically, um, no work can get done. No legislative work can get done without a speaker of the house, the leader of the house of representatives. There is a temporary still in speaker of the house, but that person is really only empowered to basically see to the next speaker of the house, the real speaker of the house to be voted in. And theres no, no, theres no knowing of when that next speaker might be who it might be, a republicans or in disarray. And democrats have a theoretical chance of having someone of their party lead, lead congress. But practically speaking, not since they dont have the majority. So as you said, shut down is on the table. Ukraine funding is on the table and just the general, you know, data the business of government of passing laws can really happen until there is a new speaker of the house. Completely unclear when that might happen at all of this. The result of the fact that 8 hard right conservatives within the Republican Party wanting to get rid of mccarthy. You know, democrats could have stepped into save them, but instead, weve seen him ousted with a 22162210 votes. Can you help us make sense of exactly what is going on there . As yeah, its pretty bonkers politics. What weve been seeing here these last several days, even by us standards that have just been getting more and more bunkers over the last couple of years. I mean, lets back up a couple of days where we had a narrowly averted government shut down. That only happened because a Kevin Mccarthy after trying to make some kind of deal with his really hard line republicans to pass some kind of budget or continuing resolution to fund the government. Couldnt get it done. When to the democrats got democratic supports to avoid this shut down and, and got blamed for allying himself with the democrats. And now a few days later, you have people like matt gates and other really hard line republicans who were accusing mccarthy of selling out the republicans to the democrats, getting democratic support to our mccarthy. So theres a lot of shenanigans going on here. Um, democrats and thought about maybe sitting this went out, but they ultimately decided mccarthy has not called off donald trump and all the efforts that trump in his allies have done to do to, to seed you know, misinformation and to at the instability with the election in 2020, she has not been on their side at all. And he tried to throw the democrats under the bus for blaming them for the shutdowns. But democrats have no love lost from a party and were happy also for their own reasons, to see them go to see him go. So theyve decided to let the republicans get their own house in order. Um, how are republicans then going to deal with the fact that theyre essentially being held to ransom by a Friends Group of hard . Right . Conservatives are right. Well, if were talking of ransom, then were talking about hostages, but then i think we need to be talking about stockholm syndrome. Because lets clarify the misnomer that theres somehow to sort of, you know, agreeable Republican Party. And then these little bit of crazies on the side, i mean, the Republican Party has moved so far to the right member Kevin Mccarthy, himself a voted to help or tried to overturn the Election Results in 2021 of many, many republicans who either actively tried to overturn those results or has not publicly repudiated donald trump and his allies who believed a lie that the 2020 election was stolen. So its not like you have not. Gates is friends on the very far right. You kind of have the that the right and the very, very far right. Um, so republicans themselves are in disarray. Essentially sleeping in a bed that they made by, by, you know, coddling and not calling out the really, really hard line members of their party to absolutely do not want to work with democrats under any circumstances. Want know by parts and ship at any time. And some of them dont even believe that joe price joe, joe biden is a legitimate president of the United States. And of course he is. So this is kind of a chaos of the republicans own making. And then on top of that, all the bi partisan discord between republicans and democrats. Its going to be a very hard road going forward. William, thank you so much for that analysis. That is d w. William croft. Well, a boss carrying taurus has crashed near venice, italy killing at least 21 people on board. The boss plunged off a raised road. Some of the survivors are seriously injured. A holiday in venice turned into a twisted mess of metal inside the cause of the accident is that im clear about in a heart of fighting. So you can see events, the bus v 8 off and eva passed on to electricity lines and bus into flight ins. Firefighters reported some of the fast victims that found, had perished in the inside. I know one of the saucy people aboard the bus more than half lost their lives. Most of the rest were taken to hospital in critical condition, allowed the loose gigabyte of babies the bus went off the road from a height of more than 10 meters. She made 3 or not. Its a Battery Powered electric bustle carpet, so it caught fire. So, and ill throw on, they found all the people inside the bus, somebody engulfed in flames about the scene that the fireman meant it was really difficult to prove last night, really bad going on. So my, so im in the middle of the feature, the blue i bought the bus so nice the tourists from ukraine, kamini, france, and corporation. We put the on the map of venice, described the soon as apocalyptic, and declared an official period of morning. Or 19 day to you 2 died in the hospital as low as 21. Now some of them are okay. Then there was some critically puddled while some buttons for children died for now the injury to being transferred to 5 nearby hospitals. While at the scene of the crash and inquiry into how and why it happened is underway. And to thailand now where police say 18 age are suspected of killing 2 people in a Shopping Mall will be charged with premeditated murder. The 14 year old boy was detained at the scene on tuesday after he allegedly opened fire the luxury mall in bangkok. Police say he had suffered a psychological breakdown. The 2 women over kills were from china and memoir, fleeing from an active shooter. These mobiles thrown images, so terrified shop is running out of a move into the streets of central bangkok of to hearing gunshots. Of the witnesses describes the tara. So we decide a few bad shots though. Just be funding all over the place. And everyone was scared, petrified. We saw a lot of people running past where we were eating. We didnt know what had happened. Then someone from one of the shops told us to go inside because there was a shooter. Everyone was trying to find a place to hide. So many people were terrified, just like a scene, and theres only movies. The suspect is a 14 year old boy who was arrested at the scene and theres in custody. The suspect suffers from a Mental Illness and had been receiving treatment at the local hospital. He hadnt been taking his medicine and felt like someone told him to go suits people. Its like he has 2 personalities. This is what we got from the initial top within the police, say the Ongoing Investigation is particularly sensitive because of the suspects young age. Well now begins the long journey of monarch butterflies of south to warmer climates. Its a journey that typically covers thousands of kilometers and can last for more than 2 months. Scientists have been looking into how the butterflies can fly for such long distances, and if come up with some interesting findings, white spots on the wings. If monarch butterflies maybe the secret to therapy lets see to fly huge distances every year. The insects travel south from the us to spend the winter in the tree, forest central and southern mexico. For jenny take some 2 months. It could be up to 4000. 00 columbus as low. And the creatures a tiny monarch butterflies weigh less than a paperclip. During the annual journey, they can cover 160 kilometers in a day. But the owner, that suffice, suffice a jenny. I would say, you know, at least 50 percent dont make it. Thats just the educated guess. But its, its a fair number because you know, we, we know that its a very, very dangerous risky trip. What makes someone not to fly successful was investigated . What we did was we went and examined some past butterfly specimens. And i have one right here. Some specimens of mark butterflies that had been collected by myself and by some other researchers. And we use Computer Software to examine their, their features of their wings. 400. 00 butterflies, well analyzed, the insects that reached that destination have 3 percent less black and 3 percent more white on the wings. Its built, the old 19 whites and black spots could interact with some light in a way that cools and heats the arrows of the wing. This may cause the to rise reducing drug. The insects can then fly more efficiently in foster. What a exciting things about this project is that so were sort of discovering a new phenomenon in terms of butterfly wing colors. Right. And in terms of what theyre for, like a lot of researchers who have been studying butterflies their entire lives didnt even know that this could even happen like butterflies could actually use their colors for flight flying infinity is a new one of the insects mysteries. I think we dont know a lot. Thats one question of why do they end up where they end up is definitely a piece of it. You know what, what drives them to make it to a certain place that not another place . I think thats a, thats a big question. This question light keeps going beyond that for a while. For now the bunch of slides wing buttons of being copied by Aerospace Engineers who want to make a new generation of drains or just incredible arent there . Is there a news update at this hour . I will be back from more headlines and 45 minutes time until then we have the business headlines coming up for you, especially our breaks. Thanks for watching the words people have to say thats why we listen to every weekend on w prejudices, stereotypes still shape the west leaves of africa. How do we change this at the

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