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Africa, and they, uganda and mother and baby were united up to full months of hans. We find out why campaigners want the conclusion of this case to spock. Legislative change the handle, im totally logical. Welcome to the program. For the 3rd time in 2 years, fronds is being forced to withdraw its troops from a west african country. First from molly, then book enough also. And now these, yeah, these 3 countries based just had hist, insurgencies, which the french would that to help suppress. But all 3 have since had military takeovers which the former colonial power has opposed. The 3 west african countries have since announced a new security packed to tackle that you had is to tax. Thousands of people continued to flee the violence though, as dw found from a village in these yeah, near the border with money and onset, and you live the idp kemp insect quota up to the next to my not flat. His own village after seeing is lemons. Terrace. To his neighbors, he menace to escape with his family at the last minute of equipment. You dont quite know how we have suffered sewing much because of the terrorists. We were forced to leave the village. The terrace warned us that we didnt believe them at 1st. Then one day they came and then all of our grain storage took away our livestock and destroyed all of our positions. And that was the day we fled to the til a busy region. Having lost the animals and was no land to call to wait the rest, would you sign a dire situation here . The local government has given them a place to put the makes if puts, but nothing more. They women try to earn some money. Weavings, trauma at the level. We go to the weekly local markets and try and sell them at the end so that we can buy at least some necessities to feed the family. Im content is that correct . Community is taking in more than 3000. 00 refugees at 1st the low cost. Welcome then. But then conflicts over land and water started. And thats why the may is spinning hope on the new military government. She expects the hood to get the security crisis on the control so that the id piece can finally return into just the last few days has been really good for the army has moved in to secure the area less inside the id piece themselves. One to go back to their villages, but what they really need 1st is psychological support. Many id piece i traumatized by the daily struggle for survival overrides everything. Water is the biggest problem. Every drop has to be paid for the low crew pump to open come evening, there is no water left. But today im so i have to, i have is lucky, he minutes to fill this kind of stuff for a price. He can afford label it. The demand for water is huge and people come here all day long. They are the displaced people who come to get water from the palm. We sometimes sell up to them at a lower price lower than for the locals. Because we know that they dont have enough money. Thats one w, one of the city, cindy i so as, as he is a kemp and he tries to spread confidence in the community and to comp time plus if conflicts with the locus overall to arise for him. Hope has no returned regarding how can use since the day with the military had taken power. Weve had high hopes that will be able to return to our respective villages. Because weve already heard that the mood she had during the fast and all the cavities to drive. So terrorist out so this up to move in the town hall to the new, the announce Defense Alliance between molly book, you know, foss a night is inspiring, more confidence than the old cooperation with fonts. This is what we have no other partners. Then this outlines, we welcome did very, very favorably the home we hope it supports the authorities. Above all, we welcome this partnership because it Good Health Club are around to get dead or isnt it is but until that happens, the id piece will have to stay and live in the temp last week. Now to dr. Kabir, i demo as a security analyst on the managing director of beacon consulting, which is a Security Risk Management Solutions provider in nigeria. And in this a how welcome to dw news africa. Thanks for joining us from a butcher. Now looking at the Security Cooperation between new jeremiah and picking this also. So is this about the war against terrorism, or is this predominantly against echo us, which opposed that respective military coups a thank you to me. Yeah, its a combination of both and additional security challenges that the 3 countries are facing. The immediate challenge, especially for new jersey, the trip of a military action to arrest all civil route elected, round the rug democracy in the country. You want to call it. Ive seen some july 26th when june talked to global power that it was, has been consistent that it would not preclude to the possibility of a meeting treat auction. And since then, a new job attempt to reach out to neighboring countries, including like, you know, 5. 00 to 1. 00 money to come to its a does it when we think even in practical tends deployment of military assets from money. And but, you know, if i sent you a new job, so this is perfect for me. Coordination of that discussion on a conversation between the 3 neighboring countries on the other side. They all the board individually and collectively face trip from the non state. Im groups, some of them, i do a logical, i know a lot of just the criminal, a group start a part of the people who didnt just the hill region and so indicate of money as an example of the tract from this group. So lets do 2 military interventions, and so when to speak against this trip, it is an existing child tell each to the government thats where and then of course, to, to the concrete things, a combination of dis, fucked us on several of the factors that up for us to be an issue, but the graphic between the another fractured relationship is that with new jazz relationship with friends which has confirmed to withdraw its troops after such a long time. And also following pressure from the jack. If we look back at friends as a military mission can best be described as a failure overall because of the level around the decades and the, the islamist threats is still the so um yeah, it depends on what, how you look at it. Um, i wouldnt describe it to complete feel when friends came in as in particular a money. Its primary objective then whats to prevent the complete to cool . Well, milan territory by this month date im, im groups and i think it was the luxury successful in preventing these brit of the been a trip element on to even re call a low territory and support the, the really the money and government in reinstate. You need to know targeting in those to um you know, lot of types of money that were taken over by it is not the time. Im good. However, i think the challenge for front has been how to translate those kind of folks as to the ordinary, an average. Um, you know, a resident of countries and does that help . And i think its because of the we, the intervention is print from then if its a foreign button in no, we should friends take up the responsibility for providing what it National Government should provide. In most countries, the primary responsibility of government and the provision of security. So when that responsibility shift at 3 or 4 and button, i think its, its declared that its not what a foreign button that can do and perhaps that its an infinity. Oh, in the conception of french post colonial diplomacy and of course the result and effective dis and wants to do that to get or directed at a from, from so it feels in some instances. But then i think overall i wouldnt describe it, does it to delta you . So what does this all leave needs . Yeah, because a still has to fight to maintain security and to come back to be is what mist insurgency . So that, thats, i think degree just worried at the moment and im quite worried that the International Community starting from a cause you know, to a, you know, of course, even to you. And then of course them or super about not really picking them over on that. And i think id really just had a region remains at the forefront of a current. Im think you really challenges affecting the wall. I mean, we dont move cassidy. We could the area not meant of the ive gotten this done scenario in just a help there, a couple of countries at the moment that the tory t o, the state is still shaky. That a and at any moment in time is not deep and groups could take control of a significant portion of the territory and go ahead to declare some form of territorial control to do by doing them, you know, locations. So it is already some indicate of the job, and the folks at the moment is to accurate from and i think the largely succeed in doing that well, we havent seen or what if what strategy id be going to put in place to replace the vacuum that would be created by the exit on the front. Its easy to see, for instance, that the, the us will feel the vacuum while we havent had that type of narrative or language coming out of the us. Us, its very specific. It has to ministry in order formation sites in, in new jersey. And just not too long ago, he talked to any most one too much of the videos. So we were just not very likely that would be from ground operations to the type that was done by front of it by the u, as in, in new jobs, the bike you wouldnt be created. And at the moment, youre probably better fucked off of i q is not that im groups. Weve seen a new job reduce that by to vision. And did you find that if thats good at the moment, mollys no longer active in that. But in the, in the 4th, in the Multinational Joint talks was in charge, new jonathans to reduce its participation in all instances, only been effective to ive been the non groups. Yeah, i do like to call the ones on the ive run out of that ill pretend in the region say that continues again. The possibility of a react not been to one ive got is done like the new its extremely high. Okay. Dr. Copier unable. Thank you very much for speaking to us to african activists have been named among the windows of the procedures, right, livelihood awards, which is also known as the old tentative nobel prize. Eunice brooklyn, i me saw from gun one the prize for her work as a human rights defend the other african prize winner. Hes the canyon grass roots environmental activist phyllis on needle. You know, hometown mombasa, shes known for organizing a protest. The lead to the closing of a local leg smelting plant. The factory was located in the middle of a densely populated low income area where it was causing widespread lead poisoning, killing hundreds of residents and homie numerous others, many of the ones who died or fell sick with children. Phyllis o mito joins us now on the program from tennessee in kenya. Thanks for time. Phyllis and congratulations on being the recipient of this years. Right. Livelihood awards, and how does it feel to be recognized in this way . So thank you so much for taking the time. So to me, its the, the, the nature of the specific time is very timely because uh, in kentwood the time where the fishing and the bracelets from government, because of the doing and so base we go no way encouraging all communities that we have friendships and, but the people who are watching awful rather than you can watch or rather the cost is digital, youre good. And just because its, its been a long journey for you fighting this battle for Environmental Justice. Why does this mean so much to you for this . You know, the pricing for Environmental Justice for me is about the lives of the life of communities, the hills, their right to nice. They are right to life. It was, so this is what the original game and Just Environment news for the whole we go, i for next uh, the strong incentives for me personally, ive been affected because my son was exposed to net production and the slightest because of that avail, for my struggle stems from this problem that i have experienced from what they did when, when youre right talking interest is value to what can happen to health and your life in this case, that spots of your what is facing setbacks though the people of the oh, we know who Real Community for whom you lobbied, would you compensation . But that has been over 10 by the court of appeals. So its a struggle any different when you are up against this kind of grand institution this. Yes, this is, are you the previous government . We had a division that was quite independence and the wives im quite up to just you can show you some kind of and the out to me really thats what bought for to the into the chair Properties One big juice and then the uh, courts in uh, pushing 70 percent like for you to do the steps, which is a lot of money because it goes around different conditions out. One thing being a technician is which is are all that can meet you and hes joining us. And therefore, this is based on what was to come from governments. They sort of appeal to the notes over time busting the course on 50 percent of the district. But they asked us to go to the environment course to discuss the issue. Again, how much the community should have been consistent if it should be more than welcome to believe it or less the 3 because we have, since i feel just to disapprove, what is the ship like this was a little adjust dudley. It was defeating because of the low because it keeps basic i use search to for the victims to another, assuming the range being through. And also this was not a bus will allow me to do so, and therefore we do, theres no, theres no need for us to go back to the environment in the internet as the people say. So we go up into discipline books and we are hoping that we get to do better. So it does seem like like a lot of work to put all of this together to, to go fighting, right, to the end. What advice would you give to someone watching this . Who wants to fight for social cause, but is worried about the giants task of taking on large establishment like corporates and government and dealing with these kinds of things youre, youre describing as um, you know, its mostly about winning victories or is not wondering about um, getting uh, remedies for communities, but its also this morning games that you get that you get, i know the wage because once you start to try that and then what do you have done . A lot has changed since you started in these trends. When we begun down into nearby and then cuba then yeah, that would be gloves and we dont really the department of our initial seconds be corporate industries. But since i was chairs and the fact that all emotional in garbage was ready to do, things were given to me. But i think that big which was held by the court of appeals. This was just the most sensitive to issues when the rest of the not being on the level of so to see of course its not only about winning the beaches. Its also the change that you create by bringing these cases to port. And by doing that for a few of these cases, you may not, you know, in case we did the policy also we, they cannot find image insurance in it. And what of them um, produced reports being the better to be discharged to gary, all studies on these kinds of studies have contributed a lot to do anything. What do you see in the country at all, even in the health cigna, and therefore its not an issue to be useless shy away and things you might not read and below. Right . Its a big butter. Were taking pictures of government. Its really very frustrating. But the codes and Little Blessings that you get along the way. Philly. So mito recipients of the 2023. Right. Livelihood award. Many congratulations again and all the best to you. Thank you so much. I. This is independence week in nigeria as the country months. 63 years of Self Governance after colonial rule president bought to nubile, has called for no key celebrations, instead of the usual festivities. But as dw flyers, youll buy new reports. Many nigerians think theres not much to celebrate anyway. The past few months have been tough for many nigerians. 12 prices have more than 2 reports this made when the new president , well actually will cost growth subsidies that have had a not courtney fix. Everything has become much more expensive. Many people are still really struggling to get by that theyre not even thinking about celebrating independence. Because celebrating countries, i know that youre going to have those and things where you want to look back on and see where you can be proud of the by of homes. Im looking for them that are going to celebrate the fact that my life, the low level happy. Lets see. It has been really bad for a lot of 15 business wise businesses, lovegrove and nothing is moving up. Everything is just green down economies crushing the country. So uh see, i mean it was a what is that it was being paid for the 5000. 00. Hes like, well enough for me because of my to didnt know my wife the when i do that hes going to that we dont know, we dont know. Busy we have, we agree we dont know what to do the nazis at. I x of all what that is going on in nigeria, where you would say what is happening in in nigeria and we see that everything is going backwards for microsoft friends. Nothing is going on in this country, so i dont see and it isnt just sort of bridge. A 1969 terrorist flag was right. Yes. Mocking independence from britain. 63 as nice as a country. Feel sure. Going to stand on the speak. Spanish speaking, whats the name place on it . We currently use the currency on unemployment menu or people that are leaving in large numbers, but not everyone is able to relocate. So those who are less appealing on change. I dont believe in moving into that because i can go so we uh become a 2nd class citizen. So does i see be leaving and you know, workouts on each and every one of us we contribute our quota. Diligently in the nation was to, well, i just feel like i could make it for myself because i dont know about what that people buy new and not people wants to make it. So i guess really like for my own sales, i mean just right, my brain is just for us to do to see that the very some of those showed my 0 votes we use should not be easy, should work out as guys one of them. I will to, one of us cause i will, is united federal government. The zip was, you know, lets just hope you know, like the said, the president just inside the seats and hes trying his best to make everything speed. So lets keep watching. Obviously just and thought this is so thats whats on c home. This to goes, we see as independence has been pad renewed hope for unity and prosperity. Whereas that many 9 jury i would like to see translate that into reality to, to uganda. Now where a woman has been reunited with a new born baby after 4 months of pots, the 2 was separated because a hospital detained the mother for failing to pay a medical bills after the babys best. The practice of hospital detentions is not unusual in uganda, but as dw judy has more, gambler reports, Rights Campaign is hope. This womans case will lead to some legislative action against the practice other and child reunited last. So we have to be in the seas. Hosp to stuff forcibly to cut new baby away from home because of an unpaid bill. They have been separated for 3 months to get quotes owed to get her baby back to the most testing. Yes. Today. Are you sound good for finally . Of whats in might be acting the suing the hospital where she give us she claims the violated have rights but withholding her baby the hospital refutes her claim. It sees she has a duty to be how abuse and that she abundant child to the care cases of detaining patients. Of unpaid maybe could be used a come on in uganda. Its mostly a fix. The young man who has some, i kept under god for mich to walk at the hospital to pay off the updates. The practice continues, despite prior rulings against each are the quotes of declared the private health plus entities, not detention facilities and in uganda detention facilities. Does it to detention facilities . So if you think anybody in any place that is not that does it the detention facility, then you are holding them really good. And so that means that even for the case of health facility, whether someone has failed to pay less paid, you cannot detain them within the facility. But to this proceedings have not resolved to the legislative change. Really as a hoping that this can cause parliament to in mexico and presents of low to help into the practice. And you can, but for now, allow me have to lean these joyfully the toughest boeing is buckingham muslim embrace or thats it for now. But be sure to check out all the stories and our website, d, w dot com, forward slash aspect on our social media pages. Will leave you with these images from if the op yeah, of the mess go. Thats the annual Holiday Celebration by orthodox christians. Will see you next time finding out the, the the, its time for visionary forces but also for horsepower the, its time for the mobo revolution in 30 minutes on the w to the point. Strong opinions, clear position. International perspective. Ukraine is trying to retake crimea home to russia as black, the fleet with a tax almost on a daily basis, with the promise of new weapons coming from the us onto the point we asked us to tack him to missiles and abrams tax is russia losing premier to the point in 90 minutes on g w, the interest, the Global Economy our portfolio g w business b on. Heres a closer look at the project. Our mission to analyze is the site for markets dominance. East, this is where the heck with dw business beyond the, the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories to just to take away the journey, the destination right . Document trees. Subscribe now. Ok, name, treat practices on stereotypes. Still shapes the west deals of africa. How do we change the adapt to make him rates with congress these creations . Together they exclude the contradictory nature of the 0 centric acid to go. And how these police can be changed. The stop showing us plea from the perspectives starts october 20th us dw, the the. This is dw news, and these are our top stories. The long serving Us Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein has died at the age of 19. She was known as a fair winds, advocate of liberal causes, like gun control and gender equality, but was also a pragmatic lawmaker who could find common grind with republicans. Feinstein was the oldest searching us senator

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