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Also coming up climate scientists signed the alarm as the worlds Ocean Temperatures set new records impacting both marine life and overall global warming. A 19 year sentence for alexis involving a Russian Court to convince him of extremism and extends the opposition leaders, time behind bars. The unpopular funny its, its good to have you with us defense chiefs from the Economic Community of West African States or ego us say they have come up with a plan for a potential military intervention in new share. The regional block has given to leaders in the share until sunday to restore power, to elected president mohammed bassoon, or faced possible military force equal last, military chiefs have been meeting in jerry as capital a boucher to discuss their response to the to. This comes after new shares, new military john just said it was stopping military cooperation with friends. The countries, former colonial ruler, west africas for successfully executed 2 in 2 years. Its lead is fremont as an active revolution against new jazz form a colonial power, france. 1500 french troops, the station to base near the capital in the im a helping tobacco is almost insurgents of groups in the vein in rich nation. But now it seems they might not be staying much longer fast. Id love to given frances casual attitude and reaction to the internal situation in our country, the, the National Council for the safeguarding of the country. So we decided to terminate the Corporation Agreements in the field of security and defense with front of x at the top. After giving the old imperial power, that marching orders attention was turned to the regional power, the Economic Community of West African States of peak of us. The book said, if ousted president , mohammed presume, was not to reinstated by sunday, it could authorize the use of force, leading the john to, to issue a selective that own ugly. As you dont, that the old aggression points were attempts that aggression against the state of news. Yeah, is well see an Immediate Response and a response without warning alex, its showing that b, i mean, she spends molly and mccain of fast. I said that any such intervention would also be a declaration of war against them. At a cost delegation was sent to negotiate, but ultimately left without meeting the june to later. Oh, the aspect president light to send a golf saw in minnesota might have feelings very clear. Well, why didnt we do it for molly . Why didnt we do it for guinea . Why didnt we do it for burkina . And why are we doing it for new jersey to give one answer . I say its one to 2, many cool. This is not said by pro cooper test is in the im a who took to the streets waving the jerry and flags on some of us and runs to every time its like the one that says the country is funding, but a gloss. Its time did he lives that if i can speak to us in the west check concerns of expanding military rooted in the region as well as growing influence, a must go the next few days will show whether this sunday deadline is a genuine sweat. Well, mainly a prolonged now the worlds oceans are warmer than ever in the past. Months has been the hottest on record with the average surface water temperature reaching 20. 96 degrees celsius. Thats 69. 7 degrees fahrenheit. One of the places thats recorded a startling record is the us state of florida, where the effects of warmer ocean water are already visible. Plunging below the surface of pots of florida is from refreshing these days. The ocean near here reached a re, quote 38 degrees this week about the same as a hot tub. The heat has bleached this one. Its bright carl. And now locals. A worried about what comes needs to happen in the last 2 weeks. Just 2 weeks time is nothing short of a cry for help its. Its terrible shocking. I want to cry myself when im in the water snorting to see this and i contacted some friends of mine and said, um, you know, the reef is police, its something that happened pretty much overnight. Florida is report is not an outlier. Among the worlds forming oceans, which is of the north atlantic in the media to rainy and say, have both broken heat records in recent weeks. Globally, the average ocean temperature has been topping heat records since april. Signed to say oceans have absorbed 90 percent of the excess heat forced by human activities since the industrial age, despite widespread evidence. Some still considered Climate Change to be a bunch of hot air. So its about 72 percent of it. 3 becomes understand that its real, that its happening at about 56 percent. Understand that its human cause. So one, those are all time high. Thats great. Yea, america. Good job. Except that if we were to put that in global context in brazil, for example, where weve also done work, 98 percent of resilience. Think that Climate Changes happening. Normal oceans of oil, so least capable of absorbing Carbon Dioxide reinforcing the vicious cycle of global warming. And higher temperatures likely was an el nino phenomenon involving woman unusual waters and the eastern pacific. Only just beginning well, earlier i spoke to katie, less than ascii from the Florida Keys National marine century and asked her what can be doing right now to protect carl res. So right now our program and partners that we are working with have undertaken a massive effort to rescue coral that has been held and what we call. 0 offshore underwater nurseries. These are areas for cross or the team for refresh ration programs. And so over the last several weeks, thousands of girls have actually been moved to long land. And so these were they can be well taken care of in perfect conditions. This past week me and my team were also moving calls from a shower water nursery to a deeper cooler nursery still on the street. So the goal is to essentially save these calls and keep them well maintained until after the switching event after this wave, when we can then review restoration operations with these that was katie, less than asking from the Florida Keys National marine sanctuary while moving on. And in russia, the Prominent Russian dissident alexi and the valley has urged russias population to find the courage to stand up. To president Vladimir Putin bony made the comment after he was sentenced by a Russian Court to 19 years in prison for extremism and supporters. Say this conviction is just the latest attempt for the kremlin to silence. One of its most vocal critics. The Anti Corruption campaigner has been serving time and in a tory isley, brutal prison colony for 2 years now. Despite the lengthy sentence awaiting him, alexei novelle, and the entered the court room with a smile waiting already his co defendant. Daniel called me, who had formerly worked on the valid these Youtube Channel with the media of faults to watch remotely, the past and alongside their lawyers. To receive that sentence is. Ready 19 years from the valley, an a is 25 year old associates, the lawyer and political campaign, a is already subbing multiple sentences at this penal colony about 250 kilometers for must go. No stranger to prison in a statement of to the verdict, the valid, the now said he was effectively facing a life sentence. I the, his life will that a president Vladimir Putin regime and development and his team of loan maintain that he is the victim of political persecution. Something the kremlin denies the valid these press. Secretary said that the latest heavy verdict was an attempt by the government to intimidate russias opposition. The sentence is not for he, it is for russian. People who weakness, human, see what is happening. So she literally is trying to price and, and me a link to supports or as a, as she can. So theres no words to whom only one goal to ski, or as much people as possible development has long voice to allegations of corruption among rushes, political and business elite. Hes also being a harsh critic of president , boots in russias most prominent opposition is take a now faces more time in prison. Support has been this new sentence will be used as an excuse to send him to an even more remote penal colony with even the less contact with the outside world. Lets bring you up to date now on some of the other stories making news around the world to ukrainian intelligence sources say, a russian worship has been badly damaged in a drone attack on russias black sea naval base in nova rough fisk, a video published on social media appears to show the seaborne drone moments before impact other frontage shows a listing ship being towed to shore. Russia says the attack was flipped. Severe flooding has its lavinia after a months. Rain fell in a single day. The extreme weather has claimed the lives of at least 3 people. Northern slovenia, close to the border with austria has been worst effected, and authorities are warning of more floods in other areas as a river swell. Police in new york city say theyve arrested thousands of people and what theyre quoting a riot police were called to disperse the sizes of people who flocked to union square after a popular internet streaming star promised a huge giveaway. Authority say theyre considering charging the 21 year old youtube with inciting rights. Well to sweden, now a country that takes pride in its tradition of free speech for oil. But after a state of protests including the burning of copies of the crown, the swedish government is treading a fine line between laws that allowed the desecration of religious books and restricting such acts because of a search in terror threats. He w. S Terry Schultz reports swedens external borders are getting extra scrutiny. As the government approves, strengthened Police Powers to conduct controls. Aiming to keep out. Anyone who may seek revenge on sweden for the repeated torching of is loans wholly as text. So may affect, as we perceive in increased security threats as the results of the, of the ground. Buildings is enough for us to make these decisions for administer bills from knows the law allowing such activities may become more restrictive due to the dangers the demonstrations create. One of which is a right propaganda opportunity for those who want to tarnish swedens image with muslims. But in this case, as we have seen this for the 1st Time Restaurant using the narratives, focusing on the false picture of sweden being hostile events, islam. They repeat things in narratives that we see in the stomach extreme in some uh, environment, and use that. Again, their state controlled Media Channels like the rest of today, and its put towards the arabic speaking people on thursday, a relief for this meters government, a man whose previous career and burning ignited a massive reaction in a rock, canceled his request for permits and only alone woman staged a tiny anti islam protest, but even those small flames can be found for propaganda in social media is his political activists who saw him l. Demonte, who showed up to try to convince the woman to stop such provocative acts. Im, im feeling cold. What, what are you doing now is, is a, is a hate speech is not a free speech. I, i think its my job to you have to come. If i swear people, whos angry from this to, to speak to try to come down. Oh, commodities, real job is an investor. Hes no longer a practicing muslim. That feels is crucial to speak to crowds on both sides of the issue at korean burnings. To try to tempt down societal tensions. He confirms the kremlin is cashing in on this strife. In the arabic speaking world, the elements are flushing the feeling is quite a show. For example, here for the increasing the for on one of many profiles Like Congress boyfriends, who say like, or the pictures is showing everything. This is why we must lands with moscow. And this kind of messrs. Have us like equity. So it is effective and its a dangerous and we need to to to to, to make a stop with this. A recent pool shows most leads, believe burning. Any holy book should be made illegal. This is tito here in use of next to business with rob watts on. Dont forget this time, the more news on our website, the www dot. Com. And well take an follows on social media and pop up on any us for me and the team here in britain. Thanks for watching. And ill see you again at the top 10 extra the door dont take mommy under your mommys not coming back. Its over

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