Transcripts For DW Arts.21 20220423

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recording artists who speak out and take a stand again, social exclusion against unrealistic, a normative standards of beauty and against the war in ukraine. pulp start to dan to be different, who protest and provoke starting with one of germany's most successful ever hydro bands to hamish dying with the 2nd single off the new ramstein alba. 6 zach takes aim at cosmetic surgery. hom shine at their most grotesque and satirical. ah, german rock band is also about to finally resume touring after the cobra pandemic. in march, the release and video premier of the new album's lead track site was eagerly anticipated by fans around the globe and berlin. they gathered at the venue of one of rom, stein's earliest concerts. the weight is almost over with a show. no, mind thomas been told the song lament the fact that time doesn't stand still and allow us to enjoy the moment. but rather it moves relentlessly on her propelling us ever closer to death for the fans are not disappointed. it will really good. i love to like building up of the melody and the like, drama, kind off and also the like how the guys from the band like they played their roles like really good guy look great song. i almost had a tear in my eye and one as well, it's quite low. key is not your typical ramstein song and it fits the times right now. the thing toffee as the topic is very well chosen with comstock, or one of germany's most successful rock bands ever famous for their incendiary live act. they've sold 22000000 records worldwide with songs in german. they got their break in the us after their songs were included on the soundtrack album of that david lynch film lost highway. ah, there actually entails the crazy out of control. i'm learning german for them. i just finished my 1st year. they did a bed in the early years. the benz, highly provocative approach caused a lot of controversy in on that germanic way they roll their ours. the almost militaristic, aesthetic of their live shows complete with min demons, goose stepping and the use in the music video for their cover of depeche mode. stripped of footage from the 1938 film olympia by hitler's favorite filmmaker. lenny leave install it all that to accusations the band was right wing allegations . the band has always denied frontman to linda. mom had this to say we are all from east germany and grew up as socialists. we were all either punks or goss. we hate nazis. all of the ban come from former communist east germany in the 1980s, guitarist pol landers and keyboard player, christiane, flock, a logons, played in the fun punk band feeling b comstock biographer. oh lou decay says the band, have their roots in the bohemian east berlin artist and squatter, seen they moved here. and the time when the wall could michelle to before the wall came down. and that's when the, the punk music was lift or by the people which will some like a kind of resistance sir. and opposition to the communist system. for ludicrous, it's very clear that the band is actually left leaning all of the musicians they came from families that were all. busy close even close to the system and punk as a punk as well. obviously you belong to the left, the wing seen and you fight against the right wing. people in the band also responded to accusations they were right wing with the song links spy, that i fear. left 234 declares that rom, stein's heart beats on the left. the bands of recent actions have helped to put the matter to rest. at a concert in poland in 2019, where l g b, teachy writes were under attack, ban member christoph schneider, waive the rainbow flag and posted the message equal rights for all on instagram. members of the band also kissed on stage and moscow in a protest against anti l g. b t q measures. in russia. the message here russia, we love you, but ramstein to love of russia didn't stop them from coming out in support of ukraine. shortly after the country was invaded by russia. i see linda mon has been spotted helping ukrainian refugees arriving at berlin's main station. the track zeit seems to hit the zeitgeist. the ballad became the bands, 3rd, number one single in germany. the fans are now looking forward to finally seeing the band they live for live again, from steins long delayed to our kicks off in prague on may 15th moon. this star also has a devoted hand base, not just at time in ukraine, but ali leon, as essence to keep up morales, are making him more popular than ever. but, but a ukraine's most famous female wrap up a full my kindergarten teacher, who isn't afraid to speak her mind. oh it's, but i yona aiyona refuses to conform to society standards for her fans. she's an alternative style icon and a model for body positivity. but since russia were attacked ukraine, aiyona ayana's been using her fame to take a stand for her country. what did you buy? the lou dorothea napoleon l green, rosier boy you thank you jim. okay, you boy marshall is 3. shall spot you in with mama. can you track is not a rap but a prayer? it's good wiley, the pledge, the moodiness, wasp, adobe village in the middle, middle, are you going buddhahood open? people asked me like a loaner. you have to write read. but all expect from me some aggressive rep, but i didn't have placed for aggression in my heart because i, every time i read all time, i think about people what people did. how can i help? oh i i want the all old people who feeling that they do not think understand that they can pray. and this is big jump. this is big energy, big power, because i believe in about, you know, and, and for me is very important to connect people to give hope to people, even, even if people think that they can do nothing very, she can ukraine an hour outside. keith and younger worked here as a kindergarten teacher before her breakthrough as a rapper 3 years ago. the big one is like i said, those who don't know me, i'm a girl who's not different than what i am someone special or probably will see. i see my so called disadvantages is something positive also something unique leave for ya, christie. you actually, if he escapes his class, this is where she made her 1st big music video. i'm leaving my home since the war. her family has stayed here in barbara sheath car, but they're ready to flee at a moment's notice. we have books in the middle of the flat, and we have 15 minutes ready? like if, if it was changed, it will be more dangerous. we have 15 minutes, free, press all, and go go to the center of your friend. we have relative michelle milan, polish office of going out, teach someone as a novelty for weeks. russia fired missiles here embarrass sheaf, car buildings were damaged but no one died. we hear explosions. we hear sounds of wire all this time. i think may be last week. we did hear it because the soldiers go from the origin. now it's more safety place that was one months ago. but the war was far from over. millions of ukrainians have already fled the country. and eliana ayana has decided to leave ukraine to for now, she's embarking on a tour of charity concerts to raise funds and spirits for ukraine. first, poland, i make this decision and it was hard to me because i think the helpful to my heart in the crate. but i understand that i have in body. she's got my village. i help the body. she korea, jim, if i will go to europe in countries, and then i can take microphone to my head. i was all, she has concerts planned in poland and germany and says she wants to perform wherever there are refugees from ukraine. if we talk about ukrainian people here, you know, i bring them hope, i tell them that we will win this war and everything will be okay. and don't be scaring everything is okay. and we don't have to stay here for super long time. ayana doesn't know how long she'll be gone, but she wants to return to ukraine as soon as possible for her. there's no question of where her home is with. i see the most beautiful places in all the world, but i love my country. i love all of this people. i love mentality of people, i understand and you're not alone as grateful for the help her countries receiving from abroad and hope it keeps coming. really important to my country, my people that my people will be life in future. i wish do all children in your card, see they that they won't see what the real world ah, with one of russia's best known rapids oxymoron is also using his plan. mine's popularity to rally, support for new crane, and showing that music has the power to bring people together. but in front of a berlin crowd, russian wrapper, oxy miran, rails against hooton's. war on ukraine. part of the series of charity concerts called russians against war. submit this payment to separately. the buffalo. yeah. i i wouldn't have been though it will be she was so source would be able to go with a what is their choice? i see you really for what it was at the store yet, but he was gone. so with nobody i didn't know of different tomato juice with crazy. i'd love with his assignment was more to me, and it was about almost a message of hope from oxy miran or miran yon of ich fyodor up to a crowd made up mainly of russians and ukrainians. and we'll go to school. i have a lot of russian friends and it really hurts to see how many people don't understand what's going on a school just. it's very painful and i don't feel hey, and i just feel pain with boys oxymoron is one of the most influential and prominent russian hip hop artists born in 1985 and what was then leningrad to a librarian, mother and a physicist father, the family moved to germany, and then later to england or oxy miran studied medieval english literature at oxford university. he started making music at 13 music with attitude oxymoron should be touring russia now with his 3rd studio album, beauty, and ugliness. but he canceled his sold out concerts to protest invasion of ukraine . the russians against war 2 are kicked off in istanbul. since 50 percent of me is russian. i'm proud to see people who are against the what is happening now. i'm glad that there are a lot of bright people who are not silent during the terrible times for their brothers in russia, an act of defiance like this would be a criminal offense. anyone there brave enough to speak out against the war? currently faces up to 15 years in prison. oxy miron himself is well aware of the risks of criticizing putin's regime after being arrested in january 2021 at a demonstration. any sorta unadilla i brought to villa, did madison last night to mail them which are funded sale probably knew during the berlin concert oxymoron warned against fake news. he said that while postmodernism may be a beautiful thing, there is still such thing as truth, noel, but i'm so struck nonfiction panella kind of a way to do it. but i just want to bethel yet to feel good. i know exactly what you said. the russian rap scene has seen a surge in popularity in recent years, and russian speakers have claim the music genre as their own. la trilingual performer with famed for having taken part in the most viewed rap battle ever says the russian language is especially suited to the form for now with his concerts at home cancelled oxy. marin's message is one of unity and one that rages against war . i lament the canadian rubber stopper, i'm adam dave. he switched his guitar for a camera and while he made his name with celebrity portraits, his nature, subject, southwind, it war veterans scars, disfigurement and prosthetic limbs, with or raging in ukraine. brian adams, photos of maimed former soldiers resonate more than ever. what prompted him to take these pictures? there were many people coming back from iraq and afghanistan that were in pieces. lost their arms or legs, and you started to see them on the high street. it started with one pitcher, and then i met somebody else who met somebody else from somebody else and started formulate, what was the beginning for his photo series, wounded bryan. adam spent years meeting with british war veterans. he invited them and their families to his studio, since they're all casualties of war. he portrays them in a respectful, not voyeuristic light. i have this theory about pictures and that when you're working with somebody, you have one. there is only one minute in the the session. that is magic messes. just pictures because if you get one good picture out of her a day than you've done well. oh brian adam rose to fame in the 1980s through his music. but now he's a respective photographer too. amy winehouse got down on her knees for him. and belo rock star, pink post topless. i mean the whole thing in between the 2 art forms is that they both have one thing in common, which is you start with nothing. and then at the end you have something. so the rockstar recently toward hawkins aust house museum, which just showed his photos in an exhibition titled exposed actors. musicians and models love to pose for him. whereas adams likes to stay behind the camera and out of the limelight. when it comes down to that, i don't particularly like to talk about myself. if ever the people want to talk about it, no problem, you know, but to be promoting myself is it's, yeah, i'd rather go and have breakfast. brian adams trains his gaze on lives full of glamour and gloom. he has access to celebrities and v. i piece even britain's queen elizabeth. but he demonstrates just as much interest in people who are homeless in london. unlike the portraits of the stars, there's her hon. close together, a deliberate choice. it has more impact when you see it altogether as one. then you do, if you see it individually spread out. since brian adams has also just released the new album. so happy it hurts is a throwback to more optimistic and care free times. he thinks it's just what the world needs to hear right now. well, i've been putting out albums. i've heard for years and there's been years of war. seems like there's always wars when there's music. but you know, music is, is here to lift human spirit. that's what the point of it is. from an icon of the 1980s to a promising young newcomer. singer songwriter as though e. v says music as a rule, heartfelt and authentic whose. 6 0 news. i don't want to lose control things, so ease it's intense, bordering on painful this deeply personal song was what launched zoey's international career. it's been streamed hundreds of millions of times. she writes her lyrics herself, her language is music. and if she has something to say she prefers to thing, it's totally sharon, i'm not one for talking. i hate talking learning. i hate speaking. and if i have to, then i'm going to sing. so music takes over when i don't want to talk anymore with rector. ah, it's time for the sound check in dresden as though he kicks off her 1st european tour. a few years ago when she was still at school in hamburg, this would have been unimaginable. oh, in 2018. so he performed at a school concert. a music teacher was impressed by her talent and encouraged her. she soon began to make a name for herself on tick tock. early in the morning to get her breakthrough song was control a heartfelt song about processing trauma. her long term struggle with benign berlin deck epilepsy control in chapters irish women. i wrote the song back then because i have a sickness, but i always had support my teacher and that's not a given. so i thanked her in this song cuz she was always there for me and my family. well, my class would always have a 2nd room. i could go to if i had an accident. 2 seconds later i would turn around and she'd be right behind me a little while and her meal. oh, the song, one gold and platinum awards in 10 countries. in 2021. so he performed at the american music awards. a remarkable achievement for the 19 year old her song daddy's eyes explores her difficult childhood. she grew up with her mother and only got to know her father. when she was 16, she sings about hating, but she looks like him a, a star who doesn't conform to traditional stereotypes. really title, so i write a song exactly the same way as i talk to my therapist. perfect. so this really is like therapy for me because it's something i've always done with a few of her topya's heard about how i come to terms with the things that have happened to me. come often, being a claudia driscoll, waterbury, shall i exact on with my music is how silly these voices, her generations concerns through lyrics that deal with self doubt. the song girls like us explorer distorted beauty standards and the search for acceptance. ah, i don't leave you is soon back to me. capital scholarship. i wrote the song when i wasn't feeling so good and i didn't like myself. i looked in the mirror and thought, i don't like what i see. so on. so that's what i wrote the song about child abuse or i tried and learn to accept myself with this song here. because i have to be in my body for the rest of my life. it doesn't achieve anything, not liking it. so i have to start trying to love it as almost the unsung insulation she wants to get involved using her music and his performed at fridays for future. and as a recent piece concert at her old school singer and song and everything. this is a song i wrote a few days ago for people who have lost loved ones. the people who are fighting right now for united exotica world is just shut down here. you don't know how to fish to learn to grow alice walker divide. it's obvious that if there's something going wrong in the world that we can change, we need to get involved as a business microsoft cloud as well. i'm at work. it kinds of every artist knows that if you have an audience community that you should use it responsibly, that's one director. not a. so evie says she'll never stop making music about things that matter to her. let's hope with see it for this edition of arts. 21 to you again next week, a good a ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. with who into the conflict zone with sebastian? russian forces have begun to the 2nd phase of the war and you cry that you gave me an official said they were confident they could hold off the offensive as the war goes on. she believes the danger arising. he's mean of course you have a great granddaughter from the former soviet lead indicator grew sure conflict zone in 30 minutes on d. w ah, iraq, last generation, the children of the islamic state, peers or innovation, now living as outcasts in camps and ruins by the 1000. and they were forcibly recruiting and brain washed. now, they've been ostracized and traumatized the children of i as in 60 minutes on d, w o, the world over they provide the opinions they want to express d. w on facebook and twitter up to date and in touch. follow us in the store to know with and transformed into an orgy of hate and violence. the history of the ku klux klan, the oldest terrorist organization in the united states. its members, white for a racist state by white supremacy found it over 150 years ago, repeatedly died out, but always been resurrected. the ku klux klan starts may 11th on d. w. ah. frankfurt a hot international gateway to the best connection, south road and radio located in the out of europe. you are connected to the whole world to experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try our services. be our guest at frankfurt airport city. managed by from bought lou. ah ah, this is these are the news live from berlin. rush launches missiles strike soft ukrainian port of odessa. at least 8 people are killed in the bombardment, which also destroys 2 ukrainian military targets. also coming up the final got down to francis presidential election incumbents and my new background. and his challenge at marine, la penn has made a final pitch to voters. but many are unhappy with both candidate class. they have done it again.

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Ayana , Kirklareli , Turkey , Hamburg , Germany , Istanbul , Afghanistan , United States , United Kingdom , Russia , Canada , Dresden , Sachsen , Ukraine , Iraq , Odessa , Odes Ka Oblast , Frankfurt , Brandenburg , Ireland , Prague , Praha , Hlavníesto , Czech Republic , Leningrad , Sankt Peterburg , Poland , Berlin , Polish , Britain , East Germany , Canadian , Ukrainians , Ukrainian , Soviet , British , German , Russian , Russians , Irish , Lou Dorothea Napoleon , Klux Klan , Oxy Miron , Oxy Miran , Brian Adam , Brian Adams , Ramstein Alba , Claudia Driscoll , Amy Winehouse , Christoph Schneider , Adam Dave ,

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