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Prospects of direct peace negotiations between cube and long scouts still appear remote as fighting regents on the front line and a train crash kills thousands of people in pockets done with many others moved nearby hospitals. Officials say theyre investigating why the train, the rails, the hello, im clear, richardson, thank you so much for joining us. A deadline given to new jersey, new military rulers, to reinstate the elected president , has passed with no signs of the who into backing down. The crew, which was the 7th in west and Central Africa in recent years, has rocked as a whole region defiant and determined medius, one to a doubling down on this telegraph. Addressing teens of thousands of support which is gathered in the capital village. Truly that showed no sign relinquishing control 2 days, gathering his testimony to your commitments and to your determination to change these hair to bank is what im to, to buy an automation from. We stand for because its all what you need to reinstate the country. Democratically elected president mohammed. But new sharon has suffered so much these here has taken responsibility. It wasnt just the military who took power, but the people who took power, what we have now, and here is true democracy. People was given the one to one week to stand down in one that has a plan for military intervention. If nisa series as a deadline pass me, she is military lead is doug. In fact, a major is faced with this trend of intervention that has to be coming clearer through the action of neighboring countries. And therefore, our air space is closed from this day on for all aircraft until further notice, one is able to use the move and there will be an immediate and, and energetic response to any attempt to enter our air space. Something the skies around easier, quickly emptied as a country braced for what comes next. Eco, what space as a means challenges, however, it proceeds with need. His name is the king of paso and molly both rode by military regimes backing no one to they say any military intervention in need, you will be seen as an extra open to lets cross over to our correspondent elisa, triple my monitoring events from lakers in neighboring nigeria, good morning lisa, it appears these years home to isnt backing down. Theyve ignored that deadline and close their air space instead of the echo was given any indication of what its next steps are as well that co that is the next step question. What will be the next move from echo as that deadline has long since bostons last nights uh, a sunday. Its a new dates and monday i dont know statement yet from echo but as outside the deadline, the ultimate them given for the so im going to change the inside. So the restore pipeline to, to consistent or to restore president , boost to back into power has not have one. So hes a wait now, perhaps the response from the comic uh, from the eco box block states. Thats a, give a response the day. So lets take a look at the wider regional implications. We know molly and volcano faso have both come out in support of the home to if echo watch interviews, are we looking at the risk of a rapidly escalating conflict in the wider cell region . Because that is any likely i should echo as that you know, intervene with admitted free force. Now that has not been confirmed yet they have said dropped last week that that will be the last result despite the drink. But it fits use of the region. I mentioned, and i believe i concluding plans for me to change the venture on the should that, that be the case that so theres glowing fears about that escalation. If you have question, move into the capital in the army as we move against the j to reinstall the the presidency. Also, i will have my baby boom. So i dont forget is around the corner of the countries that in the country already suffering so much hardship in terms of Climate Change and also pop up, see i know thinking, i mean the deprivation. So and also dont have that fight into how it is. Okay. That book ahead on mind likes an eyesore social ministry of academic ad troops on echo was moving to new, say it will be an escalation of the problems. And as i have region overall, we are looking at the exceptionally difficult conditions that many are facing there. Um, we saw those images of huge crowds of qu, supporters gathered in the cap on the, on the yesterday, given the most recent developments, how much support would you say there is in these air for the one to as well . Because you can just see the image of something yesterday was quite an eye open up on the capital. The. I mean, thats a about 2000 capacity stadium and the capital was filled to the brim. I need for more with what you might say, a big people coming out to young people. Youd say a huge crowd to show. So that i would say id be tough that you 40 i from the trial day. Im defiance alongside anybody through june that to show the i suppose that as it basically all counts down to get that the deadline pass on. Echo as is more like saying echo as do your was we idea of where it is in Different Countries that was divided and called we saw yesterday on a lots of for the cool need as well also by the stadium. Id say really cheer insurance alongside that, the big huge crowd. So it does seem that they use relatively very high support leaning towards the screwed up. I have saying that is that taking that destiny into that one hand side is not just the community does, is it people of new jersey which then puts extensive sense and messages recognize that it might be quite a tricky one if they want to intervene militarily or whats already about sanctions that have impose on these a so a tricky one. Based on the images we saw yesterday from the last page, im in the im a new j absolutely. And essential consideration. Thank you so much for reporting. Thats always that to pull. Now weve crane has said that talks on the war held in the saudi city of jetta were productive invoice from nearly 40 countries, including china. The United States and india met to discuss ways to find a peaceful settlement to the war. Cave aim to build support for the restoration of its territory. And the withdrawal of all russian troops, russia did not attend. So for more on these talks were drawing now by dw is amy and east of joining us from q a. Been a positive signal there from ukraine, but did any concrete results come out of these talks slow . The short answer is no, no concrete results. Both saudi arabia, end ukraine, issued positive statements saying this was a successful congress. But as far as a concrete results, there was Nothing Specific in those press statements saying what they had achieved there. The more abstract progress that was made here is of course, that china sent a representative. China was present at these talks. Now this is the 2nd congress that ukraine has organized with countries all over the world, including many, many neutral countries. Countries that havent really picked the side between russia and ukraine, including china, but also brazil, which is another important player here. And china did not attend the 1st one. They have changed their mind on this somewhat. And ukraine is seeing evidence here that theyre melting chinas hearts on the issue of the ukraine war. So for ukraine, that was a big crew here. And what about russia . We know as representatives didnt attend um, do we have more information about what reaction theres been for moscow as well. Theres a lot of bravado here for ministry. Spokes person said that this was absurd. Nonsense to hold quote unquote, peace talks without russia at the table. Dimitry pest golf is the criminal spokesperson said there is currently no grounds for agreement between russia and ukraine, and that this war will continue for the for city of a future. Dimitri med via the f, who was the former president of russia and the close confidant of vladimir couldnt went even further and said that you crane needs to get on its knees and beg for mercy, which is quite absurd. Considering that the front lines here is an a stalemate. And so russia has issued a lot of these very aggressive statements. But what is interesting here is that they did, asked to be briefed by saudi arabia on the results of these talks. So obviously a lot of interest when big actors like china and brazil are meeting with ukraine behind, rushes back essentially. And you think of this meeting, we saw ukraine managing to get more support from countries in the global south that we definitely didnt see as much as you crane had hoped for in a kind of below to ukraine. On august 2nd, right before the congress began, mexico pulled out, did not send an envoy, load the president of mexico said that they would not attend talks unless russia was president present. A brazil did send a representative, another big actor in the global south major economy. There and they did send a representative, they were present at these talks, but during the talk, they said that any real discussion of peace in ukraine would have to include both sides. The means including russia. So little bit of disappointing for ukraine there. But again, just bringing a lot of states to the table that ukraine does not often get a chance to meet face to face with indonesia. Egypt, for example, large economy is huge populations who have been fairly neutral on the subject who ukraine is really hoping to win over. And these talks are part of a Long Term Plan to bring other countries into the fold and to join the allies that are supporting ukraine against the war of aggression in their country. Well, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. Thats the same, you know, he said for forwarding from here, we can bring you up to speed now with some other world, this headlines. A many boston morocco has plunged into a ravine, killing all 24 passengers on board. The boss was travelling in the mountains Central Province of i 0 when it overturned on a sharp bend. Officials say its one of moroccos worst ever road accidents. 30 people are still missing after 2 boats caring migrants, capsized off the, a tally, and i live alone. Producer in the mediterranean sea, italys coast guard said 57 migrants were rescued by the dead bodies of a woman and her baby were also recovered. Authorities fear the death toll could rise so well. At least 30 people have been killed and dozens more injured in a trained enrollment in southern pockets on responders scramble to reach the men, women and children trapped in the wreckage. After passenger cars, the rail, some even overturning authorities. A rescue efforts have been completed and theyre now investigating the costs of the crash. The has the address was making its daily journey from toronto in packets down south to road in the, in the north, when tragedy struck as the train approach the town of know up to about 5 hours into the trip. 10 carriages, the rails thousands of horrified locals waited through a canal to lend assistance to pass and just trying inside on the bottom. Oh, the rest of us to arrive started rescuing the injured, including children and old people up there in a bad condition. Some of them had broken hands and legs down here. We did what we could when we were going to call him. And most of the volunteers were followed by the Emergency Services or the tragic scene to catch my eyes while i got the people were looking for the loved one. Uh no, everyone was upset and confused with whom do i have that . But i found out that happened just relative join the search for survivors. Many family gets all the members of my family and 22 of my neighbors are missing the sub id so far. Weve only found for them into good or, i mean that level the local hospitals were quickly in on dated with the dead and injured the parties. Downs went away. As minister said, it was not yet clear whether the du railing had been caused by a mechanical fault or deliberate sabotage. Meanwhile, the information minister promised a full inquiry on relevance departments have been directed to take necessary action by Prime Minister sha boss cities. He has ordered a title investigation and promised that the reasons for this accident will be made public accidents off frequent on packing stones aging. Railways trains carry moving 18000000. 00 passengers a year, but trucks off pony maintained signal systems of fashion and Safety Standards low. While upgrades are continuously postponed for lack of funds, passengers, we made the risk well after less than 3 weeks and send them as a Warner Brothers hip from barbie. Has top 1000000000. 00 us dollars and global ticket sales. The seller performance means director of credit card work has become the 1st solar woman director to break the 1000000000 mark. She joins a list of only 28. 00 people, all of the men who have directed a 1000000000. 00 hollywood film alone. Youre watching dw news before we go. A quick reminder of our top story. The demonstrators have rallied in new jersey capital in support of military coups leaders. This comes with the home to face day sunday deadline to restore civilian rule or risk intervention from the regional they have it back. Is there any updates coming up next . Our tech show shift turns its eyes toward Artificial Intelligence reporting on how iris scans can distinguish people from a i bought a tooth about 4 or 5 us online at p w dot com. Thanks so much for watching. The motor sports scoring. We say they were about never giving up sports like every weekend on d w

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