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germany's conservative party's rattled by a scandal over facemask senior lawmakers caught up in controversy supplying pandemic protective equipment our correspondent will look at the fall well and the end of an error in german football national team coach a walk in love is stepping down a year early will bring you the full story. i'm burnt off it's good to have you with thoughts tonight buckingham palace is sending a message in a statement released earlier today the british royal family says it is setting over the allegations of racism made by prince harry's wife meghan markle the couple made the claim during an interview with oprah winfrey on sunday but he had palace says the issue of racism will be dealt with privately we'll take you to london for the very latest in just a moment but 1st let's listen again to what meghan markle said. and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born what and who who is having that conversation with you it's a whole dollar out there's a lot of our grandparents or several conversations a conversation with you with harry about how dark your baby is going to be potentially and what that would mean or look like fools are and now for the latest from the fall well charlie just until joins me from london good evening to you charlotte so we know this was an explosive interview serious allegations tell us more about what the boyle family has said in response. yes i mean these allegations particularly the claims that you just heard in the interview clip that we're going to need to have an answer of some kind the world family generally doesn't complain doesn't explain that his mantra but in this particular case when allegations of this nature of been leveled at an unnamed member of the royal households this was not going to go away without it being addressed in one way or another by the royal family and we do know this evening i have a statement and i will read it to you because some of the the what i think is quite interesting is the whole family's fountain's to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for harry and meghan the she's raised particularly that of race the consenting while some recollections may vary that's taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately megaman hereon out she will always be much loved members of the family now what you have to remember is that although this is playing out in public and raises so many questions with regards to quit which are so interesting same to many of us were brought in graceful running mental health without increasing the press ultimately this is a family issue a prime the issue that's being played out in a very public sphere that is something that they want to switch rest in their statements we've also had say that they want to address it privately and that is key what we what they are tempting to avoid it seems is a big public showdown an airing of all the no injury here that has been raised in the interview this is now the world families attempts to to calm the situation and to try and shut down says it's a story you saw that earlier today when prince charles was asked in public about the accusations and he would simply ignored the question the u.k. public they've had 24 hours since that interview was aired in the u.k. what has been the reaction to the interview. well i will as i'm sure you can imagine absolutely everybody is talking about it you don't need to be a fan or even a critic of the world family to be engaged in the issues that has been raised here i'm sure you can imagine it's been a huge topic on television today it's been paid for already happening in fact one very prominent present here in the u.k. journalist has had to step down from his role because we saw just how heated the debate was on the way out on our television screens this morning those. who and again how do you make of them the way you wish that they have as their grievances here but it's better to say that it's not been an overwhelming overwhelming support for harry and they can hit the house rules have been a degree of criticism of the way this is played out to take the those who are friends of the world family thinking that this is extreme you just know will in sensitive way that these these problems to be yet ok to be used charlotte children feel but at least not from london. thank you. we're here in germany a scandal over facemasks a lawmaker from chancellor angela merkel's christian democrats is quitting over payments he received for brokering facemask deals for local authorities and another conservative member of parliament is stepping down following claims that he made 600 cells in euro's supplying facemasks. what is being called the mask affair surfaced that the end of february when police searched the offices of gail newsline a member of parliament and prominent figure in the conservative c.s.u. party newsline is being probed for bribery he is thought to have accepted over 600000 euros biomass producer to lobby for its product but the affair doesn't stop here nicholas a lawmaker with chancellor angela merkel c.d.u. party admitted his company received 250000 euros to act as a mediator for mask purchases prosecutors are now carrying out an initial review of his case both newsline and liberal have announced they're the parcher from the conservative blocs parliamentary group but while little bit resigned from parliament effective immediately newsline plans to keep a seat for the opposition f.t.p. party this is not enough for their scrutiny is needed. clarity must be provided to the public millions of people fear for their existence and have seen their freedom restricted and the impression can't be that the few who want to do business from parliament using its letterhead are exploiting this crisis for their own benefit. also the sister parties c.d.u. and c a sue say they want to conduct a comprehensive investigation into such practices and introduce a code of conduct that would prevent them. guns and shoot i think we need to go a whole step further and make it clear that what is legally possible is not necessarily acceptable for us we need a code of conduct that clearly states that it's not possible or acceptable under any circumstances to benefit financially from the already active role as a member of parliament. up your. scandal risk spattering merkel's c.d.u. party ahead of 2 important regional elections taking place on sunday in the states of. unfitting back and right now and latin it recent polls have shown a dip in the party's numbers not good news for the c.d.u. just 6 months before the country's parliamentary elections. there are more political correspondent simon young yeah this looks really bad i mean how damaging are these corruption claims for germany's conservative party. very bad i think brant members of parliament potentially profiting financially from the corona crisis that's a very bad look and there are warnings that it could throw a negative light on all politicians but it does seem to be a particular problem of the conservative parties clearly it could impact their electoral standing in this big election year there's federal elections in september but there's a couple of regional elections coming up this weekend so we may see something there especially in budden version back where the c.d.u. is in coalition with the greens and they may be worried about losing support in that context we have to wait and see what happens at the weekend big going forward i think anglo-american is policy does need to show that it's learning the lessons from this from this scandal and that it's going to tougher rules or code of conduct and improve its behavior because this is about trust me i am sure most people would agree no one should be earning hundreds of thousands of euros brokering deals for facemask so the political parties what are they doing to combat this kind of corruption. well i think there's a growing realisation that germany does seem to have a problem in the area of political corruption just a couple of years ago the council of europe for instance produced a report they said the bundestag needs to do more needs to introduce. a register of interests and links between politicians and businesses and that they were taking too long about doing that particularly it's the sea c.d.u. in c.s. you've been an enthusiastic they make the point that politicians ought to be free in their choice of contacts but i think in the wake of this scandal we're seeing a change of mood and many conservative politicians signalling that they would be interested in particularly a register of. interests in parliament it's under pressure particularly from a musician parties also from the european commission incidentally saying you know it's time to be to have more transparency and more of a legal basis for the transparency of politicians because it's so important for democracy to be political correspondents i mean young with the latest tonight secure environment simon thank you. are this get you up to speed now with some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world russia has signed a deal to produce 10000000 doses of the sputnik the coronavirus vaccine in italy the 1st e.u. country to reach such an agreement the drug is still being reviewed by the european medicines agency the standoff between the military and protesters demanding a return to democracy in me and maher shows no sign of ending the un says at least 50 people have been killed since the army seized power last month dozens of activists have also been arrested. japan has decided to stage this year's tokyo lympics and paralympics without overseas spectators because of concerns among the japanese public about coded 19 the games are scheduled to start in july after being postponed for a year because of the pendent. sports news now big news in german football national coach joachim love has announced that he will step down after this year's european championship in june and july the german football federation said that he asked to be released from his contract a year early the 61 year old has been in charge of the national team since 2006 and lifted the 2014 world cup in brazil in what was the highlight of his turbulent tenure. for more now i'm joined by jonathan harding from sports good to see you johnson so let's talk about this how big of a surprise is this. well i don't think it's not much of us to fight really the artists at ever since the euros and 2016 as been some concern about your own lives future and coaching really of this german side so i don't think it's necessarily a surprise maybe the timing is a little bit on given that the euros are not very far away but i think this is more a case of a decision that felt overdue rather than necessarily surprise yeah it is a question the timing is questionable here isn't it we like you so we've got months before the euros why would he announce this now but it is a personal choice and i think now has to be respected but it's clear to me and i think many others that this is a decision that allows lurve to basically do what he likes from here on out and i think one of the big factors or not a decision will be that he gets to recall one or maybe all 3 of the players that he retired after the debacle in russia thomas miller by munich spent in front of the bonus season and there's been a lot of conversation about him returning to the national side i think this kind of decision opens the door for miller's return but i think from the defaced perspective it's interesting that the president for its color would say you know this gives us the opportunity to plan for his success it for me is art because quite frankly they should have been planning for life after love a long time ago yet he's been around for a very long time but it's hard for a lot of people even imagine german football without him definitely i mean he's an absolute legend when you think about what he's done for german football picked it up in a in a difficult spot and won the world cup it was a magical time for german football i think his legacy is perhaps going to take him tainted a little bit by staying on a few years too long maybe that will not serve him well in the short term perhaps in the long term people remember him for what he did achieve jonathan harding for b.w. sports jonathan thank you. so you're watching the w. news live from berlin up next the latest on the pandemic in our qubit 19 special i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by this day i hope to see you then. the fight against the corona virus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus update 19 special. on t w. 200. or not too well. what about assuring a cut instead of. a change in thinking is changing the economy to create something new. the economics magazine played in germany. on d w. cutting its open shops and not that many mosques sweetens approach to cope at 19 is radically different it's relied on people taking personal responsibility to contain the virus instead of strict lockdowns. by. sweden now has one of the highest transmission rates in europe only as well funded health care system and sponsor population have stopped debts rocketing to the levels of italy or britain. now still comb has become a haven for young people from other countries are scaping lockdowns. is there anything we can learn from the swedish way. as a question alaska doctor of one of europe's largest university hospitals in stockholm in a moment 1st let's take a closer look at how the relaxed swedes have been approaching the pandemic the government has drawn both international praise and criticism for its decision to stay open during the crisis and not all swedes are convinced the country took the right path. at 1st glance this looks like life before the pandemic friends hugging each other and going on a shopping spree in stockholm here lot to do this sweet and hasn't imposed a lockdown instead authorities rely on people to use common sense and these young people see this as an invitation to come visit corey mar says he came from ireland 2 months ago to enjoy life and quickly found like minded people. feels good to get a coffee of. the jam and fields. of the train without being accosted by possible police members or possible security teams it feels good to be a lot of other feels good to be like existing a young person should be existing many of the other guests in the stockholm hostel agree they've come here from across europe from italy france and germany many are fleeing the covert 1000 restrictions in their homelands. right here as we discovered that he was full of other ones like me but there was you know what the same results will simply continue to be alive and they live in rooms like this with 8 beds and no windows for weeks at a time line they came here after graduating from high school. when i came here a week and a half ago and saw people in restaurants talking and eating together normally without masks i thought i was dreaming on the other hand i can't forget what it's like in germany right now. sweden has both mandatory and voluntary restrictions residents who can are asked to stay home there's a ban on serving alcohol in the evening and masks are only recommended during rush hour there have been more than 12000 covert 1000 deaths in a population of 10000000 this is left some doubtful when 82 year old krista anderson fell ill doctors refused to give him intensive medical care but after pressure from his daughter he received treatment ok. i was angry and i wondered if this really is the right way to go why are we doing this it's not working. we know that young people can spread this disease and the whole thing is far from over it will keep us busy for some time to come but corey mars enjoying the freedom of the swedish way like going to a cafe or a bar it's something the irishman no longer wants to do without so he can't imagine returning home anymore instead he's looking for a job that will allow him to extend his stay in sweden collins school university hospital. chris joins us from stockholm sweden as we heard in that report it came down to the door his decision as to her father's treatment but you say it should be a medical decision not to the relatives. well yeah well 1st of all i would like to say that i'm very happy that everything ended well with this family and it's very difficult for me to comment on the specific case like this but there are some general aspects of intensive care that i would like to comment on with respect to problems that have occurred during the pandemic as you alluded to in your questions deciding all who are treated in what level of care and so in this based on medical come to durations of course usually in the decisions are made on multidisciplinary team or several decisions together decide what's best in terms of treatment for the specific patient the question that we're trying to address and when discussing this is what will benefit the patient the most and sometimes suggesting an individual to intensive care is considered worth a try and meaning that the expected outcome will outweigh the risk that the treatment will expose them to in the context of intensive care this means that. they have a good chance of surviving intensive care and returning to life with a reasonable quality of life if the team reaches that conclusion. that subjecting the patient to intensive care will increase suffering and not have the sought after consequence meaning survival they will decide not to move the patients to intensive care primarily because it would be unethical to increase suffering with without any hope of survival so as you understand these decisions are extremely difficult and we include relatives in this discussion to make sure that they understand the reasoning behind the decisions but we never ask them to make these decisions since that cycle stress of having to do so and it would be to have the so yes it's a medical decision and i'm going to do what's best for the patients in the long run so tell me how is it going in sweden with this 3rd wave now hitting. well where it varies a lot throughout freedom in some regions the spread is increasing while in others the situation is under control here in stockholm where i am right now we're seeing an increase in the larger proportion of tests positive of all test during the last 2 weeks and was see a worrying him plex of patients to the hospital but we are nowhere near the levels of hospitalized patients that we saw during the 1st and 2nd wave and we also are beginning to see a positive effect on the vaccinations mortality from covetous definitely decreasing among those who have been most severely hit to ring the 1st and 2nd wave that is individuals who are older and who live and literally care facility for the mix really happy about that but at the same time i worry about the pressure on the health care system building up again so tell me did sweden take the right approach in your opinion so what we did was in line with the swedish preparedness plan for influenza pandemics that we had in place before the pandemic the current pandemic and it was approved by our parliament some time before the congress pandemic and it kind of sets the basis for how to deal with this situation and we never and for suppression. from the start we have approached a virus with efforts to mitigate this effect for sexing risk groups and making sure that the health care system would suffice and be able to function at accessible level for all have care needs including cancer and my colleague or function as well so the 2nd thing to understand this i feel sorry to say since day one emphasized the need for public health interventions that are sustainable. and we need to induce changes in behavior in public in the public that people would be able to keep up for a long long time just to briefly answer the question if i believe we have approached a polemic correct yes i don't think suppression would have been feasible given the fact that the interventions needed to reach suppression would have been associated with too high risks for us as individuals and for society overall marie just briefly what can other countries learn from sweden do you think. i wouldn't even think about extending recommendations to any other nation we all do what we can to deal with this extremely difficult situation i'm now you wish and hope that we all will be able to look back on this awful time extract what we need to be better prepared and i hope that we together. can form a plan on how to deal with that mix in the future and that we do so with a more global perspective and come passing you know all parts of the world and our response to the real increase thank you very much for being on the show today joining us there from still have sweden. italy was home to a critical hot spot at the height of the pandemic 1st wave a year on and despite strict lock downs over 100000 people have now died from code across the country the british variant of the very virus is spreading there at what doctors call an alarming rate the mutation now accounts for nearly 18 percent of all cases and could soon become dominant experts say italy's hospitals could be overwhelmed again. let's get you over to our science correspondent there rick williams he's been fielding your questions on the corona virus. why is the mortality rate for europe and north america so much higher than in asia . after the 1st few months of 2020 most east asian countries got their pandemic problems pretty well under control and they've largely stayed that way to try to answer this i 1st checked the numbers which even if you take into account a lot of unknowns and discrepancies are quite striking there really are huge differences between continents all told there have been around 10 times more deaths in europe and the americas than in asia although more than 3 times as many people live on the world's largest continent him we don't know why but as always there are some interesting theories east asian countries in particular have largely avoided the worst ravages i think there's no question that that success is due at least in part to wide acceptance of strict social measures when necessary but that some researchers think that can't explain all of the disparity one intriguing hypothesis is that historically east asia might simply be in error. of the world where respiratory viruses like sars could be 2 are more common in the environment so so spillover and minor outbreaks with novel pathogens like it happen they are more often but to go unnoticed those events would however according to the theory lead to higher levels of resistance and populations against those kinds of pathogens in general lowering disease severity for many people when a big outbreak about their cars that idea is pretty controversial and it's really really hard to prove and since we know that mask wearing contacts racing and and target hard lockdowns work many experts still give most of the credit for the lower death tolls in east asia in particular to those kinds of measures. there are programs there i'm benefits all in thanks for watching stay safe and see you again soon. kick off. ghost town atmosphere means listless clay fall from the. looks of guns and the mentalist fights in the system. non-stop excitement of the final match to. the street got. to go. on d w. every day counts for us and for our planet. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation law how to make cities scream. how can we protect have attended school odd jamming to friends. good mindedness the environmental series of little 3000 on t.w. and on mon. by 2015 more than half the world will be living with a limited water resources we haven't had to think about our water or worry about. i think that era is over this is the crisis of our time it's a financial problem like any other financial we live in a competitive world is just cold it's cold it's too cold or seems to me free but the world is changing to most important commodity jumpers call me freeze framed. water city or commodity starts march 22nd on t.w. . stay 24 had.

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Germany , Japan , United States , Munich , Bayern , United Kingdom , Stockholm , Sweden , Alaska , Buckingham Palace , Westminster , Brazil , Italy , Ireland , Russia , Berlin , London , City Of , Swedes , America , Swedish , British , German , Irishman , Corey Mars , Angela Merkel , Angela Merkel Christian , Meghan Markle , Jonathan Harding , Thomas Miller , Corey Mar , Prince Harry ,

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