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Your police in pakistan, arrest more than a 100 people after mobs attack and set fire to churches. They are angered by the alleged desecration of the crown and a storm strikes sized west, germany causing flooding across the frankfurt, a cascade or flight cows. Cancellations of the countries Busiest Airport and thousands of passengers from the unpopular phone in the us to our viewers on p b. S. In the United States and around the world. Welcome to the program. Germany is set to by the advanced arrow, 3 Missile Defense system from israel following us approval of the sale. Its part of german efforts to build up a sky shield in response to russias invasion of the ukraine, developed jointly by israel and the us. The arrow 3 is capable of intercepting High Altitude Ballistic Missiles and is used in israels so called iron. Dont arrow 3 is the jews in israel, minute 3 defends crown. The system have an extraordinary range. It can destroy a targets, a 100 kilometers above us in the stratosphere it sales of germany for 3500000000. 00. Thats more than 3200000000 euros is the biggest deal of its kind in israels history. And more was also done. This is not just a defense the animal planet. Israel is selling to many of the sophisticated our 3 Missile Defense system. How much on 75 he has to get with the jewish people with crime to death on the soul of nazi germany, michigan like 75 years later, that juice state is giving to them. And one of the well different gemini, its a means to defend itself. Such as rainy pride, what a historic to an event. Gemini launch the European Sky Shield Initiative last year with 17 of a nations russias invasion of ukraine had magnified the need for joint european Defense System to protect the skies or been the 2 members with the, with the europeans cars shield the initiative with bringing together european states to join to increase protection against Ballistic Missiles, Cruise Missile syndrome, once fully upgraded, gemini, a Defense System will feature 6 iris t surface to a rocket systems to target short range missiles, a dozen patriots systems to intercept Medium Range Missiles and the arrow 3 system to defend against attacks were much, much further away. L 3 according to calculations and some other peoples, the highland footprint of doubles on kilometers. So it can defend people, large area. The contrast way. So far the angle, colorado same. That means arrows res radar system could also monitor the skies above poland for mania. And the voltage nations data from the 3 sites in germany would be transmitted to a Central Location west. So this would be watching for threats around the clock. If a roof is attack were detected, an arrow 3 defensive me saw would be sent up to intercept and destroy the target in space. The sale have yet to be approved by both countries. Parliament. Once that total is cleared, the stage will be set for the worlds most advanced Missile Defense system to be fully operational in germany by 2030. My team can, is an analyst in the defense and Security Research group at the rand Europe Institute in the english city of cambridge. I asked them if berlins decision to buy the arrow system is the right one. Yes, the arrow 3 is a very capable and the ballistic Missile Defense system and what versus full scale imation of ukraine in february 22 showed was that there was a lack of ground air base Defense Missile system, air Defense Missile systems in europe. And so the early 3 will certainly compliment a german air defense capabilities and by extension, wider Nato Air Defense capabilities. In this regard. Are we talking about countries, other European Countries like the baltics . Uh uh potentially uh the, uh, the uh, error 3 is, is very effective as a, as a medium range altitude. So for example, the intercepting missiles that were, were to be launch from to leningrad or, or, or so on. But yeah, yes, this is a very capable i ag system that that would be able to protect in the 1st instance germany, but also potentially highlights further afield such as in the politics. Now israel says arrow 3 is the most advanced system of its kind to put what time and kind to protect against. So there are 3 is primarily designed to intercept ballistic missile, se intercontinental Ballistic Missiles during whats called the extra atmospheric f a part of its flight. So i, in other words, during its space based portion of it, of it, of its flight. And what makes the are 3 unique is a, it has what its called in bird motor technology. In essence, we can changes direction very, very quickly. And this makes it a very capable intercept. So thats what, what makes it unique. And is it unique selling point right now, essentially, with arrow 3, germany is uh, were planning on building up a sky shield for a huge part of europe. So how will this actually work exactly . Well, how will the other European Countries with their air defenses fit into the system . So thats a good question. I think thats one of the challenges that is facing skies shield is how to for this european integration and cooperation through sky shield. Whatever 3 does is give sky shield some much needed emphasis and kind of confidence, particularly in the High Altitude air defense and, and, and to ballistic Missile Defense system. Uh, but i think its no secret that other European Countries might have wanted to see a, a european system, or possibly even a us system to further closer defense cooperation in europe. But the are 3 is never less of a very capable system for european defense. Right. When youve touched on it, there. So how are germanys European Partners and allies likely to react to this deal . Um, well, well have, well have to leave that to the, to the allies and the partners to, to respond for it for comment. But i think france has made no secret to, for example of it the fact that it would like to see greater um, uh, corporation on, on Missile Defense in, in europe. Uh nevertheless, i think this is that the success of, of every 3 or the 5 of germany is buying air 3, give some much needed confidence and boost to to sky shield and shows that sky shield is, is a viable platform for european Missile Defense. If not indeed, the, the only viable platform for, for Missile Defense cooperation throughout europe. Its going to take some time on till arrow 3 is delivered and it wont be fully operational until when at least 2030. So does not leave germany exposed to until then, or i wouldnt say, so we, i version the attack on, on data, or germany is still very, very unlikely, especially given that russia is bogged down in, in, in ukraine. But even in a worst case scenario, there are other air Defense Systems available. Germany, for example, already has the Patriot Missile system that has been deployed and ukraine ad that is capable of, of intercepting, im a Ballistic Missiles. I both have medium and High Altitudes and indeed the us army uses a patriot and then enter ballistic Missile Defense role. So no germany is not a defense list and the lead up to are 3 coming online and there are there systems available and, and then attack on germany. Oh, and nato is still very unlikely. All right, well leave it there to. Yes, i can from the rand your Research Institute in cambridge, thanks for joining us on data. Ok, thank you very much. My pleasure. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. The worlds 2nd Largest Fashion retailer hatch and im has decided to gradually stop sourcing from myanmar after reports of labor abuses in government. Factories, hey, to them is the latest brand to coast ties with suppliers in the armoire. Others include zara owner and d tax pry. Mark and marks and spencer after an explosion in the city of sun can stovall in the dominican republic. Officials say old, missing people are now accounted. 427 has been confirmed dead. The cause of the blast is still being investigated. The president there has declared a national day of mourning. Spains lower house of parliament has chosen a new speaker, francine. A ottoman goal is from Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez socialist. Part of the vote in thursdays opening session was seen as a test for santa, in his bid to form a government. Hes hoping to lead a Coalition Administration with smaller parties after coming in seconds behind the conservatives in last months election. More than 60 people are believed to have died in a boat carrying migrants which was fame drifting off the coast of cape bird, off west africa, and n g o said the boat laugh, sent a goal in early july, caper and plans to return the surviving migrants to their countries of origin, the un says almost 2 and a half 1000 people have died this year, trying to reach europe by boat. The Atlantic Crossing is considered one of the most dangerous. Finally broaches show in cape the after weeks drifting it, see. These few survivors of the latest to attempt to re, to europe from west africa, the most of the passengers and now believed to have died. And the survivors will be sent back to send a go. The un says safe pos, ways to migration a solely lacking world wide, leaving many to seek out the dangerous journey by boat f one with a door and see it comes with a lot of pain. Yes, we know that migration issues a global issue by which we quiet international cooperation, a lot of discussion that global strategy, especially about given what it a well, just go into right now with migratory issues. It means that all of us, all countries have to sit down at the table and see what we can do so that we dont lose any more live, said c major v. Theres no much theres somebody to do the fishing vessel left to senegal on july 10, carrying around 100 passengers, mostly senegalese, migrants move in. One month later, the coast guard and cape bed has rescued just 38. 00 survivors. The atlantic migration rates from west africa to spain is one of the worlds deadliest already this year. More than 300 people have died or gone missing while trying to make the crossing. Despite the risk, the number of people leaving has searched driven away from home by Climate Change and economic and political instability. The west african block eco last says its ready to launch a military intervention in the share should diplomatic efforts to reverse a to their fail. Defense chief from the block has been meeting in dana to address the crisis these years, routing shown to has repeatedly defined International Efforts to restore president mohammed to presume to office last week eco last activated. A stand by force for potential deployment in easier the echo us military leaders are facing a dilemma. Use force and risk crease, the instability, or back off and allow another west african nation to be under miller. People. The block you does have once again emphasized that on the dimension in the chair is a last resort. Lets do one b and that Everything Else phase. The beauty and forces both with stuff that move the military and disobedience components are ready to sub to the portable duty. 5 is available. Seduce the saw. This meeting to be best testimony to the but when and how rest applicant troops could intervene, remains on care. New jersey one has already ignored an echo and was deadline to restore democracy. Meanwhile, the allstate, president mohammed by zoom and his family are under house arrest in the capital in the army eco was have called on the kudos to release the president. Yet another demand rejected by new jersey, new rulers in front of the image. Ill use the 1st stage, the president no one. And let me know whether it was after 5 you see at the is not only the future of new jersey and democracy, but also the credibility of echo was on the block is running out of time and options for restore Constitutional Order in new jersey to come here and tom, who is a security analyst and managing director at Beacon Consulting in nigeria is capital ado, joe, i asked them if any decisions have been reached at this eco last meeting. Yeah, they the, what were hearing from the venue of the meeting is that the participants about 11 countries, uh, committed themselves to a military intervention if it comes to god. In other words, they have endorsed the outcome of one area and meeting the, the outcome, building a good job where the shut it out, it costs up really tree and dimensions. So it appeared that these are the thinking, their way before the meeting did the corresponding in between where the members verified divided. And so this meeting was more or less in the end of that initial decision to go ahead with the military division if it comes to a decent mandatory intervention really seen as a viable way of restoring democracy in nature. Not necessarily. Um, it is not an option. Uh there are several other options being considered. Um, most of them are diplomatic options. Um the economic sanctions ive been involved. And um, from always here in the jar, the fix up to the comic central about being sales at the moment. I think the intention of big Board Members deeds is that do the comic sanctions would lead to a less than support for the immediate treatment. And i need that support reduces identity, me before to come to the table to discuss a house or a statement of the prison visit. Lets talk a little bit more about the the sanctions. So Germanys Foreign Ministry is called in for e. U sanctions against the coordinators. Do you think that they would actually be effective, a squarely day of units on, in terms of a wants electronic body event and by natural tightness as to what the new coolest mean to impose funding in, in 4th, to spanish and yet or new jersey is a lot of little concrete. It is hugely barged. It depends on the development 8 phone with about 40 percent of each the needs. And so with that is cut off. And then like i said already, the effect of the economics mentioned by a cost a little. Now you have the rest of the wallet, also supports and you know, the more assumptions and then the fact would definitely develop now be has been able to control the rate to make a course look like that. But, you know, frontier, they know the one more thing to do and on the left, the room as the responsible for the institution or changing government. So i think the combination of this option and then more effort in strategic communication, the type that would redirect this type of thing to. So that might be, do you see the confusion of changing government . And then, of course, do roll up the one time during the week. Probably how i cheated a bit of them. Do we scream at the moment . Right, well, well be keeping a close, close on developing stare in new share security on this dr. Kabir odonoghue, thank you for joining us on day. Dont. Thank you for having me. In the muslim majority, pakistan rampaging mobs have attacked and set fires to churches after reports, the crown with best accredited. The alleged desecration if true would violate pakistan stringent blasphemy laws, which provide for the Death Penalty for insulting as well. A mob goes vigilante brandishing sticks and stones to punish focused on christian minority of the 2 men were accused of disa, creating the code on our project. Police has done nothing when a man smuggles cocaine is quite within hours. But the person who committed less for me has not been arrested after 24 hours. The police should side with the muslim many christians and jetta and follow had to flee. As the most of the mob ransacked the homes, the walls of the cemetery. But vandalized and churches set on file christian protest, those gathered and cut out you calling for better protection of the people about the homes, about Christian Community were burned in price all about today. All churches were attacked and all religious artifacts were destroyed. This isnt the 1st time such incidents have happened to buckets done. They occur frequently. Weve always sold peace. Today we gather to urge the Punjab Government to protect our people for the love of god, provide justice to our community and ensure a right to live there between a couple huckabee, buckets dons and tell them Prime Minister and bought on hook. Cocker has a dress divide and saying hes got to buy the visuals coming out of john butler in face. And i bought the stone action would be taken against those who violate loads and target minorities. All Law Enforcement has been asked to apprehend the culprits and bring them to justice. Rest assured that the government of focused on stands with off citizenry on equal basis, the focused on blossoming. Those are known to be some of the harshest in the world. But reports show that vigilantes often take over before the police on no key quotes can take stop, leaving those accused at the murphy angle. Lets take a look now at some other headlines this, our india says at least 72 people have died following days of constant rain in the himalayas. A monsoon triggered land slides and flash floods that have submerged roads. Underwashed away buildings rescue words have saved people trapped under mode and temporary firefighters are struggling to contain a wildfire on the Spanish Island of 10, a reef that is forest road closures. And the evacuation of 5 inches. The wildfire broke out in a 910. 00 is national park, and since spread over 22 kilometers near the mount, taylor volcano stains highest peak a huge wildfire and canada has prompted officials to order the evacuation of old 20000 residents of yellow, nice the regional capital of the northwest territories, no debts have been reported, but several structures have been destroyed. Canada is going through its worst ever wild, far season. More than a 1000 fires are currently burn the more than a week after hawaii is devastating. While far as the death toll has risen to 110. But officials are struggling to identify the victims with only 5 confirmed so far. Relatives are being asked to supply dna to help. Meanwhile, herman and dia who heads my res Emergency Agency has defended the decision not to use unami warning sirens to raise the alarm about the fast moving fires. As hawaiians pick up the pieces after fires, course their homes, their anger and frustration is directed at the official response to the disaster. But officials maintain, they did what they could i do not have any sort of discernment that night were afraid that people would have gone multiple as if that was the case. Then they would have gone into the fire on the ravaged island where hundreds are still on, accounted for community. Let initiatives are helping deliver food, water, and close to survivors who have lost it all in the flames. Weve gone through a lot. Were still looking for family members, but this is important to everyone need to be faced with you as president joe biden, planning to visit. Many hope the Media Attention will be accompanied by much needed relief. Fighting has promised to help. Many say there now waiting for action. Well see it when he comes. Well see it. When he does it. Well see it. When he helps with less than half the affected area, searched the people of mile we hope the president s visit will bring more help and donations to the island as a brace for devastating use on the feet of their loved ones. Dw journalist country more. Yeah. Is on my we on told us more about efforts to identify the victims. Numbers are still pretty low and thats something that we were wondering about. Because if people on the ground that weve been talking about, expect the number of deceased to be way higher. The Police Officer explained that they want to be very respectful for the family as they have gathered to teams for experts also from california that are helping with the dna of integration. And they want to notify the families 1st. So they want to be respectful. And thats going to take a lot of time, a dw conchee more out there. Well, thousands of passengers from around the world were left stranded at germanys Busiest Airport in frankfort after a mass of storm floated parts of the city on wednesday evening. More than a 100 flights were cancelled or rerouted, while underground train stations and hundreds of buildings across the city were inundated, avoided pools in the frank foot subway, underground as well as overland Train Services were interrupted by flooding throughout the city. Said frankfurt airport, flights with the light. The stuff to more than 60 latest per square meter fell and the shortest of time. Leaving large parts of the runway submerged. Arriving passengers were unable to leave the plains. Other flights could not deposit over the run main region. There with ball than 25000. 00 lightning strikes in one hour. Thats twice as many as an oil of 2022, for the entire surrounding state of has a guesstimate. I know we saw an anomaly last night because the tax lesser cold weather cluster may a combination of a number of smaller stones which can spend 100 to 300 columbus is covered and moved over the multiple states as about the land. But this is what we saw last night as all the neighboring state of north runways. Failure was also hit hot streets there with flooded like these one, some guys, inclusion authorities had to rescue a number of people from the vehicles and sellers in many properties. What flooded youre watching data you use. Heres a reminder of our top story. Germany will by the advanced arrow, 3 Missile Defense system from israel. Thats following us approval of the sale. The system is capable of intercepting High Altitude ballistic miss outs. Germany wants to roll out a sky shields similar to is rails iron down in response to russias invasion of ukraine. Youre up to date after a short break. Ill be back with an in depth review of the worlds top stories that from today in the day of the senior, very soon so joined me on top of the lease for me and the team here in berlin. Take care of the the the p. Last. Everything in a mirror, 2 hours benedict put talk, 6 counts was completely destroyed by the disasters flooding in slovenia relief workers. And neighbors help as much as they can. Everyone here is searching for a beautiful mid mountains of minus 60 minutes on dw. The sometimes a seed is all you need to allows big ideas to grow or bring an Environmental Conservation to life with learning facts like global ideas. We will show you how Climate Change and Environmental Conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. Knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for the you become a criminal. Pretty kind, a reading news, a tech told me about sugars paralyze between your systems. Computers that are pending documents that go crazy for your data. Explain how these technologies work. Thats how they can also watch it. Now, the, its now 540. 00 days since Russian Forces invaded ukraine, unleashing one of the bloodiest conflicts on european soil since world war 2. For months now, ukraine has been trying to claw back. Its occupied territories, but progress has been slow and costly. For many, its also been disappointing. Russia meanwhile, has assumed a mostly defensive pastor behind a dense and deadly web of mine fields unfortunate occasions. Both sides are bleeding. And the question now is which are

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