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Ukraine to end with the commitments to keep talking prospects of direct peace negotiations between kiff and moscow. Still appear remote as fighting rages on the front line. A train crash kills dozens of people in pockets done with many others move to nearby hospitals. Officials say theyre now investigating why the train, the rails and well have our sports round up, including highlights and reaction from the womens world cup where sweden eliminated reading champions, usa for penalties and more and supports the hello. Im clear, richardson, thank you very much for joining us. A deadline given to new shares, new military rulers, to reinstate the elected president , has passed with no signs of the home to back and down the to which was the 7th in west and Central Africa in recent years as rocks. But the whole region defined and determined, you see a splinter, a doubling down on the power grain addressing tens of thousands of support which is gathered in the capital military leaders showed no sign in christian control. 2 days, gathering his testimony, to your commitments and to your determination to change these hair to bank is what im to, to buy an automation from. We stand because its what the union to reinstate the countries democratically elected president mohammed. But new share has separate so much these here has taken responsibility. It wasnt just the military who took power, but the people who took power, what we have now and here is true democracy. Secret was have given the one to one week to stand down in one that has a plan for military intervention if necessary as a deadline, pass me, she is military lead is doug in our 1st major is based with the threat of intervention and that is becoming clearer through the action of neighboring countries. Therefore, our air space is closed from this day on for all aircraft until further notice is gonna move and there will be an immediate and, and energetic response to any attempt to enter our air space. Something the skies around asia quickly emptied as a country braced for what comes next, eco, what space as a means challenges, however, it proceeds with me, his name is the king of fossil, and molly boats ruled by military regimes backing the winter. They say any military intervention in these, you will be seen as an extra open war and we hope to bring in our correspondent for more on that story later in the show for. So lets go to ukraine. Keith has a talks on the war held in the saudi city of jetta were productive on voice from nearly 40 countries, including china. The United States and india met to discuss ways to find a peaceful settlement to the war. Keith am to build support for the restoration of its territory and the withdrawal of all russian troops. Russia, however, did not attend. I spoke earlier to be of use corresponding in east of in a cube, and i asked him if the nations meeting and jetta had, in fact agreed to any concrete action slow. The short answer is no, no concrete results. Both saudi arabia ends. Ukraine issued positive statements saying this was a successful congress, but as far as a concrete results, there was Nothing Specific in those press statements saying what they had achieved there. The more abstract progress that was made here is of course, that china sent a representative. China was present at these talks. Now this is the 2nd congress that ukraine has organized with countries all over the world, including many, many neutral countries. Countries that havent really picked the side between russia and ukraine, including china, but also brazil, which is another important player here. And china did not attend the 1st one. They have changed their mind on this somewhat. And ukraine is seeing evidence here that theyre melting chinas hearts on the issue of the ukraine war. So for ukraine, that was a big crew here. And what about russia . We know its representatives didnt attend um, do we have more information about what reaction theres been for moscow . Well, theres a lot of bravado here for ministry. Spokes person said that this was absurd nonsense to hold quote unquote, peace talks without russia at the table. And dimitry pest golf is the criminal spokesperson said there is currently no grounds for agreement between russia and ukraine, and that this war will continue for the for city of a future. Dimitri met via the f, who is the former president of russia and the close confidant of vladimir couldnt went even further and said that you crane needs to get on its knees and beg for mercy, which is quite absurd. Considering that the front lines here is an a stalemate. And so russia has issued a lot of these very aggressive statements. But what is interesting here is that they did ask to be briefed by saudi arabia on the results of these talks. So obviously a lot of interest when big actors like china and brazil are meeting with ukraine behind, rushes back. Essentially, what did you think of this meeting . We saw ukraine managing to get more support from countries in the global sales. We definitely didnt see as much as you crane had hoped for in a kind of below to ukraine. On august 2nd, right before the congress began, mexico pulled out did not send an envoy. Im low, the president of mexico said that they would not attend talks unless russia was president present. A brazil did send a representative, another big actor in the global south major economy there. And they did send a representative. They were present of these talks. But during the talk, they said that any real discussion of peace in ukraine would have to include both sides, the means including russia. So little bit of disappointing for ukraine there. But again, just bringing a lot of states to the table that ukraine does not often get a chance to meet face to face with indonesia. Egypt, for example, large economy is huge populations who have been fairly neutral on the subject who ukraine is really hoping to win over. And these talks are part of a Long Term Plan to bring other countries into the fold and to join the allies that are supporting ukraine against the war of aggression in their country. Well, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. Thats the same, you know, he said for forwarding from here. Whats your turn now to our top story news . Air closing is aerospace, ignoring a deadline to restore its elected president to power we can get across to our correspondent lease that shook my wondering events from lagos in neighboring nigeria. So it appears as yours who does not backing down. Theyve closed aerospace rather than you know, submit to that deadline. Do we know what echo boss is going to do as its next steps as well class at the acolytes deadline has clearly a lab so, so echo as have to give a statement. So its a, its a white snaffle, a response from the Economic Committee to west african state echo as on what the next step will be. They have made it clear before last week that the minutes intervention will be the last results. All, do they give an ultimatum . Which allow a lapse last night sunday. Uh for the uh, reinstatement. The president position after this. Im literature and patrick about power on the 26th of july in new jersey. So as we speak deadline, thats the last choice all waiting. Now for echo wise is response now and another Important Development neighbors, molly and 14, if also have both come out in strong support of the one to is echo, watch does intervene here. Are we looking at the potential for a rapidly escalating conflict in this the whole region . Especially play it will turn into such as should that be the many trends adventure in which many people wants to avoid happening . Molly, im booking, i promise you i have declared support for the military pageant. Says that in that needs that we have the nice about julia and chad saying youre not going to be supported admitted to intervention. Echo boys have made plans monitoring device, so were not sure what the next move will be after the deadline. And last last night we have a region that says been re beveled by slimy insurgents in recent years like a valid kind that book arrive on. I assume the link that groups are having issues that in that region, not destiny job. Also the likes of money and also nigeria. So its a, its a situation that might be escalating of more balance and even more displacements of innocent lives sensitive and so should have, we have are many types of insurance on an escalation to the situation induced by him. And we saw earlier footage of huge crowds of qu supporters actually gathered in the capital m a yesterday, given the most recent developments, how much support do you think there is in new share for the military junta as well . Im glad you looked at the 70000 capacity stadium filled to the brim yesterday. It looks like that they have been able to gather huge supports that they split 3 ads inside because they would reweigh was a sunday, but let us today. So many people came out. We also saw judgment than the desk also joining the riley in this stage of a drum up. So i would immediately address that move and also waiting on what i could possibly do next thursday. Ive been able to get, i must have whats in the capital in the army saying that whatever and that theyre going to be spending strong for what about sanctions . A move from echo as so the boys in echo west coast right now, because the people of new j, how smoking yesterday ended me. I mean the june to have made it clear that the i the product and not moving anywhere. So its, oh i that costs out to see what next happening because theyve Technical Support and the capital. Well, thank you so much as always be reporting, thats dw is always extra for me. And we can bring you up to speed. Now with some other world News Headlines at this hour and many boston morocco has plunged into a ravine, killing all 24 passengers on board. The boss was travelling in the mountain, the Central Province of a 0. When it over turned on a sharp bend. Official say its one of moroccos worst ever wrote accidents. Authorities and china are racing to clear up flooded streets and restore power after typhon doc. So re wreaked havoc in the countries northeast. China has the record rainfall in recent weeks, which is severely damaged infrastructure. At least 14 more people are known to have died over the weekend, due to flooding. Hundreds of participants attempting the world south, chambery and south korea are pulling out early and rising concerns over a heat wave and on approaching type food parents and the public have criticized organizers for not being better prepared to host the 40000. 00 scouts from around the world. Or 2 and another space ex launch vehicle has blasted off from cape canaveral. Florida. Developing 9 rocket carried 22. 00 satellites, a walk for the star link internet system. The company set. The 1st stage of the rocket landed successfully on its drum ship. A short fault of graphic task in the atlantic ocean, only the successful launch manage and cut off for at least 30 people have been killed and dozens more injured in a trained enrollment in southern pockets, don responders scrambled to reach men, women, and children trapped in the wreckage after passenger cars de railed some even overturning authorities. A rescue effort has been completed and theyre now investigating the costs of the crash. The has our address was making its daily journey from toronto in packets down south to revel in the, in the news when tragedy struck as the train approaches the town of know up to about 5 hours into the trip. 10 carriages, the rails thousands of horrified locals waded through a can now to lend assistance to pass and just trapped inside the motto, the rest of us to arrive started rescuing the injured, including children. An old people up there in a bad condition. Some of them had broken hands and legs. Tonya, we did what we could, we were going to call him and most of the volunteers were followed by the Emergency Services or the yeah. When i say, well, the tragic scene is changing my eyes while i got the people were looking for the loved ones. No, everyone was upset and confused with whom do i have to push on all of that happen just relative join the search for survivors. Medi family gets all the members of my family and 22 of my neighbors are missing the sub id so far. Weve only found for the minutes ago or id be that level. The local hospitals were quickly inundated with the dead and injured the parties, downs ran ways minister said it was not yet clear whether the du railing had been caused by a mechanical fault, well deliberate, sabotage. Meanwhile, the information minister promised the full inquiry on relevance departments have been directed to take necessary action by Prime Minister abbas cities. He has ordered a title investigation and promised that the reasons for this accident will be made public accidents off frequent on packing stones aging. Railways trains carry moving 18000000. 00 passengers a year, but tracks off pony maintained signal systems of fashion and Safety Standards low. While upgrades are continuously postponed for lack of funds, passengers remain the risk or at least 30 migrants are missing following to ship racks over the weekend of the italian island of land produced the latest tragedy involving migrant boats. Crossing to europe in italy, rescuers helped dozens of people to safety following the disaster. But the bodies of a woman and young child were recovered from the water. The number of migrants trying to make it to europe has searched over the past year with many coming from sub saharan africa, making the journey to libya or to egypt to try and cross the mediterranean in extremely dangerous conditions. Often in overcrowded boats. And the people making these treacherous journeys up with their feet in the hands of migrant smugglers. Our next report looks at what they do exactly. And why a rickety boat overloaded with people in the mediterranean images like this have become common place. And the last decade as the list of tragic mass drownings continues to grow. Why so many people on such old boats in a word, money smugglers charged people thousands of heroes for a place on a boat crowding them on means more profit, using old boats reduced as costs. The revenue from a single trip can be in the millions, many of those who do the dirty work of smuggling or migrants themselves. But most of the money ends up in the hands of International Criminal gangs. How much money . Its impossible to say exactly, but European Police agencies estimate revenues from smuggling a 3. 00 to 6000000000. 00 euros per year. Thats based on tens of thousands of people paying an average of 2500 year olds per person. So much more up to 7000. 00 euros each. The crossing is just one piece of the puzzle. Smugglers provide a range of Legal Services before and after all extremely high prices. The risk is assumed by the passengers. Smugglers are very rarely caught. From many migrants from further south, the trip can start with false documents. An arduous desert crossing often follows by the time people make it to the next stage, they are often out of cash. Criminals exploit them as they try to save money to go on with their journey. Some migrants who make it across or who take the overland roads through turkey and South Eastern Europe are packed into poorly ventilated trucks. They risk running out of oxygen. Well, smugglers drive them across borders. Many countries in the region have put up fencing and petrol. There borders to keep migrants out of the smuggling is profitable precisely because it is illegal. The people crossing with smugglers have no legal option to immigrate. If they did, they can take a flight for a few 100 years. Last thing a matter of hours. Instead they pay thousands for a journey that takes weeks or longer and costs many of them their lives. For more, im very pleased to welcome luigi i q. We with the European University institute in florence, his research focuses on issues including migration and people smuggling. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. Id like to start with your expertise Smuggling Networks are clearly deeply involved in these migration routes. What are the biggest hurdles to tackling human traffic in via north africa . Thanks. Hello, everybody thinks a little bit too, but i think we are asking our Software Office and probably was not what are the challenges affecting the nations largest market networks. But why increasing number of migrants are sorting through the channel. So from a, b, c for my rates, why theres 4 people smugglers movie. And i see that the large part of the problems life lives is immigration boys implemented by this european union. And well, the rest of them are lets speak about one of those policies recently implemented last month that you signed a cooperate cooperation deal with 2 news or that it says will help stem migration to europe. Do you think this is the kind of thing that will accomplish what is intended . You know, i actually think the other way around this policy is these bottom for so thats what we call the next. The motivation of assignment responsibility is this means that basically someone us, another country we take care of our advisors disability. Now this has become the seat of the, ill let sluggers united on the ration in the minds of the eyes of the problem. That means basically, the idea is that text and those visual measures would supposedly show the security of the city state and the safety of the markets by using by the glaciers ending micros dangerous across, singleton between it and creating a more orderly system of my vision. Wherever i mean, there is ample merge, the largest be skeptical about these outcomes in the studies have shown now these like somebodys vision majors, theyve actually increased microns reliance on professional facilitators, aid as models. And even in case of successfully preventing migrants from leaving from kansas ratliff wondering what did these all come out watching the benefit, ben rap, im going to be there like believe the case is, is the p o box . Well, the annual is going to be providing tunisia with a 100000000. 00 euros to improve border management, search and rescue anti smuggling. Where do you think this money would be better spent . I mean, that would be better as bad to improve outside of the system to a formula system to improve the conditions of the defense has been to exception centers the mirror and facilitates and opening legal shows of movies in order to proceed phase and moving the transports and moving go microns and rather than making them rely, is making edwards about to have extra legal, Joseph Community for moving and all day and the, and the solid around produce a volume systems in order to process the case. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. Im afraid were gonna have to leave it there. Thats lucy. I can be with the European University institute in florence as turning out to sports where the football girls comp last 16 continue or shortly with england against nigeria ahead of host australia facing denmark. Thatll do well to match the drama from sunday, where holders the United States were knocked out by sweden after no, no draw. Following extra time, the swedes won a penalty shoot out by the barest of margins. There was cause for us players to be nervous. The head of the match, their fans to sweden, these were maybe more relax, knowing they had a goalkeeper capable of keeping the americans off of the scoreboard that youre most of which was that goal cheaper and she ensured the match would go to penalty kicks, including one from the heroic megan rafino, but no save needed for that shot. Leaving sweeties lena her to play the hero when the match and not the defending champion. So us goalkeeper a listen, there appeared to make a stunning save. But technology would show the ball across the line by about that much. The referee rules sweep those on for the quarter, find the us. Those top one for q usa, our correspondent tom, get away was at the stadium in melbourne for that sweet and us match. He gave us his thoughts and spoke to star players from both teams. The penalty, sure, utah is just about the most dramatic spectacle in spoil. And if youre on the losing end just about the crew list. Now that penalty, as we saw only across the line by you know, a has bretts. And for anyone whos watching that life for anyone whos just sports that report and was having trouble working out exactly what was going on. Let me assure you, it was just the same in the stadium. It wasnt until the suite display is interrupted instead of brysons that we were setting. Okay, the rest giving it a sweet and all through an even to play is on the page for, for a long time. Had an idea of what was going on. Now off to the game, we were able to speak to a couple of those players. So were going to hear from fidelity in a row for the swedish pi a who stepped top and smashed home countries for us penalty in the shootout. And also from megan, repeat know for him to night was her last ever game in world cup football. And for whom, of course, with that penalty miss ended so tragically. Heres what they had to say about the shootout that was nervous. I was so nervous i couldnt watch the, the last penalty you to call. I had no idea it was so hard to see from my end goal. So i was just hoping like, pray, like, please tell me its a, thats the way that, you know, the game goes and thats the way that life goes. And i feel grateful for this moment still to be able to play it in another one and have this experience and yeah, this is less. It was turned out to the mens football and the german mid feels. Are ill. Kaiden go on. Has been named in germanys play or of the year for the 1st time. The 32 year old captain english side Manchester City to a trouble of titles last season, winning the premier league as a cop and champions league. He has sent to the spanish club, barcelona, and announce some other stories from the world of sports and motor gps bains. Irish s. As for god ro, one the british grand prix, after overtaking reading champion and francesco vanya during the final walk, thats officer track. The operating, the rider claimed his 1st winter season, as ducati is vanya had been in the lead since the 2nd left finish seconds. In cycling machine, were going to pull, recover from a crash to win the mens road race as the cycling World Championships in glasgow. The 28 year old dutchman held on despite falling on rain so roads earlier the race had been hosted by environmental protesters who glued themselves to the road in golf says, you know what, ca, one, the Women Scottish open one week after winning hurfirst major title. The number 4 rank french player, one by 2 strokes, which i will now head into the coming with these british open at walton east, in southern england, with plenty of confidence in tennis and britons of dan evans, i think the biggest aisle of his career with a straight set to win over dutchman highland critics, for the final of the dc open in washington, evans put on a dominant performance in the 7563 when to seal his 2nd career atp title will after less than 3 weeks and send him as Warner Brothers hit so barbie has top 1000000000. 00 us dollars in global ticket sales. The seller performance means director gret, a girl who has become the 1st solo woman director to break the 1000000000 mark. Shes always a list of only 28 people. All of the men who have directed 8000000000. 00 hollywood film alone. You are watching the, the news. A quick reminder of our top story. Before we go, the demonstrators have rallied in new shares capital in support of military coups leaders. This comes with the home to face the sunday deadline to restore civilian roles or risk intervention from the regional walk at a loss. That is your news update. Memphis, our coming up next. Its a homecoming special in the 77 percent. Stay tuned for that or check us out online at dw dot com. Im sorry, richardson in berlin for me in the whole team working behind the scenes. Thanks for watching the as a business and at least i think my country would help make a Good Business decision. What do you have to say about that intentions of going back home . These a huge shortage off Health Care Professionals between africa. When they go back, i was as my single Young Journalist so important and as we empower each other, the 77 percent on the really used to be 1st page researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time. They are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature, the more likes watching it on youtube dw documentary. Imagine how many portions of lots of turn out in the world right now. The climate change. The story. This is much less the way from just one week. How much was going to really get we still have time to work on doing the flux. This subscriber for morning is like the low there and welcome to another edition of the 77 percent. The show for us because youth of free cousins who spend time abroad beat for studying or watching can and do give a lot back to the continent. Todays show is all about the empowered women. We

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