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that don't create quite. young people didn't have the solutions the few jobs and homes. 77 percent now. on d w. covert 19 does not discriminate between the rich and the poor but the wider effects of the pandemic have hit some much harder than others marginalized communities are bearing the biggest burden take europe's largest ethnic minority the roma for example. a section of society that's already felt let down by governments across europe now feels even less protected by society finding it harder to. access state help. the pandemic has widened the gulf between the haves and the have nots and few groups have borne witness to that like the roma. imagine trying to live through a pandemic without the basics you need to keep say no running water no electricity well that's the reality for many of your millions of roma the continent's biggest ethnic minority is also perhaps its most marginalised and the coronavirus pandemic has only further exposed vulnerable they are crossing the road to a life no one wants to live a social worker takes us inside this roma settlement it's in the middle of a forest people here are left to fend for themselves they are poor. and they're trying to live for the. law and they are angry the various politicians have been here they say but nothing has changed me in my you down in the make it back to the only come when the elections are coming up they give us some flour sugar or oil and macaroni and they think that we will live from this gift all year now i manufacture put it it's all day all chatted up but. this settlement started out as a makeshift camp for refugees fleeing the war in call civil war than 2 decades ago that's been samson arrived back then a teenager now a father of 7 children. who all comes us into his house made of scrap material his youngest child is only a couple of months old. i worry a lot because i don't want them to live the same life through them or not i've been struggling for so many years i'm most sorry for my wife and she has to do laundry by hand i would buy a washing machine but i have no where to turn it on. with the ongoing pandemic the children had to drop out of school without internet no axis and then there is the key legal hurdle to improving their lives so. one of the problems we have encountered a lot of problems because i did not have any documentation when i came here we did not have the time when we left. he stories that of so many here one of their biggest obstacles to proper housing and health care documents without i.d.'s people who live here have become legally invisible in serbia there are hundreds of informal roma settlements but this camp is one of the worst people here living in conditions with no electricity no running water they feel ignored and overlooked by the government the local government in belgrade did not want to answer all questions about the living conditions here. market us if you have each he's not surprised he's been advocating for the rights of the romans to be for years living without access to the very basics is a serious health risk at any time but especially during the current pandemic he says is that can happen or to turn a mental and physical that are their health is extremely affected both physically and mentally and this may at some point escalator they are sporadic housing programs for people living in informal settlements but there is no systematic approach to all informal settlements is them stupid is to the problem the cina use he believes this is due to discrimination of a community already marginalized in so many parts of the world. they are already various action plans and national police in subiaco to improve the living conditions of froma together they are one of the requirements to join the european union one day but such plans and policies require a stronger political will to implement them so settlements like this one cease to exist well let's discuss the problems facing roma during the pandemic with avian brush from the your opinion roma rights center thanks a lot for joining us and just explain to us the specific challenges facing roma during the pandemic. thank you so the european or american center. received reports of remember many people and feet seeing gap lack of access to adequate housing conditions or lack of access to water at x 360 or had to carry on saw her in the mouth situation then and now and announce refuse to enter and major roma neighborhood most of the sick only facing serious backlash on social security support as they are in many cases where in inform our settings they are employed in core money soul in in the financial end of the ation packages and relief they are not included so nice these these issues are adding to the already the beds and magine of that situation off from many people and when it comes to the pandemic cannot marginalize a set then you talk about whether we say sort of the the tangible effects for example our government is failing to take into account right now when it comes to public health texan mashes for example. i would say that we haven't heard yet of our serious outbreaks and in many communities but we see that for example where many communities are treated differently ronnie comes to a number of cases. nankin infection cases for example. in will be area and tire around many neighborhoods where karen to be needin it's a matter how many people were actually infected by the riders anti-air neighborhoods where there were karen teams the military checkpoints military forces for forces taking care not entering or or leaving those remaining neighborhoods and also for example eat agriculture or planes they create these neighborhoods these intact and which you can i believe. in the right rear crests. need that hold so these these this is just a moment the examples that that draw many people faced during the cold in 19 and also another part of these. meant many or many people have because of the exclusion and. there's correlations so all they are more one marital money comes to the right use because it's as just studies and europe shows. on every down 15 years many people are league last down down. down down and a major this a site a lot of the problems you talked about they relate to social exclusion ultimately what can be done to improve the situation forever. i think one of the. system of segregation and oppression by the c.s. system is that there are many people being included in decision making progress processes and police and also meeting share and dad these be really expected jews and financial at any measures do not exclude money communities and that that mean the means that their activity to f.e.m.a. these actions to ensure that the many people equally enjoy their rights. brush oil from the european roma rights center thank you for joining us thank you now a growing number of countries are suspending their own lots of the astra zeneca covered 19 vaccine have a safety concerns among them now the netherlands bulgaria island and the democratic republic of congo they stopped giving the shot following reports of an increased risk of blood clots but astra zeneca insists there is no evidence to support that the world health organization is also urging countries to continue using the vaccine. you know and i was put the past the program where we put one of your questions to ask science correspondent is there equator. kevin 1000 is transmitted arest house so why do i have all that protective clothing. personal protective equipment or more precisely shortages of it has been an ongoing issue for for many countries since the start of this pandemic p p e for health care workers includes a wide range of gear from 6 to phase shields to gloves to ghana loans and the point behind all of those products is to provide a barrier between what you want to keep out which in this case is a respiratory pathogen transmitted primarily the aerosols through the air and the person wearing the p.p. even however c.d.c. recommendations for people taking care of recovering kovac 1000 patients at home don't include ones to wear head to foot protective clothing but only to wear effective masks and at times to put on single use gloves health care professionals in hospital wards however are regularly exposed to much higher levels of the virus than a caregiver at home sars could be to can't enter the body directly through the skin which provides a very effective protective barrier but it can settle on it and and remain capable of infecting someone for a while and experts now believe that for the average person the chances of infecting yourself by transferring the virus from a surface where it settled to your face via your hands that that chance is actually quite low but that danger is multiplied for someone who spends their days in a ward followed coughing coded 1000 patients so donning items like gowns and other protective clothing is an important way to shield yourself if you work with those people on a daily basis. and that's all from us until next time take up. hunting in the arctic circle who has the right to do so in the land of the. sweden supreme court has ruled that exclusive game hunting and fishing rights will be restored to one of the discs on the community. it was a historic moment for the sammy and a source of aggravation for swedish hunters to. close up. next on d. w. . pico india. the from points i did with a message. to the nyack recycle sars which in india are sometimes only worn once the 1st special occasion. she has one goal in particular gently distract people from the mind is going to lose an. eagle. 60 on t.w. . the amount of plastic is increasing every a many i'm gonna working on left to right to use on the day destinations and drowning in custom might be mine and the cause of. good. information here in europe of explosive one bloomin tons of mustard waste. is the another way. after all environment isn't recyclable. make up your own mind. w. made for minds. sweden's arctic region thousands of years the indigenous sami people have been herding reindeer on this land. for very long time this part of the land was for the sami people when they were sleeping here there was fishing there was hunting saw in one way. or belongs to the family. but non-indigenous swedish hunters see things differently. in general that is the state which owns the land and which should regulate hunting and fishing that should be accepted as a matter of course by everyone our lives here and pays taxes and sweden. a long simmering conflict over hunting has reached a boiling point disputed question who understand the reindeer. to kill the sorry it's a very special day it's september and every september it's time for the sun me to gather together the reindeer in the mountains ylva is a member of the sunny people and her family also refrained. she's never missed this autumn spectacle. the photographer wants to recoup the event she says it is a way of conveying a sunny land line to others. to maintain just corral is located in remote mountainous territory. of the last few days to sunny headed to the fountains of rain to using them to box cork pots to tell the caucus. the 1st half of the day we look if we have any more cards who has missing the mark in the ears. so we finished the marking of the cards for this season it's the last chance is the last time then we are the starting to see and choose which animal should go into be slaughtering it. then it's time to let the rest of the hard core out for free again in the mountains so we open the gate and they are running out on the mountain again that is a really good feeling when you can see them coming out in the that nature where they belong. to some me head is prohibited hunting in the area during the corralling period. to the anger of hunters who season has just begun. we have a big area so the hunting need to be right here in these the square kilometers i want them to lease them and try to. then and. not just saying that we are closing the mountain for everybody no we don't do that . we want to live together side by side but we need to do it in a way which is the best for the rain. and those who know what's best for the rain there is the rain the hood a. few lucky green things to prohibiting access to so much land to protect the rain is over the top he's just got back home from his job when he did a long planned. time to go hunting for him that's what life is all about it's a passion he inherited from his father you know your god i hunt whenever i can 4 to 5 days a week between august 25th and march 15th when hunting is permitted during that time i'm continually outdoors and i hunt an awful lot although when i'm not hunting i'm outside training the dogs that's my lifestyle. then if the you to come there. are you working she is a partner with these 4 dogs there he's provided enjoy it print them and trying to hunt defensive and alludes in competition. and even though i live with my dogs like you would a family it will to live in close proximity and i take them everywhere we train together we hunt together and we fish together if we sleep together in a tent fly in a helicopter or travel by boat to my hunting cabin we share everything they join me on all my trips i can't imagine better company there is some talk that this article coming to ha. ha you like him is going bird hunting with the stones tarantino's. many of his favorite hunting grounds and possibly limits because of the rain that's why he has to travel fun to pursue his hobby. so i shun the predator and i fear that at some point i won't be able to find anyone or a good hunting ground there little my biggest fear is not being able to get out into nature anymore because of the outdoors is why i live here really have a different had. after just under now has tried a few hakim has invited his destination. if it's g.p.s. devices to his dogs so that he can locate them in the rough terrain. and we have to pay the same price for the hunting permit as last year but we're not allowed to hunt and deer yes any more. the house is one of $51.00 sunny communities in sweden and approximately 6 times as big as berlin since 2020 the sunny community he has been in charge of conferring pool of the small game hunting and fishing rights and not the regional authorities some fear this pioneering development could sit a dangerous precedent that and the sun which mean it is will follow. the sun the activist that is a victory in a years long battle candy he's the chairman ezekiel sammy community he's been a proud owner of riding stables for 20 years. now writing. the psammead the indigenous people in northern scandinavia wanted to decide who was allowed to hunt and fish on their ancestral lands and when marty been bad was locked in a legal battle with the swedish state for a decade and 20 twentieth's sweden supreme court ruled in his favor. that. morally we have the right. my my relatives that i were. behind then we used to scrounge for every fish that reindeers here think the burial has been here so how could the hand people in stoke on the side of a good cause. when i go out hunting a citrix for you or my ancestors i talk to them when i go there. like his forebears been dead is also a reindeer herd and hunter and he offers to some icelandic courses to visitors to the area. in his opinion this way the state expropriated to sunny people's ancestral lands of the last few centuries. we never say no no no it's enough is enough to stand up roll right and when we do it it become all over the situation. the cooling to spark anger and some have been threatened in public. there was a radio program there were and there were a guy from the 100. here really trust people who say if there are more some coming off again it's going to be violence and blood on the streets he said it in the radio international radio. the atmosphere here is heated until you are green fields directly threatened by the ruling in favor of the sunny because it doesn't only give the gear you some a community the right to determine who is allowed tontine area it also allows them to decide how many hunters and when. i fear that there could be more and more regulation of hunting in the future has decided to close the majority of its territories until september 15th last year the winter arrived on september 30th along with half a meter of snow and put a stop to hunting it's getting worse and worse i hope that things don't continue to develop like this but i fear they will there's. no rain to say they want to keep hunting dogs like you hakim's away from their own homes that makes you work in secret he says he avoids friend. but occasionally inquisitive reindeer approach him. you know my dogs are trained not to chase reindeer and when i see reindeer i back off no problem always done my best to act responsibly in nature you know i always try to do what i can to help ensure that we all get along together and don't drift apart. they're just me as though. he were kinda nice don't look out for tom again no trace of any sense tom. i train my dogs to wait when they find a bird they're not allowed to chase the bird when it takes flight they have to stand still and come what i call a practice that regularly when i invest 2 to 3000 hours and dog and on top of that we do a lot of stamina training them in the. school to send to something amounts. of. obvious i missed it my shot just missed the bird disappeared in the undergrowth behind the birches i only saw it for a few seconds for the going. to become the are. you looking isn't too concerned julie's last week into you saw a nice 6 tourney can influence you know this. team it's a wife relaxing. and you are kim's opinion being able to roam freely out is not just important to the psammead people and the way of life. we are swedes we live in sweden and we pay taxes and so we thought that the state owns the land and we are the state it is important for us to co-exist and that we are not my eyes or lay but a generous. for there is enough space for everyone if we are considerate and respect one another only around. him and doesn't want to give up the hunt and sit suffer in search of photonic and. up to 12000 brain de grace in the sunny district of curiosus the sunny have possessed the land use right since 1906 bought the fish and large parts of swedish lapland belong to the state. in the midst of the grazing area lies the village of nick looked up. into a sorry grew up here here and sisters who saw me nomads. nikki looked up was named after her grandfather. my grandfather and grandmother was following the reindeer in the area and saw this when they passed this place nickel looked bad when they're going east for the winter time and then it's past again when they're going west in the summertime so in the beginning of 1900 there were some bad years for the reindeer so a couple of families decided to be little more statue with such an air and one of these found 5 family who decided to settle down was my grandfather and grandmother . belongs to one of the 20 families incurious which still reindeer. in one case of a tug she talk you missed the traditional way of life of the community. only some 5000 of the sun in sweden there are up to 50000 in total still lives like elder and her family. some of the sami people are not anymore feeling as sami because they are living in this situation so they are totally enclosed to my aura to society but for me it's important and i i am a part of the salary society even if they are living in sweden and also i have a part of me is the swedish i them to you but. when any body asked me than i am a sammy. many non-indigenous swedes think the sunny land plants are excessive . ylva is well aware that. i think it's difficult for people to understand what we are talking about when we are talking about we need the area for the reindeer we are close to the nature yes there is a lot of nature but we need a big part of it so the rain there can be all over the here and then we got questions why are your rain there under roads why are your reindeer on the railroads and the opposite is why are you. making this road and railroad and crossing where the rain there has walked for thousands of years. what is now the town of tonight used to be grazing land for reindeer watched by sunny herders. sweden the most towns founded in 1900 mine is moved here from southern sweden in search of luck displacing the indigenous people and the reindeer. nowadays the majority of the town's $23000.00 inhabitants and non-indigenous swedes . including mick back he finds it perplexing that some may now have the right to move hunting licenses. it would be very strange if you have more rides if you have been here a longer time how should the household we handle people who are coming in now and moving to sweden from the problem areas around the world so this say that i have some rights but they don't tab. it's a very important democratic view that they have to get the same rights. i think the problem is that people in stock on that they have the romantic pictures or the people are always there or regional people were the last over the traditional clothes walking with the reindeers of taking care of them but it is not true you know the sami 90 percent of the sami don't have more rights than i have and it just a small part of the sum you are reindeer on. the 2020 crew gives the reindeer to families the right to grant hunting licenses and incurious there are just 20. details to the animals a canal together in the mountains saw today each sunday is be suppressed with a camera. trained to put his ignited for sale in sin tough to the. the members of the sunny community to remain for their own tribe consumption. kill the spots an old friend. and. the hour things are good for you we have begun slaughtering the animals. with every breath yet great fresh meat and lust of. the reward villian in you yes a reward i. after a hard winter in it it. is funny is a reindeer to from an apron sonny settlement. he slaughtered to these animals which had gotten mixed up with the reindeer it's a curious sonny. his father taught him the job. and today i have. between you never a chance so it's my father my son's so. i'm in the middle that are you helping everyone to go to slaughtering this even though hunter has never gotten his way he believes that it's necessary to make many areas off limits. if you can look at our place up here it's a working place when we don't want people to be there because it's dangerous or this but her being there work what we are doing very attractive and like an ordinary industry we need to work with the reindeer because we need to move but the most of the people who are up here they are. they're doing it for pressure that's the difference. so if you compare pressure things against the work it is quite easy for me. the person side is also concerned about jobs swedish lapland is the country's most popular in bantus destination turn of interest and has almost doubled in the last a nice also because of the hunting possibilities. wants to expand to recently a further he himself is the founder of the 2 reparation business but now the curious son community just cited that in the future only hunters from the region would be allowed to hunt on her own sister land. the worst case scenario would be if if under some village some may be get the same right as the gear us and they will close down on area after area after area for the local people and also for the tourists for tourist companies we need people who work and we turismo taking care of them out in the world and for hunting and fishing and so what. 2 days later and reindeer peace money is still processing the rain to meet after it's hung for a while he has to convert to small cuts. like close range and he can no longer leave from the same of his animals. he has another job as a welder night almost all reindeer it is he thinks that the swedish state has been colonize inland for centuries. and. when i was young we didn't have much mines or plants roads and other people who were out in the forest and now they see new mines every day from going up so now they are a family we cannot call that big bird because we don't have the space enough. because we have a really big mine in our place where we stay in the winters so. i think we have lost about 90 percent of the area. for our family not for my say right not so worried but for my children say if they're going to work with a. brain there's where are they going to stay. as well as creating huge i know mining community the swedish state has been developing land for centuries building drones electricity pylons wind turbines and still use it to arrest. sultana williams who reigned in their display pisani. kids says that sonny don't talk about how big their heads are it's like asking him what he has in his bank account. he gets approximately 500 euros nissan's a large animal to slaughter house. to say no one creature means he can food to keep 20 others improved infrastructure is attracting more and more people to the fun of sweden. it's only the last 1015 years before that have never been trouble in this way what is now. because now everyone can go buy a quad bike. everyone can buy a snowmobile. and. everyone think if they have the right to. truth to build a house to fix things up there in the mountains. that's what. i get little bit upset over it when they say we have also rights but it's. no. you only have been here for this. it's not only the one person it's not only in mind since not only this it's not only true as companies it's everything together because the society are pushing us from all the directions. soon we don't know in what direction what where we can go to be free. close by 2 other men have me for a drink they also feel that they. are going to bring out. all panties are lacking green and his friend daniel hanson. earthing. addams family has been living in the arctic region for generations he shares his famous feeds. me how you complete freedom of poles and we could go anywhere and we had numerous fantastic possibilities of being in the outdoors and i would like my son to have exactly the same opportunities. so they can really get to know life in the mountains a lot going to have a little. to many concerned that it might no longer be possible to live peacefully side by side a magazine that's on my home that comical or reborn putting all those. in need then you need. in a small proportion of the sami population now have all the rights and we have to try to see the light at the end of the tunnel but we can only hope that the politicians finally assume responsibility and see the big picture. at the moment we here in the north feel neglected. that's the big problem it's all good said. i don't know they have his daughter we have to hit it off the rail. yard. over sorry is motivated by concern that goes beyond anything related to hunting rights she doesn't want the indigenous peoples wildlife to be lost. she so your traditional question for her young grandchild are and she speaks sunny to him a language that was long suppressed in sweden. i had to teach herself sami was only recognized as a minority language in 2000 and these days it's awful as a subject in school and yes. it is a part of our culture and still a big part of the sami people speak sami so when you don't understand what the people speaking to each other. you feel there is something missing in your heart and in your culture or in your identity. she hopes that other swedes will also finally start taking more of an interest in sunny identity. leave him to you they don't know that we have our own culture our own clothes and that we are the indigenous people in sweden so even if there is the this issue that you should learn more about the sami people in schools it. it's not working that chord right now so i hope it will be better and it can only be better if the government make decisions for that. to the speech of the swedish lapland mountains and forests is just the latest manifestation of this interesting conflict in the country's far north between the sunny people and non-indigenous weeds. kiko india. a flamboyant i did with a message. mega nayak recycle cyrus which in india are sometimes only worn once for a special occasion. she has one goal in particular gently distract me from the mindless consumerism. 30 minutes on d w. the come on the lockdown. closed businesses. limited production and. delivery trains. can. flow of goods. to a cars. come down. in 75 minutes on the. got some tips for your bucket list. going to. come. down to some great cultural mores to. w. . this is d. w. news and these are our top stories germany france italy and spain have become the latest countries to suspend the rollout of the astra zeneca coated 1000 vaccine over safety fear is the move follows reports of an increased risk of blood clots but astra zeneca and the w.h.o. insist there is no risk. in mar security forces have again fired on pro-democracy protesters killing several people that they tell us he's coming.

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Serbia , Germany , India , Subiaco , Lazio , Italy , Netherlands , Roma , Texas , United States , Congo , Nowa , Rajasthan , Sweden , Belgrade , Serbia General , , Spain , Berlin , Swedes , Swedish , Texan , Astra Zeneca , Sultana Williams , Daniel Hanson , Ezekiel Sammy ,

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