Of a conservative is list policy uninstalled events. At the football world, cough australia to light the home crowd by knocking out canada to reach the last 16, [000 00 00;00] the how many cars making and welcome to the program. And it has military coup. Leaders have accused the full month colonial power fronts of pressing a military intervention to reinstate ousted president mohammed by zoom. The french government and the European Unions top diplomat say they only recognized presume as much as legitimate until thursday. The new one has also arrested several more government ministers. Now thats according to the policy of the detained president , is arrested include the ministers for oil and mining, as well as the head of the policies executive committee. The other i spoke to the low dang, of political on the list of focuses on this the Health Region in africa about the laces developments in these. Yeah, i think that it is pretty significant and its also a sign that the hunter, i still in the process of um, i would say re, im really enjoying the tactics as a rad 30. Theyre trying to, to use these people to certain extent as bargaining shit because they, they are getting quite a bit of pressure from eco us to move to a democratic transition. They also are specifically uh, trying to see credit lines rather as a potential stakeholder and any negotiations. So i think that the moves are actually, theres a, theres a level of sophistication to discrete data in the fact that they have not automatically announced that they will move to a democratic transition. And most likely holding that as a bargaining chip for late for later down the road. Mm hm. You mentioned the pressure that the, the, the, a one to is on the, we know the West African States already agreed on a number of functions to, to pressure the whole intent fronts. And that you have now suspended ties with media. Will any of this make a difference . Do you think . I think i hear what will be interesting is to see what happens in terms of russia and other countries as well. You know, the, the fact that this could, you talk are the same because the russia, african summit in which russia re, uh, re accelerated and reinforced their attempt to for training themselves. Nancy colonial power in africa. So the fact of the matter is, is russia, uh, the other, the group or the rest itself, or even a country like, for example, so that it, russia, is able to, from relatively quickly the operation of the governments perhaps in terms of loans or, or other assets a exchanges, this will make it so that the government will most likely be able to stand up quite a few months. And i think the other thing thats important to point out is that these harris is quite aware that the European Union and other non e u countries, likely u k. And so thats why im very concerned about these are because it is one of the largest migration. Uh, areas you know, its a lot of the essential ministry en route that takes people out of central in west africa to europe, goes through these here. So they, they do have quite a few uh, they do have quite a few points in which they can try to put some pressure as well on eco, los and on the friends and the you. So i think that the, the, the one size really trying to see how far they can go, how quickly russia can, can give them some money. And, and after all, we are in the context of the close to print crisis in which in general, humanitarian and development a, uh, to the i can confident has it has significantly decline. So the threat is, is not as strong as it would have been say 5 years ago. Ive a little dying, International Development consultant. Thank you so much for your time. In your analysis. A circle does that make state says it was behind a suicide bombing at a physical riley in pakistan on sunday, in which more than 50 people were killed. Hundreds of monas being, attending the funerals of the victims of the attack. At least a 1000 people were crowded into a tense mirror market at an election. Raleigh for a pro tell a band cleric, police say that nearly half of those killed one children. And many of the wounded also being treated in hospital 3 suspects all currently under arrest. A gentlest machine of us joins us now from is lemme bonds to move on this story. Thanks for your time. The shane, can you tell us why this particular political policy was the targets here . The thing is that any Political Party can be targeted and others have been attacked in the past. In this specific case, we also have the problems with this machine. Im going to try that one more time. Can you, can you tell us why this political policy was targeted . Yeah, i was saying, can you hear me . Lets try again one more time. Yeah, we can hear you now. Yeah. This. Yeah. I think that the thing is that any Political Party can be targeted and others have been attacked in the past. In this specific case, we also have to take the location into consideration, political rivalry, babylon order, and the new, the integrated area of the but your district. Its important to note that this area where the Suicide Attack took place was a historically tribal area, with the separate legal and political system and only recently has been integrated into the box on the administrative stage. In addition, since dollar bond took over in a bonus on anti box on elements have found human there, which is not too far from the border of, of amazon. So the district was also a strong hold of this and he gets out of bond box on a cdp. On a close ally of a, ive done this on solid one government before the bach assigned the army, drilled them out of the area last time that this policy is being attacked as it now this nomic state group, which operates in i s, which operates and no one is on and is an enemy of the, of the bomb has attacked j. U. I asked him to pass, they could, and they could be behind this attack. Uh, but investigations are ongoing. Ice accuses do you, i apologize about that you, i am going to be in the government, send them in the tree. Okay. Now um pack us dawn has experienced a significant political. Cale since in wrong con was ousted as Prime Minister last year. Theres an election coming up later this year. Would you say more attacks all likely as well. Its very hard to parse the motivation of these attacks until theres a clear statement by the attackers. But terrorism can be motivated by theological differences or political rivalry under the guise of terrorism. And number 3 could be an attempt to form and kill us by anti bucks on elements. The terrorist attacks have increase in focus on his late, but nowhere near the heights of the mid to thousands post 911 era. Ever since atlanta son was taken over by the solomon. There is an uptick of attacks where anti box on elements are finding haven and it was on this on focus on is finding it difficult to deal with the situation as they are trying to maintain a friendly relationship with the bon. Um, its generally understood that the Intelligence Network continues to successfully prevent attempts to attack civilian targets in fox on. Um the, obviously that information is classified. But significantly, this attacked to face not to far from the border of the sun in an area that is historically had very the government presence notion of us and as love about. Thank you so much for that. Thank you. At least 5 people have been killed and a missile attack on the central ukrainian city of creevy rear official say that Russian Missile struck an Apartment Building on the University Closing thousands of injuries. Moscow says it is intensifying it strikes in response to Ukrainian Drone attacks on russian territory over the weekend. The kremlin says it down to drones. Evan, moscow cooling the attacks, an act of desperation. Alexander miller, as the defense policy, Spokes Person to germany is free democrats. Policy, which is part of the 3 policy Coalition Government here in germany. I often the, his thoughts about ukrainian presidency lensky statements, but the tax on russian territory in editable and fast to his rights. Um, because that is what your president put you in did from day one from day one. Uh, put in a tickets. Um ukraine was ms. Sites. And um, if, if he says this is an escalation, if you tell them somebody in his face and you can get them back, theres no escalations is the reaction of what you provoked. So this is absolutely natural what is happening now. Okay, so thats very clear on so yeah, we rarely hear any reaction from uh, western politicians when these kind of strikes happen. So. So what germanys officials thoughts on these attacks i think it is assign assigned from somebody. We dont know who did the text with the drones, but there must be some criminal enemies. Perhaps it was a ukrainian secret service. We dont know, but its just dying to is a rushing people to tell them you are not secure. And this is not a security operation in a far country, but this is the walk between our 2 countries and you are not safe anymore. This is a sign of decent text. Okay, so, and the German Government is supportive of this kind of reaction from ukraine. And i didnt t a m any remarks until now from from any um, government us as a product. But uh we do not. Um, we do not call this an escalation or something wrong because that was to be expected. This is what puts you into this. So it does, since one and a half, you see a tex ukrainian infrastructure thats into one and a half us with a lot of strikes with a lot of civilian losses in ukraine. So it wants to expect that some day ukrainian technicians find ways or us some of the guys who be friend, it was ukraine to do though. So text me and yet jim and then other western military aids to ukraine isnt supposed to be used to attack russian territory. Is it sort of these attacks . Well, ukrainian would that be in danger of breaching those those restrictions with a link to the west, the military aid that is right when the western military ages to live up to ukraine. Ukraine always has to to make sure that they do not a tech rushing territory with these weaponry. And so perhaps this could be the reason why ukraine doesnt admit who has done these, these attacks. We dont know, but if it tenants in science all the ukrainians did this was western western re, uh, there will be a problem between the west and ukraine of costs. Okay. Now these attacks in recent months havent caused huge damage in russia, but the quite some bullet comp that you so how much of a psychological effect would you say that these are having within russia . Yes thats, thats i think thats a point psychological um to, to tell the russian people you are part of this wall. This is not the strategic operation, but you are part of this more and remember how um the soviet union. And those times went out of ive done this time, it was the exhaustion of the soviet union ended, was the mother of the soviet union who demonstrates it because they lost their funds. And they took the soviet union out of kind of sent in those days. Perhaps that is the strategy to make the russian people aware of the situation. Thank you so much for your time. I leave it on the ftp defense Spokes Person. Thanks for joining us. Springing up to date now and some of the other stories making news around the world. And position supporters have rallied in the bangladesh, she capital deca, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister. Shakes. Ive seen a demonstrations accuse a scene of cracking down on free speech and suppressing descent Anti Government protests of the room. Thousands also of the opposition leda was arrested on broth charges back in 2018. In beijing, tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from flood prone areas as the remnants of type soon dropped. Sorry, bring record of rain full of the residents have been told to stay indoors. Storm has last china since it made land full on friday in the southern phys young province. Abundant cargo ship is being towed away from shipping roots along along the dutch coast. Smoke from the place has died down now the crews have been working for days to salvage the vessel, which was carrying thousands of calls from gemini to singapore as a Security Forces in gonna albina to use the big spelling of the no magic salami. People who fled from jihadist violence and neighboring book, you know, saucer gone to says its carrying out. So repack, creation, exercise for those who wish to return the United Nations and the full on the union have condemned the expulsions. Maxwell snook, reports now from north and gone to the mobile phone is all that is left owes money lose a look through the pain out the remains of where he used to be. Hes acquisition, its as simple as it is cheaper than the gun. You know, Security Forces, read it. Yes. Thats what i meant into for me. Been down, has enforce them to for the long use of all can go to i went to 10 my costume, you told when i go back security men with guns were rounding everyone up and i wanted to get my things but they stopped me. And if i go to the orange only now, some of those forced to leave have dead to come back to face. Get the longest stays deep frustration, cs and hopelessness. They say that buck home did face attacks, not only from good you had used the had fled from, but also to see those forces fighting back. Good, good, good job. Lots of those who kind of send back. I definitely locked up in the key necessity. And we know what will happen to us if we go back to the village. When we click here, the people welcome to live peacefully. Now theyre sending his back to but kina what will i say to be, you know, told me, well, let me, let me if i said, so in the beginning of the toner, do you see the exercise is to help those who wish to return to home and it is a way to ensure only to new refugees seek shelter. No one is targeting any for rodney. What we are doing is that we have our bonus and also will come to the normal borders. Then we can control them. We know whos coming in and on, we have poor as bonus. And with the pros, board has to come in. And so what were trying to do is to try to find now those people and you know, the, the us for, for g, c, u, n, h, c, r has condemned the treatment of one robin can nappies and quarter for these top to the explosions. But gun is minister of National Security issue. The statement denied the claims of posts for the patrician. It meant to have that or retains consistent with international law. Yet secretary flint footage, show Security Forces, expanding those items. The menu for lennys captive settlements across the forest with a home to several 100 for any score this. What for that, do you . How does that textbook and book now for so with us come right in a blink loaves, this officer and same to us, the flooding vision of the things we have voice over he states meant to protect his identity in the 1st place when they were coming in we accepted them and gave them a place to squat for some time. Then we will register them with the Asylum Seekers. But today we are sending them back. The question is, what did we see in the 1st place when accepting them . Gonna enter you in High Commission order fees. Have set up these of these young Reception Center to provide for this. Please people from this. How sofa only about 500. 00 Asylum Seekers. I hear the fade and shouted. This is where if they want us to keep on Asylum Seekers escape and you had these 10 rod techs in boot camp for so but hundreds of refugees are refusing to move here clean. They come make a living. Watson to come as nick, flung these fees close to the, to the a presence in on a positive with for got to middle of the for lunch here. See the options of the guy in a told her it is. Same to equal import is enough with you and distress directed against, then we can speak now to also say the boxes, the un refugee agencies, folks passive for west africa. Thank you so much for your time. And for joining us on the w. Could you tell us more about the philosophy people . Why do they face so much discrimination . I thank you so much. Im not. Im not sure you will asking the question to the right person on the on to for lunch is im for letting myself. But i can tell you more about, oh, those are issued use are um and um, uh well have to be full of these. Uh and um, uh, as your reports as say im, im, im, im, im not sure there is a target to operations. Again, again for line is maybe this is the question that are human right towards should, should be able to answer. But i kind of kind of shortly. Moss, tell you all about the situation of who those are if you use are and um and what is the situation that they are living for and some of them who have to be for ladies. Okay, but we did hear and the report that somebody was saying, you know, a Police Person was saying that they were being sent out. They were essentially what being expelled. So i mean is, is there anything that can stop these expulsions or whatever is happening to these people being sent away from going to exactly. Uh, we have had, uh itd be dense and that, um, unfortunately, uh, some people was, uh, 4 simply returned from gun not to uh to, to quite the full uh tool to breaking out fossil. And those were already, you know, very vulnerable situation because they have flipped to soccer fields to seek refuge in, in, in gun i, you know, im in a fleeing the, the, the, i cross the ts, the human rights violation. Tough decision. And shall i do is uh and most of them are children and woman. And it is, it was really very unfortunate to be b. B, we got some evidence that they were expelled. Lets, lets, lets, lets, lets put it that way from booking alpha. So from cannot to book and alfonso and be released. We come down to that, um, um, or a foreman uh an expulsion because it is against international. Lo and uh we also, um, a really is a statement. And um, calling the government opportunities to, to how to all those uh, those expressions. Mm hm. So clearly this is happening as you say, these people are extremely vulnerable. Is there any, was safe for them to go to live of. Um, you know, uh, being positive please not a choice. When somebody was h, as in boy cannot facile an every way in the words. Uh because it is uh, the country is listed are bound to give them diction, international protection. They should. I mean, this is the 1st responsibility of this data unless they should be very clear. And the, the, i mean, i mean the, they did, you know, Call Convention and quotes to should be, should be, should be giving protection. Uh, renting um, uh, access to the quote 23. 00 and providing them the necessary protection. So that international humanitarian, International Action can also support to provide a basic um, do you mind tad and Protection Health care shelter, food health and a question so that they can also while while while they are away from home, they come okay, were leaving the highway. Yeah. Of course, the question is whether that protection them not support is provided every time, but im afraid well have to leave it the and that is also say the ball from the you and refugee. I can see thanks so much for your time. Thank you for having me. Of the other football ball cuts, coasts, australia have triumphed in a must win game to reach the last 16 along with the group. Rivals nigeria, australia is matilda is eliminated olympic champions, canada in style, and avoided the face of fellow hosts, new zealand, who had already crushed out the tournament with the backs against the wall. I was strategy. I took the initiated right from the start, and they were rewarded after 12 minutes. Haley ross so hate home for the lead 5 minutes before half time. It was ross, so again, who found herself in the right spot to reach the back of the net australia simply a step pasta, then canada mary, fall us some whole minutes to ricocheted the ball over the goal line to make it 3 nail after 58 minutes everything seemed to be working out for australia, the, the bring go full time, the referee awarded a penalty for this clumsy tackle no to the knockout stage. While canada are eliminated, the w sports correspondent, tom good. No, i was out that game in the open as it was, do or die for them until this hey, and opens and night. And they all well and truly alive. They advanced being destroyed in style into the knockout stages of this competition and have avoided the dreaded illumination as soon as that 1st one goes in. You get you get the pause. Now the crowd are incredible and melbourne and so im a bit biased, but i thought they were amazing. Yeah, thats so so loud and with every single tackle, every single pos they were right into it and they helped us a lot in tonights other game in group 8, nigeria have advanced into the knockout stages as well off the drawing against island, meaning that for canada, the olympic champions its cottons, we 40 year old christine sinclair, unlikely to feature again in 2027. 1 of the great world cup to raise draws nearer to gates close. The record go score of full time in International Football has played at 6 wild cups, but this one ending in early departure looks very likely to be lost. Obviously its hard knowing that the world cub silver in this the way it ended. Obviously thats just right motion right now, but hopefully looking back on it in time created memories. The young players, the 1st world cup experience that will go on and lead canada in the future. But yeah, right now its a little while kind of the bid farewell. The real headline here in open tonight is base. The matilda is all waltzing on into the round of 16. Also woke up, japan made it 9 points out of 9 in groups saved with a formula when of a spain, both sides will ready through. But the japanese finished top of the group which filled the e mail to me as our put japan ahead in the 12th bennett, a fine finish, the east pulse explains goalkeeper just before the hoss may as well was scored again after a perfect counter attack. Not for no victory means japan of school. The most goals of the tournament with a less safe. Are you watching . Do you have any news coming up next in d. W. News, asia. More on those torrential rains. Buffering northern china threatening millions with floods and months. Lights and how beijing is influencing the chinese this for and south east asia. We report from single hole coming up next with millis a chance im and it keeps making it impactful. What the. 6 6 reputation precedes it but how did it all begin . How does this field in northern germany become the most famous heavy Metal Festival in the world . In 60 minutes on dw, hang either the avalanche charmaya welcome to my pod cast. Last the matter is that i am by celebrities influenza and experts to talk about all plain loves, thanks and data. And yet today, nothing less the south, all these things and more and the new season of the fuck. Com. Make sure to tune in wherever you get your costs and join the conversation, because, you know, its last matter criminal pretty kind. I already told you about sugars paralyzed between your societies, computers and governments that go crazy for your data. Explain how these technologies work. So thats how they can also watch it. Now the youre watching dw news asia coming up today. A deadly blast in pakistan on a suicide bomber targets a political rally, leaving dozens dead. The blood check comes ahead of elections later this year. Also on the show, china is complicated and growing influence in

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