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Populous former Prime Minister robert caesars party. When is the largest share of the mode, but now needs to win over allies to secure power the Mariana Evans being welcome. We begin in turkey, where a suicide bomb attack has hit the capital anchor. A official stay a suicide bomber designated an explosive device in front of the interior Ministry Close to the Parliament Building there, calling it a terrorist attack. This Surveillance Footage shows the attacker charging the gauge of the ministry a 2nd. The salem was reportedly killed in a gun battle with police. 2 officers were injured in that shoot out. The attack happens as hours before Parliament Reconvenes after a summer recess. No one has yes, claim responsibility to do to lose. Dorian jones isnt in sample and told us more well, according to the ministry of interior, at 930. 00 local time, a mini van drove up to the entrance to the interior ministry. 2 men got out one wash towards the gates and detonated explosives, killing him instantly, bought the 2nd, then engaged in a gum bottle with the heavy on. Please protect the interior ministry building, carver pulls that he possibly use to coordinate as a result of a 2nd explosion. But that 2nd to salem was saying, shot dead carrying a web on uh and uh, we have a pulse of 2 please, maam. Well into it though, the tier Ministry Said the injuries was slight. The spokesman of the routing, a popular metallic speaking to reporters, condemned the attack and said that they want to time into crush the threats of terrorism as he called it. Well, as weve said, there is not yet been a claim of responsibility. But are there any clues, or perhaps speculation about who could have been behind this attack and what their motives are as well. This is the 1st kind of attacking several years in the capital on chromebook. Hes no stranger to these terror attacks on the last you here in the samples. 6 people were killed in the tackle of his tumbles main high street site was planes on curtis militants. But its been a militant thatd be blamed for a series of attacks over the years. Many of them involving large amounts of explosives and multiple types. Also these land makes they to have carried out major attacks in took in the capital on growth in 2015. Does that make state group was blamed for carrying out the worst terror attacks and takes the street over a 100 people were killed at a, a protest in the run up to elections . But so who is responsible for this latest fact that is still a very early days for that. But given the fact that it does appear to be using lots small amounts of explosives, that was a low level of tech. Is it . Well, i think focus will be on this friends group, the d h k p c. They carry out these kind of levels of attacks targeting terry ministry please. So that i think they will be a chief suspect, but it is still very early days and the motives behind this attack or are on clear on both sides and will be waiting for the intensely investigations that are expected to be carried out as we speak. They definitely use doran jones in east angle dory and we appreciate your forwarding. Thank you to washington now where lawmakers have overcome their differences to pass a spending bill at the last minute to avert and government shut down. The stop gap plan approved by the house and senate will keep federal agencies funded until mid november. The hard font compromise provide funding for things like domestic disaster relief, but no new money for ukraine to 2 thirds being of the affirmative. It was a nail biter until the bitter ran bill is past symbol that about with a shut down, newman, the house of representatives voted to fund the government for another 45. 00 days with more democrats and republicans supporting the bill. This stunning turn around means hundreds of thousands of federal workers and military Service Members will continue to receive a paycheck. The American People have one extreme mega republicans have last. Se brought us to the edge of a needless shut down, trying to black mailed the country into accepting their extreme right wing agenda. And today, democrats came to the rescue. Speaker mccarthy admitted defeat. And as the democrats to put out the fire that he and his party had started in the end, republican speaker, kevin mccarthy, defined demands by his own parties. Hardliners for a partisan bill, full of spending cuts and severe immigration restrictions that should pass the chamber with only republican votes. But im a type of conservative that wants to get things done. Its easy to be a conservative that wants to do nothing. But i believe america wants to find the conservative that can make government work efficiently, affectively and accountable for republican mccarthys gamble paid off by it puts him in the cross hairs of his partys far right faction. Republicans like mat gates of florida have threatened to try out the house speaker. If somebody wants to make a motion against me bring there has to be an adult in the room. I am going to govern which what is best for this country. After that, it was onto the senate, which scrapped its own stop, kept bills that contained 6000000000. 00 for ukraine in order to approve the house version and avoid a shut down. After the vote will not top Senate Leaders issued a rare bi partisan statement, reaffirming their support for keith. Later this year, the vote comes on the heels of a visit to washington by president s, a lot of mirrors, a lensky last month, where he made the case for continued us support. So shut down in the u. S. Has been avoided. Bonded means no more new funding for ukraine, at least for now. We asked our reporter willy and blue cross if that meant that washington was turning its back on keys. Well, you just said no more funding at the moment. There is still considerable bipartisan support for support of ukraine in terms of economic and security assistance. It just isnt involved in this particular continuing resolution. Thats going to go on extended for 45 days to keep the, as you said at the top, the lights on in washington. The hard line right way republicans in the house are more skeptical of supporting ukraine. And thats why didnt make it in into this bill. But a congressional official say, they think theres enough funding for ukraine already in the pot to get them through that 45 days. And ukraine is not gonna write a money, at least from the american side until then until theres an opportunity to bring up a separate spending bill that would continue that funding. And as weve heard from mitch mcconnell, it is likely that some amount of funding will receive bipartisan support enough to get that funding through whatever that next transfer of money is going to be for sporting your brain. Lets turn our attention now to some of the other stories making headlines. At least 11 people have died after a fire read through a night club in the southern spanish city of marcia. Authorities or warnings of the death toll could rise as rescuer. A search for survivors. The cost of the blazes so far unknown. A mob been living on has attacked a group of human rights activists demonstrating in the capital b route. At least 2 demonstrators were injured. Police were forced to evacuate. The active is from the scene. Theyve been calling for greater civil rights for women and b l to be taking the president ial elections in the maldives have ended in a surprise victory for the opposition candidates mohammed and c, 154 percent of the vote. The campaigns against india is influenced in the mall dive, and is seen as heavily pro china. Poland supposition coalition is holding a rally in warsaw dubbed the march of a 1000000 hearts. Thousands of people across the country have gathered in central warsaw opposition liter donald tools because calling it the last chance to face polish democracy ahead of elections in the mediately, the former as the lock in Prime Minister rubber seats. Those left as snare party has won slovak is parliamentary elections after campaigning on a pro russia platform. In his 1st commonsense the vote seen so said thats the lock you had bigger problems in the hoary crane. During the campaign, he vowed to end slovak is robust, military support for to you. And he criticized both nato and the use of his party secure just under 23 percent of the vote for meeting the center has Progressive Slovakia Party by 5 percent. Earlier i spoke to d, w. s brussel 0 chief alexander phenomena from brought these lava and i asked her how likely it is that pizza will succeed in finding allies to form a government and become the next Prime Minister . Well i think that his chances are pretty good when we look at other parties with that whom he could start the coalition talks, one of them is a split of his own party and they seem to be quite open to potential negotiations. Another party is a nationalist slovak party, and this is a party that he worked with before. So his chances seem to be pretty well. However, he also stressed that during his press conference thats talks could go 4 weeks. And looking at all of this more broadly, what about the perspective from the European Union . Should the you be worried that a pro russian politician will likely be the next leader of slovakia as well . I would assume that there are people in brussels who are worried right now about to europes union t when it comes to support for ukraine. However, there are also political of service for saying that it could be that mr. Pizza will soften his stands here because of course he doesnt want to leave you a penny union. He still needs to you funding to take care of some economic problems in slovakia. But when it also comes to other hot button issues such as migration or as it should be to q plus, right. So there are many in brussels that are worried that mr. Pizza could join forces with, for instance, other governments in europe with, for instance, the hunger and government. And so that he could join the group of Eastern European countries who are ultimately hostile to liberalism. Youd have to use that like xander on nomine reporting from fire to slab a for us. And like sandra, thank you to the bonus. Vega now and unmatched. A 6 line sick and byron laid out a thrilling encounter and the weekends at the top contest. Both teams has made a strong star to the season and despite the garage of 4 goals, saturday evening by the last whistle, it was a standstill. The, the champions in town and kick off onto the floodlights. There was no doubts. Leipzig went up to the battle against harry kane and buy it. And it was the 1st to charge down to the blog. Louisa pen the went through and go on, bundled the bull pass and spend all right. One new up to 20 minutes. And plan what 3 key, just 6 minutes, late the cooling of celtic castillo, look it back, and heat by it in light, 6 seconds to nail up. They looked cents for a 1st time. We know the buying in more than 5 years. Thomas, to who had to change something at half time and 2 signs were offered a way back into the game. When ben, you mean henrys handful the pulse cane step up to the penalty and pop the deficit. In the 57 minutes, the momentum it shifted, and soon off, the Raphael Guerrero almost level the schools. His sharp whistle passed beyond his blog post. Then in the 70 minutes, leroy sent a used his electric pace to escape cost the lights of defense. And to make it to 2. And thats how it finished. Like 6 disappointments and throwing away a to go. Lead was pleased to see walk by and were just happy to keep them on beat and start the season going. Liver cruising continued their strong star to the season with the 3 know when over struggling mines alex, to them all those for the pick of the goals with this time free k as later whos in run out comfortable winners. Theyve drawn just 2 points and theyre 16 so far this season shall be alonzo side of them. 2 points clear of campaigns by the you are up to date on the use of next doc film explores, el salvador is extreme can to your voice a marion evan. Steve, from me and the team in berlin, thanks for watching the not just another day. So much is happening all at once. We take time to understand this is the day im in thats look at current use events, analyzed by experts and Critical Thinking is weekdays on d w. The

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