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Been an unprecedented military build up less than a week after the deadliest violence in the region in years. And new york underwater authorities declare a state of emergency as flash floods, bring the big apple to a standstill. The mariana evans, dean, welcome voting is under wayne, slovakia. Im in closely watched parliamentary elections that could see the country radically changed course in particular on ukraine. Polls show and neck and neck res, between pro western liberals and former Prime Minister robert feats. So use campaigns on a populous platform. Calling for an end to slovakia as robust military support for ukraine and for closer ties to moscow. Both sides have about 20 percent support and would require Coalition Partners to form a government us to double use brussel 0 chief alexander phenomena is following this election from brought this lava and i asked her, what people have been saying about the significance of this boat . Well people were telling us that of course they want things to improve. In slovakia, they are concerned about the state of the education here. They are concerned about the cost of leaving prices about skyrocketing energy prices. But i was quite surprised that many people told us, and we are standing in front of a polling station here in the old town all threat to solve us. So i was surprised that many people here told us that they are worried about the general direction that the country is heading off to a quite, to mold shoes and very polarized election campaign. But lets have a listen to what voters see and abrupt as 12. I had to say, i feel like the campaign is exactly like the demonstration of this, like were sending culture and the hatred and, and use of this information in lives in the, in the overall communication and politics. And this campaign i feel like has been the gather that most ration of that month voltage will supply as soon as the funded things have gotten lower while ago that it would be better if it is not like this one. And, but it takes me more to competition of ideas and plans for the future. Unfortunately, the emotions went in defense volume and wont say totally thought it was a dangerous organization. There are getting more russo fighters taking cover. Im preventing themselves from and every course i hope so back. Yeah. Lots of people have enough wisdom to prevent this from happening. All right, alexandra. So some of the main concerns among slovakian voters. But why dont we put this in a european perspective . What is it steak for the block in this election as well . Brussels is watching very closely what is happening here in slovakia because they are afraid that its a anti european pro russian forces. Who according to polls are in the lead here. If they are able to win the elections and if they are able to form a government that could mean that they are going to challenge europes consensus on support for ukraine. For instance, they could join forces with the government and hungry that has been a problem. Chide for the your opinion and for quite a while they could try to look any fathers, sanctions against russia for and for instance. And of course they would call so bolster a group of Eastern European countries for publicly calling for the and of liberal liberal democracy. So for brussels, for them they, you appear in the union as the whole. There is also lots of sake here. And so back. Yeah, definitely is that lives that are from nomine reporting from brought his lava. Alexandra, thank you so much. The United States has war in serbia to pull back. Its forces after detecting would have calls and on the president of military build up along the cost of a border. Serbia deployed the sophisticated tags and artillery following one of the greatest escalations in the years between ethnic albanian and serve communities. In cost of the of the, the us warning comes at a time of rising tensions between serbia and kosovo. That began after gunman ambush the Police Patrol and possible one week ago. This video released by the government in the capital for stina, for ports to show the attackers after they fled to a nearby monastery. One officer and 3 attackers were killed in the ensuing shoot out. The gun battle took place in the serv majority region of northern kosovo, which refuses to recognize the authority of the government and christina coast of all says it welcomes natos decision to bolster its troops and of all the tile balkan region. We need the nato because a border with serbia is very long. And the serbian army has been recently strengthened in its capacity is and they got a lot of military equipment from both that option for the nation and china. It is very important that our army gets stronger, that our police is very present in the north. But also we need joint patrols of police or for solver. With natal k for soldiers. Belgrade says it to would welcome for peacekeepers from nato on the cost of a force known as k for deliverance. Because i had a long telephone conversation. Not an easy one with us secretary of state anthony blinking regarding the situation in kosovo or to talk to you. And of course, there were a few things we agreed on with to leave a few things. We did not agree on. The things we agreed on is that the de escalation is needed. We agreed that there is a significant need for a greater role for k, for a total of a quarter. And serbia ones that greater and more significant role for k, for in kosovo. Pensions with close of those 3rd minority in the north, had been smouldering for months after christina installed ethnic albanian mares and for municipalities. Theyre following the elections that serves boycotted, kosovo which has an estimate albanian majority declared independence from serbia 15 years ago. More than a 100 countries recognize that sovereignty, serbia is not among them. We can now speak to dw 0, such a keeney who joins us from 59 shows. So what has prompted the us to call for de escalation now, according to the us government, there is a Huge Movement though the serbian army towards a comfortable border and us uh for the flooring or uh, 3 minutes or anthony blinking was a little lower. Im just the day that you called the surgeon president alex on there, which is but the which is denied that there is a extraordinary military movement of the white house oh, worn. But bill gray tabs deployed tanks and artillery near the border. The officer deadly clash as the north of comfortable last week. Meanwhile, even natal decided to reinforce its peacekeeping forces uncomfortable by one British Petroleum and the course of those Prime Minister for the requested increased assistance from the us against serve us warfare plans. So that means that the military is near the border and the situation is basically, or so being very dangerous to which is how much leverage does the United States or the International Community more generally have on what is happening between serbia and cost of a in plain language so i would say the of the best and politics most change of their i did 2 tours serbia in the past, so they always ask comfortable to give in and never serve. Yeah. And now its time to put harsh sanctions against serbia and ask them to investigate against um um the languages in the history gang. Even though it just confirm through his lawyer of if he is in serbia and would the answer of questions whoever. Obviously nobodys asking him questions. So basically, so you guys just continuing to gather military troops around comfortable border and not not accepting the reality. And for that reason, the situation, the schedule is getting really dangerous. And on monday there will be hopefully massive diplomatic actions from all the best them countries thats a were serv, yall to come down to the situation and call back the notary. They are, they should take actions, not just a ride, something on to with all. That was the double use of your side. Shut a key need us a thank you so much for your reporting. Thank you. Well, torrential, rain, and flooding has brought chaotic scenes to new york city authorities. There have declared a state of emergency and told millions of people in and near the city to stay home or sick shelter. Of the continued founding of heavy, the force in new york to intrude into licks disrupting traffic and causing gail gas, gaping waterfalls shut down from 3 lines across much of the city with airports and really lines out of Service Housing just people were left stranded. Not getting much information, just hold tight, wait, and uh, take different pets, but who knows what pets and straighten me to where its messed up. So i can sit here, write it out until they opened up the extreme dream force prompted to put these declared a state of image and seeing that each and it is not finished yet. There is more rain on the way that keeps moving. And its hard to exactly pinpoint where to go next, but im asking and urging all new yorkers to continue to be vigilant in this street, many of the guns sort of foxman split into water, forcing residents to pick them up to date on hand. No, i have it myself and another person we trying to keep pumping all these hes throwing out the bucket of water outside. So we have really, really suffering in the back communities. 50 workers use draft students keep people default to the village of america. Building the building searches the down forgot to one of new york. So rate of 15. 00 on record and worn by the forecast residents of producing for even moving i had to austria now and the town of bruno is the birthplace of adult hitler. And the building where he was born is about to take on a new function as a Police Station. Work is about to begin, but some residents are not comfortable with the buildings. New role, the house of evil. Thats what some people in australia called at the best place of autos. Hitler, its so to empty for many is not a Police Station is set to move in. Building workshops stopped within days. A decision not to outcome by everyone because it is seen as an attempt to end debate about the place. In my opinion, it is a sign of fear that a Police Station is being established in money. Because people are afraid that neo nazis could cause trouble here and think that could be prevented beth him and its presence of police. Let me tell you it is a defensive move from not an offensive form. In the past, the building was used by a charity for people with disabilities. Then in 2016, the austrian government requisition to house saying it wanted to tear it down. Then it decided to convert it into a Police Station saying it wanted to stop it, becoming a neo nazi shrine residents. And a ton of prom dollar would have preferred a different solution. I am somewhat undecided. They used to be a social aid office here where it did my civil service. That will probably be a better solution. A social institution helped me to get back on the argument in 360 my yes. Out a lot about this issue and seeing that using it fine at the social Cultural Institution would have been better. So im not really and save us and Police Station as a me of im just i would have preferred it if they had left it as it was, it did not harm anyone and could have house social 8 institutions. Once again, id be to accommodate the teacher, so to complicate math does even more an old use. Paypal take a has image that says hitler himself wanted his both place to be converted into an administrative building. So some say its not. Looks like the all straightened government might be in a vote at lee, fulfilling it was on which vienna wanted to enter debate about the house of evil and state. Its very much alive. Youre watching dw news before we go. A quick reminder of our top story. Slovaks or go into the polls in elections as threatens to further splintered the use unity on you print those expected to be times but poll suggest a could return the former Prime Minister rubber seats. So to office youre up to date on the w news up next. Is doc sell a marion evan. Steve from me and the entire news team and for list. Thanks for the company. The not just another day. So much is happening all at once. We take time to understand this is the day an in depth look at current use events analyzed by experts and Critical Thinking is weekdays on

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